Category Archives: Neoconservatism

Strife/Creation Versus Peace/Stasis

You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

– Orson Welles, The Third Man.

It sounds terrible ,but it is true. All creation stems from destruction, all birth from death, all renewal from degradation.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out, but it helps.

Nature knows no extinction. Nature knows only transformation.

– Werner von Braun

So in a sense there is no death. Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed into some new form of energy. Hence, the energy structures of live things decay, break down and disintegrate, but they do not disappear. Instead they are simply transformed or recreated, Phoenix-like, into rebirthed forms of new living energy. Old forms create new forms and vice versa.

It sounds cruel, but all of the best theories of creation show that it stems from destruction. The neocons even subscribed to the theory of creative destruction albeit in a a cynical cover for their reactionary Zionism, imperialism and drive for US world hegemony.

After all, how can we create something new? First we must get rid of something old. We swap out the old, retire it, round file it, resign it to the trash heap, or at best consign it to the footnotes and the archives of history. In its place rises creation from the wreckage of the old forms.

We destroy to create. We create to destroy.

I have long felt that the Jews did better in the Diaspora, though conditions were not always optimal. The glorious creativity and genius that sprung from the Jews was incubated, I always felt, in the hothouse of Diasporan strife.

Strife creates energy and action, restless action. Creativity is restless action, a stir-crazy mind with cabin fever working in frenzy to escape from or change some shut-in unpleasantness.

Creativity is nervous energy.

In one of my graduate classes, we discussed anxiety a bit. I suggested to the professor that a bit of anxiety was a good thing. He thought a bit and concurred. A bit of anxiety stirs us to change an unpleasantness or discomfort that we experience. If we are always stoned-happy with everything, we will never change a thing in our lives. Positive change occurs in our lives due to dissatisfaction with something in our present condition.

The always-satisfied are fat and lazy. Stasis sets in, and soon we are glued to our couch, bong in hand. In culture, economics and many other things, this correlates with stagnation. If you’re not busy growing, you’re busy dying.

Why does anything new get created at all? Dissatisfaction, restless anxiety, a feeling that the present is not ok and needs to be bettered. Why do political movements get formed? Restless action. What is the impetus behind nearly all art of all types? Restless action, the notion that things need to be stirred up a bit. Even capitalist economics is grounded in restless action and of course creative destruction.

In strife we grow. Hardship builds character. Human growth occurs as we learn to tolerate and overcome new problems and anxieties that life throws at us a mile a minute. We bear with the new pains and even terrors and horrors, after a bit extinction occurs, and the things that once upset us and drove us crazy no longer bother us. This process is called adaptation, and in its method, it is downright Darwinian. Think about it. Yes, life is an IQ test, but Life is also a Darwinian fitness test. How can it not be?

Through the forge of strife arises bright and shining change, hardened by flames, tempered by heat, ready to weather the storms of a new day.


Filed under Conservatism, Culture, Imperialism, Jews, Neoconservatism, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, The Jewish Question, Zionism

Just Got a Lifetime Ban from Daily Kos

Daily Kos is Ground Zero for the Base of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party’s Base is more leftwing than the party itself in the same way that the Republican Base is more rightwing than the party itself. Party Bases tend to be like that. The Base of the Democratic Party would best be called the Left Wing of the Democratic Party. Now granted, there are some decent people on there. There are actually a fair number of Marxists and socialists hanging out in the Democratic Party Base.  After all, they have nowhere else to go. But this is a quite small percentage of the Base.

I have been banned for life from Daily Kos, and honestly it is a blessing because I absolutely despise most Democratic Party liberal types. The problem with them is that there’s nothing liberal about them. In any sane system, they would be something like what used to be called a Liberal Republican. They just flat out suck!

Their foreign policy is horrific. Almost all liberal Democrats are ((neocon)) fanatics. The whole left wing of the Democratic Party is completely overrun with a ((certain type of people)). As usual, they destroy that wing of the party as a result. They love Israel! The Democratic Party can’t get enough of wonderful Israel. Wonderful Israel is the greatest country on Earth.

Almost 100% of them support the war against the Syrian people we are waging with our Al Qaeda and ISIS allies. They hate Russia! They love the Ukrainian Nazis! Yeah, I know, makes no sense. They love Israel and they also love Al Qaeda, ISIS and real actual Nazis in the Ukraine. But that’s the exact geopolitics of (((certain people))) in the US, and as (((these people))) control this wing of the party, (((their))) values become everyone’s values. The love NATO! They hate North Korea, and some of them want to attack North Korea! They love US imperialism! They love the Pentagon! They love the CIA! They love the FBI!

