Just For The

Just For The Record brengt de vertegenwoordiging van gender in nieuwe media onder de aandacht, meer bepaald in nieuwe schrijf-gemeenschappen zoals Wikipedia. Wat betekent de genderverhouding binnen deze platforms voor de manier waarop geschiedenis wordt vastgelegd?

Om deze kwesties aan te snijden en meer online diversiteit te stimuleren organiseert Just For The Record een serie thematische evenementen vanaf januari 2016, met gasten, presentaties en collectieve Wikipedia bewerkingssessies.

Onze evenementen zijn gratis en staan open voor iedereen, en voor het zover is kunnen jullie hier een selectie van artikels, naslagwerken, en aanvullende informatie vinden.

Just for the record,
We are investigating how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and how it influences the way history is recorded.

To address issues of gender representation and encourage more variety online, we propose a series of meetings in Brussels starting in January 2016.

Our events are free and open to anyone, we hope to meet you there and in the meantime you can discover a selection of articles, references and more around these topics.

Just For The Record est un projet questionnant la représentation des genres dans les nouveaux médias et les outils d’écriture/de partage du savoir tels que Wikipédia, et l’influence de cette représentation sur l’écriture de l’histoire et du savoir.

Pour approcher ces question et encourager plus de diversité en ligne, Just For The Record propose une série de rencontres thématiques à partir de janvier 2016, avec des invité·e·s, des présentations et des sessions d’édition collectives sur Wikipedia.

Nos événements sont gratuits et ouverts à tou·te·s, nous espérons vous y voir bientôt et d’ici là vous pouvez découvrir une sélection d’articles, de références et plus d’informations sur ces sujets.


Chanting & Recording


Just For The Record brengt de vertegenwoordiging van gender in nieuwe media onder de aandacht, meer bepaald in nieuwe schrijf-gemeenschappen zoals Wikipedia. Wat betekent de genderverhouding binnen deze platforms voor de manier waarop geschiedenis wordt vastgelegd?


Platforms zoals Wikipedia hebben een aanzienlijk belang in onze samenleving verworven. Omdat ze nieuwe schrijf- en publiceer-gereedschappen introduceren waarmee de teksten tot stand komen, kunnen we stellen dat de geschiedenis herschreven wordt. Daarom is het onrustbarend dat onderzoeken aantonen dat slecht 8,5 tot 22,7% van de auteurs van Wikipedia vrouw zijn. Dit probleem is door de gemeenschap zelf benoemd als het ‘Gender gap’.


Het motto van Wikipedia is: "de vrije encyclopedie die iedereen kan bewerken", en toch is het merendeel van de auteurs man. Hierbij komt dat in de inhoud van Wikipedia de rol van de vrouw soms bedenkelijk gerepresenteerd wordt.

Een symbolische voorbeel: het artikel "heldin" wordt automatisch doorgestuurd naar het artikel "held", waarin de behandelde emblematische figuren voor het merendeel mannelijk zijn. Naast de problemen van auteurschap en onderwerpskeuze, zijn de schrijfstijl en de structuur van de artikelen ook vaak problematisch. Een klassiek voorbeeld is de grote hoeveelheid artikelen over vrouwen die beginen met "deze vrouw was de zus / vrouw van deze beroemde man". Hoewel Wikipedia ons de kans geeft de geschiedenis opnieuw op te schrijven, lijken dezelfde vooroordelen opnieuw vastgelegd te worden.


Om deze vraagstukken aan te pakken stelt Just For The Record een serie evenementen voor in Brussel vanaf januari 2016.

Elk evenement zal met een lezing beginnen, gegeven door een gastspreker of organisatie over een onderwerp met betrekking tot het gender gap. Dit zal het vertrekpunt zijn om het de vertegenwoordiging van het thema op Wikipedia te bevragen, en om artikelen aan te wijzen die gewijzigd of opgezet moeten worden. Deelnemers krijgen vervolgens een spoedcursus om Wikipedia te leren bewerken. Een artistieke interventie met betrekking tot het onderwerp zal nieuwe perspectieven openen en de dag besluiten. De sessie zal een dag duren en zal elke keer op een andere plek plaatsvinden, om het rijke netwerk te benadrukken in en rond Brussel van organisaties die actief zijn op het gebied van gender, feminisme en nieuwe media.


info at justfortherecord.space


Just For The Record is een project geïnitieerd in 2015 door Myriam Arseneault-Goulet, Loraine Furter, Sarah Magnan en Mia Melvær, kunstenaars, grafisch ontwerpers, professoren, die solo of in groepen werken.

Het project werd opgericht kort na een Art + Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon die in Brussel plaatsvond in maart 2015. Dit evenement legde de behoefte bloot aan meer bijeenkomsten rond diversiteit binnen online platforms voor kennisdeling.


Gender representation
in the re·writing of history

Just For The Record is a project addressing how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and what influence this has on the way history is recorded.

Gender Gap

With the importance that such platforms as Wikipedia have gained in our society, and the new writing and publishing tools they propose, it is becoming clear that history is being written down once again. Therefore it is of great concern when studies reveal that only 8,5 to 22.7% of Wikipedia’s contributors are women. This problem was identified by the community itself as the Gender Gap.


Despite their efforts to come up with solutions to live up to their motto “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit”, Wikipedia’s contributors are still predominantly male. Moreover, the contents published also show partial gender representations. As a symbolic example, the article “heroine” is automatically redirected to the article “hero”, and its emblematic figures are mostly male ones. Next to the issues of authorship and subject matters, the writing style and structure can often be problematic. A classic example of this is the amount of articles about women that starts with “this woman was the sister/wife of this famous man” in their first or second sentence.

It looks as though history is being rewritten with the same biases once again.


To address these issues Just for the record will propose a series of events in Brussels starting in January 2016.

Each event will start with a lecture given by a guest speaker or organization about a topic related to the gender gap. This presentation will be used as a starting point to question the topic’s representation on Wikipedia and to identify articles that need to be created or modified. Participants will then be given a crash course in Wikipedia editing, followed by an editing session. An artistic intervention relevant to the topic will open up to new perspectives and close the day. The session will last one day and will be held in a different location each time, as a way to highlight the rich network of organizations already active in gender, feminism and media issues in and around Brussels.


info at justfortherecord.space

The team

Just For The Record is a project initiated in 2015 by Myriam Arseneault-Goulet, Loraine Furter, Sarah Magnan and Mia Melvær. The four of us are coming from diverse artistic backgrounds like visual art, sculpture and graphic design, and working from several perspective as teaching, solo or collective practice.

The project was created shortly after an Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon organised by Loraine in March 2015, which called our attention to the need for more gatherings that investigate how to create more diversified contributions to online knowledge platforms.

à propos

Representation des genres
et ré·écriture de l’histoire

Just For The Record est un projet portant sur la représentation des genres dans les nouveaux médias et les outils d’écriture/de partage du savoir tels que Wikipédia, et l’influence de cette représentation sur l’écriture de l’histoire et du savoir.

gender gap

Avec l’importance que les plateformes de partage du savoir comme Wikipédia ont acquis dans notre société et leur innovation en termes de processus d’écriture (collaborative), nous sommes en train d’assister à une réécriture de l’histoire. Mais malgré la supposée ouverture des ces outils à tous, il est alarmant de constater que seulement 8,5 à 22,7% des contributeurs de Wikipédia sont des femmes. Ce phénomène, connu sous le terme de « gender gap » créé des biais dans l’écriture des savoirs et de l’histoire, et prolonge une tradition majoritairement masculine liée à la publication du savoir.


Très peu de femmes contributrices donc, et certains sujets sous-représentés. Un exemple symbolique en est l’article « héroine » qui n’existe pas en français, et dont la page d’homonymie renvoie vers la page « hero », supposée être neutre, qui présente malgré tout principalement des figures masculines de héros. Un autre niveau problématique, l’écriture elle-même, influence la façon dont les sujets sont représentés. Encore beaucoup d’articles sur des femmes ont pour première ou seconde phrase « telle femme est la soeur/femme de tel homme notoire ».


