Category Archives: Scams

“Networking Marketing is Capitalist Exploitation on Steroids,” by Magneto

Networking Marketing is Capitalist Exploitation on Steroids

By Magneto

Many of you may have had the misfortune of getting caught up in a network marketing multi-level marketing scam in the past. My own involvement in such an MLM scam is what eventually caused me to reject capitalism outright and start believing in socialism. Network marketing is capitalism on steroids. Normal capitalism is exploitation but at least in normal capitalism the worker class gets paid at least something. In network marketing you are working to make the top 1 percent rich and you are doing this for free.

Usually it starts out that an old friend will call you up and talk about how excited they are about their new business. A few days later they will call you again and see if you are interested in meeting to discuss their new “business”. If you agree to meet, they will typically show you a bunch of graphs and charts which claim you can become a millionaire within 5 years by following their program. What they don’t tell you is that 99% of people who sign up into MLM scams do not make any money at all from it. It’s literally only one out of a hundred people that profits from this.

Even worse is that most MLM companies use cult mind-control tactics to keep you from leaving their pyramid scheme. They use guilt programming and are constantly saying “Only losers quit this business”. That is a sure-fire sign that an organization is a cult when the leaders are constantly telling their followers to never leave the organization.

Network marketing companies thrive on naive young people who have never come in contact with an MLM pyramid scheme before. Older people are more mature and knowledgeable and know that pyramid schemes are wrong. But young people are easy to trick into these things because they have no experience of it. That’s why it is the duty of older people to warn younger people to never fall into these scams. No adult ever took the time to warn me when I was younger about the dangers of MLM’s, so I was just another victim of these pyramid scams.

I finally realized how immoral these types of businesses are, and I left the scam company and cut off all contact with the members of it. Donald Trump himself has a network marketing company, so that is another sign that he is just a greedy bastard who doesn’t give a shit about the common man and will do anything to exploit them so he can become rich. I realized that the logic that the MLM leaders use to justify their actions is entirely wrong. Society cannot function like this – where 1 percent manipulates the other 99 percent so that the 1 percent have all the money and the 99 percent have nothing.

Life is about more than money, but if you hear MLM leaders talk in their public speeches, you get the impression that money is all they care about. All they talk about is their expensive houses, cars and gadgets. What they don’t tell you is that 99 people had to fail in order for one person to get rich. The dreams of the MLM leaders are built on the blood, sweat, and tears of the 99 losers in the pyramid scheme.

A few common MLM’s that you should be very careful of are as followers:

  • Amway
  • Empower Network
  • Mary Kay
  • Herbalife
  • Nu Skin
  • Avon
  • Forever Living
  • Young Living

If you ever get invited or tricked into attending an MLM meeting, leave immediately. Do not even entertain the words of the MLM presenter. He will try to use a lot of logic and tricks to brainwash you into joining. Network Marketing and MLM’s are evil cults that thrive on manipulating ignorant people into joining. If we become active in warning people to avoid wasting their time and lives by joining such cults, we can save a lot of people and also stop the MLM’s because without a constant supply of new members, such pyramid schemes would collapse overnight.


Filed under Capitalism, Capitalists, Economics, Guest Posts, Psychology, Scams, Scum, Social Problems, Socialism, Sociology

The Libertarian “Crony Capitalism” Nonsense

Shooter: “All capitalism is crony capitalism, always and forever.” – Well, did WordPress come about because of socialism? Aren’t most of the things you talk about, even the medium you’re on, came about from capitalism?

All civilizations have to have some form of economies to raise capital. No matter how socialist you get, there’ll still be capitalism in there. USSR was not fully Communist but was socialism with state capitalism. Making money is just what nations do. I don’t see how GDP and other forms of wealth are inherently crony capitalism. Sorry, but you don’t get me on this one.

Any normal capitalist country, leaving out various forms of actual socialism and Communism, will generally speaking have an unbelievable amount of crony capitalism.

According to Libertardians, the whole problem with their glorious capitalist system is the fact that government is involved in it. Once the government is involved in the capitalist economy in any way, shape or form, apparently we have some form of “crony capitalism,” whatever the Hell that is. I say that because I have no idea what it is that this term is even referring to. According to Libertardians, if you completely eliminate the state from the picture, then and only then do you have real true capitalism. Anytime you still have a state in the picture somehow, the system is not actually real true pure capitalism. This is some sort of a joke. Their crazy “pure capitalism” has probably never existed, does not exist now and no doubt will not exist in the forseeable future.

If crony capitalism means corruption, well of course capitalism generates corruption. It generates a phenomenal amount of corruption. It does this because the nature of capitalism is to cause a lot of corruption. The corruption is built right in to the system. It’s not a bug. It’s actually a feature! And the more capitalism you have in a country, the more corruption. Countries that went neoliberal and privatized everything typically saw tidal waves of corruption exploding very quickly. They also saw huge organized crime syndicates pop up almost overnight.

Corruption is generally seen at the state level. If it’s in business, it’s called something else. Corrupt officials are usually just stealing from the coffers of the state and sticking the money in their own pocket. How does state corruption help business? It doesn’t do much of anything to business. So how is state corruption crony capitalism?

Fraud is also ubiquitous in capitalism, and the more capitalism you have, the more fraud you have. In fact, fraud, ripoffs, stealing and cheating is so huge of a problem in most capitalist countries that the state typically has to set aside a lot of law enforcement resources to keep a handle on this situation at all. How is the state going after crooked businesses for fraud crony capitalism? That’s not helping business, it’s putting them clean out of business.

