Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

Catholic Communism: The Story of the Catholic Left in Europe

The link between Catholicism and the Left has been ongoing for some time now. In Eastern Europe, especially in Czechoslovakia, Catholic Communists were common enough to form an actual movement. Obviously there were Catholic Communists in Spain and particularly in the Basque Country. The ETA was virtually a Catholic Communist revolutionary movement. The armed Left, especially the Communists, started killing priests in the Spanish Civil War. Although burning churches has been an odd tradition in Spain for a good century now, the actual killing of priests did not go over well. Of course the same could be said of the great IRA in Ireland, most of whom were Catholics.

In Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania, unfortunately, the Catholics were virulently anti-Communist for whatever reason. The Communists under Stalin brutally repressed the church, killing many priests and lay workers. In Poland and Ukraine, Catholicism got wrapped up in an anti-Communism in a horrible way. One of the main beefs against Communism particularly in Poland was that the Communists were not only anti-nationalists but mostly that they were anti-Catholic. At any rate, Catholicism and nationalism are so wrapped together in Poland that one can hardly see where one ends and the other begins.

Nevertheless, most of the virulent Polish nationalist Catholic anti-Communist were committed socialists. However, many of these folks who were often also anti-Semites as these Poles linked Communism with Jews. Anti-Semitism in Poland is as old as dirt. Yitzhak Rabin once noted that Poles learn their anti-Semitism at their mother’s breast – it’s that deeply rooted in the culture. There was a nationalist rally in Poland recently that drew a huge crowd of 50,000. One of the things that they demanded was a Judenfrei Poland. The problem is that there are probably no more than 4,000 Jews in Poland to this day. One wonders what evil effects such a tiny community could have on the national body politic, yet this shows you the intensity and paranoia of Polish antisemitism.

In Eastern Europe, there is a big difference between a socialist and a Communist. Almost everyone you meet in Eastern Europe is a socialist or practically one, although Poland is particularly pathetic in this regard, a sorry habit in light of the centuries of abuse the reactionary feudal lords committed against the 95% serf Poles for centuries. The Polish ruling class is still feudal in nature and has changed little since the days of the lords of the land. It also has deep ties to a deeply conservative Polish army, which has always had strong links to the feudal royal ruling classes.

It is a little told story, but when Communism first came to Poland, it was quite popular, particularly among the downtrodden peasants. It was also very popular among the urban proletariat and to some extent among intellectuals. But the brutality of the Polish Communists working in the model of Stalin quickly doomed the project. The Polish Communists were hoist on their own petard. Even Stalin recognized the futility of the project. “Imposing Communism on the Poles,” Stalin said, “Was like trying to put a saddle on a cow.” Basically doomed from Day one.

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Filed under Anti-Semitism, Catholicism, Christianity, Czechoslovakia, Economics, Europe, Ireland, Left, Lithuania, Marxism, Nationalism, Poland, Political Science, Racism, Regional, Religion, Socialism, Spain, Ukraine, USSR

Jews and the Hollywood Sleazeathon

This whole sordid episode of the unfolding of mass Hollywood sleaze among heavily-Jewish Hollywood and media men is interesting. And yes, they are heavily Jewish. I counted up recently and 41% of the 21 men accused (nine out of 21) recently were Jews. Of course, Gentile men are complete pigs too, but this does seem to cement the conservative stereotype of Hollywood Jewish men as depraved, secular, liberal Jews.

Back in the 1950’s, Hollywood and acting was considered to be seedy business and as such, many Christian Gentiles thought it was too sleazy to get involved in. Jews apparently not being encumbered by such moral anchors, moved readily into the business. This is the Jewish argument – that a number of fields that Gentiles avoided due to being seen as sleazy or morally tainted quickly became filled with Jews. Banking being one example.

Also Jews had already captured Hollywood in an actual conspiracy from 1900-1920.  Five Jews from Galicia ended up controlling most of the industry. The conspiracy was hatched at a time when Jews were very tribal and were frankly a menace. They took over Hollywood and the newspaper media at this time. This efforts were funded by some wealthy Jews mostly out of New York. They also made runs on Wall Street and commercial banking.

Both of these were stopped because Gentiles were quite anti-Semitic in those days, and anti-Semitism was  both highly adaptive and necessary against Jews waging ethnic warfare against other groups. Word got out among Gentiles that the Jews were making runs on Wall Street and the Gentiles simply stopped selling seats to Jews. Of course the Jews had long ago stopped selling their seats to Gentiles. So the run was stopped, but Wall Street now is quite Jewish. Quite Jewish is not the same thing as being run by Jews. Wall Street is not run by the Jews the same way that Hollywood and the media are. Wall Street is full of Gentiles, mostly White men.

Later on, the Jews made runs on banking in the US. Once again, anti-Semitic Gentiles blew the whistle on them and simply stopped selling banks to Jews. The Jews were unable to get very far in US commercial banking, so Jews have never run the banks in the US the way they did in Europe for a long time. However, the Jews were able to make a significant penetration of financial banking before they were stopped once again by alarmed anti-Semitic Gentiles. Jews are much less tribal nowadays, which is good for them and us. Tribal Jews cause anti-Semitism like night follows day. Nevertheless, the remains of their earlier tribal forays can be seen to this day.

All of these episodes were laid out immaculately in Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent and later in The International Jew, which is actually not a bad book. I also do not consider it be more anti-Semitic than it needed to be. He opposed  pogroms will all of his force and mostly the book was a plea for Jews to stop being so tribal and work together with Gentiles. “Come, Jews! Join us Gentiles and together we will build a great America!” He says at one point. Ford comes across as more exasperated than anything else. Of course the paper and the book are now tagged as evil anti-Semitic publications. Be that as it may, I have read the book and a lot of back issues of the paper and I concluded that much of what Ford said was simply true. The tone of the paper was cynical and exasperated too.

For the crime of telling the truth and exhorting Jews to give up their vicious ethnic warfare and work to build a better country (“Jews! Stop being Jews, and start being Americans!” he exhorts at one time.) the Jews tried to kill Ford. There was an attempt to murder him by running him off the road on a country lane in the 1930’s. It was widely thought that Jews were behind the murder attempt.

This shows you that when Jews are viciously tribal, Gentiles absolutely must become anti-Semitic in order to stop their conspiracies and schemes. If Gentiles don’t organize to stop the Jewish plots, the Jews will take over most of your country and economy. So in that sense, anti-Semitism is not just adaptive but also necessary. Of course, as Jews get less tribal, anti-Semitism becomes a lot less important down to where it is probably not necessary anymore.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, California, Cinema, Conspiracies, Europe, History, Jews, Journalism, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, The Jewish Question, US, USA, West

Alt Left: Happy October Everyone!