Everyone on Kos loved this maniac named “Mad Dog” Maddis, the new general heading  up the Pentagon under Trump. Personally, I think he’s psycho, and he’s just another War Pig. Actually he’s worse than your ordinary War Pig. He’s a particularly belligerent type of militarist War Pig. A very frightening man.

And of course that whole wing of the party has been taken over by some time now by the most insane of the SJW’s.

They love free trade agreements! I would say 85% of Kossacks love the TPP, all because their hero Hitlery was pushing it. Kossacks suck! They love globalization!

They are all for Open Borders and Amnesty! As a matter of fact, I believe it has been a bannable offense on there for some time now to oppose illegal immigration.

I will say though that there are now some anti-Israel and anti-Zionist types on there. There are a few who support Syria and even some who support Russia. These might be 20% of Kossacks. However, Israel has become such a divisive hot button issue that I believe all discussion of the Israel-Palestinian Question has been banned. It’s nice to see that the Israel-Palestine Question has become incendiary at all in the Democratic Base though. Things are slowly changing.

There was actually a huge Bernie Sanders movement on Daily Kos, and there was a near civil war between Killary and Sanders supporters on there. Mods were continually having to wade in and sort out wild shouting matches and near virtual fistfights on the site. I did enjoy seeing the emergence of a Bernie wing. The one redeeming feature of the Base right now is this Bernie wing. Hope springs eternal!

On most economic type issues, Kossacks are generally very good. Of course they’re correct that this current crop of Republicans is worse than cancer. I agree. In fact, these Kossacks are the closest thing to “my people” anywhere on the Web. Which is partly why the ban was so painful.

OK, now for the ban story.

A Kossack wrote a typical article on there about one of the many false flags the (((US))) and Al Qaeda have been staging in Syria. This one was one of the many fake chemical weapons false flags. Unbelievably, there have been ~40-50 chemical weapons false flag attacks in Syria so far. The (((US government))) helped to propagandize every single one of them, and we were apparently directly involved in others.

I know that the DIA was directly involved in the famous Fake Sarin Gas Attack in Ghouta in the Damascus suburbs a few years ago. As has been the case in a number of these attacks, not only did Assad not shoot any Sarin or any other chemical weapons that day, even more bizarrely than that is the fact there was no Sarin of chemical weapons attack by anyone, Syria or the rebels, in Ghouta that day. The Fake Sarin Attack was like the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and all sorts of staged false flag bullshit the US engages in.

This was an attack that, incredibly, never even happened! We are talking about an event that never even occurred! Isn’t that incredible? The recent “Sarin” attack in Khan Sheikoun was similar. Once again, not only did Assad not shoot Sarin or any other chemical weapons (he has none to shoot), but the rebels didn’t either. Once again we are talking about an attack that never even happened. What happened instead, as in Ghouta, was a fake staged phony attack which was meant to portray the real one.

Anyway, this (((good goy))) on ((Kos)) was going on about the evil Assad, how he launches chemical weapons on his people and how we need to send our close allies ISIS and Al Qaeda in to finish him off. The usual Zionist jerkoff on (((Kos))). The place is swarming with Zionists. They are practically crawling all of the walls and even up on the ceiling of the place.

So I posted a comment where I said something like:

“What’s the name of your hometown? Tel Aviv?”

Basically questioning his loyalty to America and suggesting that he was guilty of dual loyalty.

Well, the other (((Kossacks))) absolutely flipped out and called in some (((moderators))). I was immediately labeled a Republican Trump-supporting troll. The (((commenters))) were beside themselves about my “outrageous, bizarre and appallingly anti-Semitic remark.” On the contrary, I was quite proud of that remark. Hey, if you are running interference for Israel, we have a right to check you out to make sure you do not have dual loyalty as so many of those types do.

So now I have a lifetime ban at ((Daily Kos)) for “anti-Semitism.”

Fuck ((Daily Kos)). Fuck the ((Democratic Party)). Fuck ((liberal Democrats)).


Filed under Anti-Zionism, Asia, Cultural Marxists, Democrats, Economics, Europe, Geopolitics, Government, Illegal, Immigration, Imperialism, Israel, Israel-Palestine Conflict, Left, Liberalism, Marxism, Middle East, NE Asia, Neoconservatism, North Korea, Open Borders, Political Science, Politics, Radical Islam, Regional, Republicans, Scum, Socialism, Syria, Traitors, Ukraine, US Politics, War, Zionism

Okay, So I Don’t Have a Problem with Gays—in Fact, I’m Friends with a Few—but I Think Being Gay Is Unnatural, and I Don’t Support It. After All, Why Would I Support Something That I Am Not? Is This Bad?