They make all sorts of stupid examples of this crony capitalism such as:

The government picks winners and losers in various industries. Of course the government does not pick winners and losers in industries. The market does that.

Companies go to the government and have the government make legislation to help them and hamper all of their competition, resulting in monopolies. This is laughable. The government never does this, ever! Monopolies result because the natural tendency of capitalism is towards monopoly, and illegal monopoly at that.

Businesses go to the government and pay them off so the government will do the businesses all sorts of favors. Actually, the only favors the government does for any of these businesses is in refusing to regulate them! So they are paying the government not to do things. Someone needs to tell me how keeping the government from regulating your industry is crony capitalism.

The government sets minimum wage laws which affect business. Sure, but they usually affect business in a bad way, or at least Libertardians think so, as they oppose any minimum wage. How is the government limiting profits by imposing minimum wages crony capitalism? The state’s not helping the businesses – it’s hindering them.

Universities pick only one vendor, limiting competition. An example given was that a university offered only the local DSL company to students for broadband. Supposedly allowing cable too would allow competition, but as cable and DSL don’t compete anyway, I don’t see how this would help competition. Universities hire vendors for all sorts of things, and I assume for most stuff, they choose a single vendor and go with them. Why buy your textbooks from 50 different companies? Why buy your food from 20 different food companies? And why not pay one company for Internet rather than two companies? It’s so much easier to go with just one vendor. Incidentally most branches of the government do this exact thing.

Government places barriers to entry in industries, vastly reducing competition. Laughable. Apparently this means this zoning laws, business licenses, liquor licenses and whatnot. For instance, we have some corner markets here where I buy my food. No doubt those lots were zoned Business. But to get into that industry, you are going to need a lot of capital. The local store is being sold, and it goes for $1 million. Local gas stations also go for $1 million. That’s the price that the market set for them. The government did not set that price. The market did.

I guess Libertardians would like to get rid of all zoning laws so everyone and his uncle could open their own little “corner markets” on the sidewalks or right here in my apartment complex. That’s not going to work. You need to buy a license, and if they want to sell booze, they need a liquor license. You can’t have everyone opening up a “corner market” out of their apartment. It’s nuts. There would be so much abuse, it’s incredible.

In my town I assure you there is no shortage of corner markets. There is nearly one on every major corner if you include the gas station marts. There are plenty of drug stores in this town. Plenty of supermarkets. Lots of auto repair joints. Plenty of car dealerships. Taco shops and carnicerias everywhere. A number of pizza joints. A small number of nice small restaurants. A number of insurance companies which apparently compete with each other. A small number of bars. A number of different competing banks, including a credit union that gives better customer service than any of them. There are a few different chain auto parts stores in town.

All of these businesses compete on price, service, goods available, quality of product or work, and all sorts of things. The competition is apparently quite ferocious everywhere you would expect it to be. Even the car repair joints seem to compete on price, which is amazing (the Mexicans are cheaper, but they do not do as good of a job).

There is no industry or business in this town that does not have enough players, lacks competition, or needs a lot of new players in the market. There are no monopolies or cases where a business is the only one of its type in town. I don’t understand why we need a ton of new competition. What for? The market’s full up as is. There’s not a lot of room for new players in town, and everyone is competing like maniacs as it is.

Neither business licenses, food inspections, liquor licenses, the cost of purchase of store (set by market and not by state), taxes, nor any of these things are acting as any sort of barrier to entry to business in my city. I might add also that this city is very rightwing and has probably set things up to be as business-friendly as possible. That’s not necessarily a good thing, but it does lower the barriers to entry even more.

I have nothing against WordPress. It is actually possible to be a halfway decent capitalist company, and they seem to be doing that. But they eliminated their tech support, which I thought was pretty shitty.


Filed under Capitalism, Corruption, Crime, Economics, Government, Higher Education, Law, Left, Libertarianism, Marxism, Neoliberalism, Organized Crime, Political Science, Scams, Socialism

How the H-1B Job Scam Works

The H-1B scam is a scab-hiring scam engaged in by all US IT corporations, both parties of Congress almost bar not one Congressman, and the entire US media with no exceptions designed to create a fake IT job shortage in order to fire US workers and hire phony Indian “guest workers” at 60% of the American’s salary.

This is how the phony scam works.

A job is advertised. They interview a number of Americans for the job. All of them are mysteriously not hired. Then the company puts in an H1B application, lying and saying that they could not find an American to do the job. Then they import the lousy H1B worker who performs poorly and is paid 40% less than an American. This goes on and on. Halfway through the year, the 200,000 Hindu 1B quota is filled. Microsoft, Google and all the rest of the scum corporations run screaming to Congress yelling that they need more H-1B’s because of a horrific labor shortage in IT.

In fact, many White IT workers have left the Industry after being fired and replaced by Indians or having been driven out by Indians. Many White IT workers have given up on the industry and retired or gone into other fields. Others move around all the time from job to job.

At many shops most to all of the American IT workers are fired by the new Indian manager. The new Indian manager comes in and replaces all the Whites with Indians from his caste, extended family, tribe or ethnic group.

