Category Archives: Libertarianism

Go to Hell, Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is crap.

I just spent five days over there, and I can affirm that it’s definitely crap. If this is the future, then the future is junk. This is it, folks. This is Late Capitalism. This is the dream capitalism of the future. This is the capitalist dream we all love.

But this is crap. Who says this is good? What kind of Homo sapiens thinks this is the right way to live our lives as humans. Silicon Valley is crap. Silicon Valley rents are crap. Silicon Valley politics (NIMBY Libertarianism) is crap. Silicon Valley prices are crap. Silicon Valley housing prices are crap. Silicon Valley workaholism is crap. Silicon Valley groovy liberal CEO’s are crap. Silicon Valley Democratic “progressive” politics is crap. Elon Musk is crap. Four hour a day commutes are crap. 18 hour workdays, 7 days a week are crap. No dating is crap. Silicon Valley $184,000/yr to live a middle class family lifestyle is crap. Silicon Valley no affordable housing for their low wage workers is crap, and even worse, failed crap.

Do you realize that rents are so expensive now that there are tech workers (generally a well-paid occupation) who can’t even afford rent in San Francisco. They reportedly ride the damned buses all night and get their sleep there. It’s legal to do that. They shower at the gym and change their clothes there too I guess. They are living this insane gutter bum lifestyle so they can have a dream job at a Silicon Valley firm, the dream of all American workers.

All Silicon Valley capitalists are union-busters. Elon Musk, God of Silicon Valley, is one of the worst ones of them all. Musk is just a capitalist. All capitalists are crap. They’re all union-busters. Just because Musk and some of the others are better capitalists than the rest of the capitalist ratfucks doesn’t mean he isn’t a ratfuck too. There’s no such thing as a decent capitalist. If you are decent, the competition will eat you alive. If you are decent and you go public, the stockholders will fire you.

When I was on vacation over there, I figured out that in order to spend 1/3 of your income on rent (which is the only sane calculation of rent affordability), in Mountain View, you would have to be making $72,000/year or $6,000/month. That is because a Goddamned one bedroom apartment costs $2,000/month. Silicon Valley is so expensive that even its own policemen, firefighters and schoolteachers can’t even afford to live there. Silicon Valley cities actually build low cost subsidized housing for their own schoolteachers. You know what? That’s crap.

Many people who work in Silicon Valley commute 2-3 hours each way,  often coming from the Central Valley as that is the only place they can find affordable rents. That’s a sick joke. Commuting four hours a day is bullshit. All over the town I was staying in, Mountain View, there were Help Wanted signs in every store for low level positions. They are dying, screaming for workers over there. But there’s no place for those workers to live. On $10/hour minimum wage, all of your income goes for rent on the 1 bedroom.  There’s $0 left for anything else. Silicon Valley has no place for its low wage workers to live! Capitalism fail!

This is the dream. The dream is crap.

Enjoy your late capitalism, idiots.

Capitalism Fail 101.



Filed under California, Capitalism, Capitalists, Economics, Labor, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Political Science, Regional, Scum, Social Problems, Sociology, USA, West

Clearing up a Lot of Nonsense about Antifa, the Alt Right and the First Amendment

This Drexel University professor has been removed from his post due to an onslaught of threats, including many death threats, that have been issued against him. Furthermore and appallingly, the university has launched an investigation into the “appropriateness” of Ciccriarello-Maher’s comments.

The Intercept, a liberal magazine associated with the Democratic Party, has a new article out bashing this professor. This article is starting to remind me of why I can’t stand liberals, especially liberal Democrats. They’re horrible. I’m not a liberal. I’m a radical. I’m a Leftist. I’m Hard Left! We don’t like liberals!

It says that this professor opposes free speech, and indeed he does.

George Ciccariello-Maher, a Drexel University associate professor of politics and global studies, is no fan of free speech.

He uses his Twitter account to rail against the American Civil Liberties Union and defenders of speech rights even for the most noxious of speakers. He has called for other individuals to be fired from their jobs for offensive speech. And he has blocked critics on Twitter — such as this reporter — who say his approach goes too far. (The blocking, in fact, is mutual.)

Ciccariello-Maher is explicit. “We don’t have to stand up for the free speech of eugenicists, racists, and bigots to speak and certainly not the privilege to have access to a platform on campus to spout their kind of hatred,” he said about his campaign to stop Charles Murray from speaking at a nearby campus, during a conversation on free speech on the It’s Going Down Podcast in May.

Fair enough. But this argument is flowing around a completely false view of the Constitution. Sadly the free speech nuts and radical libertarians have no understanding of what the First Amendment even says.

Now first of all, I am a free speech nut myself, and I am also a Ultra-radical Social Libertarian. Get the cops out of our lives! Cops butt out! Go catch the rapists and murderers and leave the rest of us alone!

I am also an almost complete free speech absolutist, although I am not opposed to blocking some speech, especially some forms of pornography.

The thing is, all of these arguments claiming that Antifa or SJW’s don’t believe in the First Amendment are flat out wrong. Antifa and the SJW’s do not have to abide by the First  Amendment! You know why? The First Amendment doesn’t apply to them!

