Get current weather, daily forecast for 16 days, and 3-hourly forecast 5 days for your city. Helpful stats, graphics, and this day in history charts are available for your reference. Interactive maps show precipitation, clouds, pressure, wind around your location.

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Weather maps


Current weather

Watching for current temperature and weather conditions in your city or any other location on the interactive global map.


Weather layers

A variety of maps are available including precipitation, clouds, pressure, temperature, wind, and many more.


Daily satellite map

Global daily map is provided in real time as satellite data become available to give you the whole picture of weather phenomena.

Google Weather-Based Campaign Management with OpenWeatherMap API

Run your advertising campaign with OpenWeatherMap weather API through Google AdWords.

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1500+ OpenWeatherMap weather API repositories on GitHub

Find lots of workouts with our weather APIs on PHP, Java, Python, Go and many others on the Partners page together with 1500+ repositories on GitHub.

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Weather APIs for developers

Simple and fast APIs. Access to current weather, forecasts, maps and historical data in JSON, XML, and HTML formats. A variety of map layers are available including precipitation, clouds, pressure, temperature, wind, and many more.

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Connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap

We are glad to invite you to join our network of private weather stations. Today we have more than 40,000 weather stations around the world. You can connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap and get a convenient interface for gathering and monitoring data from your weather station. You can also embed your weather station data into your home page.


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