Category Archives: Koreans

An Ancient Link Between India and Australia

Halal Butcher of Lhasa: Aboringinal Australians and their dingo dogs are linked to Dravidians in S. Asia according to scientists at Max Planck Institute of Germany.

Wow, that is great information. Thanks for that. I have not even read the link yet, but a link between early Indians and Aborigines has been suggested before.

There is a theory about the peopling of Australia that the present day Aborigines are not even the aboriginal people. The Kow Swamp people were an earlier group, and they were even more primitive than Aborigines. Some think the Kow Swamp person is not even Homo Sapiens. The skull is quite Erectus-like. It is nearly a relict hominid. Anyway the old theory is that these very primitive folks got replaced in two waves.

One wave was called Murrayians. This is an Ainu or Vedda-like group from the Thailand area. Skulls from Thailand 25,000 YBP resemble Aborigines. We know that there are very primitive people in Thailand 16,000 YBP whose skulls line up perfectly with the ancient Japanese Jomonese who later become the Ainu. There is still a Veddoid group in Thailand today called the Senoi.

There are drawings of Jomonese types even from Korea that show them as very robust types that do look quite Ainuid. It’s now known that the Ainu are a cold-adapted Australoid type by skulls, although their genes look Japanese and Korean. There has long been thought to be an Austronesian-like layer in Japanese which would logically go back to the ancient language spoken by these immigrants from Thailand. In other words, quite a few of the Japanese came up from the far south from SE Asia long ago. These earlier people mixed by Yayoi from Korea who invaded 2,300 YBP and slowly conquered the Ainu up the peninsula to the Far North. This conquest was apparently still underway in the modern era. The Japanese gene pool is ~20% Ainu.

Around the same time, the traditional model said that a very Ainuid-looking people moved into the Philippines. Logically these would have been these ancient Thai on the way to Japan stopping off in the Philippines.

The Murrayians are said to have come to Australia between 15-20,000 YBP. Logically these could have been these proto-Jomonese types from Thailand.

The second wave to Australia according to the old model were the Carpinterians. They came 10-15,000 YBP and are thought to have come from India. Logically these were Indian Australoid/Veddoid types from the south. All Indians looked like Aborigines (Australoid) until 8,000 YBP. The transition towards Caucasoid only occurred in the last 8,000 years. It may well have been this Carpinterian group that brought the dingo digs along with themselves in a seaward movement to Australia ~13,000 YBP.


Filed under Aborigines, Ainu, Anthropology, Asia, Asians, Australia, East Indians, India, Japan, Japanese, Koreans, Northeast Asians, Philippines, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, SE Asia, SE Asians, South Asians, Thai, Thailand

Only Whites Are Expats?

Trash: White are COLONISTS essentially. We do not have the same primitive tribal link to the land that Mestizos or Africans do. So you move to Sydney and write your parents every day on e mail. Maybe a once a year trip.

I know many whites who moved to Australia from California. They did it simply to get away from NAM’s and be in a White individualist country. They were happy to do so…like I was happy to leave Greater Detroit.

First of all, residents of Europe are not colonists at all. They have all lived right where they are. The only White colonists are in South Africa, the US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

And what makes you think Australia is individualist? Last time I checked, it was quite socialist.

And for exactly the same reason that you say Whites leave the US, many people all over the world leave their lousy countries to move to a better country. There is an economic element of course, but there is also the notion that their own country is a Hellhole.

Bottom line is people all over the world move all over the place all the time.

Inside Latin America, there is huge migration. Costa Rica is now full of Nicaraguans. Cuba is full of Jamaicans and Haitians. The Dominican Republic is full of Haitians. Argentina is filling up with Bolivians and Peruvians. Plenty of Colombians have moved to Venezuela. Central Americans move to Mexico. And many Latin Americans have moved to Spain now due to the common language. The Whiter ruling class of Latin America seems to live about half their lives in Spain.

Many Latinos have come to the US and even Canada now. People from all over Latin America come to the US. Most are from Mexico and Central America – mostly from Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica. From the Caribbean, we have many Cubans, Dominicans, and Haitians. Many South Americans such as Colombians, Brazilians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Chileans, Peruvians, Argentines, Uruguayans, and Bolivians. I have met South Americans from all of these countries in the US.

South Asians pour into the UK, US, Canada and the Gulf states.

Europe is filling up with Black Africans. Many North Africans moved to France and the Netherlands. All of Europe is filling up with Syrians. There are a lot of Iranians in the Nordic states. Turkey is full of Syrians, Crimean Tatars and Kirghiz.

Black Africans flood into South Africa and also the Arab states of North Africa. Libya and Egypt are full of Black Africans, mostly Nigerians. Right now there are some Nigerians in SE Asia and there are quite a few in China. Nigerians appear to be one of the more mobile groups of Africans.

Filipinos flood into China, the US, Australia, the Gulf and Jordan. Chinese move to Australia, the US and Canada. Koreans move to the US. China is full of Koreans.