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech only in the sense that the government may not infringe on freedom of speech. That is the government cannot shut down speech it does not like or imprison people for saying things that the government doesn’t like. The First Amendment doesn’t even apply to all the rest of us! We are free to try to shut down any speech we don’t like anytime we want to! We are not in violation of the First Amendment or even anti-First Amendment because the First doesn’t even apply to us in the first place! Now, if we start arguing that the state itself should ban certain expressions of speech or imprison those saying things we do not like, yes, we are now anti-First Amendment.

Really the Antifa are simply expressing their own freedom of speech. They see the people they are attacking as fascists, and their attitude is “no platform for fascists” – in other words, they are going to try to shut down fascist speech anywhere it rears its head. Yes, the Rightists may attempt to speak as the state gives them the right to do, but the Antifa or anyone else can use their freedom of speech to try to shout down the Rightists and use their freedom of assembly to try to shut down the Rightists’ speech in the first place and keep it from happening.



Filed under Civil Rights, Conservatism, Democrats, Discrimination, Fascism, Government, Higher Education, Left, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Political Science, Politics, US Politics

Poland Talks Alt Left! Polish Left Political Journal Discusses the Alt Left movement with a Focus on My and Rabbit’s Writing: “Race Realism, Or Center-Left on Culture,” by Michael Smolen

Race Realism, Or Center-Left on Culture


Writer for Respubliki Nowa. He writes about social philosophy and innovation.

March 13, 2017

Krytyka Polityczna

Two marginal racist bloggers from the US claim to start a new movement on the Left.

We are beautifully different on the Left, and it’s one of the great things about us.. Each leftwing tendency focuses on a slightly different target group and offers a slightly different view of the world situation. So it is worthwhile to rise above the divisions, often driven more by personal conflict than actual ideology, and to open ourselves up to the entire spectrum of the leftwing media, all the way from liberal center-left to very radical. Disagreement is natural, and ferment is creative. Sometimes, nevertheless, people on the left advocate disappointing ideologies that are hard for the rest of us to get behind.


The article started out interesting anyway: “I would like to criticize the leftwing of the Vistula backwater for not being aware of the latest leftwing tendencies emanating from our leftwing brethren from the Fatherland of the World Creative Class” – begins an article about the “Alt Left” written by Dr. Hab. Jaroslaw Tomasiewicz which appeared in New Citizen, a Polish leftwing social justice magazine. I regard foreign influences as inevitable and often useful, so naturally I was interested in this new leftwing movement outside the mainstream which has so far escaped my attention.

After today often encountered failure characteristics “Hipster-Left”, focused on easy wojenkach culture, the author writes about the new collective actor on the political scene, “The Alt Right – a rebirth of the “Old Hard Right” – ethnopolitical, traditionalist, populist – in a new postmodern form. A sort of return to the roots. And the Alt Right managed to overcome the Mainstream Left on its own home turf: to win the support or the workers by emphasizing economics and de-emphasizing cultural issues. Think a somewhat obsolete Thomas Frank.

A flashing red light at this point heralds a warning. Did Donald Trump really gain the support of part of the White working class through the efforts of the teenage racist trolls under the leadership of Richard Spencer – the elegant (at least when not performing a Seig Heil), erudite, and informal leader of the Alt Right?

You are probably thinking of the Centrist Democrats so disliked by Tomasiewicz. It seems however that the notion that the anti-elitist mood of working class Trump voters (many of whom supported Obama in the past) was powered by the notions of the Alt Right leader Spencer is not only factually questionable but also overly bleak in that it elides the appeal of Trump to a section of the electorate steeped in US nationalism. Or perhaps this is just a problem of the Old Left?

Tomasiewicz :

Some believe that the challenge posed by the Alt Right requires a symmetrical response: the creation of an alternative to the Mainstream Left emphasizing the forgotten foundations of Leftism, such as the primacy of economics over culture, the relationship of the base to the superstructure, and a return to the Marxian thesis that ‘existence shapes consciousness.’

Next there is a quote from a manifesto from Alternative Left writer Robert Lindsay proclaiming,

We will be leftwing on economic matters […] but rather Centrist in the sphere of culture.

Tomasiewicz later cites another vague point in Lindsay’s manifesto of the Alternative Left. This vision paints a picture of the Social Democratic movement distanced from the alleged excesses of Cultural Left, materialistic in the old style, although “small and diverse” – which, although it should not be imitated in the dark (we as Poles have common sense), nevertheless deserves our at least with fingers crossed.


So what’s wrong with this picture? More than you’d expect. The author refers to two online sources for information about the Alt Left, and clicking on either of them reveals some rather disturbing content. The site notes at the top of the page that it is The Left Wing of the Alt Right. Nothing dziwnegi therefore that it is enough time to go through the lengthy scraps to find the few real gems. In the text quoted by Tomasiewicz, we find this passage:

Though I disagree with him on some ideological points…It just so happens that I support Richard Spencer and repeatedly defended him when some oversensitive (and often sanctimonious) factions or some prominent individuals of the AltRight unsuccessfully tried to sacrifice him to improve the image of the movement.

