Let’s Get Rid of Darwinism

(The third part in a series celebrating Charles Darwin.)

Charles Darwin was a giant. He did not merely write “On the Origin of Species” — one of the most important books ever written by anyone — in which he describes how evolution by natural selection works, and what some of its consequences and implications are. He also wrote — and this list is not exhaustive— a treatise on the formation of coral reefs that is still thought to be correct; a definitive monograph on barnacles, both extinct and extant; a book about how earthworms make soil; a now-classic text on carnivorous plants (the ones, like Venus fly-traps, that ensnare and digest insects); a book about the strange ways that orchids get themselves fertilized; and an account of the five years he spent aboard the ship HMS Beagle, which has become a classic of travel writing.

As if that wasn’t enough, he proposed sexual selection — the idea that decorations and ornaments, like peacocks’ tails, evolve because females in many species prefer to mate with the most beautiful males. Sexual selection has since become a major field of research in its own right.

In short, Darwin did more in one lifetime than most of us could hope to accomplish in two. But his giantism has had an odd and problematic consequence. It’s a tendency for everyone to refer back to him. “Why Darwin was wrong about X”; “Was Darwin wrong about Y?”; “What Darwin didn’t know about Z” — these are common headlines in newspapers and magazines, in both the biological and the general literature. Then there are the words: Darwinism (sometimes used with the prefix “neo”), Darwinist (ditto), Darwinian.

Why is this a problem? Because it’s all grossly misleading. It suggests that Darwin was the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, of evolutionary biology, and that the subject hasn’t changed much in the 149 years since the publication of the “Origin.”

He wasn’t, and it has. Although several of his ideas — natural and sexual selection among them — remain cornerstones of modern evolutionary biology, the field as a whole has been transformed. If we were to go back in a time machine and fetch him to the present day, he’d find much of evolutionary biology unintelligible — at least until he’d had time to study genetics, statistics and computer science.

Oh, there would be so much to tell him! A full list would take me weeks to write out. But the obvious place to begin would be the discoveries of genetics, especially DNA. We’d have to explain that cells in each organism contain a code describing how to build that organism, written in chemical form — DNA — that evolutionary forces are constantly rewriting. Indeed, the study of DNA allows us to see the action of natural selection on a molecule-by-molecule basis. We can see the genes where natural selection acts to prevent evolutionary change, those where it drives change and those where it has no effect at all.

Then there’s the fusion of genetics with natural selection, which has enormously expanded our understanding of how natural selection can work. For example, it has led to the discovery that natural selection does not just shape individuals — the length of a beak, the color of a fin. It can also act on family groups, and thus drive the evolution of cooperation and other altruistic behaviors.

The reason is that evolutionary success can now be measured in terms of the number of genes an individual contributes to the next generation. Anyone who dies without reproducing does not directly contribute any. But because individuals have some genes in common with their family members, they can make an indirect genetic contribution if they help their relations to reproduce instead of reproducing themselves. Such “kin selection” is thought to have contributed to the evolution of the social insects — especially, ants, bees, wasps and termites — where only a few individuals reproduce and everyone else looks after the offspring.

We’d want to discuss evolution beyond natural selection — the other forces that can sometimes cause (or prevent) evolutionary change. For although natural selection is the only creative force in evolution — the only one that can produce complex structures such as wings and eyes — it is not the only force that affects which genes will spread, and which will vanish.

And, and, and.

What would he make of it all?

I think his reaction would be a mix of satisfaction and astonishment. Satisfaction: that natural selection has turned out to be such a powerful idea, explaining such a wide range of phenomena. Astonishment: for the same reason. He would, I think, be fascinated by the weird natural history that has been discovered in the past 150 years — such as Wolbachia, bacteria that pervert the reproduction of insects for their own ends. (Wolbachia can have a number of effects, but one of the most common is to kill all a female’s sons. The reason is that sons don’t transmit Wolbachia, so from Wolbachia’s point of view, they are a waste of space.) I’m not sure he’d enjoy analyzing DNA sequences — he might find it a bit too abstracted from the living organism — but I think he’d be delighted to learn the results. I think he would be shocked by how much we know about the so-called model organisms — worms, toads, fruit flies, mice, humans and the bacterium E. coli — and how little we know about everything else. And I think he’d be startled by the nature of scientific research — the scale of the enterprise, the cost, the pressures to publish and the degree of specialization that results. His brand of science — 20 years of thinking about a problem before publishing — could not be done today.