Afin d’aborder ces problèmes et de promouvoir la diversité en ligne, Just for the Record proposera une série d’événements à Bruxelles et en Belgique à partir de janvier 2016.

Chaque événement débutera par une conférence donnée par un·e invité·e sur un sujet lié à l’égalité des genres et des sexes. Cette présentation servira de point de départ pour interroger la représentation du sujet sur Wikipédia et identifier les articles nécessitant d’être créés ou modifiés. Les participants apprendront les rudiments de l’édition sur Wikipédia, et pourront mettre leurs nouvelles connaissances en pratique lors d’une session d’édition intensive. Chaque réunion durera une journée et prendra place dans différents lieux, afin de mettre en évidence le riche réseau local d’organisations déjà actives dans les questions liées au genre, au féminisme et aux nouveaux médias.


info at justfortherecord.space

Généalogie du projet

Just For The Record est un projet initié en 2015 par Myriam Arseneault-Goulet, Loraine Furter, Sarah Magnan et Mia Melvær. Les quatres initiatrices sont actives dans différents domaines du champs artistique, des arts visuels à la sculpture et au design graphique, dans l’enseignement, en solo ou en collectifs.

Le projet a été créé suite à l’événement Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon organisé en mars 2015 à Bruxelles par Loraine, révélateur de la nécessité de rassemblements plus fréquents promouvant la diversité des genres représentés sur les plateformes de connaissance en ligne.


OCT-DEC 2017
Chanting & Recording
at Beursschouwburg Brussels

Zoals veel van jullie ongetwijfeld al gehoord hebben, heeft Beursschouwburg in de herfst een programma gelanceerd genaamd "The Future is Feminist". Binnen dit programma doen we drie participatieve workshops onder de titel Chanting & Recording. Door gastsprekers en artiesten uit te nodigen, zullen we kijken naar alternatieve geschiedenisbronnen, chanting en gaan we op zoek naar manieren om courante visies op de geloofwaardigheid van bronnen te decoloniseren. Wikipedia wordt in deze evenementen in verschillende mate gebruikt, afhankelijk van de gastspreker/artiest en het specifieke onderwerp. We nodigen jullie uit voor een event met input en output, waarin we aan de slag gaan met mondelinge geschiedenis en het belang ervan als narratieve en collectieve praktijk. Feministische chants en slogans leiden ons bij het bewerken van Wikipedia-pagina's met als doel vermiste vertellingen aan de polyfone collaboratieve encyclopedie toe te voegen.

Chanting en Recording deel 1
18.10.2017 - 18:00

Chanting and Recording deel 2
22.11.2017 - 18:00
met Azahara Ubera performing Zinneke

Chanting and Recording deel 3
20.12.2017 - 18:00

more coming soon!

Meet us here, on our “meetup” wiki page!


Festival Voix de Femmes, Liège

We organiseren dit jaar een laatste werksessie op het festival Voix de Femmes in Luik. We zullen ons focussen op vrouwelijke pioniers van elektronica, meer bepaald in muziek, kunst en activisme. Onderzoek samen met ons hoe we deze heldinnen het beste kunt opnemen, met een focus op mondelinge geschiedenis, muziek en alternatieve geschiedenisbronnen.

F Word Festival Amsterdam

Ladyfest Maastricht 2017

Ladyfest are non-profit, community-based music and art festivals which aim to create a platform for expression, creation, discussion, collaboration, and celebration of feminists, women, trans and gender-non-conforming people. The first Ladyfest was conducted in Olympia, Washington, USA in 2000 in order to react to the invisibility of women on the artistic and musical scene. Since then, it has grown into an international non-profit event concept which has been organised in more than 50 cities all over the world and keeps spreading.

At Ladyfest Maastricht on Saturday the 27th of May, we will give a two hour workshop in which we will introduce how to contribute and amend meaningful content to Wikipedia, with a feminist perspective and a specific focus on the biases in the way we write about women and how to make quick and effective changes!

Public domain day 2017

On the first of January each year, new works enter the public domain: those whose copyright expired, which in Belgium happens 70 years after the death of the author. Works in the public domain can be freely used, modified and published, on Wikipedia for instance.

Worldwide, Public Domain Days celebrates newcomers in the public domain. This year in Belgium we welcome the creations of Gertrude Stein, Léon Spilliaert, László Moholy-Nagy and H.G. Wells, amongst others who died in 1946, 70 years ago — a strange celebration ritual…

Join us in Brussels for a Public Domain Day organised by Constant, CRIDS, Cinema Nova and the Royal Library of Belgium on the 27th of May 2017.

For this occasion, in collaboration with Femke Snelting, we are preparing a performative collection of texts. A collection that plays with the concepts of public domain, copyright, and the idea of the individual author that these two concepts both celebrate. What kind of new rituals and identities can we imagine for future creations?

Art+Feminism 2017

A workshop in the context of Art+Feminism, an internation campaign initiated in New York by several artists, raising awareness on the mis-representations in the body of knowledge available about feminism and the arts on Wikipedia.

This workshop will introduce how to contribute and amend meaningful content to Wikipedia, with a feminist perspective, and a specific focus and selection of books and documents on women artists’ books and multiples.

Bring your books, your laptop, and your good energy. Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info!

Memory Factory

Met Caroline Godard

An event on performing arts, in which we will look into the topic of collective memory, both in our everyday life and online. Who is remembered and what shapes our perception of society before and now? We will be examining the field of performing arts and its representatives for answers, trying to map out this field by inspecting both the hive-mind of the participants and the online platform of Wikipedia.

We will use this evening to have a look at the links between how we remember our society and how we are recording it today. Caroline Godart will present a reflection on the Internet, Western culture, and the forgetting of women.

17:00 – Arrival, practical information and Just for the Record presentation
18:00 – Caroline Godart - A reflection on the Internet, Western culture, and the forgetting of women.
19:00 – Work session
21:00 – Reflection on results and open doors to the public.
22:00 – End

Caroline Godart is a teacher at IHECS, and a researcher at ULB in Brussels. She is the author of the book The Dimensions of Difference: Space, Time and Bodies in Women’s Cinema and Continental Philosoph.

Vrij en toegankelijk voor iedereen! Versnaperingen en drank worden voorzien. Schrijf in (info[at]justfortherecord.net)

Queer archives

While Just for the Record questions and occupies digital collaborative knowledge platforms, it is easy to forget that online initiatives depend on the existing structures of archives, both grassroots and institutionalised. An organisation that has been an invaluable companion for our events is RoSa, a knowledge center for gender and feminism based in Brussels. It is in collaboration with them that we would like to invite you to a day of reflections and discussions on the possibilities and challenges of queer and feminist archives.

As RoSa is facing an imminent double relocation — physical and digital —, the diverse problematics surrounding the development and the maintenance of a (queer/feminist) library and archive are being exacerbated. Concerns range from the categories used by search engines and online catalogues, to very practical ones like the need to carefully balance the weight of books for the floors not to collapse.

Just as it happens on Wikipedia, the techniques and methods of archiving risk reflecting existing biases if we don't actively question them. How do we keep traces of the voices that are so often silenced because they don't fit within existing frameworks? How do we create new modes of recording those stories and rethink the traditional library/archive to accommodate those atypical documents?

Along with presentations on the work that lies behind the RoSa library and archives, we have invited three guest speakers to broaden the topic of queer archives.