In another text by the author of the site (who goes by the pseudonym “Rabbit”) in response to an appeal to downplay the racial aspect of the Alternative Left brand, he said:

The Alt Left always been about race realism and gender realism. This is the whole fucking nail on the head!

What is race realism? It’s the familiar old and frightening idea that believes in biological differences between “races” of people, eg. in terms of IQ, which it stipulates as very important for races to gain social or political significance. openly promotes White Nationalism, and at the same time is quite honest, which clearly shows in the title of one of his posts talking about the “unreality” of nonracist “race realism”. The post notes the hypocrisy of the supposedly nonracist race realists and asks a rhetorical question:

“What’s wrong with hatred anyway?”

What of the second author of the Alternative Left manifesto commented on by Tomasiewicz? Robert Lindsay is a prolific blogger who refers to himself as a “liberal race realist” (the title of his previous ideological project), who rejects Political Correctness and “Cultural Marxism” and in their stead proposes “positive White identity” and masculinity for men (to fight Gender Feminism and Radical Feminism).

Once again though – it is not difficult to see where Lindsay is really coming from. Although in the manifesto quoted by Tomasiewicz, Lindsay rejects “racist fascism”, it begins with an attack on the Black Lives Matter movement and ridicules people who talk about White privilege or have an “obsession about structural racism.”

According to Lindsay, to belong to Alt Left, one should accept “racial realism”, which is one of the three pillars of Alt Left ideology – the other two are leftwing views on economics, to which Lindsay moreover dedicates little space, and a special form of moral libertinism who boils down to formally supporting the basic rights of minorities combined with a gut hatred against the movements that are fighting for those very rights.

Lindsay seems to be less directly hateful – and more eccentric – than Rabbit, but his journalism nevertheless includes discussions about the abominations of gay sexual practices, alleged reasons why women cannot lead Western civilization, and complaints about aggressive and obnoxious “Jewy Jews” who are themselves responsible for anti-Semitism.

As for the Alt Left, this is all we need to know about it right here. Tomasiewicz refers only to Lindsay and the author of a blog about the “Left Wing of Alt Right” because that’s all there is to the Alternative Left. Otherwise, the concept still appears occasionally as a rhetorical device in journalism, primarily as an insult. So the entirety of this new and noteworthy movement is a small group of readers of two marginal blogs that are attempting to enrich the standard White Nationalism of the Alt Right with an aversion to neoliberalism and a promotion of anti-feminist libertarianism (the latter being merely a rejecting the traditionally conservative views of women).


The detailed reasons why this leftwing website published a fictitious post about a couple of marginal racists in the chronicle New Citizen are not something that should concern readers. Suffice to say that it is difficult to believe in the sincerity of the author, who was after all the one who first discovered the sites of these bloggers. Why did he go out of his way to ferret out these marginal bloggers? Nevertheless, I do not think however that one could accuse the editor-in-chief of tolerance for “race realism,” nor is the readership enthusiastic about this concept.

The case recalls to me deeper concerns of some Polish Left intellectuals’ dislike for the “Left of Manners” or Cultural Left. Often it is not so much about the demands of this faction but more about the alleged incompatibility of this project with the conservative nature of the Polish people. These charges are often simply unfair.

For this often based on fantasies – Maciej Gdula in Political Critique accurately dismantled the idea of the conservatism of the people that is shared by anti-elitist liberals as well as the current anti-elitist Left. A plea to keep the Left only about the workers and to reject helping different minorities seems particularly unfair when we look at the development in recent years of leftwing movements and characters (like Total in Poland or Bernie Sanders in the US), fully and harmoniously integrating cultural issues and economics.

The spectacular failure of this article on the “Alternative Left” to resonate on the Polish Left brings to light another problem. This article published in the New Citizen is the modern equivalent of the medieval legend about the state ruled by Father John, a Christian enclave somewhere in the distant Orient.

We can see that the Cultural Left is an imaginary issue on the Left in anecdotes written by various intellectuals as diverse as Remigiusz Okraska, Stephen Twardoch and David Wildstein that the notion of the good old-fashioned Polish people who do not care about these newfangled cultural oddities is every year moving further from reality.

Tomasiewicz article, in which the role of Father John played the Richard Spencer, stands out as an apology for some particularly nasty and in the Polish context completely unacceptable notions such as race realism (perhaps even our extremist ONR does not openly promote the idea of biological racism). We need only barely scrape the surface of almost any “Morally Centrist” manifesto’s concern for ordinary people to see the usual hatred and disgust for certain disadvantaged groups – sometimes consciously  but more often probably not. In this situation, to put on a mask of folk naiveté seems to be at best frivolous and at worst insincere and wicked, and we have not even begun to deal with the extreme views of of Rabbit of which go so much further than that.