This October was the 100th anniversary of one of the greatest moments of the 20th Century – the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in October, 1917. I recently rewatched the movie Reds. If you want to know what really happened at this time in Russia, you ought to watch that movie. There had been an election and the Mensheviks or Social Democrats had won. The Bolsheviks also took part, but they did not gain a majority. Despite antisemites ranting about how Jews caused Communism in Russia, in this election in 1917, 70% of Russian Jews voted for a Zionist party that was running at the time. So the vast majority of Russian Jews did not support the Bolsheviks (or even the other socialist parties for that ). So much for “Jewish Communism.”

Yes, Trotsky was a Jew, but he was a secular atheist Jew. He actually refused to identify as Jewish and said instead that his ethnicity was world proletarian. Lenin was 1/4 Jewish, but a lot of  people have a bit of Jew in them and it doesn’t make them Jewish. In Germany they have a saying, “There’s a little bit of Jew in every German.” This was actually such a problem in the Nazi era that they had to make all sorts of strict rules about who was a Jew. Nevertheless, ~150,000 half-Jews (not considered Jewish by the Nazis) not only served in the Wehrmacht but were actually members of the genocidally antisemitic SS!

There were a number of Jews heading the revolution but as you can see they did not even have the support of the majority of Russian Jews, or at least did not have that support in the earlier election. And there were as many Latvians of all people leading the revolution as Jews.

The Bolsheviks actually seized power by force. They had the help of masses of demobbed soldiers, home from the Front where they were running out of food, clothing, ammunition, everything. To say they were disenchanted would be an understatement. Rallies were being held all over Moscow and Saint Petersburg. These rallies were often joined by large numbers of industrial workers who also helped take part in the coup. So it was not a democratic takeover. It was actually a putschist regime. However,  I would say that they had huge and possibly even majority support at least when the Civil War got started. The Reds only won the Civil War because huge numbers of peasants went over to their side.

The Bolshevik Revolution was both good and bad. I agree that there were some bad things about it. I am appalled at how Lenin’s Cheka started murdering people very early on. An early Bolshevik, a Jew at that, was an attorney. After a prominent contra had been arrested, he visited the man in jail and then went to Lenin and asked what his plans were for the man.

The attorney, who worked for the Bolsheviks, thought the man would be granted the protections of the rule of law.  He was shocked when Lenin was outraged that the attorney thought that the man deserved such protections in the first place. Lenin said the man, along with all of the rest of the contras, should be executed. This was a Revolution! It was time for revolutionary justice. There was no time for the niceties of the rule of law and so forth. The attorney was stunned at Lenin’s brutality.

The Cheka executed a number of people in the early days by firing squad. Anti-Communist kooks give very high figures in the hundreds of thousands (including 50,000 Orthodox priests) but that cannot be correct. Instead a better figure may be ~4,000 executions.

While I am not happy at all with the brutal turn of the Revolution, I think there were some good things about the Russian Revolution. It definitely changed the course of history and humanity has not been the same since. It was surely one of the great events of the 20th Century.

I think most Alt Leftists, at least those on the Leftist (not the liberal) wing of the movement, would find at some positive things about the Russian Revolution. It is part of our heritage on the Left, for better or for worse.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Eurasia, Europe, Germany, History, Jews, Left, Marxism, Modern, Nazism, Political Science, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Revolution, Russia, Zionism

Alt Left: The Biggest Lie of Them All: Antisemites Hate Jews Because They Are Trailer Park-Dwelling Whites Who Blame Jews for Their Failures in Life

Hood: (Along with a lot of other pro-Jewish self-serving nonsense) – You do read comments by Dixie posters like Jess blaming Jews for everything from acid indigestion to the economy.

Along with most of Hood’s other self-serving comments (Hood is 1/8 Jewish, so perplexingly he takes a reflexively philosemitic “Jews can do no wrong” stance to everything) this is part of his typical line against antisemites. Antisemites are often not very nice people and the philosophy at its harder core is very cruel, but Hood’s explanation of it is just wrong.

This is the typical lie about most antisemites. Now, I am not saying that antisemites are wonderful people. Antisemites are definitely not good for the Jews, that’s for sure. And I consider them rather lowly human beings on the moral scale. But in Late Capitalism, morally lowly human beings are as common as weeds, since moral lowness is very useful for succeeding in our ultra-capitalist society.

Antisemitism is a very complex phenomenon and even most Jews don’t get it, falling back on the usual self-serving lies the Jews made up to make themselves feel better about so many people hating them.

In my own life, most of the antisemites that I met were former philosemites with a great deal of exposure to Jews who at some point met one too many stereotypical “nasty, ugly, belligerent Jews” and then finally broke with philosemitism and became antisemites.

The rest are simply White Supremacists whose antisemitism is all wrapped around their White Supremacism as they see Jews as waging a war against the White Race.

You are doing the Basic Jew Thing of saying all antisemites are redneck losers blaming Jews for their failures in life. It’s all crap, I assure you. I have known many antisemites, and almost none of them are like that.

However, many antisemites are indeed Southern racists. Unless you want to make a claim that Southern racists blame Jews for their failures, your argument will not hold up. Southern racists are just racists. Mostly they hate Blacks. They associate Jews as Black enablers and nigger lovers. Their argument is that Jews are trying to destroy the White race. It’s a racial and racist argument based on this notion that Jews hate Whites and want to wipe out the White race due to this hatred.

That’s all it is. It has nothing to do with success or failure or any of that crap. It is simply an outgrowth of mostly anti-Black White racism. These people are White Supremacists. White Supremacists are just ordinary Whites. I am shocked at how many of them are successful moneywise. Many are from the South.

Until you analyze anti-Semitism as deriving purely from White racism you will never understand it.

Anti-Semitism in the US traditionally was huge among rich WASP’s. My mother grew up among these types, and she has always told me that they don’t like Jews.

The whole “White losers blame Jews for their failures” is a crap line made up by…guess who? Jews! Gee, I wonder why they made up that lie? Could it be to make the Jews look better?

People dislike Jews for all sorts of reasons, but hating Jews for failing in life is not a common reason. If that’s your only analysis of antisemitism, then you do not understand the phenomenon well. I absolutely hate the Jews who run that Roth Antisemitism Research Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel, but even they would scoff at Hood’s pro-Jewish self-serving line.