Program :
10:30 – arrival
10:45 – practical info
10:50 – JFTR: presentation
11:20 – RoSa Doc: introduction of RoSa’s projects, its library, its archives and its knowledge center, and upcoming changes.
11:30 – Maarten Dieltiens: guided tour of the library and selection of archival pieces
12:15 – Questions / time to look at archival pieces
12:30 – Lunch + round of presentation/names
13:30 – Els Flour and Bart De Nil: “What is this/a collection, on preserving sources and unlocking oral sources, and on feminist oral history”
14:15 – Questions
14:30 – Marion Wasserbauer: presentation "Queer Lives and Queer Archives: Listening to music in LGBTQ lives"
15:15 – Open discussion around practices of archives: from personal archives to collective and the institutional
16:00 – Round off, what to take home/into the future.
16:15 – End

Vrij en toegankelijk voor iedereen! Versnaperingen en drank worden voorzien. Schrijf in (info[at]justfortherecord.net)


29.01.17 – 11:00-14:30
JFTR @ Dames Draaien Festival

Elk jaar organiseert ‘Dames draaien’ een festival van films van vrouwen. « Draai films, dames » zei Alice Guy Blaché in 1914. Een eeuw later geven vrouwelijke cineasten nog steeds gehoor aan de oproep van deze filmpionier en blijven ze onze kijk op de wereld verrijken. Hun films zijn vindingrijk, weerbarstig en maken komaf met stereotypes. Ze zitten vol humor, woede en nemen geen blad voor de mond; deze films verruimen onze blik op de wereld.

Ter gelegenheid van de Dames Draaien Festival, Just For The Record stelt een workshop de representatie van vrouwen filmmakers op het scherm.

Samen met filmmaker Anne Smolar en mede-oprichter van het festival Marie Vermeiren, zullen we meer over de herstory van het festival weten, en over vrouwen en feministische filmmakers. We bekijken hoe ze worden vertegenwoordigd op Wikipedia, als ze zijn, en hoe zij met elkaar verbonden zijn.


DiVersions @ Constant vzw

Just For The Record is blij om in DiVersions te deelnemen, sessie van een week reorganiseerd door Constant vzw samen met het Koninklijk Museum voor Kunst en Geschiedenis in Brussel: “Diversies vertrekt vanuit de manier waarop versies deel uitmaken van de dagelijkse software-praktijk, en onderzoekt hoe ze naast het gebruikelijke verhaal over samenwerking en consensus, ook divergerende vormen van geschiedschrijving mogelijk kunnen maken door plaats te bieden aan verschil.”


12.11.16 12:00
JFTR @ Pink Screens Festival

On the occasion of the Pink Screens Festival, Just For The Record proposes a workshop in which the participants are invited to question gender and its representations both on and off the screen.

Together with filmmaker Anne Smolar and members of the Pink Screens’ team, we will go back in the herstory of the festival and highlight lesbian and feminist filmmakers who were part of the festival’s program. We will look at how they are represented on Wikipedia, if they are, and how they are connected to each other. We will follow the thread developed during our last event in Hana Miletić’s exhibition at Beursschouwburg, on (red) links.

Vrij en toegankelijk voor iedereen! Versnaperingen en drank worden voorzien. Schrijf in (info[at]justfortherecord.net)



22.10.16 15:00-19:00
Red links @ Beursschouwburg

Just For The Record’s workshop will focus on the production of more equal knowledge on Wikipedia – a platform to re-write history in a new and collaborative way.

The collaborative writing of its contents produces a sort of patchwork of different voices, which represents a potential for diversity. In this digital fabric, how are our voices interweaved? How does this diversity of voices influence the network of subjects represented? Can it help to develop intersectional approaches and go beyond biases inherited from a long history of writing knowledge?

The presence or absence of links between articles can help identify patterns of gender bias. As observed by a 2015 study, “women on Wikipedia tend to be more linked to men than vice versa”. Wikipedia pages are linked to other pages within the platform by different types of threads: blue for the links to existing pages, and red for the pages that have either been deleted or that are yet to be created. Red links are therefore making visible something that doesn’t exist on the encyclopedia, a hole in the fabric. They can also be taken as an invitation for other users to acknowledge that information is missing and to take action. Projects like Women in Red are using this feature to publish lists of women whose names are still in red, inviting us to activate them thus turning them blue.

After the introductory presentations, we would like to invite the participants to discuss these issues and start editing Wikipedia, weaving different articles together to create unprecedented connections.

This workshop is part of a program put together by Hana Miletić as part of her exhibition "Materials".

10.06.16 + 18.06.16

Bots, robots, cyborgs, met An Mertens, Cristina Cochior en Zora Robot, in Muntpunt.

Twee dagen van Just For The Record bij de Muntpunt!

Programma Vrijdag 10 juni:

+ selectie boeken uit de Muntpunt collectie, samengesteld door Martine Seys.

Guest speaker: An Mertens is an artist, writer and storyteller. As a member of Constant she experiments with writing and storytelling on the web, on paper, or in a performative context. She co-initiated Algolit, a workgroup around i-literature, code and texts. This group inspired Algoritmic Storytellers, her actual research on the narrative perspective of algorithms. In 2013 her experimental novel 'Tot Later' was published with De Bezige Bij, Antwerpen.

Uncertainty detected?

Developers of AI often use Wikipedia and Wikidata as training material for their applications, because it is only corpus available that is large, well structured, multi-lingual, peer-reviewed, up-to-date and free to use. Mapping language to a computer model is still an experimental practise which requires compromises and contains many grey zones. An Mertens guides you through a self learning algorithm showing the different stages of the process and highlighting some uncertain zones in the decision making, while the algorithm tries to detect uncertain zones in the texts she feeds it with.

Programma Zaterdag 18 juni:

+ selectie boeken uit de Muntpunt collectie, samengesteld door Martine Seys.

Guest speaker: Cristina Cochior (RO) is a researcher, designer and bot custodian working in the Netherlands. Currently completing an MA in Media Design and Communication at the Piet Zwart Institute, her interests revolve around automation practices, disrupting the interface and peer to machine knowledge production. Her current research topic is the power relation between human and non-human participants in knowledge production, with a focus on the Wikipedia anti-vandalism bot Cluebot NG.

Guest performer: Zora, a humanoid “girl” robot, developed to perform in residential care centers, in schools with autistic children and in various types of hospitals, trained by Tom Rottinghuis to become a member of the team of the Muntpunt library.

*De evenementen zijn gratis. Versnaperingen en drank worden voorzien.

Kunt u zich registreren, we hebben een maximale capaciteit van 40 deelnemers:


Voor vrijdag 10.06: klik hier!
Voor zaterdag 18.06: klik hier!

Deze twee evenementen worden georganiseerd in samenwerking met het fantastische team van de Muntpunt: Lise Vanderpiete, Jurgen Waegeman, Martine Seys, Tom Rottinghuis, Jan Nachtergaele en Zora.


Twee presentaties van Just For The Record bij de Ladyfest:

Just For The Record zal aanwezig zijn bij Ladyfest in Brussel op Zondag 20 Maart.

Ladyfest is een lokaal-georganiseerd DIY niet-commercieel festival. Het eerste Ladyfest vond plaats in Olympia, in Amerika, in 2000. Het project ontstond als reactie tegen de onzichtbaarheid van vrouwen in de kunst- en muziekscene. Daarom opende het eerste Ladyfest een ruimte voor expressie voor vrouwelijke artiesten en activisten gedurende meerdere dagen met performances, concerten, discussies. Het concept verspreidde zich naar meer dan 50 steden over de hele wereld (Brussel, Parijs, Berlijn, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, enz.), en van elk festival werd een uniek evenement gemaakt.

The idea is eenvoudig: Een groep vrijwilligsters organiseert een meerdaags festival rond thema's: creativiteit, autonomie, kennis delen, gendergelijkheid en strijd tegen heteronormalitiviteit.

Het is ook een gelegenheid om een gemeenschap te bouwen, discussies te voeren en samenwerking tussen vrouwen, het lokale en het internationale netwerk te stimuleren. Ladyfests zijn gebaseerd om het idee om alternatieve, vriendelijke en open ruimtes te creëren.