Filed under Conservatism, Culture, Democrats, Economics, Europe, Labor, Left, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Nationalism, Neoliberalism, Poland, Political Science, Politics, Race Realism, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Republicans, Sane Pro-White, US Politics, White Nationalism

Just Got Interviewed by Al Jazeera

Just got interviewed by a writer from Al Jazeera for an upcoming piece on the Alt Left . The real Alt Left, not this fake crap the conservatives refer to as Alt Left, which they mean the Hard Left, PC Left, SJW Left, or Antifa Left. The real Alt Left is opposed to all of those factions in one way or another.

I just counted up members of Alt Left sites on Facebook and there were over 18,000 members of groups that appeared to pushing real Alt Left ideas. On the other hand, I would probably renounce 50% or more of those people. Alt-Leftist Empire is the largest group with over 10,000 members, and I completely renounce them. These entryists have captured the movement and turned it into some sort of Cultural Left Libertarian Nationalism. Or something. Most support Trump and neoliberal capitalism. Supporting either is grounds for expulsion. No Alt Left person should support Trump except in a perverse way (accelerationism) and of course you can never support neoliberalism.

This movement is like a runaway train and it has gotten out of the hands of the people who started it in a very bad way, but a lot of political movements are probably like that.

So an article on me and the Alt Left, including quotes, should run in Al Jazeera fairly soon. Another may appear in Alternet at some point later. The author was not real friendly to the Alt Left, but I would not say he was extremely hostile either. I really don’t care how they portray us. In Hollywood they say all publicity is good publicity and that may well be true in politics also.


Filed under Capitalism, Cultural Marxists, Economics, Journalism, Left, Libertarianism, Nationalism, Neoliberalism, Political Science, Politics, US Politics, Vanity

Amazon Is Out to Kill Your Business (and Your Job)


I am starting to think that this company is an out and out menace. Their CEO Jeff Bezos is a real piece of crap, a radical rightwing Libertarian like so many awful IT CEO’s.

But worst is that Amazon’s model is apparently to replace every business in US and become a single corporation, WorldCo apparently, that has a monopoly on most business in the US and maybe later on the world.

No matter what your business is in the US, Amazon probably has you in its sights sooner or later.

Amazon is a menace.





Filed under Capitalists, Conservatism, Labor, Libertarianism, Political Science, Scum

How Those Hip, Groovy, Cool IT Capitalists Are Actually Some of the Worst Capitalists Ever

There was this idea that the Internet capitalists were somehow going to be different from the rest of the capitalists. The Internet guys were cool, hip, groovy and right on.

The truth is that the IT capitalists have actually turned out to be some of the worst capitalists of them all!

The brick and mortar model is far better for consumers than horrific ecommerce, where consumer abuse is the name of the game, and customer service is a nonexistent concept.

Ever noticed that if you ever have a problem with a product, you can always take it back to the brick and mortar store and get the matter cleared up to your satisfaction? That’s customer service at the brick and mortar level. It’s almost always superb because in brick and mortar, the customer is always right.

Because ecommerce has severed the face to face ties that humanize and create the great customer service model at the brick mortar level, the motto in ecommerce is the customer is always a sucker to be milked, ripped off, and hung out to dry. Ever tried to get your money back on software? I have. Suppose your software simply does not work. It’s happened to me. Too bad there are no refunds! I mean maybe there are refunds, but good luck getting one because all software companies have destroyed the notion of customer service. There simply is no customer service desk at most IT corporations. There’s no such thing.

A Rogue’s Gallery of IT CEO’s

Look at the examples.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, and a truly horrible human being. Amazon’s corporate culture is one of the worst in the US and for the life of me, I do not know why anyone would work at this modern day IT salt mine there unless they were a masochist. Bezos orders all higher level employees to be at each other throats all the time, and everyone is trying to backstab and sabotage everyone else so they can steal that person’s job.

Quite a few people said that working for Amazon ruined their mental and physical health. The warehouse workers are horrifically abused, worked like whipped pack animals and forced to work in sweltering heat until they collapse. They are poorly paid and are frankly some of the worst-treated workers in America today. Psychopath Bezos delights in this dog eat dog law of the jungle atmosphere, as he feels that this is what has driven his company’s success. That’s dubious to me. At any rate, what of the human tool?

Bill Gates’ behavior when running his corporation was about as sociopathic as any career criminal.

(((Steve Ballmer))), his second in command, is an obvious psychopath and a terrifying man.

(((Ralph Ellison))), CEO of Oracle is an extreme narcissist and all-around lousy person. He’s basically a Libertarian like so many capitalists.

(((Mark Zuckerberg))) of Facebook out and out ripped off the idea for Facebook from a fellow college student he developed it with while never giving his partner a nickel.

If you study enough of these guys, you will notice how many of them stole their way to the top.

Microsoft stole just about every piece of software they ever developed. They violated endless patents. They cheated and backstabbed every single company that partnered with them. They tore up and violated every legal contract they ever signed. Bill Gates was the Ted Bundy of the IT corporate world.