Palestinians and now Syrians have been living all over the Arab World for some time now. Lebanese move to Australia.  Quite a few Egyptians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Syrians, and Yemenis moved to the US. Many Uighur Chinese have moved to Syria.

Polynesians move to the US and Australia.

Central Asians pour into Europe and the US. Residents of the Stans such as Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, and Uzbekistan and Tajikistan move to Russia.


Filed under Africa, Americas, Arabs, Argentina, Argentines, Asia, Asians, Australia, Blacks, Bolivians, Brazilians, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, Chileans, China, Chinese (Ethnic), Colombians, Colonialism, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dominicans, Ecuadorians, Egypt, Egyptians, Eurasia, Europe, Europeans, Filipinos, France, Guatemalans, Haitians, Hispanics, Hondurans, Immigration, Iranians, Iraqis, Jamaicans, Jordan, Koreans, Latin America, Lebanese, Libya, Mexico, Middle East, Near East, Near Easterners, Netherlands, Nigerians, North Africa, North Africans, North America, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Palestinians, Peruvians, Political Science, Polynesians, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Russia, SE Asians, Sociology, South Africa, South America, South Asians, Spain, Syria, Syrians, Turkey, Uighurs, Uruguayans, USA, Venezuela, Whites, Yemenis

Repost: What Do the Chinese Think of Blacks?

This is also getting posted around lately. There is a lot of talk on this site about racism, prejudice and ethnic conflicts that result from that all over the world, so I thought you might be interested in this. I hate to say it, but I do not think Chinese like Black people too much. There is also an excellent story of Chinese men staging an anti-Black race riot in China over Black men “stealing their women.” Most groups of men will not put up with another ethnic group taking their women. It is a primal thing.

Hacienda, a Korean nationalist commenter with an anti-White grudge, posts:

“…all those groups seriously hate blacks…”

One thing whites HAVE to stop doing:

Stop trying to be the spokespeople for other races. How the f+ck do you know that Chinese REALLY hate blacks!

I have spent a lot of time around Japanese and Koreans. They seriously hate Blacks, way, way, way, way worse than Whites do. They are like how we used to be. It’s pretty much the same with the East Indians in the US. And I know for a fact it’s true about Hispanics. It’s not that these people hate Blacks and Whites don’t, it’s just that they are vastly more racist than we are anymore. US Whites have lost a lot of their anti-Black racism lately. Things are far different than they were 30 or even 20 years ago.

I recall that during Mao’s era, the Maoist regime used to send bright Africans to college in China. The Chinese male students would chase them down the streets threatening to beat them up and calling them monkeys.

Also, a number of Blacks came to a university town in China recently. As might be expected, they were great players and were quickly cleaning up with the Chinese girls. They would throw parties in their apartments. Only Black men allowed. Only Chinese women allowed. No Chinese men allowed.

The Chinese male students at the university staged a wild, violent riot over the Blacks “stealing Chinese women.” Things got so bad that the Chinese government moved the Black students out of the city.

I also heard one Chinese guy from the Bay Area say that he and every Chinese person he knew in the Bay Area despised Blacks. Turned out that a number of them had been victims of violent crime. In every single case, the Chinese person was victimized by a Black criminal. This was the genesis of their rage.

Those anecdotes, along with the fact that Chinese racial supremacism probably mirrors the Japanese and Korean varieties, lead me to think that Chinese are not too wild about Blacks.

Heck, Chinese don’t even like other Asians. They don’t even like non-Han Asiatics who are their fellow citizens in China. I have had them tell me that Chinese means “Han.” Anyone in China who is not Han is “not Chinese.” Implication is that they are inferior. Even the Cantonese Yue are considered to be barbarians. They are somewhat off the hook as they have been Hanized, but not totally.

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Filed under Asia, Asians, Blacks, China, Chinese (Ethnic), Japanese, Koreans, Northeast Asians, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Whites

North Koreans Versus Indians


Tell me why you hate so much zero empathy or even try to understand the “Indians” but not the north Korean.

You will banned me first or you will explain this contradiction??

You tell me why I should show empathy for monsters, wicked people, and sociopathic, morally depraved freaks? Sorry pal. I am on an empathy diet. I have plenty of empathy for good people. As far as bad people go, they can just burn. I have dealt with enough assholes for twenty lifetimes, and I don’t need to even speak to one more.

Why should I try to “understand” monsters? Everybody does everything for a reason, and it is usually a logical reason in some way. Even criminals are behaving logically in some according to some perverse system of logic, and many of them have frankly been created by awful environments.

It is very easy to “understand” the behavior of most human beings  who act horrible in the typical ways. We all know why people act this way. Good and evil and inborn in all of us, and when your heart dies, the Devil can capture your soul and turn you into his plaything for the rest of his life. It can happen to me, you or anyone because we all have evil inside of us.

We all have to guard against our evil tendencies at all times. Those of us who act good are not that different from those who act bad. I have a great deal of evil inside of me, but I have enough of a pure heart and warm soul left somehow that I am able to suppress my evil behaviors and temptations. Not that I do not feel them. I simply feel them, recognize them as evil intentions and vow to resist them. In this way, you can walk with Jesus and be a real Christian.

