Tassos Papastamatis

a look at the music of Vangelis Papathanassiou

Tassos Papastamatis is mostly known as the singer of The Forminx. His particular voice, similar to that of Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby, can be easily recognized on the Forminx' songs like 'Our last September', or 'A precious white rose'.

After the split up of The Forminx Tassos shortly pursued a solo-career, but in spite of his distinct vocals he never really got the hits he must have been hoping for. Vangelis lend a helping hand, as is shown by the release of the single 'Rosetta / Days of Love', as well as an earlier recorded song 'Strangers in the night'.

As for the single, Vangelis is only involved on the B-side, as he composed the song 'Days of Love'.


Tracklist and Credits




Days of Love

'Days of Love' composed by Vangelis Papathanassiou.
Lyrics by Tassos Papastamatis.

Orchestre, Direction : Christian Chevallier
Production: Lumi-Son

The single has not been 'discovered' too long ago, and sofar only few copies have been found. This single is likely to be a rare find.


1969 Rosetta / Days of Love CBS 4215 Gemini France


Recording Studio
It is unknown where these songs are recorded, but considering the time it undoubtedly must have been somewhere in a  Parisian studio.


For the lyrics of "Days of love", go to Vangelis and Tasso lyrics: Days of love