Whites working with Indians in IT report appalling behavior by high caste Indians in the industry. Casteism is rife among these high caste Indians and seriously disturbs many IT projects. Indians refuse to work with or deliberately sabotage the work of the other castes in the workplace. Many of these Indians are Indian nationalist Hindutavadis who have an extreme hatred of Whites, Westerners and Christianity. White IT workers have to listen to their hate-filled rants all day long. At one shop, an Indian IT worker kept threatening to dose the White workers’ drinks with HIV. Nothing happened to him. Usually nobody does anything to the Indians because the managers are Indians too.

Quality of work usually falls off greatly because almost all Hindu 1B’s are lousy workers. Nearly all or all of them have phony degrees saying things like “Masters in Computer Science.” Supposedly this means an MA in Comp Sci, a highly prized degree in the US. In reality, India is full of phony, crooked, lying schools that are little more than sleazy degree mills. You enroll in the “nationally accredited  world-renowned Indian Computer University” with no background in IT whatsoever, take six months of Introduction to Computer Science courses, and you get a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. Pitiful.

And the worst is that all of the US IT executive scum know full well that 99% of degrees Indians have are faked or phony crap like above, and they don’t care! The IT interviewer just says, “Wow, Masters Degree in Computer Science, very impressive!” and the Indian eagerly nods his head. Even worse, many Hindu 1B’s have no degree at all in anything, much less computer science, and they still present all sorts of phony degrees and credentials, all of which are faked and forged. The IT interviewer once again can probably tell if a degree is fake or not or at least he ought to, but he doesn’t care.

The Hindu 1B thing has been a huge flop. Indians are notoriously lousy cut and paste coders, and most of them could not code their way out of a paper bag. The mangled, barely readable, never commented spaghetti code produced by Indians often doesn’t work or barely works at all. Typically it has to be sent to another IT shop full of American coders who have to spend a lot of time to fix it up and get it up to par. So apparently this wicked scam is not even saving much money.

Many IT professionals say that the quality of computer code produced has declined markedly precisely in line with mass offshoring of IT jobs to Indian “programmers” in India and the replacement of quality American IT people with Hindu 1B scabs.

Yet no one wants to stop the Hindu 1B fake guest worker scam. Both parties are 100% down for it. From conservative Republicans all the way to the most liberal of Democrats, they all rant and rave about the IT job shortage and how we need more H-1B’s this year.

I am wondering if Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump mentioned anything about Hindu 1B’s. I think Bernie mentioned it early in the campaign before he went full Cultural Left retard, but whether he still holds to that position is uncertain.

After all, Hindu 1B’s are these glorious things called immigrants. Immigrants, our new Gods. Immigrants, these special workers that we worship over and above all other workers, especially American workers, who all need to be replaced by these glorious holies called immigrants. I remember Counterpunch ran one article against Hindu 1B’s, and ultra Leftist (((Louis Proyect))) otherwise known as “Lou the Jew,” flipped out and wrote a piece having hysterics about Counterpunch’s “racism” for daring to attack these holy immigrant scabs. For Proyect, I suppose there’s no limit to the number of American workers who can be replaced by immigrants. I suppose he would just as soon replace every one of us with an immigrant.


Filed under Asia, Corruption, Democrats, East Indians, Fake Guest Workers, Government, Hinduism, Immigration, India, Labor, Nationalism, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Religion, Republicans, Scams, South Asia, South Asians, Ultranationalism, US Politics, USA, Whites

Crime and Corruption Differentials Northern and Southern Nigeria

Steve writes:

Have you got any solid evidence about the crime rates in northern and southern Nigeria? How do you know its a lot less in the North? Is it recorded the same way in both? What anecdotal evidence have you heard?

Our anti-scammer group was first set up to fight Nigerian scammers. Later it was somewhat expanded to include other countries. We also worked very closely with a number of Nigerians in the course of our work. One guy was sort of a spy for us, and he even wrote a book on the subject. He went undercover to research in the scammer cafes, etc. We learned a lot about Nigerian society just talking to these people.

You know the type of person I am. I have to become the world’s leading expert on everything I dive into. So I dove into the study of Nigeria to figure out this scamming phenomenon. And I studied that country a lot for ~3 years.

One of the things I learned was that there was almost no corruption in the North for some reason. The South was the source of all of that. Also more important to what we were doing, scamming was nonexistent in the North, whereas in the North it seemed to be a way of life. All of the reports out of Nigeria that we received that portrayed as Dante’s Inferno on Earth were all talking about the South.

We never heard anything about the North other than that there was little corruption, basically zero scamming and apparently quite a low crime rate, especially for an African country. If you look at other African Islamic countries in the Sahel, you will find some of the most stable and orderly societies in Africa with some of the lowest crime rates in the sub-Saharan region. Even on the coast in the Muslim areas, the Blacks are a lot more orderly and controlled and much less criminal than in the non-Muslim regions. Blacks in Yemen commit almost no crime.


Filed under Africa, Corruption, Crime, Islam, Middle East, Nigeria, Regional, Religion, Scams, West Africa, Yemen

India Is Where Human Souls Go to Die; Nigeria Is Where They Go To Burn

Another William Playfair Web writes:

I’m skeptical that really any country other than the ones in East Asia have non-European cultures (Europe was all over)


those Nigerians, wow. Corruption out the wazoo.

They always say that African Blacks act a lot better now than they did when the first explorers showed up, but wow…no where to go but up, but still…I guess they were so low before that they were halfway to China, and now they are out of the molten core and only 1/4 way to China, so yes, that’s technically an improvement, and yet…

Living in Nigeria is like living in a country where lying, cheating and stealing is a way of life. Wait. It’s not like living in a country where lying, cheating and stealing is a way of life, it is living in a country where lying, cheating and stealing are a way of life.