Sublimation is nothing new. Churchill could have been Hitler.

Greed, hatred, competitiveness, lack of empathy, treacherousness, backstabbing, murderousness, aggression, violence, rape, wife beating, torture, cruelty, sadism, sexism/racism/classism/casteism, corruption, bribery, covetousness, jealousy, envy, irritability, meanness, fraud, cheating, stealing, lying…all of these things are essential aspects of day to day Indian culture that no one even thinks twice about.

And of course they are present in all human societies to some extent. Of course I “understand” why people act bad in every single way that I listed above. Most people figure that stuff out sometime in childhood. It’s not hard to figure out the motives for evil behavior. Further, I work in mental health, so I understand  the motives for evil better than 90% of the population. But so what? Who cares if we “understand” why people act horrible? Big deal! Most everything is “understandable,” even if in some sick or awful way. Why should I let scumbags off the hook just because I have figured out why they are such dicks?

And one more thing. If Indians are characterized by any one thing, it is that there is a sheer and utter lack of empathy that pervades the entire society and attempts to infect everyone born into it. If you try to be a dissident and protest this callous mindset, you will be browbeaten, shunned, rejected and possibly even threatened. I get emails all the time from Indians who condemn their country to Hell but then beg me not to post their name anywhere to anyone. They are absolutely terrified of speaking out in their society. A lot of them told me that it is actually dangerous to speak out against Indian culture. You may get physically assaulted or worse, not to mention the emotional abuse.

Now how about if you tell me why I should show empathy towards people who have no empathy themselves? Forget it. No! If you want me to feel some empathy towards you, you need to retain a human soul and something left of a heart yourself. If you have burned and discarded those essential human parts of yourself, I have nothing to say to you, and I feel I should show you no kindness, remorse, sympathy or mourning. You simply do not deserve to receive those human feelings from me.

The North Korean people I think are very good people. I have seen a lot of reports from people who went there, and they said that the people they met were all fantastic. It is the regime that is terrible. Bad government, good people. The culture itself is not toxic or evil.

In India the culture itself is toxic and evil and promotes sociopathy and wickedness in all Indians from the day you are born. Of course the government is full of some of the worst of all of these people, but your average Indian often is a perfectly horrible human being in the way he lives his life and his values or lack thereof. Normal Indian culture is narcissistic, callous, sadistic, self-serving, selfish, backstabbing, treacherous, utterly dishonest and sociopathic. So you end up with a billion people who lie, cheat and steal as a matter of daily existence. A nation of monsters.

The people themselves are shitty.

In India, the government is shitty, and so are the people who have blackened hearts and burnt out souls.

In North Korea the government is shitty, but the people are generally decent people with something remaining of real hearts and genuine human souls.


Filed under Asia, Asians, Culture, East Indians, Government, India, Koreans, NE Asia, North Korea, Northeast Asians, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Social Problems, Sociology, South Asia, South Asians

Korea: The Nazi Germany of Asia?

Commenter Gus Yates writes:

I lived in South Korea for seven years as an ESL teacher as a Caucasian Australian. The racism I encountered there and witnessed others being subjected to beggared belief. The Korean concept of ‘Volksgemeinshaft‘ is called Minjok Uishik, and it basically translates to ‘pure blooded racial community’. This racist mindset is drilled into every single Korean, and the similarities between South Korea and Nazi Germany are scary.

Granted Caucasians might be treated slightly better than other minorities, but basically all non Koreans are viewed as the enemy whether you look like Brad Pitt or Wesley Snipes. I actually learned to speak Korean, and that was a mistake. I could now understand the racist comments constantly made at my expense. If you’re not Korean and you’re dating or married to a Korean lady, then your experience will be even worse.

Koreans take racial purity very seriously, and political correctness hasn’t caught on yet. I’ve spent time in some 35 countries and lived in five, and I can tell you that there is no country on earth more racist and xenophobic than that hellish peninsula. Generalizing about nationalities is fraught with danger, but in the case of Korea it is warranted. They’re not nice people at all.

I ended up marrying a Chinese lady, spent significant time in China, and the differences between Korea and China couldn’t be more pronounced. The Chinese are warm, tolerant and friendly. In China, I was never abused or physically assaulted just for holding hands with my wife in public. Nor was she called a slut for marrying outside her race.

Even in Australia my wife was called Chunya (slut) just for being with me in public by Korean tourists! The best thing about Korea is after you leave, anywhere else on earth seems so good in comparison. Enough said.

Even seven years after I left, my Korean experience still haunts me. Not a nice place. Life is too short to waste even one minute in that country. There are so many nicer places where you won’t be treated like an animal for being foreign.

Gus’s comments seem to mirror those of commenter Jason Y exactly. Jason experienced almost the same thing as an ESL instructor in South Korea and he relates a near-identical experience.

Furthermore, though they are often bashed and called fascist for it, North Korea has exactly the same mindset in spades, maybe even worse than the South.