Answered on Queera, I mean Quora. Good God, that site is gay. That must be one of the gayest sites on the Net. Full-on SJW on steroids, support for every bit of sexual and gender weirdness, perversions, deviants or weirdness. And then fanatically pro-Israel. That’s liberalism now. Fanatically pro-SJW to the point of insanity and then pro-Israel, ultra-reactionary on foreign policy and support for settler colonialism, imperialism and one of the worst countries on Earth.

The only thing SJW’s are liberal or Left on is their SJW bullshit. They’re not necessarily Left on anything else, especially foreign policy. I sure see a lot of Humanitarian Bomber Liberals among these SJW clowns.

SJW on Culture, neoconservative on foreign policy. Good Lord that is like the worst of the Left combined with the worst of the Right.

As a straight male, I understand that you are repulsed by male homosexuality. Most straight men experience revulsion at the thought of male homosexual sex. This is a perfectly natural way to feel.

Do you realize that the vast majority of males who openly identify as gay had absolutely no choice in the matter? Do you realize that there is no cure for male homosexuality? We have tried everything in the lab, and it cannot be fixed. We can’t even move men 10% in either direction after age 15. Male sexual orientation is set in stone by age 15 at least.

Look. These guys had no choice when it comes to being gay. They had no more choice than a blue eyed person chooses their blue eyes. And no matter how much they hate being gay, they will never be able to be straight or even bisexual.

I believe most straight men are homophobic at least in the sense of strong revulsion at the idea of gay sex. That’s completely normal. On the other hand, we have to be kind. Even if we are revolted by the idea of gay sex, we straight men must realize that these men did not choose to be gay, and there is nothing on Earth that can make them straight or even bi.

How can you hate someone over something they had no choice over? It’s like hating blond haired people for being blond.

Male homosexuality is indeed unnatural. There are about zero cases of preferential male homosexuality in the animal kingdom. There is no corollary in the animal world to males who are exclusively into males and not into females at all. Occasional homosexual dabbling which occurs in many species is absolutely not the same thing as purely gay human males. No comparison.

Male homosexuality is probably caused by hormonal fluctuations in utero. Sure it’s unnatural, but so are similar things like abnormal fingerprints, left-handedness, etc. We can handle it if ~3% of men are gay. The sky won’t fall.

Even though it is unnatural, these men did not choose this orientation. Therefore, even if it is unnatural, we straights have to accept these men fully and wish for them as happy and healthy of lives that we wish for ourselves. We don’t have to associate with gay men, make friends with them, or even talk to them. But complete rejection and blatant animus seem immoral for most any perspective of moral philosophy and from the doctrine of many religions. How many religions say you should hate people for things they cannot control? We must support them, even if from a distance.

You don’t have to jump up and down and cheer for gay men. But I think you ought to grant gay men full rights, all of the rights that you wish for yourself.

Here’s hoping you read this.


Filed under Civil Rights, Colonialism, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Ethics, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Imperialism, Israel, Liberalism, Man World, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Philosophy, Political Science, Regional, Religion, Scum, Settler-Colonialism, Sex

Polish Political Scientist on the Alt Left

This is a very important article, the first review of the Alt Left ever written by an actual expert on politics, in this case a Political Science professor. The only problem is that he lives in Poland and he wrote this article in Polish! He seems to support the Alt Left. He discusses both me and Rabbit, but most of the focus is on me. And why not? I am the one who started this whole mess after all.

Here it is translated in the best translation I could do.


Dr Hab. Jarosław Tomasiewicz


For a decade I have criticized the Polish Left for intellectual impotence expressed in the mindless import of foreign designs. CTRL + C, CRTL + V. It is such a vicious circle: the peculiar combination of geopolitical, historical, socioeconomic and cultural factors has left the Left in Poland (aside from some historical exceptions) a lone minority.

The feeling of isolation meant that the Left waited for outside help (“Moscow yesterday, today Brussels”); elevating “brotherly international solidarity” instead of concentrating on the workers at home deepened the alienation of the Left. Where, a hundred years ago, the Left flourished intellectually (Brzozowski, Abramowski, Luxembourg, Kelles-Krauz, Machajski, Hempel – and many, many others), nowadays, after decades of importing foreign ideas and attempting to implant them in Polish culture, the Polish Left has become intellectually sterile. Bringing the Polish Left to the role of translator of external trends, I see not only me – a “very strange figure” as one of the leftwing editors once called me – but also the Left-leaning generals.