The Ladyfest Brussels version will be held over 3 days at BRASS, Avenue Van Volxem 364, 1190 Forest. Our presentations are planned on Sunday 20th and will each be 1 hour long, at 15:00 and 17:00. You can find the full program and more information here: http://ladyfestbrussels.jimdo.com/


Gender Redirect bij Amazone, met Femke Snelting en Frau Picha.


*Het evenement is gratis en een lunch, snacks en drankjes zullen worden verstrekt. Kunt u zich registreren, we hebben een maximale capaciteit van 25 deelnemers: info at justfortherecord.space

Guest speaker: Femke Snelting, artist and designer, working at the juncture between design, feminism and free software. Femke co-initiated the project pattern.en.paternalism, a contribution proposed to Pattern, a web mining module initiated by the Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics research center at the University of Antwerp. The pattern.en.paternalism feature should detect if and to what extent a text could be considered ‘paternalist’. Through this project and other ones, Femke explores the actual conditions, context and work of annotation involved in the practice of datamining.

Guest performer: Frau Picha is a baroque-narcissistic sound performance project (solo or collaboration, in real or online), a human-machine laboratory which goes with the motto "enjoy ourselves, seriously!".


Heldinnen bij PianoFabriek, met Catherine Lenoble en Clara Thomine.



OCT-DEC 2017
Chanting & Recording
at Beursschouwburg Brussels

Chanting in its many forms, as protest slogans, as persistant repetition, as storytelling, as songs of ritual and as a tool that bonds several indiviuals into one entity. Recording because oral sources will need to be included in how we write history today, and recordings from our pionneers let us understand history better. Seeing how marginalized groups have long been exempted from written publications, but have spread their stories in other ways, we need to put care into rethinking what we consider credible sources for writing history.

With the help of guest speakers and performers we will look into chants, alternative history sources and ways to decolonise views on source credibility. Wikipedia will be used to varying degrees in these events, depending on the guest and the subject at hand, but we invite you to enjoy a mix of input and output, addressing oral history and its importance as a narrative and collective practice. Feminist chants and slogans will guide us in the editing of Wikipedia pages, to add missing narratives to the polyphonic collaborative encyclopedia.

Chanting en Recording part 1
18.10.2017 - 18:00

Chanting and Recording part 2
22.11.2017 - 18:00
met Azahara Ubera performing Zinneke

Chanting and Recording part 3
20.12.2017 - 18:00

20-28 A. Ortsstraat street, Brussels

Please bring your laptop
There will be food provided on all events
We can organize child care, please let us know in advance
Free entrance with reservation, email us at info@justfortherecord.space

more coming soon!

Meet us here, on our “meetup” wiki page!


Festival Voix de Femmes, Liège

The event will focus on female pioneers of electronics in the field of music, art and activism. We will be discussing how to best record these heroines, with a focus on oral history, music and alternative history sources during a Wikipedia edit-a-thon.

Please bring your laptop
There will be food provided on all events
We can organize child care, please let us know in advance
Free entrance with reservation, email jeviens@voixdefemmes.org

F Word Festival Amsterdam

Ladyfest Maastricht 2017

Ladyfest are non-profit, community-based music and art festivals which aim to create a platform for expression, creation, discussion, collaboration, and celebration of feminists, women, trans and gender-non-conforming people. The first Ladyfest was conducted in Olympia, Washington, USA in 2000 in order to react to the invisibility of women on the artistic and musical scene. Since then, it has grown into an international non-profit event concept which has been organised in more than 50 cities all over the world and keeps spreading.

At Ladyfest Maastricht on Saturday the 27th of May, we will give a two hour workshop in which we will introduce how to contribute and amend meaningful content to Wikipedia, with a feminist perspective and a specific focus on the biases in the way we write about women and how to make quick and effective changes!

Public domain day 2017

On the first of January each year, new works enter the public domain: those whose copyright expired, which in Belgium happens 70 years after the death of the author. Works in the public domain can be freely used, modified and published, on Wikipedia for instance.

Worldwide, Public Domain Days celebrates newcomers in the public domain. This year in Belgium we welcome the creations of Gertrude Stein, Léon Spilliaert, László Moholy-Nagy and H.G. Wells, amongst others who died in 1946, 70 years ago — a strange celebration ritual…

Join us in Brussels for a Public Domain Day organised by Constant, CRIDS, Cinema Nova and the Royal Library of Belgium on the 27th of May 2017.

For this occasion, in collaboration with Femke Snelting, we are preparing a performative collection of texts. A collection that plays with the concepts of public domain, copyright, and the idea of the individual author that these two concepts both celebrate. What kind of new rituals and identities can we imagine for future creations?

Art+Feminism 2017

A workshop in the context of Art+Feminism, an internation campaign initiated in New York by several artists, raising awareness on the mis-representations in the body of knowledge available about feminism and the arts on Wikipedia.

This workshop will introduce how to contribute and amend meaningful content to Wikipedia, with a feminist perspective, and a specific focus and selection of books and documents on women artists’ books and multiples.

Bring your books, your laptop, and your good energy. Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info!

Memory Factory

With Caroline Godard

An event on performing arts, in which we will look into the topic of collective memory, both in our everyday life and online. Who is remembered and what shapes our perception of society before and now? We will be examining the field of performing arts and its representatives for answers, trying to map out this field by inspecting both the hive-mind of the participants and the online platform of Wikipedia.

We will use this evening to have a look at the links between how we remember our society and how we are recording it today. Caroline Godart will present a reflection on the Internet, Western culture, and the forgetting of women.

17:00 – Arrival, practical information and Just for the Record presentation
18:00 – Caroline Godart - A reflection on the Internet, Western culture, and the forgetting of women.
19:00 – Work session
21:00 – Reflection on results and open doors to the public.
22:00 – End

Caroline Godart is a teacher at IHECS, and a researcher at ULB in Brussels. She is the author of the book The Dimensions of Difference: Space, Time and Bodies in Women’s Cinema and Continental Philosoph.

Free event, open to all, with food and drinks provided! Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info! Bring your laptop.

Queer archives

While Just for the Record questions and occupies digital collaborative knowledge platforms, it is easy to forget that online initiatives depend on the existing structures of archives, both grassroots and institutionalised. An organisation that has been an invaluable companion for our events is RoSa, a knowledge center for gender and feminism based in Brussels. It is in collaboration with them that we would like to invite you to a day of reflections and discussions on the possibilities and challenges of queer and feminist archives.

As RoSa is facing an imminent double relocation — physical and digital —, the diverse problematics surrounding the development and the maintenance of a (queer/feminist) library and archive are being exacerbated. Concerns range from the categories used by search engines and online catalogues, to very practical ones like the need to carefully balance the weight of books for the floors not to collapse.

Just as it happens on Wikipedia, the techniques and methods of archiving risk reflecting existing biases if we don't actively question them. How do we keep traces of the voices that are so often silenced because they don't fit within existing frameworks? How do we create new modes of recording those stories and rethink the traditional library/archive to accommodate those atypical documents?

Along with presentations on the work that lies behind the RoSa library and archives, we have invited three guest speakers to broaden the topic of queer archives.

Program :
10:30 – arrival
10:45 – practical info
10:50 – JFTR: presentation
11:20 – RoSa Doc: introduction of RoSa’s projects, its library, its archives and its knowledge center, and upcoming changes.
11:30 – Maarten Dieltiens: guided tour of the library and selection of archival pieces
12:15 – Questions / time to look at archival pieces
12:30 – Lunch + round of presentation/names
13:30 – Els Flour and Bart De Nil: “What is this/a collection, on preserving sources and unlocking oral sources, and on feminist oral history”
14:15 – Questions
14:30 – Marion Wasserbauer: presentation "Queer Lives and Queer Archives: Listening to music in LGBTQ lives"
15:15 – Open discussion around practices of archives: from personal archives to collective and the institutional
16:00 – Round off, what to take home/into the future.
16:15 – End

Free event, open to all, with food and drinks provided! Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info! If you want you will be able to work on Wikipedia pages in the library — in that case, bring your laptop.