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Filed under Asia, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Culture, Koreans, NE Asia, North Korea, Northeast Asians, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, South Korea

How Do We Define a Race of Humans?

aircommodore writes:

Robert, you’ve probably done this already but can you please provide a definition for “race”?

Based on this post here, The Major and Minor Races of Man, where I divided humans up into four macro races, 11 major races and 115 minor races based on genetic distance. The questioner wants to know what my methodology is for determining what a race is and what it is not.

Here was my method and I must admit that my methodology was completely impressionistic in that I would just look at how far certain group[s were from each other to determine where they were racially. I didn’t have any strict figures that I was using (more sort of general ones) but I used the same basic distance for all groups.

At some certain X genetic distance, you a race. At some certain less than X distance, you have groups in the same race.

For instance, I created a South China Sea Race due to data showing that Filipinos, the Ami aborigines of Taiwan and the Guangdong or Hong Kong Han all formed a nice tight genetic race because they were so similar to each other. On the other hand, there is no Guangdong Han Race, Ami Race nor Filipino Race as they are all part of a larger group or actual race. I am not sure what you might call them – perhaps those three could be called ethnic groups.

On the other hand, the Puyuma Taiwan aborigines were far enough apart to even be in a separate race from the Ami.

The biggest races of all – the huge groups with the most genetic distance from each other, form Macro-Races such as Caucasians, Africans, Asians and Oceanians. Included within those groups are eleven Major Races the names of which elude me now as I forget what I called them. For instance, I believe I split Asians into Southeast Asians, Northeast Asians, and Amerindians because those three groups are so far apart that you really need to split them.

Within each Major Race, I split each one up in to a number of Minor Races. Within say Northeast Asians, I had the Japanese-Korean Race consisting of the Japanese, the Koreans and the Ainu because they are so close to each other genetically and they form a nice neat little cluster that is away from all other groups.


Filed under Ainu, Amerindians, Anthropology, Asians, Blacks, Chinese (Ethnic), Europeans, Filipinos, Japanese, Koreans, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians, Taiwanese Aborigines

The Races of China and Japan

Pretty cool old anthropology article on the Chinese and Japanese races. It’s wrong in some ways, but it still has a lot that should be of value. Obviously such an article could not appear in any anthropology journal today, which is pitiful. Blame PC for that.

The Races of China and Japan

by Harry Paxton Howard

The China Weekly Review, Vol. 60 (12 March 1932), pp. 48–50

The Chinese and Japanese are two separate and distinct peoples, as separate and distinct as is the southern Italian from the Norwegian taken in the mass. There is no scientific basis for the assertion that they are of the same race, and indeed anyone at all familiar with the two peoples is readily able to distinguish between the general type. There is the lesser height of the Japanese (due mainly to shorter legs), the more rugged features, the sharper, longer, and narrower eyes (usually black as compared with the typical Chinese brown), the more brownish skin-color, the much greater frequency of beard.

On the other hand, there are certain sub-types which both peoples possess and which make it possible for thousands of Japanese in this country to pass as Chinese, while there are many pure Chinese who may be mistaken for Japanese. The reason for this is that each people is a mixture of different elements. Some of the elements are common to both peoples. Some elements one people possesses but not the other.

Chinese Racial Origins

Many anthropologists have devoted themselves to analyzing and distinguishing the racial elements in the two countries. Buxton, Li Chi, Shirokogoroff and some others have given special study to the Chinese people, and all distinguish different types among the population, as do also Haddon, Morant and others.

The most complete study to date is that made by Dr. Stevenson of the P.U.M.C. at Peiping, in his ‘Collected Anthropometric Data on the Chinese,’ showing at least two distinct types, though Stevenson is too cautious a scientist to state any definite conclusions as yet. And as regards racial origins in the North, the data given in Black’s study of skulls from prehistoric sites in Kansu and Honan suggest answers to some long-debated problems when considered in connection with some physical types already distinguished by different anthropologists.

First of all there is a Chinese type which is also found among the Manchus and by students is regarded as the fundamental ‘Manchu’ type. It is of short or medium stature, with broad head, low orbits (apparently associate with a long and narrow eye-slit), narrow nose often aquiline, frequently fair and ruddy skin. This type exists in Manchuria and in North China today, and is found further south as well.

Secondly, there is a type which, if placed side by side with the foregoing, will show marked differences. It is taller, with longer skull, wider forehead, higher orbits (‘rounder’ and more open eye), broader nose. It is frequent in North China, but is found to be predominant and characteristic among the Kham Tibetans of the territory adjoining Kansu.

The Primitive Mixture

The study of prehistoric skulls referred to above indicates the existence of these very types in the China of four thousand years ago. The earliest skulls, from Neolithic cities in Kansu and Honan, present ‘several suggestive similarities to Kham Tibetans’ though differing from more recent North China skulls in being longer, ‘with somewhat wide foreheads and longer skull bases, and slightly broader palates and lower orbits.’