But that’s India too. Or is it the Third World in general? Who knows?

My experience was that the criminality and otherwise base and sleazy nature of Southern Nigerians was off the chart. Keep in mind that we befriended many non-scammer Nigerians, ordinary Nigerians, regular people who joined our Yahoo group to “help fight the scammers.” And we had to throw most of them out of the group for trying to steal from us.

A lot of the “non-thieves” we kept in for some reason, but we had to throw almost all of them out too later on for marriage-scamming the White women.

We had group chats all the time, and the group was full of dating-age White women, a lot of whom looked halfway decent. We would have these group chats every night with me and a bunch of women and maybe one other guy. Mostly just me and a bunch of chicks. It was horrible! 😉

The Nigerians were always coming into the room and asking the White women for private chats, and when the women accepted the chat, the Nigerian would be there jerking his dick in the woman’s face. A lot of the women in our group were traumatized by this behavior, and we had to protect our women by throwing almost all of the rest of the Nigerians out of the group because they wouldn’t stop jacking off at the girls.

We also had some other Africans in the group, all West Africans from places like Ghana and Sierra Leone. They all tried to steal from us too, and we ended up also having to throw them out.

We had some US Blacks in our group, and their behavior was so much better than the Nigerians that it was almost like they were people from two different planets. And we think US Blacks act bad. You ain’t seen nothing yet. After putting up with these Nigerian Homo Erectuses for a while, I would almost prostrate myself on the floor in wild praises to God for giving us these Blacks that we have instead of those damned Nigerians. “Thank God for our great US Blacks!”

I figure US Blacks probably acted like these Nigerian subhumans when they came here 400 years ago. And now look at ’em. The reason they act so much better now is due to several hundred years of intense White Christian civilizing. That shows you the power of Culture, and it is why I always lose patience with hereditaritards.

White man’s burden FTW!

* Marriage scamming is what almost all Nigerian men do. They are all trying to marry a White woman in the West so they can get into the West on a marriage visa. They are all horrible husbands who, control, abuse, beat and live off their wives. They all refuse to work and instead stay home all day on the computer cooking up various scams or in other words trying to steal from Americans. That’s when they are not trolling dating sites trying to screw White women. They all cheat habitually and incessantly. Needless to say, the marriages don’t last long, but the guy has his marriage visa, so it’s all good.

Plus America just gained a useless, sociopathic African with a 70 IQ! Which I personally think is really cool for reparations for slavery and mostly just because diversity is our strength.


Filed under Africa, Asia, Blacks, Corruption, Crime, Culture, India, Nigeria, Nigerians, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Scams, South Asia, USA, West Africa, Whites, Women

“My Wife Was Addicted to Ashley Madison”


This man had good looks, very high status (owned his own tech company), a high income ($1 million/year), a great deal of wealth (millionaire, lived in $1 million home), much in common with his wife, and his marriage still turned to shit.

This guy needs Redpill or some sort of male self-help group’s advise. Actually, he did show up on Reddit Redpill soon after this story broke. A lot of the guys completely ripped him a new one, which I thought was pretty lousy. The man blames the whole thing on the (Jewish?) scumbag who ran Ashley Madison, who he calls a sociopath. Well, he is a sociopath. Of course he is. He also blames his wife’s mental illness for her behavior. She is either a Borderline or what Beatrix calls a “high-conflict woman” Cluster B type who displays Borderline traits but functions too well to be a Borderline.

The guys on Redpill thought it was stupid to blame the sociopathic website owner and his Borderline wife for the behavior. I do not know what to say to that.

For 18 years of marriage, his wife was a cold fish in bed and refused to do anything even slightly kinky, either oral sex (giving or receiving). She posted a dirty profile on Ashley Madison as a wild bitch down for all sorts of kinky fun (that she was denying her husband). He found her conversations on her cellphone with her group of married female friends who were all either cheating on their husbands or encouraging and egging on the others to cheat. One woman was passing around a photo of a huge cock of the guy she was cheating on her husband with, saying, “You girls could be having this right now instead of your lame husbands. Come join the fun!”

He caught her cheating previously last year and then when the scandal broke, he found her profile in the leaked data and caught her again. He has two boys who don’t know what their mother did. Apparently they are divorcing. When husbands catch wives cheating without permission, 95% of the time, the man asks for a divorce. When wives catch their husbands cheating, they demand divorce at a much lower rate. Apparently women will put up with a lot more crap from men than vice versa. The Reddit men were saying this guy was an idiot for taking her back after the first time and forgiving her.

There were 30 million male profiles on Ashley Madison and 5 million female profiles. A very close examination revealed only 1,500 real active females among that 5 million. 30 million men competing for 1,500 men. World’s biggest sausage fest?

The site was very sleazy. The very large number of the female profiles on the site were fakes created by Ashley Madison.When you join the site for free, you soon get profile visits, chat requests and mails from hot, horny looking babes. Usually of these women are either fakes being run by employees or computer programs, that is, not even real female humans at all. The purpose of this is to get you to pay to join the site. After you pay, all of the visits, mails and chat requests vanish. Attempts to respond to the female visitors, mailers and chat requesters all fail because the women are not even real. This is typical and most dating sites do this. There were a very few real women on the site, and apparently a few guys did well.

I do not have much at all to say about this matter. Feel free to comment.