29.01.17 – 11:00-14:30
JFTR @ Dames Draaien Festival Elles Tournent

Elles Tournent organizes an annual women’s film festival. “Roll’em, ladies! ” said Alice Guy Blache a pioneer of cinema, in 1914. A century later women filmmakers continue to enrich our world. They resist, invent and break stereotypes. And their movies, which are full of humour, rage or impertinence, help us discover other realities, other truths.

On the occasion of the Elles Tournent Festival, Just For The Record proposes a workshop which invites you to question gender and its representations both on and off the screen.

Together with filmmaker Anne Smolar and co-founder of the festival Marie Vermeiren, we will go back in the herstory of the festival and highlight women and feminist filmmakers. We will look at how they are represented on Wikipedia, if they are, and how they are connected to each other.


DiVersions @ Constant vzw

Just For The Record is very happy to be part of the program of DiVersions organised by Constant vzw: “DiVersions is inspired by the way versions are inscribed in daily software-practice, and explores how parallel to their conventional narrative of collaboration and consensus they can produce divergent histories through supporting difference.”


12.11.16 12:00
JFTR @ Pink Screens Festival

On the occasion of the Pink Screens Festival, Just For The Record proposes a workshop in which the participants are invited to question gender and its representations both on and off the screen.

Together with filmmaker Anne Smolar and members of the Pink Screens’ team, we will go back in the herstory of the festival and highlight lesbian and feminist filmmakers who were part of the festival’s program. We will look at how they are represented on Wikipedia, if they are, and how they are connected to each other. We will follow the thread developed during our last event in Hana Miletić’s exhibition at Beursschouwburg, on (red) links.

Free event, open to all, with food and drinks provided! Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info! Bring your laptop.



22.10.16 15:00-19:00
Red links @ Beursschouwburg

Just For The Record’s workshop will focus on the production of more equal knowledge on Wikipedia – a platform to re-write history in a new and collaborative way.

The collaborative writing of its contents produces a sort of patchwork of different voices, which represents a potential for diversity. In this digital fabric, how are our voices interweaved? How does this diversity of voices influence the network of subjects represented? Can it help to develop intersectional approaches and go beyond biases inherited from a long history of writing knowledge?

The presence or absence of links between articles can help identify patterns of gender bias. As observed by a 2015 study, “women on Wikipedia tend to be more linked to men than vice versa”. Wikipedia pages are linked to other pages within the platform by different types of threads: blue for the links to existing pages, and red for the pages that have either been deleted or that are yet to be created. Red links are therefore making visible something that doesn’t exist on the encyclopedia, a hole in the fabric. They can also be taken as an invitation for other users to acknowledge that information is missing and to take action. Projects like Women in Red are using this feature to publish lists of women whose names are still in red, inviting us to activate them thus turning them blue.

After the introductory presentations, we would like to invite the participants to discuss these issues and start editing Wikipedia, weaving different articles together to create unprecedented connections.

This workshop is part of a program put together by Hana Miletić as part of her exhibition "Materials".

10.06.16 + 18.06.16

Bots, robots, cyborgs, with An Mertens, Cristina Cochior and Zora Robot, at Muntpunt.

Just For The Record is happy to announce a new duo of events entitled Bots, robots, cyborgs, exploring the writing of non-human agents like the bots on Wikipedia.

If recent studies have shown that women represent a very small minority amongst the contributors of Wikipedia, other studies also show that a majority of its most active and founding contributors were and are non-human actors called bots, who seem to escape the gendered binary that we apply to human bodies.

Since the creation of the internet, some people have seen in the cyberspace a promise to go beyond gender, race and class. A space to construct an “empowering virtual reality”, as Essex Hemphill phrased it in his conference On the Shores of Cyberspace, Black Nations/Queer Nation? in 1995. In her Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Harraway presented the figure of the Cyborg as a post-gender, fragmented identity. She invited feminists to get involved with technology. Yet these same researchers noted already that off-line boundaries also exist in cyberspace. Since then researchers have noted the many ways in which on-line representations are structured around gender, race and class.

In our two upcoming events, we will take as object the Wikipedia bot: what is the gender of this denizen of cyberspace? Can the bot ever be, like Wikipedia wants itself to be, neutral?

Program Friday 10th June

+ a special selection of books by Muntpunt librarian Martine Seys.

Guest speaker: An Mertens is an artist, writer and storyteller. As a member of Constant she experiments with writing and storytelling on the web, on paper, or in a performative context. She co-initiated Algolit, a workgroup around i-literature, code and texts. This group inspired Algoritmic Storytellers, her actual research on the narrative perspective of algorithms. In 2013 her experimental novel 'Tot Later' was published with De Bezige Bij, Antwerpen.

Uncertainty detected?

Developers of AI often use Wikipedia and Wikidata as training material for their applications, because it is the only corpus available that is large, well structured, multi-lingual, peer-reviewed, up-to-date and free to use. Mapping language to a computer model is still an experimental practise which requires compromises and contains many grey zones. An Mertens guides you through a self learning algorithm showing the different stages of the process and highlighting some uncertain zones in the decision making, while the algorithm tries to detect uncertain zones in the texts she feeds it with.

Program Saturday 18 June

+ a special selection of books by Muntpunt librarian Martine Seys.

Guest speaker: Cristina Cochior (RO) is a researcher, designer and bot custodian working in the Netherlands. Currently completing an MA in Media Design and Communication at the Piet Zwart Institute, her interests revolve around automation practices, disrupting the interface and peer to machine knowledge production. Her current research topic is the power relation between human and non-human participants in knowledge production, with a focus on the Wikipedia anti-vandalism bot Cluebot NG.

Guest performer: Zora, a humanoid “girl” robot, developed to perform in residential care centers, in schools with autistic children and in various types of hospitals, trained by Tom Rottinghuis to become a member of the team of the Muntpunt library.

*The events are free, and light food and drinks will be provided.

Please register, we have a maximum capacity of 40 participants per event:


For Friday 10.06: click here!
For Saturday 18.06: click here!

These two events are organised in collaboration with the amazing Muntpunt’s team: Lise Vanderpiete, Jurgen Waegeman, Martine Seys, Tom Rottinghuis, Jan Nachtergaele and Zora.


Two presentations of Just For The Record at the Ladyfest:

The Just for the Record team is happy to be part of the Ladyfest in Brussels on Sunday the 20th of March.

Ladyfest is originally an American project that was created in order to react to the invisibility of women on the artistic and musical scene. It has grown into an international non-profit event that takes place in more than 50 cities all over the world.

The Ladyfest Brussels version will be held over 3 days at BRASS, Avenue Van Volxem 364, 1190 Forest. Our presentations are planned on Sunday 20th and will each be 1 hour long, at 15:00 and 17:00. You can find the full program and more information here: http://ladyfestbrussels.jimdo.com/

27.02.2016 – 10:00-18:00

Gender Redirect, with Femke Snelting and Pascale Barret, at Amazone vzw.

Just For The Record organizes its second event, Gender Redirect, a day bringing attention to gender representations in language constructions. Gender Redirect takes over the threads developed in the previous event, heroine, and continues its analysis of the process of Wikipedia editing, with its specific functions such as ‘view history’ and ‘talk page’, analysis tools like metrics and operations like redirection and disambiguation - to investigate the possibilities and challenges of gender-neutral writing.


