November 06, 2017 11:44 PM ET

Electronic Equipment, Instruments and Components

Company Overview of Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

Company Overview

Dominion Voting Systems Corporation manufactures election products and services. The company offers a range of hardware and software solutions, including precinct-level vote scanners, accessible voting systems, high-speed central tabulators, paper-based voting terminals, voter lists, election management tools, and reporting systems. It also provides election consulting, project management, election planning, election training, election reporting, ballot printing, and tabulator and voting system servicing and upgrading services. The company serves customers in the United States, Canada, and the Philippines. Dominion Voting Systems Corporation was founded in 2002 and is based in Toronto, Canad...

215 Spadina Avenue

Suite 200

Toronto, ON M5T 2C7


Founded in 2002





Key Executives for Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

Chief Executive Officer and President
Chief Financial Officer
Vice President of Operations
Vice-President and General Counsel
Managing Director of EMEA
Compensation as of Fiscal Year 2017.

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