Scott MacNealy, head of Sun Enterprises, was hero of the new geek Net culture. MacNealy slyly made use of monopoly law to go after Microsoft, and that was a very good thing. On the other hand, MacNealy was a Libertarian like so many capitalists, and it was clear to anyone that MacNealy was only anti-monopoly because a monopoly was ruining his business and would have loved nothing more than for Sun, victim of  monopoly, to become a monopoly itself and victimize its own rivals.

Even Steve Jobs was said to be an awful boss, a tyrant who terrorized all of his employees. He was an A-1 asshole of the first degree.

The founder of the Adultfriender dating site Andrew Conru ran an extremely amoral business, was an extreme psychopath and was hated by everyone who worked for him. His site, like most dating sites, is run on an organized crime model. For one thing, overbilling is standard practice and not an error. The FTC has issued at indictment against the company for systematic billing fraud. The overwhelming majority of dating sites and almost almost 100% of the sexually explicit ones are nothing but criminal enterprises run by organized crime masquerading as legitimate businesses. The vast majority of the CEO’s of dating sites belong in prison for fraud. The whole industry is incredibly enough run on an actual Fraud Model.

Former founder and CEO of Uber (((Travis Kalanick))) is a narcissistic psychopath and a sexist to boot. His corporate bro culture is horrible to their female employees, and the corporate environment is toxic and terrifying. Uber drivers are terribly abused, dishonestly called independent contractors, receive no benefits whatsoever, and are often paid below the minimum wage.

You could always boycott Uber and try Lyft, but Lyft is almost as bad as Uber.

Let’s hear it for the new sharing economy! Hip, hip, hooray!

Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, is a monster of a man with truly horrifying political views. He believes society should be ruled by an aristocratic elite, no doubt especially Internet billionaires, has a near-monarchical view of the state and displays a profound hatred for democracy, which he wants to phase out as it gets in the way of aristocratic royalist billionaire rule.

Elon Musk is no good. All you decent humans need to quit idolizing this capitalist POS right now. He’s the latest groovy businessman that everyone loves and idolizes.

He is very smart, this is true. He has some good ideas, this is true.

But have you seen how he runs his factories? Workers at his factories have long complained of severe abuse by management. The rot starts at the top with Musk and extends all the way down. They are poorly paid, seriously abused, and not allowed to from unions. Musk has arrogantly refused to even look at these problems and insists that they do not exist. He seems to have contempt for his own workers like so many capitalists. This guy is not the latest Tech Age groovy billionaire idol of humanity. He’s just another piece of crap capitalist like all the rest of them.



Filed under Assholes, Capitalists, Labor, Law, Libertarianism, Narcissism, Personality, Political Science, Psychology, Scum, Social Problems, Sociology

Anatomy of a Conservative Lie: China is a Capitalist Country

Conservatives and reactionaries keep saying that China has adopted capitalism. What a stupid joke that is. All conservatives lie, no exceptions. There is no such thing as an honest conservative. I have never met one in my life. Conservative ideology is based for the most part on lies, though some Libertarians are quite honest.

For the most part, conservatives lie like they breathe. Conservatives literally need to lie to live.

Let me tell you something.

China is one of the most Communist or socialist states on Earth today. Fully 45% of the Chinese economy is publicly owned, and it does extremely well. Much of the very high economic growth has come from the public sector.

How on Earth can conservatives say that China is capitalist when 45% of the economy is state-owned? How ludicrous. But realize that all public firms in China operate on the profit model. They all compete with each other, so you have a steel mill run by one city competing with a steel mill run by another city. Many of the fastest growing industries are run at the municipality level.

China’s fully state-owned firms also do very well. In fact, they do so well that Republicans say that China’s public firms are “not fair” because American capitalist corporations can’t compete against them! The reason is that China’s firms get subsidies from the state. Poor capitalist corporations! They’re too inefficient to compete against Communist state owned firms. Poor babies!

Do conservatives realize that the state owns every single inch of land in China? How on Earth is that possible in a capitalist country? Capitalism is primarily based on the private ownership of land. No private ownership of land, no capitalism. Real simple.

I would also like to point out that the Chinese state spends an absolutely incredible amount of money on its people. Since 45% of the whole economy goes directly to the state, they have a lot of money to spend. And they spend it very wisely too. As I understand it, US capitalists believe in a minimal state, and there is nothing they hate more than state spending. Huge state spending is seen as wasteful tax and spend policies by all capitalists on Earth. Wherever you have massive state spending, you do not have a capitalist system. But I would like to thank conservative and reactionaries for praising China, the finest example of modern Communism!


Filed under Asia, Capitalism, China, Conservatism, Economics, Government, Left, Libertarianism, Local, Marxism, Political Science, Regional, Socialism

No Conservatives Allowed on This Website!

We have had a few conservatives posting here in the past few days. These are US-style conservatives, which are the worst kind of all. US-style conservatives are absolutely banned from posting here in any way, shape or form.