*The event is free, and a lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided. Please register, we have a maximum capacity of 25 participants: info at justfortherecord.space

Guest speaker: Femke Snelting, artist and designer, working at the juncture between design, feminism and free software. Femke co-initiated the project pattern.en.paternalism, a contribution proposed to Pattern, a web mining module initiated by the Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics research center at the University of Antwerp. The pattern.en.paternalism feature should detect if and to what extent a text could be considered ‘paternalist’. Through this project and other ones, Femke explores the actual conditions, context and work of annotation involved in the practice of datamining.

Guest performer: Frau Picha is a baroque-narcissistic sound performance project (solo or collaboration, in real or online), a human-machine laboratory which goes with the motto "enjoy ourselves, seriously!".

15.01.16 – 10:00-18:00

Heroines, with Catherine Lenoble and Clara Thomine, at PianoFabriek.

A day dedicated to presentations, discussions and Wikipedia editing, addressing gender issues around the theme of heroines, with guests Catherine Lenoble and Clara Thomine.

Despite Wikipedia’s efforts to come up with solutions to live up to their motto “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit”, not only do the contributors predominantly identify as men, but the contents published also show partial gender representations. With platforms as Wikipedia becoming more important in our society these issues require attention. As a symbolic example, the article ‘heroine’ is automatically redirected to the article ‘hero’, and its emblematic figures are mostly male. Next to the issues of authorship and subject matter, the writing style and article structure that have become idiomatic on Wikipedia cause their own issues. A classic example of this is the amount of articles about women that starts with “this woman was the sister/wife of this famous man” in their first or second sentence. During Heroines, we will take these observations as the point of departure for lectures and discussions, and intervention—the day includes a crash course in Wikipedia editing.


*The event is free, and a lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided. Please register, we have a maximum capacity of 25 participants.

Catherine Lenoble is a Brussels-based writer who explores ways of reading and writing in present time, experimenting with cross-genre narratives and hybrid fictional objects (print, online). She is engaged with writing in different collaborative environments and co-initiated the research group Algo-lit(algorithms & literature) in 2012. Her project Anna K, is currently shown at Constant vzw and online, and a fiction, Anna K, is to be published by HYX editions in 2016.

Clara Thomine a Brussels-based performance, video and installation artist. She studied at École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy until 2011, after which she obtained an MFA in installation, performance and video from ERG, Brussels in 2014. She recently won the Prix de la SOFAM Médiatines Bruxelles (2014), and the Prix de l’Institut français at the Mulhouse Biennale (2015) and is currently having a solo show at c-o-m-p-o-s-i-t-e gallery in Brussels.


OCT-DEC 2017
Chanting & Recording
au Beursschouwburg Bruxelles

Des slogans scandés lors de manifestations, aux hymnes révolutionnaires, aux sons du futur, le chant est rassembleur et porteur d'histoire. Si l'accès à l'éducation, à l'écriture et à la publication fut longtemps réservé aux hommes blancs, divers groupes marginalisés en raison de leur sexe, de la couleur de leur peau et/ou d'autres facteurs ont néanmoins imaginé divers moyens de faire entendre leur voix et de perpétuer leurs histoires. "Recording" fait donc référence à la nécessité de préserver ces sources et de trouver le moyen de les inclure dans l'histoire.

Cet automne, le Beursschouwburg présente un ambitieux programme intitulé The Future is Feminist, dans lequel nous avons le plaisir de présenter trois workshops autour du thème Chanting & Recording.

Chanting en Recording part 1
18.10.2017 - 18:00

Chanting and Recording part 2
22.11.2017 - 18:00
avec la performance d’Azahara Ubera “Zinneke”

Chanting and Recording part 3
20.12.2017 - 18:00

20-28 A. Ortsstraat street, Brussels

Ces événements sont gratuits et ouvert à tou·te·s!
Amenez votre ordinateur portable
Des boissons et des en-cas seront offerts
Nous pouvons organiser une garde d'enfant sur demande préalable
Inscriptions par email à info@justfortherecord.space

more coming soon!

Retrouvez-nous également ici, sur notre page “meetup”!


Festival Voix de Femmes, Liège

Dans le cadre du festival Voix de Femmes, nous proposons une session collective d’édition sur Wikipédia sur le thème des pionnières de l’électronique. Amenez votre ordinateur portable : on se charge de vous emmener dans les circuits de l’encyclopédie en ligne pour y ajouter des informations sur vos héroïnes !

Ce workshop est gratuits et ouvert à tou·te·s!
Amenez votre ordinateur portable
Des boissons et des en-cas seront offerts
Inscription par email à jeviens@voixdefemmes.org

F Word Festival Amsterdam

Ladyfest Maastricht 2017

Ladyfest are non-profit, community-based music and art festivals which aim to create a platform for expression, creation, discussion, collaboration, and celebration of feminists, women, trans and gender-non-conforming people. The first Ladyfest was conducted in Olympia, Washington, USA in 2000 in order to react to the invisibility of women on the artistic and musical scene. Since then, it has grown into an international non-profit event concept which has been organised in more than 50 cities all over the world and keeps spreading.

At Ladyfest Maastricht on Saturday the 27th of May, we will give a two hour workshop in which we will introduce how to contribute and amend meaningful content to Wikipedia, with a feminist perspective and a specific focus on the biases in the way we write about women and how to make quick and effective changes!

Public domain day 2017

On the first of January each year, new works enter the public domain: those whose copyright expired, which in Belgium happens 70 years after the death of the author. Works in the public domain can be freely used, modified and published, on Wikipedia for instance.

Worldwide, Public Domain Days celebrates newcomers in the public domain. This year in Belgium we welcome the creations of Gertrude Stein, Léon Spilliaert, László Moholy-Nagy and H.G. Wells, amongst others who died in 1946, 70 years ago — a strange celebration ritual…

Join us in Brussels for a Public Domain Day organised by Constant, CRIDS, Cinema Nova and the Royal Library of Belgium on the 27th of May 2017.

For this occasion, in collaboration with Femke Snelting, we are preparing a performative collection of texts. A collection that plays with the concepts of public domain, copyright, and the idea of the individual author that these two concepts both celebrate. What kind of new rituals and identities can we imagine for future creations?

Art+Feminism 2017

Un workshop dans le cadre d’Art+Feminism, une campagne internationale initiée en 2014 à New York par plusieur.e.s artistes qui propose à ses participant.e.s d’éditer Wikipédia pour réduire les biais de représentation des artistes femmes cis et trans, bref tou.te.s celles et ceux qui ont toujours été oublié.e.s dans l’histoire et qui continuent à l’être.

Ce workshop propose tout simplement de se rassembler pour lire et éditer des pages concernant des artistes passionantes, avec un focus particulier sur les livres et multiples d’artistEs. Une sélection de livres et de documents sera préparée, à laquelle vous pouvez contribuer en amenant vos livres.

Évenement gratuit et ouvert à tou.te.s! Merci de nous envoyer un email à info[at]justfortherecord.space pour réserver et avoir plus d’informations! Prenez votre ordinateur portable (ou contactez-nous si vous n’en avez pas la possibilité).

Memory Factory

Avec Caroline Godard

Just For The Record a le plaisir d’annoncer un nouvel événement intitulé Memory Factory, explorant la question de la mémoire collective, dans notre quotidien et en ligne, dans une perspective féministe. De qui nous remémorons-nous et de quelle manière se façonne notre vision de la société, celle du passé et celle du présent ? Nous porterons plus spécifiquement notre attention sur le champ des arts de la scène et de ses représentants en Belgique pour y trouver des réponses et nourrir la plateforme Wikipédia.

Cette soirée sera l’occasion de mieux décrypter ce que nous retenons de notre société et la manière dont nous souhaitons la consigner. Caroline Godart mènera une réflexion sur l’oubli des femmes dans la civilisation occidentale et sur Internet.