Antisemitism is an extremely complex phenomenon. Of course the Roth Center gets it wrong a lot in a lot of ways, but some of the finest researchers on antisemitism have always been Jews. You need to go beyond the usual bellowing gatekeepers (antisemitism is a mystical phenomenon that is inherently irrational like psychosis and cannot be explained in rational terms is just one of their lies) to get at the Jews who have really tried to get a handle on this. And actually, some of the finest and most brilliant researchers into antisemitism have always been Jews.

Check out Simone Weil for starters. Then on to Goldberg and Linemann. Israel Shamir and Gilad Atzmon are fine with a heavy dose of caution.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Blacks, Jews, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, South, USA, White Racism, Whites

Polish Political Scientist on the Alt Left

This is a very important article, the first review of the Alt Left ever written by an actual expert on politics, in this case a Political Science professor. The only problem is that he lives in Poland and he wrote this article in Polish! He seems to support the Alt Left. He discusses both me and Rabbit, but most of the focus is on me. And why not? I am the one who started this whole mess after all.

Here it is translated in the best translation I could do.


Dr Hab. Jarosław Tomasiewicz


For a decade I have criticized the Polish Left for intellectual impotence expressed in the mindless import of foreign designs. CTRL + C, CRTL + V. It is such a vicious circle: the peculiar combination of geopolitical, historical, socioeconomic and cultural factors has left the Left in Poland (aside from some historical exceptions) a lone minority.

The feeling of isolation meant that the Left waited for outside help (“Moscow yesterday, today Brussels”); elevating “brotherly international solidarity” instead of concentrating on the workers at home deepened the alienation of the Left. Where, a hundred years ago, the Left flourished intellectually (Brzozowski, Abramowski, Luxembourg, Kelles-Krauz, Machajski, Hempel – and many, many others), nowadays, after decades of importing foreign ideas and attempting to implant them in Polish culture, the Polish Left has become intellectually sterile. Bringing the Polish Left to the role of translator of external trends, I see not only me – a “very strange figure” as one of the leftwing editors once called me – but also the Left-leaning generals.

But there is no need to repeat myself as my position on this is well-known. On the contrary – I will criticize the Native Left of the Vistula Backwater for remaining unaware of the latest cutting edge Left political programs from our brethren born in the homeland of the World Creative Class, that is, America.

This latest development followed this pattern:

In recent years, the Hipster Left, now pretending to be a Radical Left, has sunk in the warm sun of a Liberal Mainstream now dominated by the geopolitical system. It was safe to fight for progress behind the back of the liberal state – obviously not to seek any pure utopia ostensibly criticized for “errors and distortions”, but it was still considered less evil than the menace of populism.

The Left was kept in check by the “enlightened absolutism” of the European Union and America reasserting itself as as the keystone of the global order under the leadership of  the benign Uncle Barack. In this way, a phenomenon characteristic of the final days of empires emerged.

First, the Imperialist Left who finance social reforms in the metropolis of the First World profited from the Developed World’s hegemonic oppression of the periphery – the people in the Third World – and therefore was interested in maintaining the existing oppressive geopolitical order This situation was described well by Bernard Semmel.

Next, the toothless Mainstream Right, centered on maximizing corporate profits, could still attempt to launch a Cultural War but was instead generally pushed into a deeply defensive position due to the increasing domination of culture by the Cultural Left.

Finally, the Far Right was more interested in their hysterical, sensationalist, and conspiratorial media than in the real world .

Until one day a Demon returned from the the past.

An “Alt Right” appeared on the scene. “The Alternative Right”: alternative to the Mainstream Right. The phenomenon is otherwise uneven. This is not a reactionary neoliberal/neoconservative New Right whose last expression was the Tea Party. Alt Right is the rebirth of the hard-core “Old Right” – ethnopolitical, traditionalist, populist – in new postmodernist forms. A unique return to the roots. And it was the Alt Rightists who managed to beat the mainstream left in its own field: to win the support of the workers using non-cultural terms (Thomas Frank was a bit outdated) and economics. Workers from the Core Belt backed protectionism against globalism.

For the Left, who has already forgotten the anti-imperialism that once characterized it, this is a geopolitical earthquake like a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles. Suddenly there was no point of support, no reference point. The Left must find himself given the reality of this new situation. We need self-criticism, reorientation, and re-evaluation. Answer the question: What is to be done? The most popular answer is: What we have always done, only moreso. Purge the ranks, dig in their positions.

This is a bourgeois reaction frightened by the status quo. The bureaucracies of the safe zones become the universities and the liberal self-governments of the big cities. Rolling Stone Magazine describes the formation of the anti-Trump coalition . There will be pro-immigrant groups, environmentalists, feminists, sexual minorities, gun control advocates, and  interestingly, “true conservatives” (the neoconservatives) who are reluctant to support Trump. Did I miss anyone? Did you notice? One group I failed to mention is the unions. It seems that the Left has insulted the workers. Instead of Democrats meeting with union leaders, Trump meets with them.

However, not all American Leftists are carnal cult members, confident that the repetition of certain rituals will provide them with prosperity. Some believe that the challenge of Alt-Right requires a symmetrical response: to create an alternative to the Left mainstream harkening back to the forgotten foundations of the left. Opponents see the emergence of the Alt-Left phenomenon as a new embodiment of the alliance of extremes, “the place where Pat Buchanan meets Ralph Nader, ” although Alt-Leftists reject any form of cooperation with actual fascists, hardcore racists, and obsessive and conspiratorial anti-Semites. Proponents argue that this is a de facto return to the tradition of the Old Left – “the Left as it was from the Second World War to the counter-culture of the 1960’s.”

This implies first and foremost, the primacy of economics over culture, the primordial basis of superstructure, and a return to the Marxian thesis that “being forms consciousness.” Contempt for the poor and losers in capitalist society is condemned as one of the worst sins of all.

“We will be Left on economic matters [but] more Centrist on culture,” wrote Robert Lindsay, a leading Alt Left thinker.

This approach puts the Alt Left in opposition to both technocratic social democrats that have long since taken up neoliberalism while abandoning the working class on the Right and the “Cultural Left” on the other side of the political spectrum. The Alt-Left sees the Right as simply “traitors to the working class – our class enemies,” according to Lindsay. But it is towards the second group, which the Alt-Left sees as “rootless cosmopolitans,” that the Alt-Left devotes most of its polemical fervor.