Conservatism means different things in different countries, so conservatives from much of the rest of the world (except Latin America and the UK) can continue to post. Even Canadian conservatives can continue to post, as I do not mind them. It’s not conservatism itself that is so awful. Almost every country on Earth has people who call themselves conservatives, and there are conservative parties in almost every country on Earth. But being a conservative just about anywhere outside of the Americas is more or less an acceptable position for me. I probably won’t like their politics much, but I could at least look at them and say that this is an opposition I could live with.

US conservatives and their brethren in the UK, Latin America, the Philippines, Nepal and and Indonesia are quite a different beast.

I have to think hard about conservatives in Eastern Europe, especially Estonia, Latvia and the Czech Republic. These fools had such a bad experience with Communism that they went 180 degrees in the other direction. I would have to see the positions of these conservative parties in those countries to see whether they would be OK or not.

Just to give you an example, Vladimir Putin is considered to be a right-winger, and his party United Russia advocates a politics called Russian Conservatism. Looking at the party’s platform, this is not only a conservatism that I could live with but one I might even vote for!

Conservatives in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and most other places in Asia are acceptable. The conservatives in the Stans, Georgia, Ukraine, and Armenia can be rather awful, particularly in the nationalist sense, but I will not ban them.

I dislike Indian conservatives, but I will not ban them.

Conservatives from the Muslim World are all acceptable. In the Muslim World, conservatism just means religious and sometimes nationalist. I can live with that. Even the ones in Iran are orders of magnitude better than the US type.

Conservatives in the Arab World are acceptable. They are mostly just religious people.

Turkish conservatives are awful, but I will not ban them. They are just religious and a particularly awful type of nationalist.

African conservatives are OK.

Conservatives in Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany,  the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Italy, the Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania are sometimes good, sometimes pretty bad, but they are all acceptable here. Conservatism in Europe mostly means nationalism. I am actually rather fond of the conservative running Hungary, Orban. LePen conservatives leave something to be desired, but they are acceptable. They’re mostly just nationalists. Hell, I might even vote for Marine LePen! If it was down to LePen versus Macron, I would absolutely support LePen!

Conservatives from Indonesia, Nepal and Philippines are not OK. These are an “everything for the rich elite, nothing for anybody else” type of conservative. Some of them even hide under the labels of Socialist or even Communist.

The word conservative has no real inherent meaning. It means whatever people say it means.

Anyway, the conservatives in the US are pure garbage and recently they have become out and out fascists after moving in that direction for a long time. And a particularly horrible type of fascist at that, a Latin American/Filipino/Indonesian style fascist. I will not allow any US conservatives to post on this board. You all are lucky I even let you lurk here. That’s an idle threat as I can’t ban lurkers, but if they all stopped lurking, I would not mind frankly.

You all really ought to go back to the gutters you crawled out of.

PS This especially applies to Libertarians, the very worst of all the US conservative vermin. We shoot Libertarians on sight here, so you better watch out.

*This applies only to economic conservatives. If you are not an economic conservative, and your conservatism is only of the social variety or you are only conservative on race, religion, guns, law and order, respect for tradition, American nationalism, the military, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity issues, you can stay. I’m not crazy about some social conservatives, but I can live with them. I will probably even let patriotards post as long as they are not economic conservatives.

I am an American nationalist myself. I just don’t like patriotards. Of course, I very much dislike and even hate the country as it is right now, but I sure don’t want to make it worse! I have to live here too you now, and it might as well be as pleasant as possible as long I stay here.

I want what’s best for my country. I don’t want to harm this country or screw it over. That will be bad for me! And believe it or not, most US patriotards do not want what is best for the country! I have dreams of a greater and better America. It’s not impossible, but we will have to undergo some serious cultural changes. One of the reasons I am so against illegal immigration is because it is ruining my country and making this place even worse. Also illegal immigration is terrible for US workers and I am for the workers. I am against H-1B visas for the same reason – they are wrecking my country. IT workers are workers too, so they are my comrades. I want what is best for America and American workers.

I cannot live with economic conservatives. I like cancer way more than I like US conservatives. Cancer is much more decent and respectable.


Filed under Africa, Armenia, Asia, Australia, Belgium, Britain, Cambodia, Conservatism, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Economics, Eurasia, Europe, Fake Guest Workers, Fascism, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Illegal, Immigration, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Islam, Italy, Japan, Labor, Latin America, Left, Libertarianism, Marxism, Middle East, Nationalism, NE Asia, Near East, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Political Science, Portugal, Regional, Religion, Romania, Russia, SE Asia, South Asia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, USA

Explain My Enemies’ Criticism of Me Here

See if you can understand how their criticism of the post below me even makes sense.

First, the post:

Rightwing economics is a marker for White racism. Where you find rightwing economics, you often but not always find White racism. Sure, a lot of economic leftwingers are soft racists, but the more rightwing the person’s economics, the more they move out of the softer stuff into the harder stuff. Similarly, the more economically left the person is, the less racist they are. You could almost plot these things on a chart!

White racism is a marker for rightwing economics. Where you find White racism, you nearly always, 95%+ of the time, find rightwing economics.