The aspects in which these Neolithic skulls differ from the Kham Tibetans, however, are very significant. In addition to the Tibetan type, they include a type with broader head, narrow nose, and lower orbits. Such features are characteristic of the Manchu type referred to above, which fact leaves little doubt that the Neolithic people were a mixture of these Kham Tibetan and ‘Manchu’ types.

Judging from their later distribution, it is probable that the ‘Manchu’ type was more characteristic of the Honan communities, the Kham Tibetan type of those in Kansu, but the study referred to above, unfortunately, does not distinguish between the two localities, grouping them all together as ‘Yang Shao’ (Neolithic).

The Turkish Element

Others of these prehistoric communities, evidently later in date and showing the use of bronze in addition to stone, show the addition of another type which, combined with the previous ones, makes up a mixture hardly distinguishable from the Northern Chinese of more recent times. As previously stated, the primitive mixture differed from the more recent by its narrower skull, broader foreheads, and lower orbits. The new type evidently possessed a broader skull, with relatively narrower forehead and higher orbits.

These features are characteristic of the Turki, with their broad skull, long oval face, and generally non-Mongolian eyes. From the study mentioned…it would appear that the lower orbits are generally an Oriental characteristic. They are apparently associated with the longer, narrower eye. No other race in this part of the world seems to possess just these characteristics, and we know that the early home of the Turkish peoples was somewhere in the interior of Asia. It is an interesting confirmation of the theory held by many historical students (e.g., Hirth), on different grounds, that the Turkish element is present and is of some significance in China.

[It should be understood that the word Turki here refers not to the tribe, but to the racial stock. This stock is predominant among the Turkish peoples, though now apparently mixed with other elements.]

This element, indeed, would explain the presence of the occasional ‘hairy’ type among the Chinese. Most Chinese, like Mongolian peoples as a whole, have little hair either on face on body. The Turki, however, possess a plentiful beard, and a fair supply of hair on the body as well, in distinct contrast to the Mongolian peoples. We find some Chinese possess beards and growth of hair on the body, and the Turkish element would account for this. Hairiness, indeed, is a distinguishing feature of Chinese Moslems, who quite clearly have a strong non-Mongolian element in them.

Four Types

This Turkish element seems to have come in together with bronze in the legendary period just preceding more definite history. The early Hsiung-nu (on the plains to the north of the Yellow River in ancient China) appear to have been Turkish, and Hirth believes that the Chou Dynasty was of Turkish origin. It was apparently in the second millennium B.C. that this element became mixed with the Kham Tibetans and Manchu types referred to above, producing a mixture similar to that of North China today.

There is, however, a fourth type, of the presence of which Chinese history leaves no doubt whatsoever – the Mongol. This type, distinguished from the mass of Chinese by the lowness of the Mongol head and breadth of the face and head, as well as the little flat nose and low stature, has apparently existed for long in the Chinese mixture. Its coming into China was during the historic period, with one invasion after another by Mongol peoples (as well as by others) during the past two thousand years.

There may be distinguished, therefore, four racial types of some importance in North China,— the Manchu, the Kham Tibetan, the Turki, and the Mongol. These four elements, with their combinations, seem to account for every type of any frequency in North China and are found further south as well.

It should be noted however, that three of the types, judging from their present-day representatives, possess certain essential characters of the Mongolian group – hair straight, black, and scanty on face and body; eyes usually relatively long and narrow, generally brown in color, and commonly with the characteristic Mongolian eye-fold; skin color varying from yellowish-white to yellow-brown, though there are fair and ruddy complexions also.

The Turki are closer to the Caucasian owing to their abundant hair on face and body, frequently if not typically wavy; eyes generally full and round (though often – apparently through admixture – with Mongolian fold); skin color from pinkish-white to brown.

The South

The above-named elements are characteristic of North China, but they extend into the South as well. Here, however, they come into contact with other types rarely found among natives of the North. First of all there is an element with wavy or even curly hair, open and round non-Mongolian eye, short stature but relatively long legs, long and narrow head, and broad nose. These characters, which set this type distinctly apart from the Mongolian races, belong to many southern aborigines as well as Chinese, distinguishing a race which Buxton and Haddon link up with the Indonesians or Nesiots.

There is still another element present in the South, a quite different race but now generally mixed with other types – the Negrito. This type is characterized by its woolly hair, very short stature, very dark skin and broad nose, and full or thick lips. Li Chi and other anthropologists have pointed out indications of such a type.

It appears indeed, that the occasionally curly-haired Chinese in the south is usually a cross between this woolly-haired type and either the wavy-haired Indonesian or straight-haired Mongolian element. And other Negroid characters such as prognathism, black skin, pigmentation of the eye, the full or even thick lips also occur. Negrito peoples still exist scattered over a considerable area in southeastern Asia and the adjoining islands, and probably at one time occupied a much greater part of southeastern Asia than at present.

Stevenson believes there is still another type present in the South which he terms Polynesian, rather similar to the Indonesian but with finer and more prominent features.

The Chinese Mixture

There are therefore several races or sub-races among the Chinese people. There is indeed little agreement among anthropologists as to what constitutes a race, some defining 19 or 20, others 40-60, among the peoples of the earth.