Filed under Gender Studies, Man World, Masculinism, Psychology, Romantic Relationships, Scams

How the (West African) Dating Scam Works

Do people still fall for the Nigerian internet scam? Or have they progressed to more sophisticated methods? Even I sometimes get friend requests on facebook from profiles that have a picture of an African woman. I don’t know where they get my contact from, but common sense tells me to stay away, no matter how hot the woman in that picture may be. I guess it’s mostly the dumbest segment of western women, rather than men, who fall for Nigerian dating scams, and they are most likely to be fat and ugly.

They have totally branched out from that stupid 419 scam that everyone is so familiar with. They hatched dozens of new scams and they come up with even newer ones all the time.

Many people are falling for the various dating scams, which are also run by Russian organized crime and now even Filipinas and Chinese East European women. Women all over the world are getting in on the dating scamming. Most people don’t have the faintest idea what the dating scam even is. It is far more sophisticated than the stupid 419 scam.

Furthermore, scammers and criminals have almost completely taken over many dating sites to the point where there are hardly any real women on there anymore. A friend of mine is on Badoo and he says fake beautiful young women come to him all the time. He can spot these African criminals a mile away blindfolded and he instantly figures them out and reports them. But then new ones keep flooding in. He says 90% of the “women” he talks to on there are either fakes or real women who are scamming. It’s rare to run into an real female who is not trying to steal from you somehow.

These stupid sites do not try to weed out the scammers because the dating sites are run by the sleaziest capitalists of them all. Weeding out scammers is a cost, and they don’t feel like spending money to protect you against crooks using their site to victimize you. Also they really don’t care if 80% of the site is scammers, and they often will not even delete the scammers if you report them because these sites are in competition to see how many members they have. “4 million members” is a great selling point, and they could care less if 80% of them are not even real humans at all but are just criminals using fake pics to steal from you.

For women, they use pictures of the hottest men out there. They often pretend to be divorced with kids and a huge house. They have photos of all of this to prove it. They claim to be Western men who are overseas in Africa on some sort of job. Of course the inevitable horrible problems befell this poor fellow (wink), or he falls madly in love with you, and yes he does need that plane ticket to fly back to the US so you can live happily ever after with your Dream Man.

Yes, many of the women who fall for it are older, and they are often heavy and not very good-looking. However, quite a few older women who look great also fell for it. Some women in their 20’s and 30’s also fell for it, and some of those women were quite attractive. It’s easy to fall for a handsome model type guy.

We had women who lost vast sums of money in the tens of thousands of dollars. Some even lost homes worth up to $300,000. The women were often devastated by the experience. Some quit working and went into depressions, and many women were in therapy or on antidepressants. There were suicide attempts among our female victims, and I understand that a few women committed suicide after being scammed.

The dating scam was being continuously refined while we were dealing with them. They even sent spies into our group that was fighting them. They would figure out how we were getting onto their tricks by all the subtle and ingenious ways we accumulated to spot the scammers, who are not easy to spot at all. Then they would very quickly refine the scams to change the way they did them so they were not making the mistake that allowed us to get onto them.

Eventually we had to throw out all the Africans in the group as possible scammers or spies, and then we made a new Jim Crow type “No Africans Allowed” rule because we just couldn’t trust any of them anymore, and we couldn’t figure out who the spies were and which Africans were bad and which were ok. There were a few decent West Africans who worked with us and gave us a lot of brilliant info to fight the scammers. They are not all bad people over there.

Scam is similar with men. They use photos of beautiful women who claim to be over in Africa on work or vacation. Of course they inevitably get stranded over there with no way home, fall very ill and have to go into the hospital (wink) or fall wildly in love with you to where you really need to buy her a plane ticket to fly to the US so you can marry this hot model babe. All sorts of men fall for it.

Yes, quite a few were not particularly desirable men who might have a hard time getting a woman, but we also had a number of high quality, often very handsome men who were getting scammed. After all, good looking, high quality men can fall for a hot model babe quite easily also.

The men often reacted with sheer rage. Some were even threatening to get some weapons, go to Nigeria and kill scammers. Others were threatening to go to Nigeria, acquire some bombs and blow up Internet cafes.

We had men who had lost up to $32,000 to scammers, and a number of them had fallen for the scam quite a few times. These fellows were often not the sharpest tools in the shed, and I must say, if you keep falling for this scam many times, you truly are an idiot.

The scams being run by Chinese and East European women and Filipinas were run along similar lines, however, there you are often dealing with a real woman who is just trying to milk you for some cash. And she might just need that plane ticket to come see you too seeing how she is madly in love with you (wink).

And for a long time, we would keep a lot of the ways that we spotted them fairly secret, and we would refuse to publish our how we caught them. I am still not going to tell you even in this post many of the ways we figure these idiots out because once the scammers learn how we get onto them, they often modify the scam so we can’t use that method to catch them anymore. It ends up being an intelligence arms race, and that’s no way to fight crooks.

In some ways, these Africans seem dumb as doorknobs, but in other ways, they are absolutely brilliant. They are perfect at reading people and have fantastic knowledge of human psychology like most con artists. And after a while, I was amazed at how adaptive these Nigerians were. When it came to being adaptive, these crooks were some of the most brilliant people on Earth. But then I do think that Blacks are a quite adaptive race, and they are very interesting that way. They don’t call it nigger-rigging* (jerry-rigging) for nothing.

*Not used as a slur in this post. The term was used for informative purposes only.