But I digress. To return to my argument: I’d like to abolish the insidious terms Darwinism, Darwinist and Darwinian. They suggest a false narrowness to the field of modern evolutionary biology, as though it was the brainchild of a single person 150 years ago, rather than a vast, complex and evolving subject to which many other great figures have contributed. (The science would be in a sorry state if one man 150 years ago had, in fact, discovered everything there was to say.) Obsessively focusing on Darwin, perpetually asking whether he was right about this or that, implies that the discovery of something he didn’t think of or know about somehow undermines or threatens the whole enterprise of evolutionary biology today.

It does not. In the years ahead, I predict we will continue to refine our understanding of natural selection, and continue to discover new ways in which it can shape genes and genomes. Indeed, as genetic data continues to flood into the databanks, we will be able to ask questions about the detailed workings of evolution that it has not been possible to ask before.

Yet all too often, evolution — insofar as it is taught in biology classes at all — is taught as the story of Charles Darwin. Then the pages are turned, and everyone settles down to learn how the heart works, or how plants make energy from sunshine, or some other detail. The evolutionary concepts that unify biology, that allow us to frame questions and investigate the glorious diversity of life — these are ignored.

Darwin was an amazing man, and the principal founder of evolutionary biology. But his was the first major statement on the subject, not the last. Calling evolutionary biology “Darwinism,” and evolution by natural selection “Darwinian” evolution, is like calling aeronautical engineering “Wrightism,” and fixed-wing aircraft “Wrightian” planes, after those pioneers of fixed-wing flight, the Wright brothers. The best tribute we could give Darwin is to call him the founder — and leave it at that. Plenty of people in history have had an -ism named after them. Only a handful can claim truly to have given birth to an entire field of modern science.



A full account of the range of Darwin’s activities and accomplishments can be found in any biography. Many publications are guilty of the “Was Darwin wrong?” trope, and some of the biggest quarrels in modern evolutionary biology have concerned the validity of “non-Darwinian” evolution. A number of popular accounts discuss aspects of modern evolutionary biology; one of the best is “The Ancestor’s Tale,” by Richard Dawkins. Much has been written about male-killing by Wolbachia; see, for example, Jiggins, F. M., Hurst, G. D. D., Dolman, C. E., and Majerus, M. E. N. 2000. “High-prevalence male-killing Wolbachia in the butterfly Acraea encedana.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 495-501.

This article was inspired (as so many others have been) by a conversation with Oliver Morton — many thanks, as always. Thanks, too, to Dan Haydon, Gideon Lichfield, Dmitri Petrov, Daniel Richler and Jonathan Swire for insights, comments and suggestions.

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Probably better to have Darwin headlining your discipline than be a psychologist fighting against Freud’s legacy. At least Darwin was RIGHT.

Freud tried to shoehorn everyone’s motivations into his “wants to have sex with his mother” idea which is obviously total baloney, but how many times do you hear Freud’s name in the media? About the same as Darwin’s, would be my guess.

Just saying that it could be worse.


Thanks for another inspiring article. Every Tuesday I look forward to your column.

Adrian Thysse, FCD July 15, 2008 · 9:47 pm

I agree fully. Let’s leave the terms ‘Darwinist’, ‘Darwinism’ and ‘Darwinian’ to the creationists and their ilk. It fully reveals the narrowness of their view and the fullness of their prejudice.

I’d be happy to be rid of the term “Darwinism.” Tell the intelligent design creationists at the Discovery Institute, would you? Not that you have a chance of convincing them to crease using what is for them a useful term, one that implies (by using the “-ism”) that it’s just another ideology. Betcha you can’t get them to even consider stopping using it.

I love this article right on target. Comparing Darwin with the Write Brother in perfect. The Writes first with powered flight but those planes look much different today right down to were the wings are and the abandonment of wing warping technology for flaps and rudders.

I find it very sad that learning in general is as much as the history of great men as the subject we learn.