There is wide agreement among competent anthropologists, however, as to certain broad divisions of the human species, and Boas…recognizes two main divisions, the Caucasian-Mongolian and the Afro-Australian.

In the first division the Mongolians have straight black hair, flat or broad face, Mongolian eye-fold, frequently yellowish (though often fair, ruddy, or brown) skin color. The Caucasian hair is often wavy or curly and of lighter color, and the Mongolian eye-fold and yellowish skin color are ordinarily absent. The most fundamental distinction between the two however is the relative hairiness of the Caucasian and the hairlessness (on face and body) of the Mongolian.

The Blacks of the second division differ from both members of the first division by their woolly or frizzly hair, their black skin (with a degree of pigmentation which even affects the eye), their frequently thick and everted lips, and by actual bodily proportions, the Negro leg being differently formed from that of ‘White’ or ‘Yellow’ man. The most marked point of distinction between Negro and Australian is the relative hairiness of the latter and the fact that this hair is not woolly but curly or frizzly.

Of these four main physical divisions of mankind we find the Mongolian most common in China. The extent of the Caucasian element depends upon how the Indonesian and Turkish types are classified. Some group the Indonesians with Caucasians because of their wavy or curly hair and open, round, non-Mongolian eye. Elliott Smith groups them together with the Mediterranean peoples as the Brown Race. The Turki are also a people regarding whose classification there is a difference of opinion, their straight black hair making it possible to group them with the Mongolians, while its abundance and their lack of other specifically Mongolian characters marks them as Caucasian.

Besides the Mongolian and Caucasian elements in China, there is only the Negrito, which is slight. We find, therefore, six recognized types in China, three being Mongolian – the Mongol, Manchu, and Kham Tibetan (though Morant thinks the last-named type is not Mongolian at all – two being classifiable as ‘Caucasian – the Turki and the Indonesians – and one being Negrito. There are some other rather infrequent physical types not yet clearly defined and classified.

Japanese Racial Origins

The racial analysis of the Japanese is in some ways easier than that of the Chinese owing to their being concentrated in a very much smaller area and owing to their being a more recent mixture of which the various elements are still fairly distinct in many cases. Three thousand years ago the ‘North China’ type seems to have already been formed, with its Manchu, Tibetan, and Turkish elements, but nothing whatever is known of the Japanese at that period. In the next thousand years the Chinese penetrated into the south and mixed with the Indonesian and other non-Mongolian elements there, but still nothing is known of the Japanese.

There are indications however that while this continual push to the southward was taking place on the mainland, there were movements in a northerly direction off and along the coast. Just when this movement of a southern maritime people reached Kyushu, the big southern island of Japan, we do not know, but it was probably not much before the Christian era. The present distribution of physical types in Japan, however, and their outside associations permit us to outline roughly the development which took place there just as we have done for China.

The early natives of the Japanese islands were the short, fair-skinned, hairy, non-Mongolian people known as the Ainu, now found, in fairly pure form in their communities only in Hokkaido, the most northerly of the three big islands but probably occupying practically the whole of the main island (Hondo) two thousand years ago. This people, whose affinities are Caucasian and who indeed show much resemblance to certain Russian types, were steadily driven north by the invasion from the south, continuing for century after century.

Negritos and Malays

In Kyushu there may have been another element – Negrito – prior to the maritime invasion. The wide territory over which the Negritos are scattered and the probability that they formerly occupied a much greater area than at present has already been referred to. At the present time, as regards Japan, this type seems more common in Kyushu than elsewhere, though it is scattered through the islands, and clearly recognizable Negroid or specifically Negrito types can be noted, though generally mixed with other elements.

In speaking of the Japanese types, our task is simplified by the fact that most of the racial types have already been defined for China. When we speak of the Malays therefore we can state the general type by simply noting that anthropologists tend to regard this type as a mixture of the Indonesian peoples with a Mongolian element from the north. The Mongolian element is shown more specifically in the eyes; the Indonesian in the short stature and occasionally wavy hair. The Malays themselves therefore are an ancient mixture – how old we do not know, though perhaps more recent than the early North China mixture.

This brown Malay element is probably the most important type in Japan, but for fully two thousand years it has been mixed with the Negrito, and also with types from the Asiatic mainland via Korea. These mainland types are of interest here.

Manchus and Ainus

The earliest known center of civilization in Japan was at a point opposite Korea where certain types evidently came across from the mainland. Among these types there was the ‘Manchu’ type which has already been defined, and probably the ‘North China’ type which had already been formed from the mixture of different elements previously referred to. There are Malay and other elements in Korea also.

Of these elements, the Manchu-Korean appears to have left the widest traces in Japan. Though there was some Chinese migration both in prehistoric and historic times, this was not sufficient in quantity or contained too little of the tall Kham Tibetan type, to affect the short Malay physique to any extent. The ‘Chinese type’ however is distinctly present in Japan, though its proportion to the whole is apparently not great.