Alt Left tolerates the Cultural Left as long as they are relatively quiet about their antagonizing views. The Cultural Left is criticized not for the legitimacy or direction of cultural change but rather for its extremism.

Lindsay writes:

Gay Rights – yes! Gay politics – no! Support and tolerance for biological homosexuals to live their lives as they wish in freedom and happiness. On the other hand, homosexuality should not be exalted or promoted […].

Women’s rights – yes! Women’s politics – no! The Alternative Left supports equity feminism while rejecting  the gender feminism of radical feminists who hate men.

According to Alt-Leftists, the “Identity Politics” promoted by the Cultural Left led to the replacement of class struggle with racial and/or sexual conflict. In this view, White people were evil…and anyone who was not White was automatically a saint. This meant not only that all Whites were part of a racist class but that they also all shared collective responsibility and guilt. Let us note that while class membership can be changed relatively easily, race or gender cannot, which makes any antagonism engendered by race or gender insurmountable.

Another aspect of the Alternative Left is internationalism, but here it is understood as anti-imperialism instead of cosmopolitanism. Lindsay emphasizes that the desire of people to have a national, ethnic or religious identity should be seen as a right that can not be interfered with. The result is an acceptance of  the multiculturalism of immigrants in the first generation but the promotion of assimilation in the next. On the one hand, extreme patriotism and Western imperialism are also criticized –  the Alt Left even singles out Bernie Sanders, as as a “Cold War liberal”. On the other hand, the view that “the West is pure evil” is rejected. The Alt Left detaches itself from both anti-Semitism and Radical Zionism, accepting anti-Zionists but also moderate Zionists.

The American Alt Left has been around for only little over one year (the site appeared in November 2015), and is a small movement made up of a number of different strands or wings.

One of Lindsay’s followers wrote:

Unfortunately, Alt Left attracts a wide variety of weird people, and each one has their own clichéd ideas for what Alt Left should be.

Well, beginnings are always difficult.

Should Poles mimic the Alt Left? No. It is enough to return to our native traditions, a matter-of-fact, homegrown analysis of reality – simply common sense. Swallows can be seen.

Dr Hab. Jarosław Tomasiewicz,.born in 1962, is a political scientist and researcher at the Institute of History of the University of Silesia, a journalist, and an author of a number of books in recent years, Terrorism against Political Violence: An Encyclopedic Outline (2000), Between Fascism and Anarchism: New Ideas for a New Era (2000), New National Democratic Party Groups in the Third Republic (2003), Evil in the Name of Good: The Phenomenon of Political Violence (2009) and National Revolution: The Nationalist Ideas of Social Revolution in the Second Republic (2012), as well as many magazine, newspaper and journal articles. He is a regular contributor to The New Citizen.

New Citizen 13
Publisher: Association of Citizens


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Capitalism, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Democrats, Economics, Europe, Geopolitics, Immigration, Imperialism, Internationalism, Labor, Left, Liberalism, Nationalism, Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Obama, Poland, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Republicans, US Politics, USA, Vanity, Whites

Official Response to Trump’s Remarks on the AltLeft

Very nice response by Rabbit to Trump’s idiotic comments on the Alt Left.

There are two Alt Lefts.

The first Alt Left is a fake Alt Left because it is a slur invented by the enemy (the Republican Right) in an attempt to libel the Left by claiming that people who want single payer health care are the same as Nazis! Lately it has been more used against Antifa types, but even there, it is misplaced. When used in this way, it says that anti-Nazis are just as bad as Nazis! Sound right to you? Nah.

Furthermore, the Alt Left moniker is rejected by the very people who it tagged. The entire SJW Left and especially the Antifa completely reject the term Alt Left as a slur. So Alt Left is a term like libtards, Leftards, pinkos, or moonbats used against the Left by the Right. Or when we on the Left refer to the Right as Rethuglicans, Rethugs, Trumpsters, Cum Trumpsters, or wingnuts. All of these terms are unacceptable because they are slurs made up by one side to describe the other side and these terms are rejected by the people they are said to describe.

So there is no Alt Left in the sense that the Right is using the term. Furthermore the use of the term in this way must be rejected by everyone on the Left.

On the other hand, there is indeed a real Alt Left. Just as Richard Spencer and Paul Gottleib coined the term Alt Right and more or less started the movement, I coined the term Alternative Left or Alt Left and also more or less started that movement. There is a post of mine called A Proposal for an Alternative Left a few years back that is, I believe, the first actual mention of the terms Alternative Left or Alt Left.

The movement sort of sat there and floundered for a while, and after a bit, Rabbit signed on board. Ryan England was also an early Alt Leftist as was Lord Keynes, although he split off into a somewhat different movement called the Realist Left. Another early Alt Leftist was an Israeli named Nicholas Kaldor. All of these people are still very important thinkers who are all Alt Left in some way or other. In recent days, Keynes and Kaldor have become more associated with an Alt Left split called the Realist Left. I would argue that the Realist Left is under the Alt Left umbrella.

Since then, quite a few Alt Left groups have appeared on Facebook, and as soon as the movement gained some traction, it quickly split into ~12 different factions at the very least, following the pattern of every leftwing group since Marx. I officially renounced some of them, to not much a avail. There are now still at least 12 factions, and there may be even more than that.

There are all sorts of Alt Left Facebook groups, but I have nothing to do with most of them. Rabbit and I have both almost completely lost control of the movement we helped found, which is quite all right. After, you cannot copyright or patent a movement. Movements often take off in radically different directions than those of their founders. The Alt Left, if it even becomes an actual thing, will develop into and take the positions of whatever those people want it to take. The members of the Alt Left will be the authors of their own movement, but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with it.

I recently visited the largest Alt Left group on Facebook and was appalled at what I saw. I made a post denouncing most all of them and said I was renouncing them and what they stood for. This caused a minor crisis, and I split off to form my own group called The Original Alternative Left. It’s still quite small, and it’s also more or less  inactive.

The large group had transitioned into something I no longer recognized. Most of the people in there were Trump supporters and most supported neoliberalism in economics. Right there, I would say they are not part of my movement. You can’t be Alt Left and support Trump except maybe on an accelerationist basis. You can’t support neoliberalism at all. Major dealbreaker, and you need to go away. If that’s how you feel about economics, the DNC is that-a-way. I am sure they can fix you up with a nice cushy job as a pro-corporate liberal .

Pro-corporate liberals have been running the party for some time, and they still do under the DNC leadership of Tom Perez. Although the party is now well split into Sanders and Hillary wings, the Hillary wings are still holding the ball and trying to run out the clock. The Sanders wing is very much playing defense as underdogs.