I recently spent some time on Chimpout, one of the funniest racist sites on the Internet. If I’m in a nasty mood, it’s funny, but if I’m in a Black-sympathetic mood or guilty mood (like “Wow I am really a terrible person for being at this awful, mean, racist website), most of the humor just bombs on me.

My latest excursion was instructive. I read through a thread stretching 100’s of pages. Every single American on there was a virulent anti-Black racist, as that’s all they will allow on the site. And every single one of those virulently anti-Black Americans was a conservative who voted Republican.

Over and over, they equated liberals with niggers* and nigger-lovers. The Democratic Party is the Party of the Niggers and the Nigger-loving Liberals. Endlessly, posters openly stated that the Republican Party is the party to support if you hate niggers. I don’t think I saw one person voting Democratic in that entire thread.

So almost 100% of serious White racists are voting Republican or some other rightwing party and supporting some kind of rightwing economics.

We see this even among Blacks, where there are now some race realist Blacks out there. Some are even socking it to their own kind, calling them genetically inferior. Once again, all of these Blacks are Black conservatives or Black Republicans. Some are Black Libertarians. Once again, it seems to be a marker. The more race realist the Black is, the more they support rightwing economics. It’s a dose-effect response that you could almost plot on a curve, just like with Whites.

*They don’t allow the use of “Black” or other terms for African-Americans on Chimpout. You are only allowed to call them “niggers.” Violation results in a ban. Damn that’s funny as Hell! If you refuse to call Black people niggers, we will ban you! LOL! Such funny fellows. Mean as snakes, but damn is that funny.

Next, their dumbass criticism, which makes no sense at all.

The Vosgian Beast posted:

Someone linked this guy earlier in the thread, and wow, what a brilliant visionary…/beta-uprising/

Study after study… which I won’t link

EDIT: Also in regards to the Kierkegaard thing…and-vice-versa/

This reeks of “I compartmentalize minorities between Good Ones and Bad Ones (aka Uppity ones)

Goon Danton: It reeks of something, I’ll grant you that much.


I recently spent some time on Chimpout, one of the funniest racist sites on the Internet. If I’m in a nasty mood, it’s funny, but if I’m in a Black-sympathetic mood, most of the humor just bombs on me.

Isn’t that a retarded criticism? Read the article. The article notes that racism almost always links up with rightwing economics, politics and voting Republican, whereas racists almost to a man feel that voting Democrat is voting for the niggers and the nigger lovers. Even among Blacks, as they get more and more race realist or even racist against their own kind, they all start going Republican or Libertarian.

Ok this SJW turd just said that my post above which links racism to rightwing economics and politics is “diving minorities up into good ones and bad or uppity ones.” Can anyone see how on Earth I am saying that?

Anyway, I don’t care about uppity Blacks or uppity niggers or whatever you want to call them. MLK is one of my heroes. I even love Malcolm X (post renunciation of anti-White racism). There is even some love in me for the early Black Panthers. In fact, I rather like the Panthers to this very day. Huey Newton was an all right guy. Eldridge Cleaver was a bastard but he moved to North Africa and turned into a good man, so as a Christian, I forgive him. I loved Obama being the first Black president and cried when he got elected. I voted for him twice. My only beef with him is that he’s too rightwing. I really like that advisor of his, Van Jones.

My heroes are Malcolm X, Huey Newton, the Panthers, Malcolm X and Barack Obama, yet I am a vicious anti-Black racist? How does that even make sense?

Uppity Blacks are fine with me. Black people ought to be uppity. All people ought to have pride and dignity and refuse to grovel before others. I don’t see how the post above divides Blacks into good obedient Blacks and bad or uppity Blacks. I’m not getting it. My critics are all insane.

The next clown is a typical no-fun liberal. I’m evil because I went to a racist website. It is a racist humor website albeit with a vicious undercurrent.

I committed the ultimate sin of laughing at some of those jokes because, damn, they were so bloody funny! So I am a bad, evil, low-life, dirty racist scum of a human, a KKK White Supremacist White Nationalist Nazi because I laughed at some racist humor written by some nasty people.

Does that make me an evil racist? If I laugh at a racist joke, am I the same as Davide Duke, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin? We’re all the same. We all want to hang them niggers and gas those damn kikes. No sense of nuance. These people truly earn the appellation of libtards.

So these are the SJW’s. This is the Left. This is liberalism. This is why almost everyone on the Left hates my guts and insists I am not on the Left and instead I am a far Rightist.

I just got banned from (((Daily Kos))). It was one of my favorite sites but once I started posting, they banned me right off. Every one of those liberal Democrat losers on there has swallowed every dram of that idiotic Assad Chemical Weapons Attack story. This is so obviously Iraqi WMD’s all over again, with the same, ahem, (((people))) that promoted the last lie now shamefully promoting this lie too. Some liberal Democrat loser wrote about how eeeeeevil AssadPutin or PutinAssad, I forget which, dropped chemical weapons on babies. Then he threw in some oh-so-liberal McCarthyite Cold War barbs at the Font of Evil called Russia.

