Film Screening: Calalai: In-Betweenness

27 Oct 2017 17:30 - 18:30
/ / Free
Betelnut. Jl. Raya Ubud (Google Maps)

Produced by queer feminist filmmakers, Calalai: In-Betweenness is a documentary about women who engage with masculinities in thinking, behavior, spirituality and mysticism in the midst of a binary system. For centuries the Bugis of South Sulawesi have accepted gender diversity as implicitly written in their main epic La Galigo, which honors five genders – one of which is calalai. Who is calalai?

Diproduksi oleh pembuat film feminis, Calalai: In-Betweenness adalah film dokumenter tentang wanita yang terlibat dalam maskulinitas dalam pemikiran, perilaku, spiritualitas, dan mistisisme di tengah sistem berpasangan. Selama berabad-abad, orang Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan telah menerima keragaman gender sebagaimana tertulis secara implisit dalam topik epik utama mereka La Galigo, yang menghormati lima jenis kelamin – salah satunya adalah calalai. Siapa calalai?

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