Filed under Africa, Asia, Capitalists, China, Crime, Europe, Nigeria, Philippines, Psychology, Regional, Romantic Relationships, Scams, Scum, SE Asia, West Africa

Why I Dislike West Africans

Anti-Hereditarian writes:

Robert Lindsay, your vision of blacks and other groups is terribly biased by your experience with them especially as you seemingly managed to meet the worst individuals among them.

Honestly, if you base your opinions about Nigerians on the internet scammers you tracked. You obviously have not sampled the most morally clean segments of this population. Since you are prone to make generalizations and remain skeptical with arguments that contradict them, you will always have hereditarian leanings because you will always make associations between race and behavior trusting your own experience and other’s inputs that go along with what you think.

What morally clean segments of the population!? What is it? How many of them are not criminals? 5%? It’s not just our experience with the scammers.

1. Recall that we had a large number of “ordinary Africans” who came to the group to “help us catch the scammers.” I think they really did want to do that. None of them were formally involved in any typical type Internet scamming. However, over time almost 100% of these West Africans tried to get money out of us. I call that trying to steal from us. They all have their hand out, all of them. All of the men acted horribly towards the women in the group, jacking off at them. A very large number of the men were also what we called “marriage scammers” trying to get a White wife.

2. I met some regular ordinary Nigerians on the Net, including some women who were very flirty with me and I got to know pretty well after a while. One was a regular person with a home and a regular job who was involved in community affairs. She did not try to get any money out of me, but I later caught her using fake dating scammer pics to try to scam guys. It’s not just “the scammers” versus “the morally good people.” It’s like everyone in the whole damn place is a scammer crook of some sort.

3. From newspaper articles, we learned that up to 50% of cargo imported at the ports is contraband.

4. From articles, we learned that many goods are stolen after being unloaded or en route to retail. One article that I remember talked about a bicycle shipment.

5. From others on the web, we heard reports of all sorts of other mostly Nigerian scammers on the Net. We only worked on dating scammers. We learned that Nigerians had completely destroyed not only dating sites but also many auction sites and online rental sites.

6. From Net retailers, we learned of IP bans on entire IP strings coming out of Nigeria. We learned that out of 10,000 purchases to an online store, 100% of them were using stolen credit cards. We learned of retail scams such as the rare beetle scam and the gold for sale scam which is prevalent over the entire region.

7. From a woman who went to Lagos, we learned that the whole city smells of rotting garbage and how a Nigerian woman tried to rob her when she was only in the country for 10 minutes and how many of the baggage handlers and checkers were said to be thieves.

8. From our Nigerian sources, we learned that Internet scamming is apparently one of the largest industries in Nigeria. Many Internet cafes had 90% scammers in them during daylight hours. We learned that people of all ages scam, including a locally famous former TV newscaster!

9. From attempts to get justice, news articles, online reports and our Nigerian sources, we learned that the police do absolutely nothing about this rampant crime whereby many of the Net cafes in Lagos are filled the the brim with criminals during working hours.

Also about how many cafes reopen at midnight after closing for the night and let large groups of scammers in to scam until daylight hours. The night cafes are packed full. We learned that the police did not consider this to be a crime and were baffled at why it should even be against the law as anyone who scammed deserved it. This is a sociopathic thinking.

We learned that general Lagos society is widely supportive of scamming, which as I said is a major industry. We learned that the families of most scammers, including parents, are very proud of their boy’s criminal career and consider this an honorable way to make money. In other words, the vast majority of Lagos society seemed to support the scammers even if they were not scammers themselves. Supporting crime is sociopathic behavior.

10. From a number of reports from US and Canadian women who married Nigerian men, we learned how horribly these men treated their wives, refusing to work, living off her savings, spending all day online trying to cheat with other women or running Internet scams. We learned that they virtually imprisoned the women in their homes. We know that almost 100% of them routinely cheated on their wives. Some of our female informants in West Africa backed up this characterization of West African males and stated that West African men truly treat women like shit.

11. From reports on the Net we learned that traffic accident victims are typically robbed whether injured or dead. Other motorists pull over after a bad accident and rush to the car to steal from the victims.

12. From news reports, we learned that pickpockets and snatcher thieves are routinely caught by mobs on Nigerian streets and beaten badly by the mobs or else set on fire in the middle of the street.

13. From our Nigerian sources, we learned that any Nigerian with money invested in a generator as the power went out continuously. Our sources told us that the power company people where thieves who stole the oil for energy and sold it on the black market.

14. Via news reports, we learned that the Nigerian government searched and searched to find someone who was not corrupt to run their Anti-Corruption Unit. The position stayed open for months until somehow they found a Northerner who was not a criminal to run the agency. They had searched many other government officials and they were all criminals so they were not suitable for the post. This man was able to do his job somewhat and he threw a few people in jail. But he received constant death threats and his attempts to root out corruption and crime in government were constantly being thwarted by police and government officials.

15. Increasingly, the line between “the Internet scammers” and “the noncriminals” was blurred. Nearly every West African and certainly 95% of Nigerians we met were either openly running scams, trying to steal money, jerking off at girls or trying to scam a White woman into marriage. I am starting to think that scamming and thievery of one sort of another seems to be a regional pastime, particularly in Nigeria. However, even in the Nigeria, rampant crime and degeneracy occurred only in the Christian South and not in the Muslim North.

16. Although the Nigerians I met in this country were good people, educated professionals often with advanced degrees, even they pretty much admitted to me that their whole country had been taken over criminals.