Rabbit has been a very controversial member of the Alt Left as his split is called “The Left Wing of the Alt Right.” However, that’s pretty much what the original Alt Left was. Like the Alt Light, we were originally aligned with the Alt Right (or at least used to read their websites), but we split with them due too many differences between them and us. Rabbit has some pretty racist feelings at times, and he has written some pretty racist stuff. Most of his recent postings have been racism-free though, and I honestly think he would rather talk about other things ,such as movies for instance. And Rabbit is one excellent movie critic. In my opinion, as much as the rest of the movement rejects him, I still think that Rabbit is one of the most important thinkers in our movement, and furthermore, he’s a fantastic writer to boot!

Further, Rabbit’s racism is attenuated by his liberalism, and Rabbit is absolutely a liberal on most everything but race, which describes quite a few Alt Lefties. Questioned about his racial views, Rabbit said that he did not with to harm non-Whites in the US in any, way, shape or form. Although he is a White Separatist at heart, he doesn’t want to displace or ethnically cleanse anyone. He has stated that he wants to go to some part of the globe where almost nobody lives and set up a white state there. Like Patagonia, Antarctica or even the moon. You might say he’s thinking long-term.

So as you can see, his liberalism attenuates his racism quite a bit. As long as you are a real liberal, your racism is never going to get too extreme and is likely to stay “the White guy next door” variety of soft racism that is almost ubiquitous (and I would say harmless) in US society. Liberalism is like an antivenom for racism. I have racist feelings myself at times of course (How can any White person not?), but I find that as soon as I get going that way, my liberalism starts acting like white blood cells attacking an enemy or antigen, and I can never go far down that road. Further, racist feelings feel like an ill-fitting suit that one is always half-trying to throw off. As real as they might be, they don’t feel very good inside, and I am generally glad when they fade away. It’s not something I want to think about, and it’s not a way I want to feel.

Antiracism is a core belief of liberalism. Liberals who become highly racist (and some do) generally move away from the Left altogether and join the Right. That’s just how it works. Left-wingers who go antisemite (and some do) also tend to leave the Left and migrate over to the Right somewhere where antisemitism has a more friendly home.

Here is an early Alt Left post of mine that has often been called a manifesto of the Alt Left, and that is exactly the way I would describe it. Read it and see what you think of it.

Official Response to Trump’s Remarks on the AltLeft

by Rabbit

As many of you may well know, President Trump conducted a press conference earlier today in which he specifically made disparaging remarks about the AltLeft. Many of these statements were slanderous and well off the mark. No one that I know who is associated with the AltLeft (which by the way has existed for years) would ever support or engage in violence.

As anti-Alpha Male anti-heroes, we don’t care for brodozers and machismo and people who eat chips loudly. We like our testosterone bound to SHBG, not left unchecked where it is free to bind to receptor sites willy nilly or converted into its more potent forms.

I personally don’t even like to attack bugs. In fact, I once had a black widow spider web in my shower and continued to shower next to it for a year, leaving the web completely undisturbed.

Occasionally I would glance over at the spider, its red hour glass glistening through the steamy water droplets, and I would say “Hey bud. how’s it going?”

I have no empirical proof, but to this day I like to think we had an understanding.

The idea that we would attend rallies and assault people could not be further from the truth. I could not harm a fly. Speaking of insects, I was as shocked as anyone when in the 1958 version of the film “The Fly,” Vincent Price and the detective just stood there idly watching as Al Hedison was devoured by the spider. They made absolutely no effort to save him, despite his desperate cries for help. Militants? Violence? Yeah right. To paraphrase Mike Myers in Wayne’s World “I don’t even own a gun, let alone many guns, which would necessitate a gun rack.”

Trump’s comments are a slap in the face to anyone who believes that the less aggro elements of Antifa and the AltRight should combine forces to get Single Payer health care passed and a plan for student debt relief. They could focus their dual energies on dismantling the College Football Industrial Complex. Time to get rid of the obsession with national championships, ditch the needless playoffs and restore conference rivalries. Go back to naming bowl games strictly after fruits, plants and other commodities rather than mega-corporations.

If the AltRight and Antifa groups are to have skirmishes, they should take the form of squirt gun battles, their classic Super Soaker 50’s and translucent squirt guns filled not with bleach but with Hi-C, Tang and Capri Sun. Yeah that’s right, the red pill is for squares.

The AltLeft is all about the Orange Pill. That’s where instead of spending a bunch of your hard earned mooncoin to attend a rally in Podunk USA and get maced by strange-looking subhumans, you simply head on down to the food court at your local dying mall and order up an Orange Julius, quietly(!) slurping it while daydreaming about the cosmos and reminiscing about the Radio Shack you used to buy remote control cars from in the late 80’s, which has now been replaced by some kind of ethnic eyebrow-waxing place (thanks to both globalization and greed-induced corporate imperial overextension.)

Go ahead, call us chic nihilists, fedora nationalists, new suburbanists, retro futurists or snorters of Pixy Stix. We don’t care. Deep down, orange you glad we didn’t take the Black Pill or the Turquoise Pill or the Periwinkle Pill? You know you are.

By the way, as I’ve mentioned many times I’ve always disliked the pill analogy. The Matrix is a terrible movie. The camerawork practically gave me motion sickness, and the whole cheesy “he’s the one” thing made this cynical GenX’er roll his eyes while mentally barfing at the screen of this melodramatic spectacle. It was a total corn muffin, not a sci-fi movie that I cared for, that’s for sure. I hated the digital effects and didn’t even enjoy the overall ambianic aesthetic as much as that of Damnation Alley, which is really saying something.

Trump’s statements are also a violent assault on every intelligent, well-meaning, teal-haired White feminist beauty who works her ass off in retail and reluctantly complains about how Indian customers are disproportionately cheap and constantly demanding discounts and other free shit. Furthermore, Trump’s words betray every Xenu-fearing person who has been stuck in line at Starbucks behind someone who couldn’t just simply place a fucking order without asking questions about every item on the menu…the calories, the ingredients, the special requests, the whole shebang.

When Trump condemns the AltLeft, it’s an insult to every person who recognizes that Vegas Vacation is the superior film in the National Lampoon’s Vacation franchise, even though Ethan Embry became kind of an SJW. What is it with former child/teen stars becoming SJW’s anyway? I don’t care about Will Wheaton, as I never got into Star Trek. Tristine Skyler (whom I had a brief childhood crush on after seeing her in the film Kidco and who outshined Christian Slater in one of the best ABC Weekend Specials, The Haunted Mansion Mystery) was a little bit more disappointing. She went to Princeton though, so good for her.