But there is no need to repeat myself as my position on this is well-known. On the contrary – I will criticize the Native Left of the Vistula Backwater for remaining unaware of the latest cutting edge Left political programs from our brethren born in the homeland of the World Creative Class, that is, America.

This latest development followed this pattern:

In recent years, the Hipster Left, now pretending to be a Radical Left, has sunk in the warm sun of a Liberal Mainstream now dominated by the geopolitical system. It was safe to fight for progress behind the back of the liberal state – obviously not to seek any pure utopia ostensibly criticized for “errors and distortions”, but it was still considered less evil than the menace of populism.

The Left was kept in check by the “enlightened absolutism” of the European Union and America reasserting itself as as the keystone of the global order under the leadership of  the benign Uncle Barack. In this way, a phenomenon characteristic of the final days of empires emerged.

First, the Imperialist Left who finance social reforms in the metropolis of the First World profited from the Developed World’s hegemonic oppression of the periphery – the people in the Third World – and therefore was interested in maintaining the existing oppressive geopolitical order This situation was described well by Bernard Semmel.

Next, the toothless Mainstream Right, centered on maximizing corporate profits, could still attempt to launch a Cultural War but was instead generally pushed into a deeply defensive position due to the increasing domination of culture by the Cultural Left.

Finally, the Far Right was more interested in their hysterical, sensationalist, and conspiratorial media than in the real world .

Until one day a Demon returned from the the past.

An “Alt Right” appeared on the scene. “The Alternative Right”: alternative to the Mainstream Right. The phenomenon is otherwise uneven. This is not a reactionary neoliberal/neoconservative New Right whose last expression was the Tea Party. Alt Right is the rebirth of the hard-core “Old Right” – ethnopolitical, traditionalist, populist – in new postmodernist forms. A unique return to the roots. And it was the Alt Rightists who managed to beat the mainstream left in its own field: to win the support of the workers using non-cultural terms (Thomas Frank was a bit outdated) and economics. Workers from the Core Belt backed protectionism against globalism.

For the Left, who has already forgotten the anti-imperialism that once characterized it, this is a geopolitical earthquake like a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles. Suddenly there was no point of support, no reference point. The Left must find himself given the reality of this new situation. We need self-criticism, reorientation, and re-evaluation. Answer the question: What is to be done? The most popular answer is: What we have always done, only moreso. Purge the ranks, dig in their positions.

This is a bourgeois reaction frightened by the status quo. The bureaucracies of the safe zones become the universities and the liberal self-governments of the big cities. Rolling Stone Magazine describes the formation of the anti-Trump coalition . There will be pro-immigrant groups, environmentalists, feminists, sexual minorities, gun control advocates, and  interestingly, “true conservatives” (the neoconservatives) who are reluctant to support Trump. Did I miss anyone? Did you notice? One group I failed to mention is the unions. It seems that the Left has insulted the workers. Instead of Democrats meeting with union leaders, Trump meets with them.

However, not all American Leftists are carnal cult members, confident that the repetition of certain rituals will provide them with prosperity. Some believe that the challenge of Alt-Right requires a symmetrical response: to create an alternative to the Left mainstream harkening back to the forgotten foundations of the left. Opponents see the emergence of the Alt-Left phenomenon as a new embodiment of the alliance of extremes, “the place where Pat Buchanan meets Ralph Nader, ” although Alt-Leftists reject any form of cooperation with actual fascists, hardcore racists, and obsessive and conspiratorial anti-Semites. Proponents argue that this is a de facto return to the tradition of the Old Left – “the Left as it was from the Second World War to the counter-culture of the 1960’s.”

This implies first and foremost, the primacy of economics over culture, the primordial basis of superstructure, and a return to the Marxian thesis that “being forms consciousness.” Contempt for the poor and losers in capitalist society is condemned as one of the worst sins of all.

“We will be Left on economic matters [but] more Centrist on culture,” wrote Robert Lindsay, a leading Alt Left thinker.

This approach puts the Alt Left in opposition to both technocratic social democrats that have long since taken up neoliberalism while abandoning the working class on the Right and the “Cultural Left” on the other side of the political spectrum. The Alt-Left sees the Right as simply “traitors to the working class – our class enemies,” according to Lindsay. But it is towards the second group, which the Alt-Left sees as “rootless cosmopolitans,” that the Alt-Left devotes most of its polemical fervor.

Alt Left tolerates the Cultural Left as long as they are relatively quiet about their antagonizing views. The Cultural Left is criticized not for the legitimacy or direction of cultural change but rather for its extremism.