17:00 – Bienvenue, informations pratiques et présentation de Just for the Record
18:00 – Caroline Godart - Une réflexion sur sur l’oubli des femmes dans la civilisation occidentale et sur Internet
19:00 – Workshop
21:00 – Retour sur les résultats et portes ouvertes au public.
22:00 – Fin

Caroline Godart est chargée de cours à l’IHECS, collaboratrice scientifique à l’ULB, et auteure du livre The Dimensions of Difference: Space, Time and Bodies in Women’s Cinema and Continental Philosophy.

Évenement gratuit et ouvert à tou.te.s! Nous préparons toujours de la nourriture (vegan + sans gluten) et des boissons. Merci de nous envoyer un email à info[at]justfortherecord.space pour réserver et avoir plus d’informations! Prenez votre ordinateur portable (ou contactez-nous si vous n’en avez pas la possibilité).

Queer archives

While Just for the Record questions and occupies digital collaborative knowledge platforms, it is easy to forget that online initiatives depend on the existing structures of archives, both grassroots and institutionalised. An organisation that has been an invaluable companion for our events is RoSa, a knowledge center for gender and feminism based in Brussels. It is in collaboration with them that we would like to invite you to a day of reflections and discussions on the possibilities and challenges of queer and feminist archives.

As RoSa is facing an imminent double relocation — physical and digital —, the diverse problematics surrounding the development and the maintenance of a (queer/feminist) library and archive are being exacerbated. Concerns range from the categories used by search engines and online catalogues, to very practical ones like the need to carefully balance the weight of books for the floors not to collapse.

Just as it happens on Wikipedia, the techniques and methods of archiving risk reflecting existing biases if we don't actively question them. How do we keep traces of the voices that are so often silenced because they don't fit within existing frameworks? How do we create new modes of recording those stories and rethink the traditional library/archive to accommodate those atypical documents?

Along with presentations on the work that lies behind the RoSa library and archives, we have invited three guest speakers to broaden the topic of queer archives.

Program :
10:30 – arrival
10:45 – practical info
10:50 – JFTR: presentation
11:20 – RoSa Doc: introduction of RoSa’s projects, its library, its archives and its knowledge center, and upcoming changes.
11:30 – Maarten Dieltiens: guided tour of the library and selection of archival pieces
12:15 – Questions / time to look at archival pieces
12:30 – Lunch + round of presentation/names
13:30 – Els Flour and Bart De Nil: “What is this/a collection, on preserving sources and unlocking oral sources, and on feminist oral history”
14:15 – Questions
14:30 – Marion Wasserbauer: presentation "Queer Lives and Queer Archives: Listening to music in LGBTQ lives"
15:15 – Open discussion around practices of archives: from personal archives to collective and the institutional
16:00 – Round off, what to take home/into the future.
16:15 – End

Évenement gratuit et ouvert à tou.te.s! Nous préparons toujours de la nourriture (vegan + sans gluten) et des boissons. Merci de nous envoyer un email à info[at]justfortherecord.space pour réserver et avoir plus d’informations! Si vous le souhaitez vous aurez l’occasion d’éditer des pages Wikipédia dans la bibliothèque, dans ce cas prenez votre ordinateur portable.


29.01.17 – 11:00-14:30
JFTR @ Festival Elles Tournent

Elles Tournent organise chaque année un festival de films de femmes. « Tournez, mesdames ! » disait en 1914 Alice Guy Blaché, pionnière du cinéma. Un siècle après, les femmes réalisatrices continuent d’enrichir notre vision du monde. Elles résistent, inventent, cassent les stéréotypes. Et leurs films, pleins d’humour, de fureur ou d’impertinence, nous font découvrir d’autres réalités, d’autres vérités.

À l’occasion du festival Elles Tournent, Just For The Record propose un workshop dans lequel les participant.e.s seront invité.e.s à questionner les représentations de genre sur et hors écran.

Avec la réalisatrice Anne Smolar et la co-fondatrice du festival Marie Vermeiren, nous reviendrons sur d’histoire du festival et mettrons en lumière des réalisatrices de films. Nous observerons comment elles sont représentées sur Wikipedia, si c’est le cas, et comment elles sont liées les unes aux autres.


DiVersions @ Constant vzw

Just For The Record est ravi.e de faire partie du programme de DiVersions organisé par Constant vzw en collaboration avec le Musée Royal d’Art et Histoire à Bruxelles: “DiVersions s’inspire de la façon dont les versions font partie de la pratique quotidienne des logiciels. Elle explorera comment celles-ci peuvent rendre possible, au-delà des pratiques existantes de collaboration et consensus, des formes divergentes de récits historiques en offrant de l’espace à la différence.”

Évenement gratuit et ouvert à tou.te.s! Nous préparons toujours de la nourriture (vegan + sans gluten) et des boissons. Merci de nous envoyer un email à info[at]justfortherecord.space pour réserver et avoir plus d’informations! Prenez votre ordinateur portable (ou contactez-nous si vous n’en avez pas la possibilité).


12.11.16 12:00
JFTR @ Pink Screens Festival

À l’occasion du festival Pink Screens, Just For The Record propose un workshop dans lequel les participant.e.s seront invité.e.s à questionner les représentations de genre sur et hors écran.

Avec la réalisatrice Anne Smolar et des membres de l’équipe du Pink Screens, nous reviendrons sur d’histoire du festival et mettrons en lumière les réalisatrices de films lesbiennes et féministes qui ont fait partie de son programme. Nous observerons comment elles sont représentées sur Wikipedia, si c’est le cas, et comment elles sont liées les unes aux autres. Nous prolongerons le fil développé pendant notre dernier événement dans le cadre de l’exposition d’Hana Miletić au Beursschouwburg, sur les liens (rouges).

Évenement gratuit et ouvert à tou.te.s! Nous préparons toujours de la nourriture (vegan + sans gluten) et des boissons. Merci de nous envoyer un email à info[at]justfortherecord.space pour réserver et avoir plus d’informations! Prenez votre ordinateur portable (ou contactez-nous si vous n’en avez pas la possibilité).



22.10.16 15:00-19:00
Red links @ Beursschouwburg

Just For The Record’s workshop will focus on the production of more equal knowledge on Wikipedia – a platform to re-write history in a new and collaborative way.

The collaborative writing of its contents produces a sort of patchwork of different voices, which represents a potential for diversity. In this digital fabric, how are our voices interweaved? How does this diversity of voices influence the network of subjects represented? Can it help to develop intersectional approaches and go beyond biases inherited from a long history of writing knowledge?

The presence or absence of links between articles can help identify patterns of gender bias. As observed by a 2015 study, “women on Wikipedia tend to be more linked to men than vice versa”. Wikipedia pages are linked to other pages within the platform by different types of threads: blue for the links to existing pages, and red for the pages that have either been deleted or that are yet to be created. Red links are therefore making visible something that doesn’t exist on the encyclopedia, a hole in the fabric. They can also be taken as an invitation for other users to acknowledge that information is missing and to take action. Projects like Women in Red are using this feature to publish lists of women whose names are still in red, inviting us to activate them thus turning them blue.

After the introductory presentations, we would like to invite the participants to discuss these issues and start editing Wikipedia, weaving different articles together to create unprecedented connections.

This workshop is part of a program put together by Hana Miletić as part of her exhibition "Materials".

10.06.16 + 18.06.16

bots, robots, cyborgs, avec An Mertens, Cristina Cochior et la robote Zora, au Muntpunt.

Just For The Record a le plaisir d’annoncer deux nouveaux événements intitulés Bots, robots, cyborgs, explorant l’écriture d’agents non-humains comme les bots sur Wikipédia.

Si de récentes études ont montré que les femmes ne représentent qu’une petite minorité des personnes contribuant à Wikipédia, d’autres études montrent également qu’une majorité de l’activité édioriale est menée par des bots, éditeurs non-humains qui semblent échapper à la binarité genrée qu’on applique aux corps humains.