One man told me that he had grown up in a small village in the jungle where there was almost no crime. For thievery, you could be beaten very badly, thrown out of the village or maybe even killed. For serious crimes like rape and murder, people were simply killed. There wasn’t much crime in that village.

But he said that in recent years the old village system had fallen apart and the country had pretty much gone to Hell and every other person you met was some sort of a crook. He himself had invested a lot of money into a
medical clinic of some sort with a partner. He went back to the US. He received regular glowing reports from the partner about how much business the clinic was doing, etc. etc. Finally, after two years, he went back to Nigeria to check on the clinic and found that it had never even been opened. The partner had simply absconded with maybe $200,00 in cash and had disappeared from the face of the Earth. S9 there you have some more evidence.

17. Based on all of this accumulated evidence, I pretty much want nothing to do with most if not all people from this region and I am wary of even the ones who seem like they might be ok. In a nutshell, I hardly trust any of them. I feel that if this makes me racist, then I am completely ok with that sort of racism and in fact I will relish it and wallow in it with glee and pride.


Filed under Africa, Blacks, Crime, Government, Nigeria, Nigerians, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Scams, Social Problems, Sociology, Urban Studies, West Africa

Report from Nigeria

Crime and especially violent crime is sky-high in most Sub Saharan African countries by both self-report from those who live there, from traveler reports (you can go read many reports from travelers to Africa reporting frightening out of control crime), from official government reports (many of those countries have traveler warnings issued by the state department for very high crime rates, and also by simple observation.

We dealt a lot with Nigerian scammers, and they were almost never arrested and never went to prison. Whole Internet cafes are taken over by scammers. One Nigerian man who worked with us said the average cafe in Lagos contained 90% scammer criminals in the daytime and late at night. Only 10% of people there during normal working hours were noncriminals. Cafe scammers were usually young, but there were older ones too. Our Nigerian contact was stunned to see a former newscaster for a large Lagos TV station sitting in there trying to scam Americans.

Authorities refused to do anything about it. Part of the problem with the scamming is that the society is so depraved that the police do not even feel that scamming is a crime or should be against the law. They refuse to arrest scammers because the cops have the sociopathic type mindset that scamming victims deserve to be fleeced for being stupid. We were told that most cops in Nigeria and Ghana were criminals themselves. In Accra, cops regularly set up roadblocks and shake down every motorist trying to get by. You have to bribe them to keep going on the road.

We had reports that said most of the scammers had excellent relations with their families, including their parents. Their parents knew that their sons were criminals, but they did not care and they actually considered this a great way to make money. That’s how depraved and evil even the so-called normal people are.

Law enforcement is nearly nonexistent in many of these lands, so it appears that many to most crimes are not even reported. This means the crime rate may be far higher than what is reported. Apparently most crimes in the region go unsolved, so criminals feel they have a sense of impunity. In Lagos, purse-snatchers and pickpockets are sometimes apprehended in the act by people in the nearby crowds. A mob captures the thief and abuses him in public on the street. In many cases, the thief is murdered by lynch mob justice right there on the street. The thieves are frequently set on fire and burned to death in public. Sure the cops don’t enforce the law, but vigilantes and mobs just might.

Most of the dating sites have been destroyed by Nigerian criminals. We ran a Yahoo group to fight dating scammers. Many Nigerians came to the group saying that they were regular Nigerians who were outraged by the scammers who were giving the nation a bad reputation. They did not seem like typical scammers. They cooperated with us for a while, but after some time, ~95% of them tried to steal from us and were thrown out of the group.

Also the Nigerian men were all harassing the White women in the group on chat. They were always asking to cam chat with the women. The women would turn on their cams to see the Nigerian, and the Nigerian would have his dick out jerking off at the women. Some of the women in our group were traumatized by that, and after a while, we started throwing them out for jerking off at the women. Almost all of them jerked off at our women on cam.

Also a lot of the men were trying to get a Western, preferably White, wife. We called them “marriage scammers,” and after a while, we started throwing them all out too.

We received many reports from women who had married Nigerian men and got them into the US or Canada. The men marry the women for a VISA. Almost 100% of the men were criminals who refused to work and lived off the women. They all habitually cheated on their wives, and most of them stayed home all day chatting with women on the Net to get new lovers or else running scams and other crimes from the computer.

These men were also domineering, abusive and severely restricted their wives’ freedom.

Apparently this is how marriage works in ultra-patriarchal Nigeria. A number of West African women we got to know said the place was crap because women were treated like dirt in the region by West African men. One of the women who told us this was from Sierra Leone, so this indicates the problem is regional. The Sierre Leone woman was later thrown out when she tried to steal from us.

Many of the Net auction sites were also ruined by Nigerians and Gypsies. The online housing rental business was seriously ruined. Almost anyone offering to sell anything from West Africa on the Net (West Africans are often selling things like gold on the Net) is a criminal. There was a large case recently where Nigerians in Cameroon ripped off many bug collectors by offering to sell rare beetles which are much sought after by collectors. They stole from all the collectors.

One man with an online store said he had 10,000 buy attempts from Nigeria, and 100% were fraudulent, all using stolen credit cards. Many online retailers ban all IP’s from Nigeria from their stores and do not accept any credit card transactions from a Nigerian IP because it is almost always using a stolen credit card. Finally major credit card companies banned the use of their cards to Nigerians. Nigerians cannot get a number of major credit cards due to their nationality. Later some other West African nations were also banned by major credit cards. Ghanians complained that they could not get credit cards either.