I really don’t understand how any 70’s or 80’s kid could get more than superficially into social justice. Our childhoods were filled with grossly offensive things, (remember Cabbage Patch Preemies? like ewww wtf I love social justice now), and those same childhoods were radically unmatched in their total awesomeness. Anyhow, suffice to say that Trump’s presser was a personal affront to anybody who found Back to the Future III to be a lackluster finale to the trilogy. I’m not sure how many people that works out to be, but it’s more than a few. You know it’s true. What Trump said is mind-boggling for anyone who was inspired by Warren Beatty’s charismatic “Guy Named Porpoise” speech in the 1978 film Heaven Can Wait only to wonder why 40 years later nobody prioritizes these issues.

Trump’s criticism of the behavior of the AltLeft feels like knuckles to the creep to every laid-back Beatnik Fascist that doesn’t care much for blabbing the drab gab but rather chatters hep patter on twatter, if you catch my drift. Not everyone wants to take the long trip to Roman Salutesville, but if we decide to rig ourselves a little shindig vessel, what’s the harm in a few kicks? After all, we’re peace-loving moonboots, and you’re the tabby cat with the codes to the missiles.

Every Left Transhumanist who seeks bionic upgrades, mind uploading, immortality and the resurrection of wooly mammoths should be disturbed by Trump’s pontificatory declarations about the fabric of our being. Like Box in Logan’s Run , we are “more than machine, more than man, more than a fusion of the two. Don’t you agree? Wait for the winds. Then our birds sing. And the deep grottoes whisper our names.” Trump may have “one of the highest IQ’s,” but he’ll be no match for us after we transcend our earthly bags of bones and fuse our collective consciousnesses to refurbished Tandy 1000’s.

People always claim that Trump is playing 4D chess. His moves are so unpredictable and counter-intuitive, and yet you just know the only possible explanation is that it must be because he is 12 moves ahead of you. I know this because I myself have beaten a computer at chess several times on the “very easy” setting. We here on the AltLeft have our own preferred game though. It’s called Hungry Hungry Hippos, and we’re playing for our fair share of all the marbles.


Filed under Anti-Racism, Anti-Semitism, Cinema, Civil Rights, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Democrats, Economics, Fascism, Left, Liberalism, National Socialism, Neo-Nazism, Neoliberalism, Political Science, Politics, Pop Culture, Racism, Republicans, Sports, US Politics, Vanity, White Racism

Donald Trump – The Ultimate Jewish President

Trump is utterly unhinged.

He has already ordered several attacks on the Syrian military. There were several attacks on the Syrian military and some false flags under Obama but it seems they were done by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter without the president or his advisers knowing about it. It was a case of insubordination on the part of the US military. The President opposed attacks on Syria, so the CIA and the Defense Department went around him and ordered them anyway, later either saying they were accidentally or turning them into false flags and blaming the Russians.

He did that for a ((certain group of people)). Donald Trump is fanatically pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. Under Trump the Jews* have never had so much power and control over the US government. The US now is effectively completely controlled by the Jews* now for the first time in US history. In the past, they had partial control, but now the neoconservatives, the pro-Israelis and their Gentile supporters have got the US government by the balls worse than they ever have before.

It is important to note that the Jews have the support of vast swaths of the Gentile population in enabling neoconservative and pro-Israeli control of the government. The Jews are only 2% and they could never take over the government without the help of huge numbers of Gentiles. Donald Trump is an example of what happens when Jews take over your government. Very quickly there is huge military clash on your hands as the Jews attitude is “constant war against all non-Jews.” Hence, Jewish control is usually followed by wars or threats of wars. The stupidest thing Americans have ever done is let these psycho people get America by the balls.

What is completely insane is that almost 100% of the wildest antisemites in America are wildly rooting for the most Jewish president in the history of our country. Absolutely incredible.

Trump is the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president in the history of America.

* Note: The Jews refers to Jewish neoconservatives and strongly pro-Israeli Jews and the huge percentages of the Gentile population who support the neoconservative and pro-Israeli project. If you are a Jew who is opposed to neoconservatism or Israel-firster Jews, I am not talking about you.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Conservatism, Democrats, Eurasia, Government, Israel, Jews, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Obama, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Republicans, Russia, Syria, The Jewish Question, US Politics, USA, War

The Truth Is Anti-Semitic Part 73,759

Stupidity of the day.

Idiotic dumbass Jews freak out and scream anti-Semitism over harmless article that tells the truth about Jews and isn’t even anti-Jewish. In fact, it could be seen as pro-Jewish. The article basically said that the two highest paid BBC presenters were both Jewish women, and the author noted that this was probably due to the fact that Jewish presenters tended to drive a pretty hard bargain when it came to salary negotiations. Well, good for them!

Hell, everything’s anti-Semitic I guess. I guess the sun is anti-Semitic. I mean it rises in the East and sets in the West. I’m sure that paranoid Jews can ascertain some insidious anti-Semitic conspiracy in our life-giving star. Damn that Nazi sun! Damn it to Hell and back!

Apparently telling  the truth about Jews is anti-Semitism. I guess we need to lie instead then.

It’s long been that case that telling the truth about Blacks is racism. So much better to lie then – we need to play it safe after all.

And everyone knows it’s misogynistic and sexist to tell the truth about the fairer sex. We need to lie to these women so they don’t go into hysterics and all develop Major Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder. That’s what happens when you cwiticize the poor blubbering dears, that’s how dead sensitive the poor things are.

The latest is that it’s obviously homophobic to tell the truth about gays. We can’t have any of these facts now can we? People please! Stop telling the truth about gays! Don’t you know that the truth is homophobic? C’mon please, get with the program. You tell the truth about these hypersensitive gay men, and they will start self-loathing and go on a condom-less promiscuity spree and screw 50 guys in the next year. And a lot of them will catch HIV! The truth causes HIV! People, stop telling the truth, dammit! The truth is killing people! Lie, lie, lie, lie. Lies save lives!

And the least controversial of all is that the truth about transsexuals and all of their various crazy genderless fellow travelers is transphobic. Lies are necessary for transsexuals. Trannies need lies! Lies save lives! Truth kills!