I think I wrote a comment asking him if the capital of his country was Washington DC or Tel Aviv. It was immediately flagged as anti-Semitism (except it was anti-Israelism, not anti-Semitism), and I was permanently banned almost instantly. You just can’t say one peep about ahem (((certain people))) on there. After all, why do you think it’s called (((Daily Kos))) in the first place?

This is pretty typical. Most liberal to Left sites have either banned me or have made bans on posting to me. I was getting a lot of hits from uber-liberal Reddit until they starting flipping on my content and said Reddit should stop linking to me. My hits from Reddit crashed.

I know I said we should ally with SJW’s against Trump but the problem is that I want to kill 95% of SJW’s with my bare hands. They seem to feel the same way
about me.

Stark, Rabbit and Ryan England had a radio show in which they discussed my proposal.

Rabbit said, “Look, no matter how hard Lindsay tries to suck up to these people and say he’s not be racist and whatnot, they will always hate him, and they never accept him or stop calling him racist. Lindsay can’t win with these folks.”

Sadly I think he is onto something. I should link to that podcast.

So we want to murder each other on sight with our bare hands, and yet we are going to form this great alliance. I don’t think so.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Blacks, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Democrats, Economics, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Political Science, Politics, Race Realism, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Republicans, Scum, US Politics, White Nationalism, White Racism, Whites

Two Main (((Political Parties))) in the US

There are two main political parties in the US. Problem is there is not a huge difference between them because they both have the same word in the first word of the name of their party.

The Jewish Democratic Party of the United States: Represents 2% of the population and their supporters among the other 98%. Ignores all other humans in America. This party is Jewed to the hilt from top to bottom, east to west, liberal to conservative. It’s all Jewish, all the time. Forget everyone else. (((Hillary Clinton))) is a sabbos goy who has been making her second home in Tel Aviv for decades now. She’s a first class traitor, an Israeli agent of influence in the United States. Bernie Goldberg, although Jewish, is probably less pro-Israel than (((Clinton))), although Bernie’s foreign policy has always been pretty horrific. Bernie was great on domestic policy. His foreign policy was always Full Speed Ahead US Imperialism. Everything for the Empire, nothing for anybody else. Bernie is what they used to call a Cold War Liberal.

The Jewish Republican Party of the United States: Represents 2% of the population and their supporters among the other 98%. Ignores all other humans in America. Typically the Democratic Party was the more Jewish party, but with the rise of Donald Trump, whose name is really de facto (((Donald Trump))). Mr. (((Trump))) is obviously the most Jewed President we have ever had in this country. No one else even remotely compares. (((Mr. Trump))) should just get it over with and convert already. The rest of his family has, why not (((Donald?))) What is laughable is that every anti-Semite in the US wildly supported the most unbelievably Jewed president we ever had. Hilarious. You Nazi idiots got played! You clowns thought you were voting for Donald Hitler but instead you got (((Donald Ben-Gurion))).

Well-played. Gotta hand it to the Jews. They played this scam very well. LOL @ US Nazis supporting a fanatically Judeophilic candidate for President.

There are other small parties in the US:

The Libertarian Party of the United States: Not sure who they really represent, but it isn’t one single pissant little self-important ethnic group, that’s for sure. Claims they are for everyone, but that doesn’t count the 10’s of millions of Americans they cheer as they die in the gutter. It’s hard to argue that Libertarians are for the people they will be murdering.

The Green Party of the United States: Presidential candidate Jill Stein was Jewish biologically but not in her objective outlook. Instead of being one who dwells alone in the wilderness with the other voluntary castouts, she had chosen to be 100% American and Jewish second or tenth or maybe not at all. She’s not for Israel, and we don’t care about Jews outside of the Israeli question. The Greens represents a broad swath of the population, probably the majority. Problem is they are so far Left that even I am afraid to vote for them.

So here we run into the curious situation where the two “Gentiles” (((Donald Trump))) and (((Hilary Clinton))) are much more Jewified or Jewed than the two actual Jews, Sanders and Stein, who are more for the people at large and not just their own ethnic group. As you can see, I am not even bracketing Stein and Sanders because they are far less Jewified than the “Gentiles” (((Clinton))) or (((Trump))).

In America, most anyone of any religion or ethnicity, Jewish or Gentile, can be Jewed, Jewified, Judaized, etc. because being “Jewed” is more of a way of thinking than an actual biological entity rooted in genetics or faith.

In America, being “Jewish” is simply a mindset available to any American narrow-minded enough take up that philosophy. And in the US, many “actual Jews” are not very “Jewified”.  Instead they have left the Tribe in a sense, moved off the plantation to the land of the free thinkers where they have become pan-humanists who work for humanity to strive onward and upward, carrying the torch and lighting the darkness in eternal progress towards the endless task of the betterment of mankind, whereas Jewified people are for just some shitty little country, and they don’t care much about anyone else.

Please try to understand this definition of the word “Jewish” because I am not using it in the typical or dictionary sense but instead as a code word for an abstract intellectual argument.


Filed under Conservatism, Democrats, Imperialism, Jews, Left, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Republicans, The Jewish Question, US Politics, USA