I am all for teaching evolution on its own terms. I am for teaching all scientific knowledge as knowledge not history.

Darwin learning about genes. Love the concept. Lets stop treating it as religious text and start learning about the world and it processes for what it is.

Sure the religious crowd will dive in deep on this one. Others will bring their pseudo science.

You said it much better, once again thank you for the best blog on the web!!

Nice post. I don’t think the issue is banishing the words Darwinism, Darwinist and Darwinian.

Those who do not believe in natural selection (if that phrase is unacceptable, please pick another that appeals to you) have abandoned those terms, as well as the word evolution. Furthermore, they have jettisoned words such as creationism for intelligent design.

Skeptics do not care what one calls evolution. Be it Darwinism (or some other D-ism), non-believers will label it wrong.

I believe that that we need to teach people about critical thinking and what constitutes a scientific theory. After all, labels will always be invented and discarded. Sound reasoning transcends names.

Definitely agree – the only people who use the term “Darwinism” are creationists. And they only do it to tar it with the same brush as “Marxism”, and “Freudianism” – i.e. they want to hint that it’s an outdated and cult-like semi-religious system.

It’s not, we are evolutionary biologists, not “Darwinists”.

Yes I misspelled Wright brothers on post #4. Still, I am glad Olivia here to make the point about the silliness of calling terms used for evolution as Darwin context so enthusiastic people like myself can gosh in concurrence misspellings and all.
I think we have another big one.
I am posting again with the thought that perhaps such terms comes come from groups who do not believe a theory. I am willing to bet most writer using the terms Darwinism are people who do not believe in or doubt in the idea just like when someone at work does not agree fully or is scepticle of an idea and it becomes Mark’s idea for example.
I have never doubted evolution takes place so I always think of it as evolution and never use Darwin’s name when I refer to to process described by theories. I am sure others have pointed the same out through the ages but it has occurred to me.

Dear Olivia,

You pose a good thought experiment when you ask what Darwin would make of the modern field of evolutionary biology. But your answer is curiously limited by the molecular, reductionist tendencies prevalent in the field today.

No doubt Darwin would indeed be interested to learn about developments in genetics. But you yourself pointed out in your previous column that his real genius, the originality of his mind, was to see Nature as a unity: as you put it, Darwin had a “rich and fertile mind, with a holistic view of nature. One that sees the interconnectedness of living beings….”

Surely it is this tendency, not a narrow preoccupation with molecular phenomena, that Darwin would bring to biology today. As interesting as genetics and molecular biology may be, he would absorb those principles quickly and then move on.

What would capture his attention today, and move him to deep reflection, are the new holistic elements in evolutionary theory. And those come not from genetics but from Earth Systems Science: the study of the planet’s physical and biological systems functioning together as a unified whole; and doing so with homeostatic feedback mechanisms that tend to promote (on a geologic time scale) conditions most favorable for Life.

In short, the planet functions — within limits — as a unitary, self-regulating, living entity.

In supporting and elaborating this hypothesis, Darwin would be a true revolutionary today — just as he was in another way in his own century.

The major over-arching point is that we live in a natural universe governed by natural laws, not by magic and superstition. Please say farewell to gods, angels,fairies, ghost, goblin and other fantastic creatures of our imagination.

Ah, this is a very nice column indeed, brief, concise and spot-on. I have made a few posts commenting on previous segments about Darwin that were so long, rambling and digressive that I fully expected NOT to see them appear on-line. Some did not. But this short article takes up and disposes neatly of most of the points I was trying to make.

I vaguely recall a quote I came across several years ago from Charles Darwin in which he refers to the worth amd greatness of Aristotle and the longevity of “Aristotelianism”. Aristotle’s value lay not so much in the conclusions he drew, in the immense corpus of work on various “natural philosophies” (sciences), mathematics, logic, ethics, poetics, etc., that bears his name. It is rather that through his untiring efforts were propounded, clearly and eloquently, the basic questions that would dominate subsequent debate about the most appropriate way to determine the truth about things.