People please! Just stop right now! Stop telling the truth. Truth is bigotry, dammit! The only way to be tolerant and multicultural and all-inclusive and all that crap is to lie your fool head off. Get with the program. Lie, dammit! Lie lie lie lie lie!

Lies save lives!

Truth kills!


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Britain, Cultural Marxists, Europe, Jews, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Scum

SPLC Name-calls Charles Johnson for Telling the Truth

Interesting article from the (((SPLC))) about Charles Johnson.

Now I do not like this reactionary POS at all. Not one bit. But the (((SPLC ))) calls him racist and antisemite here for no particular reason. It also makes a lot of other dubious statements about him. This is just name-calling, and it’s all the fault of the damned Cultural Left. The Cultural Left has given every asshole in the world a nice club to beat anyone they don’t like with: the bigotry club.

Don’t like someone for any reason on Earth? No problem, just call them a bigot! And the vast majority of humans do retain some prejudices, and the Cultural Left has so expanded the daffynition of bigotry to mean any criticism at all of one of their pet protected groups who are so holy and pure that they never do anything wrong and hence may not be critiqued, hence the gambit works pretty well.

You don’t like that guy? Just call him a misogynist! I just got called that the other day. What the Hell?

You hate someone? Just call them racist! I get called this all the time, despite that fact that I am on some Black mailing lists, and I work on their political campaigns.

Got a beef against someone? No problem. Just call them anti-Semite! I get called this constantly, even though recently I have been seriously looking into converting

This sort of thing is starting to become politically vapid. It’s getting to be like the boy who cried wolf. They are going to call so many people so many names, usually based on false accusations, that I am thinking that after a while, people are going to start yawning whenever some dipshit calls someone racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semite, homophobe, transphobe or whatever. You grotesquely abuse an epithet and after a while it loses all its meaning and no one listens to you anymore.

Johnson on Blacks (bold is mine):

And at a certain point you…If we’re all the same, you would have statistically expected that if Blacks are fifteen percent of the population, they would make up, fifteen percent of honors winners, honor students or whatever. And yet that’s never the case. And so you have to believe — that every single school on the planet, and in every single environment that’s run by White people — that they’re systematically discriminating against Blacks for some reason. Or you have to believe the more obvious thing which is that they’re dumber. And enough experience with them kind of persuades you that the dumber thing is probably true.

No kidding. They are less intelligent as a group on average. Of course they are. Now whether that is permanent or not and what’s causing it are two very different questions that I am quite neutral on, but of course they are less intelligent. I mean, that’s just basic scientific fact right now. Apparently the Cultural Left is anti-science!

About the Jews:

You know, when you do anything involving IQ of above 130 you’re gonna meet a lot of Jews. And what’s interesting to me is how they’re both victim and oppressor in their psychology. And just how neurotic they are as a group. So I think it’s…my attitude is that they should be on tap but never really on top of a lot of decision-making, except for rare exceptions to the rule.

But for me, the neuroticism that’s clearly a big part of their evolutionary situation is interesting. And of course I get very upset with them because they have this idea that most goyim that they meet are actually quite dumb. And that’s true for a lot of them, but I always have to set them apart and be like,

‘Look, I know you meet a lot of stupid ones, but like I’m the exception. And you need to start treating me with respect.’

It’s interesting how, when you say that, a lot of the tricks that they try to use on people, they just disappear. …And it is interesting how the things that are the most screwed up in our society — media, education, and government — seem to have a disproportionate number of them.

Here he makes a number of utterly innocuous statements about the Jews, all true to boot. And not only that, but most Jews will make these very same statements about themselves especially if you catch them alone and put a couple of drinks in them.

You know, when you do anything sort of, like, involving IQ of above 130 you’re gonna meet a lot of Jews.

Well of course. And this is a compliment. Now it’s antisemitic to compliment these people? What the Hell will Jews think of next? I think Jews like this idea that everyone hates them and talks smack about them all the time. Even if no one hates them, they have to look around and start twisting compliments into insults and looking for haters under every bed and around every corner because, you know, Jews need to be hated. They actually enjoy it and get off it. It’s an essential part of their psychology. I would term the basic Jewish personality structure as paranoid-masochistic. In fact, a very famous Jewish psychologist suggested this very theory.

And what’s interesting to me is how they’re both, like, victim and oppressor in their psychology.

Of course they love being victims. There was a Jewish guy on the newsgroups. He once said, “The one thing you cannot take away from a Jew is his sense of victimhood. Jews will almost kill to retain that basic aspect of themselves. That’s how important it is to them.”

And of course they can be oppressors. The belligerence and the preemptive aggression goes along with the paranoia and the masochism. Most paranoids are pretty aggressive, so it all makes sense. And of course paranoids need to be victims of the conspiracies of their enemies. That’s how their whole world view is structured.

And just how neurotic they are as a group.

Yes, Jews are neurotic. Sigh. This is now hate speech apparently? Jeez. Everyone knows this. Even Jews know this. Even Judeophiles mention this. I had a Jewish girlfriend once, and she talked about it. I guess she was an antisemite herself?

You know, my attitude is that they should be on tap but never really on top of a lot of decision-making, except for rare exceptions to the rule.

A rather rough thing to say, but I am coming around to this attitude myself. Putting the Jews in charge increasingly strikes me as a fools errand or possibly a lot worse, a fatal mistake. Everything seems to go to Hell in a lot of ways when you put the Jews in charge. For one thing, democracy and freedom of speech quickly go out the window, as the Jews start implementing in their normative totalitarian politics.

What is interesting is that the traditional mindset of the Jews was that it was good to have the Jews near power – say second in command, but that the Jews generally should not be running things. The idea was that this would cause a lot of bad results. And we see in Israel and the US what happens when you put the Jews in charge. Chaos and totalitarianism, restrictions on free speech, attacks on academic freedom, and basically creeping fascism. Sure it’s Jewish fascism, but Jewish fascism is fascism nevertheless. Antisemitism is not an essential part of fascism. What ever gave you that idea? Fascism can unfold in any society among any group. It’s a natural human tendency, and the Jews are not immune.

And of course I get very upset with them because they have this idea that most goyim that they meet are actually quite dumb. And that’s true for a lot of them but I always have to sort of like set them apart and be like,

‘Look, I know you meet a lot of stupid ones, but like I’m the exception. You know, and you need to start treating me with respect.’

It’s interesting how, when you say that, a lot of the tricks that they try to use on people, they just sort of, like, disappear.