We have reports that many of the ships coming into Nigerian harbors are full of stolen goods, possibly up to 50% of all ship imports. Many non-contraband items not stolen are offloaded at the docks and then promptly stolen either at the dock or en route to wherever they are taken to be retailed.

We got to know some Nigerians who had money, and they told us that they ran off generators. Nigeria is extremely oil rich, but the power goes out constantly in Lagos. The reason is because the people who run the power companies are criminals, and they steal most of the oil that is meant to power the city to sell it on the black market. This is what our Nigerian informants told us.

An anti-fraud commission was set up in Nigeria, and they had to head it with a Muslim from the north. The position went empty for a long time because they literally could not find anyone in the Nigerian government who was not a criminal! Finally they found that one man, and he was the only noncriminal official in the government. He had a hard time prosecuting cases because he received constant threats from criminals and government officials who were either criminals themselves or were in league with organized crime.

The US FBI closed down its Nigerian offices where it had been working with the Nigerian government on organized crime due to “complete lack of cooperation from the Nigerian government.” In other words, most everyone in the government was a criminal and was also in with the organized crime gangs.

We got to know some Nigerians when some people in the group made friends with them. We were told that all Nigerians do not trust anyone at all and they all worry that anyone, including their own friends, might rip them off at any time.

Major oil companies had offices in Nigeria to house Western employees. They put up huge electric fences with barbed wire to keep the criminals out. Also they put in strict rules to try to keep employees from going out into society because it was too dangerous.

Nigerian roads are chaotic and horrible and there are terrible accidents causing injury and death all the time. Typically there is a horrible accident with injuries and death. Other motorists along the road will pull over, and a crowd will descend on the wreckage to rob the wounded. They also steal anything they can from the dead.

Human beings are regularly kidnapped by witch doctors in Nigeria where they sacrificed via ritual murder in order to cast magic spells. The witch doctors also chop the victims up after they die and use the various body organs in magic spells. There is a high demand for these body parts among witch doctors.

We got to know some Westerners who went to Lagos. One woman told us that as soon as she got off the plane, she went to the restroom, and a Nigerian woman immediately tried to steal from her! She had barely been in the country 10 minutes before someone tried to rob her. She said there were also reports that the guards and people checking your bags were thieves. She said when the plane landed you could smell the overwhelming smell of rotting garbage. That is the smell of Lagos, the overwhelming, retching smell of rotting garbage, she told us.


Filed under Africa, Corruption, Crime, Culture, Government, Law enforcement, Nigeria, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Roma, Scams, West Africa, Whites, Women

More on Nigerian Internet Criminals

libertine81 wrote:

What numbers are we referring to here? Can you give me a conservative ballpark figure, and not the percentage, of the amount of Nigerian scammers you’ve encountered? If what I read from this article turns out to be true, then it would be pretty shocking.

The only Nigerian that I have met in my life was decent and honest. I detected no criminal-like behaviour in him at all.

The US Embassy in Lagos is not stupid. They know that is a nation full of lousy people, and many of them are either crooks or scumbags. They turn down at least 99% of Nigerians who try to get into the US. It is very hard to get into the US from Nigeria. We kept getting told this.

The ones they do let in often have an advanced degree. I met two Nigerians, and they were both PA’s with advanced degrees. A Nigerian professional with an advanced degree is likely to be a good person.

I personally dealt with literally hundreds of these scammer idiots. The Internet cafe owners were all in on it. You could walk into 10-20 Internet cafes in Lagos on any given day, and 80% of the people in there would be sitting there scamming Americans all day long. There was a bit of a crackdown, and then the cafe owners pretended to kick the scammers out, but they would just open the cafes at nigh,t and the cafe would fill up with scammers who would stay in there all night long. They would leave in the morning.

We kept trying to get the Nigerian police to do something about it, but they refused to get involved. It used to make us furious that the cops would not do anything about it. The cops all acted like they could care less, and they thought there was nothing wrong with it. Their attitude was, “Why would anyone be so stupid as to fall for something as lame as that anyway?” They had this attitude that it was ok to con fools. The cops were sleazy.

One woman managed to get an idiot arrested. He stole $50,000 from her, and he got nailed with ~6 years in prison. He spent the money on a brand new fancy Mercedes, he drove it to the college where he went to school, and everyone came out and oohed and ahhed at it. The whole crowd knew he stole the money, but none of them even cared.

We were told that the scammers were mostly teenage boys and young men. A lot were working on their own, but some were working for organized crime gangs. There were also some other scammers who were older men. They looked very hard and cold, and they were very, very good. Very slick and smooth. Those were like hardcore criminals, gangsters.

A lot of younger guys were often not very good scammers. A lot of the young guys did not look hard and cold. They just seemed like idiots and assholes.

We got photographs of a lot of the scammers. A lot of the young guys and even some of the hard, cold older ones.

After a while they got some young women in on it too. You would call to talk to your beautiful fake woman, and one of the women would answer the phone.

We were told that the young guys could make some very good money off the romance scamming, sometimes hundreds or thousands of dollars. They would go home, tell their family about it, and their mother, father and siblings would all cheer for them. It was like literally not one human in Lagos cared that these guys were stealing money from Americans.

After a while I started thinking there was something very badly wrong with these people from this country. I do not know what happened to that country, but something went horribly wrong there, and it ended up creating a nation of criminals.

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Filed under Africa, Corruption, Crime, Law enforcement, Nigeria, Organized Crime, Regional, Scams, West Africa