Had the medieval Christian scholastics not spent so much time and energy splitting hairs in their Plato- and Aristotle-inspired debates pitting “nominalism” against “realism”, the slow, searching movement toward a productive scientific method, which accompanied the flowering of Renaissance humanism, would be difficult to imagine. Completing and finally disproving Aristotelian science has likely been the single greatest impetus to building the mighy edifice of contemporary scientific knowledge. And even today, if one goes back and plows through the Nicomachean Ethics or Aristotle’s treatises on logic, it soon becomes clear that our vain illusion of entertaining lots of original thoughts on subjects such as those is exactly that.

Long live earth, air, wind and fire, the four humours, the geocentric universe, the music of the spheres and moldy cheese wrapped in damp cloth and stored in a dark place, which eventually spontaneously generates mice (what a surprise)! And although trying to banish Darwinian and Darwinism from common discourse is unfortunately a non-starter, don’t hesitate going back to that great thinker’s works again and again, to reground situational context. After all, he taught us that it is in more ways than one that from the roots the branches grow.

Wonderful article and so on point, especially about the use of a religious suffix “ism” to describe a scientific movement. Right now in the great state of Texas, there is a debate going on about changing the science standards to include language such as “strengths and weaknesses” when teaching evolution. Of course the idea is to dilute the concept of evolution by bringing up, exactly what this article states – that Darwin was not always correct in some of his conclusions or never understood certain ideas. They talk about so-called “gaps” in the science of evolution, as if that were the ultimate condemnation of the entire body of knowledge. If this new standard passes, it will infect the writing and publishing of science standards and textbooks for high schools throughout the country. Poorly prepared science teachers, many who may be creationists themselves, will add to the confusion. And students will get not only a watered down version of evolutionary science, but will be graduated with so many misconceptions that they will be crippled in their college science courses. The creationists are getting smarter about language and have dropped the buzz words like “creation science” and “Intelligent Design” in favor of this “strengths and weaknesses” malarkey. There is a real scrap going on in Texas…especially during this anniversary year. Those who want to protect science education, and I am one of them, need to be eternally vigilant and politically active. Thanks for your articles and don’t stop.

I agree with the points in this column, but I also agree with Pangaea (#5) that what the public really needs to learn is what defines a scientific theory. Too many people are duped into thinking that because evolutionary theory is in fact a “theory” that it is not reliable. These people simply don’t understand the meaning of the word “theory” when used in a scientific or academic context.

I agree, however, I believe that the reason that Darwin’s name is synonymous with the “-isms” and that he is singled out as the “Alpha and Omega,” as you put it is that those people who are most opposed to believing the discoveries that Darwin made are the “Creationists”. In my experience, Creationists believe in a Judeo-Christian interpretation of creation, and can only believe that there is one “God or “Creator”. Their blind and thoughtless adherence to this belief forces them to think of Science in the same terms, and thus to see Darwin as an “Antichrist”. Their narrow perception, based on the fact that they only see one of two possibilities (either their god created the world in his image–which must be true in their minds because it is written in the bible–or something else happened, and Science is responsible. Darwin is the particular Devil who introduced the idea, and since it appears to be the most reasonable explanation, they have vilified him and his ideas as the opposite of their religions, even going so far as to invent the idea of creationism as a contender against the accepted model.

It’s not Darwinism that needs to vanish (although I understand your reasoning, and see the validity in your point) but rather creationism and the other false contenders that are being taught in the stead of sensible, rational Darwinism.

The article touches on kin selection, stating that it “contributes” to the evolution of social insects. This seems to elide the controversy between sociobiologists (ref. recent article on E.O. Wilson in these pages) who consider it a at best a minor factor in selection between competing groups, and selfish-gene supporters (Dawkins, et. al.), who deny group selection and consider kin selection to be sufficient explanation for altruistic behavior in groups. Or is that oversimplifying things? It would be wonderful if Dr. Judson’s could take on this fascinating subject in full in a future posting.

I have been involved with plant breeding for more than three decades and I always think about “natural selection” and how it has been manipulated to produce crops that will not occur naturally. Perhaps, in a few hundred years if nature is allowed to take its course the results will be completely different. This trend has been accelerated further in recent years with DNA manipulation and even if it has provided short-term results no one really knows how and what it will lead to in the long run.
As for the social science (which is my field of training and experience) some of the concepts adapted from natural science have generated negative connotations like “natural selection”, “survival of the fittest”, etc. Darwin provided an insight or viewpoint that shows evolution as a dynamic process. If only people will accept it as such and not a contradiction with religious beliefs, we will gain a deeper understanding of natural or even social evolution.
This is the same framework that Teilhard de Chardin espoused which has been dismissed and condemned by some religious diehards.