That’s actually true, and that’s why Jews usually like me. I talked to a Jewish woman the other day and she told me I had yiddishkeit – a Jewish soul. Of course I took it as a compliment. I’ve always wanted to be a Jew, ever since I was a kid. I’d be one of those self-haters like Chomsky, but it would still be pretty cool to be one of the Chosen. I’m so conceited I’ve felt like was one of the Chosen most of my life anyway, so why not make it official?

Actually there are many Jewish jokes along these lines. Super Jews in particular like these sort of jokes. I find a lot of them in poor taste. A lot of it has to do with Jews making fun of Christians for trying pathetically trying to be good people in a bad world. The Jews think this is a sucker’s move, and it opens you up to exploitation. In the world of the Jews, the naive conscience of the Christian is anti-pragmatic and does nothing but make him a victim, a mark, a rube. There are many Jewish jokes along the lines of the clever Jew unburdened by Christian morals tricking or cheating the naive starry-eyed Christian in some way or another. Super Jew Harlan Ellison, the famous writer, used to tell jokes like this.

And it is interesting how the things that are the most screwed up in our society — media, education, and government — seem to have a disproportionate number of them.

Yawn. Typical rightwing complaint of Jews as carriers of modernism, liberalism, Marxism, feminism, gay rights, anti-racism, civil rights, the Cultural Left, Political Correctness, etc. The argument is “Jews are responsible for liberalism.” I actually like that about them, and in fact there’s a lot of truth behind it. Whether it’s a slur or not depends on how you feel about liberals I suppose.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Blacks, Christianity, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Fascism, Intelligence, Israel, Jews, Left, Liberalism, Middle East, Political Science, Politics, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Religion, Scum, The Jewish Question, US Politics, USA, Useless Western Left

November 22, 1963: The Day the Music Died

A very nice comment from one of my commenters.

A friend of mine had lunch with a former attorney for LBJ who had worked in the LBJ Administration. He later got wrapped up in Watergate somehow, I believe as part of the prosecution. Keep in mind that LBJ’s own personal attorney says that LBJ was part of the plot to kill Kennedy. .Some of the gunmen were part of LBJ’s own “hit squad.”

Believe it or not, a lot of big US politicians have their own “hit squad goons.” I believe that George Bush did and I believe the Dick Cheney did too.

In fact, I think that Cheney’s goons killed Paul Wellstone by sabotaging his plane. Barbara Boxer herself has hinted the Cheney killed Wellstone, but she also hinted that everyone who knows is too afraid to speak on the record about it.

Bush’s goons will do things like break into your home, poison your dog, etc. His goons poisoned three dogs belonging to one whistleblower, killing all of them. Some of Bush’s enemies have ended up dead “drown in bathtubs” and by mysterious “heart attacks” in cheap hotel rooms.

Drowning you in your bathtub is a favorite CIA/Mossad/KGB intelligence agency way to kill people. I believe that all three of these agencies are capable of injecting you with a drug that will give you a heart attack and leave no trace.

This man, a high ranking member of the LBJ Administration, told my friend that JFK was killed by “the foreign policy establishment of the United States.” That’s a long way of saying Deep State.

Ever since then, I think every President knows that the punishment for going against the Deep State is “the Kennedy treatment.”

As much as I despise Trump, I realize that the Deep State has it in for him mostly for kissing up to Russia, telling NATO justifiably to go to Hell, and making pretenses at a less imperial foreign policy with fewer wars and armed conflicts.

There was an internal coup in the White House and Steve Bannon etc were sidelined in by a crowd around (((Jared Kushner))). (((Kushner)))’s group were the Deep State neocons. Soon after the coup, Trump attacked Syria as if he were ordered to by his new masters. Trump is now just another neocon in addition to being by far the most Jewish, or really Jewy, President in history.

These Alt Right antisemites need to think this over. Trump is New York, in flesh and bones. Forget Israel. New York is the Jewish state. These idiot Nazis are supporting a fanatical Zionist who is frankly the most Jewish President we have ever had. He’s a Judaized Gentile, but still, if you see Jewishness as a spiritual feature as opposed to an ethnic or religious one, Trump is surely more Jewish in spirit than any President we have ever had. Why these Nazis are falling all over themselves from President Donald SuperJew is beyond me. I think these guys didn’t get the memo.

RL: Everybody who was alive back then knows exactly what they were doing when they shot the President.

When democracy died. When the dream of America died with the Deep State coup. When the joke of American democracy was shown as the pathetic sham it’s always been, a think veneer for Deep State and oligarchic rule, the very story of America itself.”

CB: The day the music died.

Eisenhower warned in his farewell address of a dangerous military-industrial-scientific elite; he’d separately spoken of the CIA’s “legacy of ashes.”

Over the following three years, Kennedy, a womanizer and drug user who very likely owed his victory to vote fraud in Chicago,

  1. Engaged in back channel contacts with Khrushchev and Castro (the public didn’t know of course, but doesn’t the charge sound familiar?).
  2. Turned down the Joint Chiefs’ Operation Northwoods Plan to use false flag attacks (a precursor to 9/11) to justify an invasion of Cuba.
  3. Refused airstrikes in support of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.
  4. Fired CIA director Allen Dulles and his top deputy.
  5. Refused a first-strike nuclear attack during the Cuban missile crisis.
  6. Secretly agreed to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets pulling their missiles from Cuba.
  7. Told associates he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind, etc.

The Deep State was mightily pissed with Kennedy, and Kennedy knew he was in danger.

The same Deep State still runs things of course, and they are much more open in their hatred for Trump than they were with Kennedy (Hillary was the Deep State/Establishment choice, beloved by the intelligence agencies (at least the people at the top), Goldman Sachs and the other big banks, the EU, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Chinese, Rupert Murdoch and most other billionaires, the Bushes, etc. etc. The same media types that covered up for the real assassins of the Kennedys and MLK (and continue to cover up subsequent Deep State crimes) are even more rigidly controlled now than during the days of Operation Mockingbird, open in their allegiance to their Deep State masters.

You don’t have to like Trump to consider that he, like Kennedy, has made some excellent enemies.

Peter, Paul, and Mary were good, and I even saw them in concert once, as well as at Newport. But the song that gave me chills in 1963, and still today, was Dylan’s Masters of War.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Asia, Caribbean, China, Cold War, Conservatism, Cuba, Democrats, Government, History, Imperialism, Latin America, Military Doctrine, Modern, Neoconservatism, Nuclear Weapons, Political Science, Politics, Racism, Regional, Republicans, The Jewish Question, US, US Politics, USA, USSR, Zionism