Far more important than the Chinese element was that of the White aborigines, the savage Ainu.

As the Japanese people (mainly Malay but mixed with Negrito, some Manchu-Korean, and a slighter Chinese element) advanced northward in their steady conquest of the islands, they exterminated, enslaved, or absorbed those of the natives who did not give war before them. They certainly absorbed a very large number of them, as is shown today by the frequency of individuals with Ainu characteristics among the Japanese.

Most recognizable is the Ainu hairiness. Some have estimated that the Japanese people of today are more than one-third Ainu, though this figure is probably too high.

The Japanese Mixture

When we consider the four main physical divisions of mankind already referred to we find the Japanese are a quite different mixture from the Chinese.

While the Malay element is apparently of most importance, this must itself be divided into Mongolian and Indonesian. Another Mongolian element is seen in the Manchu-Korean type and in the occasional ‘Chinese’ type (which includes however other elements). The Mongolian element is therefore the most important quantitatively speaking, though this includes much more of the Manchu type than is the case with the Chinese, as shown by the long, narrow eyes characteristic of the Japanese.

The extent of the Caucasian element depends partly on how the Indonesians are classified, but there is little doubt of the essentially Caucasian characters of the hairy Ainu. The importance of the Negrito element is considerable, much greater than in China.

We find, therefore, six recognizable types in Japan, three being Mongolian – the Manchu type, and the Mongolian elements in the Malays and Chinese – two being classifiable as ‘Caucasians’ – the Ainu and the Indonesians – and one being Negrito.

Through the different methods of combination in the Japanese and Chinese peoples, therefore, we can see some of the reasons for the physical differences between the two. There is little sign among the Japanese of the Kham Tibetan and Turkish types which add height to the Chinese (particularly the northern Chinese) as well as making for a rounder and more open eye. There is no sign among the Chinese of the Ainu type which gives the more frequent hairiness and more rugged features to the Japanese. And so we have two separate people, generally easily distinguishable but containing many individuals of similar types.

Other Differences

Probably more important than race, however, are other differences. For four thousand years and more, the Chinese people have been agricultural villagers, tillers of the soil, conquered by pastoral nomads from time to time but absorbing their conquerors.

But for most of this period, the Japanese were a maritime people, raiding their way north and in the islands of Japan conquering and absorbing a White native population even more savage than themselves. China’s age of military feudalism came to an end two thousand years ago, and though there have been relapses, the essential principles of private ownership and a peasantry free from feudal shackles have remained.

But at that time Japan had not yet emerged from the darkness of savagery, and when many centuries later the light of Chinese civilization shed its rays over the islands, it illuminated a primitive military feudalism which continued to exist down to two short generations ago. The inhabitants of the islands cultivate the soil, but the peasantry remained serfs under feudal masters until a little over half a century ago, and military feudalism remained the law of the land.

It is differences in psychology resulting from these things which are probably more vital and fundamental than the physical differences between the two peoples…


Filed under Ainu, Anthropology, Asia, Asian, Asians, Blacks, China, Chinese (Ethnic), Cultural, Europeans, History, Indonesians, Japan, Japanese, Koreans, Malays, Mongolians, NE Asia, Negritos, Northeast Asians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, SE Asia, SE Asians, Tibetans, Turks

A Biological Association Between IQ and Skin Color in Japan

The journal article is here.

There is a significant gap in intelligence in Japan that correlates almost perfectly with latitude and even skin color.

The North-South intelligence gap in Japan is 11 points – 107 IQ in the north and 96 IQ in Okinawa. In addition, Japanese get taller as you go towards the north.

In Japan, lighter skin has a .42 correlation with elevated IQ. In other words, in Japan, the lighter the skin, the higher the IQ.

There is a remarkable correlation between IQ and homicide in Japan that is much greater than the IQ-skin color correlation.

In Japan, the higher the IQ, the lower the homicide rate – the correlation is stunningly high at .79 correlation.

However, there is downside to living in the north of Japan where folks are much more intelligent and vastly less homicidal. Weaker sunlight in the north makes people depressed and increases suicide rates.Apparently rates of depression and suicide rates increase as you go north in Japan.

Higher IQ is probably not more likely to make on depressed or suicidal, though this is an open question. Surely lighter skin is not more likely to make one depressed or suicidal as there is not even a good hypothesis there – why would having lighter skin be more depressing or make you want to kill yourself? It makes no sense.

Instead the correlation is simply due to the obvious – the weather. It is well known that the weaker the sunlight is, the more people get depressed, drink alcohol and commit suicide. Scandinavian countries had high suicide rates under all sorts of economic systems, and Scandinavians do not commit any more suicide than others living in the far north such as Greenlanders, Eskimos and Whites living in the Yukon or Alaska.In addition, Siberians have always had high suicide rates.

High rates of alcohol are also found all across the north in these very same areas. When the sun doesn’t come out at all for half the year, that is extremely depressing!

The highest IQ areas in Japan have the lowest homicide rates, and the lowest IQ areas have the highest homicide rates. The relationship between IQ and homicide in Japan is linear and almost perfect. The dumber people are, the more they kill other people. The smarter people are, the less they kill other humans.