What about Wallace? One of the reasons I find the term Darwinism so annoying is that Darwin wss not the only one to arrive at natural selection. As any student of biogeography knows, Alfred Russel Wallace also hit upon natural selection and wrote to Darwin about his findings. Darwin was a great man and a great scientist, but evolution rests, as it should, on the findings of many people. I suspect that by naming it Darwinism, evolution’s opponents are trying to make evolution a cult that biologists follow.

Darwin was a Brit and as such, knew what he was writing about. Leave him alone

David Carr

I agree, Darwin had many different topics that he wrote on. Why then do we not discuss his thoughts on Eugenics? Eugenics was the cornerstone for much of Darwin’s work in the area’s of natural selection.

Would someone please cite for me one definitive example of speciation that is universally accepted by all evolutionists?

An interesting notion, but unlikely to make headway. I don’t know any biologists who use the term “Darwinism.” They tend to refer to specific processes when discussing evolutionary biology.

There are two situations where Darwinism and similar person-based identifiers show up a lot. The first is in schools where identifying a person with a concept is seen as an effective pedagogical technique. I think it actually detracts from understanding the scientific context, but I’ll leave that to the educators.

The second situation is for those who accept received knowledge as the basis for understanding the world. In that situation, the person who delivered the information who is key. The data supporting the idea are not. Thus naming the idea for the prophet is the way to go. Science works on evidence-based conclusions, not received knowledge. Therefore -isms have little weight.

It is altogether different to use the adjective, such as Darwinian. Some scientists have made excellent syntheses that resulted in useful models to describe particular natural processes. These are useful for identifying that particular model: Darwinian evolution, Newtonian mechanics, Mendelian genetics, Eulidian space, Wilsonian sociobiology. These terms serve useful purpose in science and will likely be with us long.

This is slightly off point but touched on in the article: how is it that DNA is supposed to encode behavior? I can see that behavior is inheritable, and that all living things have countless instinctive, pre-installed behaviors.

But where is all this data being stored, to be passed on? Has anyone even posited a mechanism by which CAGT sequences translate to operating instructions for moving, eating, reproduction, chemotaxis?
Is there even close to enough “memory” in the computer sense to hold all that information inside the 30,000 or so genes we call the complete human genome? No, right? What am I missing here? Where is the “software” stored?

I tend with Bobby’s comment in that censoring the language will do little to foster understanding of evolution, genetics or science in general. Drilling scientific definitions into young minds is really what we need to be doing. Americans in general don’t know what the scientific definitions of the words “theory”, “hypothesis” or “evolution” and couldn’t care less. This ignorance allows the “teach both” mentality that only a numbskull like George Bush could advocate. Teach the basics first, and make sure our young students know what the basic words of science mean.

There are a few problems with the article that I can see.

First, the assumption that evolution and intelligent design are mutually exclusive. They are not. It is obvious to me that there’s supreme intelligence behind everything that is — be it physical or spiritual — and that purpose is evident in far too many facets of reality to suppose random origins. yet this does not mean it was all created complete or preclude evolution from being the tool for the development. It just mean that the evolution is far from mindless.

Second, any serious scientist will tell you that the theory of evolution isn’t a scientific theory for the simple reason that it an post-priory description that cannot be refuted through experiment. To be considered a valid scientific theory it must be a-priory description that can be either proved or disproved.

This is why the point of the article is both cheap and populist. “Darwinism” is an important term used, rightfully or wrongfully, to beef up scientists’ age-old attempt to explain the world without a creator.

You want to believe it, fine — but realize it is a belief, and indeed a religion, just like any other. The looking down on people who see the intelligence behind it all as primitive and superstitious is scientific fundamentalism and its most blatant.

Reminds me of David Brooks’s recent column in which he says that science is not the enemy of religion, but is surely the enemy of the Bible.

I always learn something from you, Olivia. Thanks.