Depuis la création d’internet, des gens ont vu dans le cyberespace une promesse d’aller au delà des genres, des races et des classes. Une espace pour construire une “empowering virtual reality”, comme Essex Hemphill le dit dans sa conference On the Shores of Cyberspace, Black Nations/Queer Nation? en 1995. Dans son Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Harraway présentait la figure du Cyborg comme identité fragmentée et post-genre. Elle y invitait les féministes à se ré-approprier les nouvelles technologies comme des outils féministes. Ces mêmes chercheu·se·r·s remarquaient déjà que les barrières que l’on trouve dans l’espace hors-ligne existent aussi dans le cyberespace. Depuis lors, des chercheuses et des chercheurs ont exploré les différentes façons dont les représentations en ligne sont structurées autour des genres, des races et des classes.

Dans nos deux prochains événements, nous explorerons l’objet du bot sur Wikipédia: quel est le genre de cet habitant du cyberespace? Est-ce que le bot peut, comme Wikipédia le souhaite elle-même, être neutre?

Programme vendredi 10 juin:

+ une sélection spéciale de livres du Muntpunt par Martine Seys, bibliothécaire.

Invitée: An Mertens est une artiste, écrivaine et racconteuse d’histoires. Elle est membre du groupe de Constant (Bruxelles) qui travaille sur l'art et les médias, en particulier le logiciel libre, les méthodologies féministes et la culture libre.

Uncertainty detected?

Developers of AI often use Wikipedia and Wikidata as training material for their applications, because it is they are the only corpora available that are large, well structured, multi-lingual, peer-reviewed, up-to-date and free to use. Mapping language to a computer model is an experimental practise yet, that implies a lot of compromises, grey zones, uncertainties. An Mertens guides you through one such self learning algorithm showing the different stages of the process and highlighting some uncertain zones in the decision making, while the algorithm tries to detect uncertain zones in the texts she feeds it with.

Programme samedi 18 juin:

+ une sélection spéciale de livres du Muntpunt par Martine Seys, bibliothécaire.


Cristina Cochior (RO) est une chercheuse, designer et gardienne de bots travaillant aux Pays-Bas. Actuellement dans le Master Media Design and Communication au Piet Zwart Institute, elle s’intéresse aux pratiques d’automatisation, de perturbation des interfaces et de la production de savoirs “peer-to-machine”. Son sujet de recherche actuel est les relations de pouvoir entre les humains et les participants non-humains dans la production de savoirs, avec un focus sur le bot anti-vandlisme sur Wikipédia Cluebot NG.

Zora, un robot humanoïde féminin, développé pour des activités en centres pour personnes âgées, dans des écoles auprès d’enfants autistes et pour différents types d’hôpitaux. Au Muntpunt, Tom Rottinghuis l’accompagne dans sa formation pour intégrer l’équipe de la bibliothèque.

*Les événements sont gratuits, et un repas de midi, des collations et des boissons seront offertes.

Merci de vous inscrire, nous avons une limite de 40 participants:


Pour vendredi 10.06: cliquez ici!
Pour samedi 18.06: cliquez ici!

Ces deux événements sont organisés en collaboration avec la super équipe du Muntpunt: Lise Vanderpiete, Jurgen Waegeman, Martine Seys, Tom Rottinghuis, Jan Nachtergaele et Zora.


L’équipe de Just for the Record sera présente au Ladyfest à Brussels dimanche 20 mars, pour deux présentations, de 15:00 à 16:00 et de 17:00 à 18:00.

Ladyfest est un festival non-lucratif et DIY, entièrement porté par des bénévoles. Le concept est né en 2000 à Olympia (USA), à l’initiative de filles de la mouvance Riot Grrrl1, en réponse à la sous-exposition des femmes sur les scènes musicales et artistiques. Depuis, il s’est répandu un peu partout dans le monde (Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Paris, Madrid, Jakarta, Melbourne, Stockholm...), chaque lieu se le réappropriant pour en faire un événement unique. La plupart des capitales européennes en ont ainsi vu apparaître, liant dynamiques locales et internationales. Mais pas Bruxelles ! Il y avait eu quelques tentatives mais ce manque sera réellement comblé en 2012 avec le premier Ladyfest proposant à tou-te-s un espace d’expression dédié aux artistes et activistes femmes.

Le principe d’un Ladyfest est simple : un groupe de volontaires prépare un festival de quelques jours autour des thèmes tels que la créativité, la diversité, l'autonomie, l'échange de savoirs, la promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes et les genres et la lutte contrel’hétéronormalité.

C’est également l’opportunité de bâtir une communauté, susciter des discussions et des collaborations parmi les femmes et le réseau associatif local et international. Les Ladyfest reposent sur l’idée de créer un espace alternatif, amical, ouvert.

L’édition bruxelloise du Ladyfest se passera pendant 3 jours au BRASS, Avenue Van Volxem 364, 1190 Forest. Nos presentations auront lieu dimanche 20 mars de 15:00 à 16:00 et de 17:00 à 18:00. Programme complet et plus d’informations ici: http://ladyfestbrussels.jimdo.com/


Gender Redirect à Amazone, avec Femke Snelting et Pascale Barret.

Just for the record organise son deuxième événement, Gender Redirect, une journée dédiée à la représentation des genres dans les constructions de language. Gender Redirect prolonge les questions abordées lors de l’événement précédent, héroines, en observant les procédés d’écriture sur Wikipédia, et ses fonctions spécifiques comme les onglets ‘historique’ et ‘discussion’, les outils d’analyse ‘metrics’ et les opérations de ‘redirection’ et de ‘disambiguation’ (homonymie).


*L’événement est gratuit, et un repas de midi, des collations et des boissons seront offertes. Merci de vous inscrire, nous avons une limite de 25 participants: info at justfortherecord.space


Femke Snelting, artiste et graphiste travaillant à l’intersection entre le design, le féminisme et le logiciel libre. Femke est une des instigatrices du projet pattern.en.paternalism qui explore les conditions actuelles des pratiques de datamining.

Frau Picha est un projet de performance sonore barocco-narcissique (en solo ou collaboration, en chairs et en ligne), un laboratoire d'interfaces humain-machine dont l'adage annonce le ton "amusons nous, sérieusement!".


Héroïnes à PianoFabriek, avec Catherine Lenoble et Clara Thomine.


Just For The Record

Just For The Record @ Pink Screens Festival, with Anne Smolar: Lesbian, queer and feminist filmmakers

Just For The Record @ Elles Tournent Festival, with Anne Smolar & Marie Vermeiren: Où sont les femmes?

Notes on inspiring feminist graphic design references

Cyberfeminism conference “slides”.


Facts on the gender gap: http://justfortherecord.space/info

The Gender Gap page on Wikimedia website: https://meta.wikimedia.org/

Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader, Institute of Network Cultures, 2011.




Just For The Record

Just For The Record @ Pink Screens Festival, with Anne Smolar: Lesbian, queer and feminist filmmakers

Just For The Record @ Elles Tournent Festival, with Anne Smolar & Marie Vermeiren: Où sont les femmes?

Notes on inspiring feminist graphic design references

Cyberfeminism conference “slides”.


Facts on the gender gap: http://justfortherecord.space/info

The Gender Gap page on Wikimedia website: https://meta.wikimedia.org/

Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader, Institute of Network Cultures, 2011.




Just For The Record

Just For The Record @ Pink Screens Festival, with Anne Smolar: Lesbian, queer and feminist filmmakers

Just For The Record @ Elles Tournent Festival, with Anne Smolar & Marie Vermeiren: Où sont les femmes?

Notes on inspiring feminist graphic design references

Cyberfeminism conference “slides”.


Faits autour du gender gap: http://justfortherecord.space/info

The Gender Gap page on Wikimedia website: https://meta.wikimedia.org/

Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader, Institute of Network Cultures, 2011.