In addition, there is an excellent relationship between IQ and income in Japan.

With every 1 IQ point rise, incomes increase by 2.5%. The smarter you are, the more money you make and the dumber you are, the less money you make.

In capitalism, many poor or low income people may be poor or low income simply because they are not very intelligent and for no other reason. Societal oppression is not always to blame for poverty and low income in capitalism as capitalism is like a footrace with 1000 sprinters and no matter how hard anyone tries, 300 men will always come in 700th-100th. And that’s if everyone is trying their hardest and running as fast as they can. Poverty is an intrinsic aspect of capitalism. You can’t have capitalism without poverty. It’s baked right into the system.

The Yayoi were the more Neomongoloid types who moved into Japan 2,300 years ago from Korea. They then slowly conquered, killed, enslaved and frankly genocided the Australoid Jomon or Ryukuyan/Ainu types as they moved north.

The Neomongoloid Yayoi appear to have been were smarter and taller than the Australoid Jomon.

We know this because pure Neomongoloid Chinese Koreans consistently outscore the Neomongoloid/Australoid Japanese on IQ.


Filed under Alcohol, Amerindians, Anthropology, Asia, Asians, Capitalism, Crime, Depressants, Depression, Economics, Europe, Intelligence, Intoxicants, Japan, Japanese, Koreans, Mental Illness, Mood Disorders, Mother Nature, NE Asia, Northeast Asians, Physical, Psychology, Psychopathology, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Siberians, Social Problems, Sociology, Weather

What Is the Evidence for Genetic Effects on IQ?

and guessing a combination of genes and environment is weird when there’s only actual evidence of one and not the other.

In response to the Bell Curve controversy, a large number of intelligence researchers, the best in their field, authored a letter to the New York Times on the state of the scientific consensus about intelligence, genes and environment. The conclusion of over 100 top experts in the field was that intelligence was caused by a combination of genes and environment. So that was the consensus of the top experts in the field ~15-20 years ago. So my conclusion is not weird at all. In fact, it is consensus in the field and in the 18 years since, the consensus has only gotten stronger.

And I believe the twin studies are excellent evidence for a genetic role in IQ. Identical twins raised apart were very close in IQ.

Monozygotic twins correlate very highly on IQ. I believe it is .7

Dizygotic twins correlate quite a bit lower and siblings have an even lower correlation.

In families where you have one or more of the types – MZ twins, DZ twins and siblings, they are obviously all being raised in the same environment.

There are other things too. Black kids adopted away into upper middle class White homes crash back down to 89 IQ by adulthood.

Korean kids adopted into White homes end up with 109 IQ’s, higher than their adopted family and much closer to their birth families. The IQ’s of the Korean adoptees were also higher than for their siblings in the adopted family. The children of the adoptee family had IQ’s that looked like their parents. The Korean kids had IQ’s that looked like their birth parents and the Korean kids were smarter than the White nonadoptee siblings even though they were all raised together.

Kids adopted away have IQ’s that are a lot closer to their birth parents than to the adopted family in which they were raised.

Black people’s IQ scores go up as they get lighter. The more White they have in them, the higher the IQ.

African immigrants to the US have IQ’s of 108. However, their children born in the US have IQ’s of only 89. What is going on here is that the children’s IQ’s are regressing down towards the African genetic mean.

All of that looks excellent evidence for genetic effects on IQ to me.


Filed under Asians, Blacks, Culture, Genetics, Immigration, Intelligence, Koreans, Northeast Asians, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Whites

A Division of the Asian Races

Found on the Internet:

My definition of the subgroup of mongoloid appearance due to their climatic origin. I am referring to the pure ethnic group before any mixing of ethnic groups.

  • 1. Northern Mongoloid: Tungusic, Mongol, Tibetan, Korean, Northern Chinese, Japanese, Nivki, Chukchi, Yakut, Tuva, Yukaghir, Samoyedic
  • Very cold climate – cold winter, cool summer
  • Small eyes, single eyelid
  • Very Pale skin
  • 2. Southern Mongoloid: Southern Chinese, Burmese, Thai, Lao, Hmong, Mien, Vietnamese, Chin, Shan, Kuki, Bai, Lahu
  • Temperate climate – cool winter, warm summer
  • Medium sized eyes, double eyelids
  • Fair skin
  • 3. Southeast Mongoloid: (Paleomongoloid or Australoid-Mongoloid transitionals) – Taiwan aborigine, Montagnard, Akha, Khmer, Filipino, Indonesian, Malay in Malaysia/Singapore, Karen, Karenni, Naga, Rohinga
  • Hot, tropical climate – no winter, hot summer
  • Large eyes, double or triple eyelids.
  • Brown skin


Filed under Anthropology, Asians, Burmese, Chinese (Ethnic), Filipinos, Hmong, Indonesians, Japanese, Khmer, Koreans, Lao, Malays, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians, Taiwanese Aborigines, Thai, Vietnamese