Lindsay writes:

Gay Rights – yes! Gay politics – no! Support and tolerance for biological homosexuals to live their lives as they wish in freedom and happiness. On the other hand, homosexuality should not be exalted or promoted […].

Women’s rights – yes! Women’s politics – no! The Alternative Left supports equity feminism while rejecting  the gender feminism of radical feminists who hate men.

According to Alt-Leftists, the “Identity Politics” promoted by the Cultural Left led to the replacement of class struggle with racial and/or sexual conflict. In this view, White people were evil…and anyone who was not White was automatically a saint. This meant not only that all Whites were part of a racist class but that they also all shared collective responsibility and guilt. Let us note that while class membership can be changed relatively easily, race or gender cannot, which makes any antagonism engendered by race or gender insurmountable.

Another aspect of the Alternative Left is internationalism, but here it is understood as anti-imperialism instead of cosmopolitanism. Lindsay emphasizes that the desire of people to have a national, ethnic or religious identity should be seen as a right that can not be interfered with. The result is an acceptance of  the multiculturalism of immigrants in the first generation but the promotion of assimilation in the next. On the one hand, extreme patriotism and Western imperialism are also criticized –  the Alt Left even singles out Bernie Sanders, as as a “Cold War liberal”. On the other hand, the view that “the West is pure evil” is rejected. The Alt Left detaches itself from both anti-Semitism and Radical Zionism, accepting anti-Zionists but also moderate Zionists.

The American Alt Left has been around for only little over one year (the site appeared in November 2015), and is a small movement made up of a number of different strands or wings.

One of Lindsay’s followers wrote:

Unfortunately, Alt Left attracts a wide variety of weird people, and each one has their own clichéd ideas for what Alt Left should be.

Well, beginnings are always difficult.

Should Poles mimic the Alt Left? No. It is enough to return to our native traditions, a matter-of-fact, homegrown analysis of reality – simply common sense. Swallows can be seen.

Dr Hab. Jarosław Tomasiewicz,.born in 1962, is a political scientist and researcher at the Institute of History of the University of Silesia, a journalist, and an author of a number of books in recent years, Terrorism against Political Violence: An Encyclopedic Outline (2000), Between Fascism and Anarchism: New Ideas for a New Era (2000), New National Democratic Party Groups in the Third Republic (2003), Evil in the Name of Good: The Phenomenon of Political Violence (2009) and National Revolution: The Nationalist Ideas of Social Revolution in the Second Republic (2012), as well as many magazine, newspaper and journal articles. He is a regular contributor to The New Citizen.

New Citizen 13
Publisher: Association of Citizens


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Capitalism, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Democrats, Economics, Europe, Geopolitics, Immigration, Imperialism, Internationalism, Labor, Left, Liberalism, Nationalism, Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Obama, Poland, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Republicans, US Politics, USA, Vanity, Whites

Hillary Clinton on Iran


Hillary Clinton: Consistent, Tough, and Effective Leadership to Counter Threats from Iran

What threats from Iran? There are no threats from Iran! Iran is not a threat to anyone, not to Europe, not to the Arabs, not the US. Well, they are a threat to the Jews*, ok. So? Are we Jewish? Is America a Jewish country? Are all the nations of the West Jewish countries? I guess so!

See, this is how the Jews have been working for decades now. “All of the enemies of the Jews are the enemies of America,” and “all of the enemies of the Jews are the enemies of all of Europe.” Of course, that lie won’t work with the Arabs for obviously reasons, though the Saudis have been in alliance with the Jews forever now.

The US has fallen for it. The West has fallen for it. Hence, the endless wars for the Jews they have been getting us to fight on their behalf. Clever trick, huh? Smart people.

(((Hillary Clinton))). Screw it, if you’re in with (((them))) you get brackets. The people in bed with them are just as bad as the real deal, and the Jews couldn’t do crap without hundreds of millions of Gentiles backing them to the hilt.

Want more?

Hillary Clinton and Israel: A 30-Year Record of Friendship, Leadership, and Strength


Like I said, (((Hillary Clinton))

* “The Jews” means Israel, Israel-firsters and neoconservatives. It doesn’t mean merely someone who is Jewish. In fact, under this definition, the vast majority of Jews are actually Gentiles.


Filed under Arabs, Asia, Democrats, Iran, Israel, Jews, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Saudi Arabia, The Jewish Question, US Politics, USA, War

Donald Trump – The Ultimate Jewish President

Trump is utterly unhinged.

He has already ordered several attacks on the Syrian military. There were several attacks on the Syrian military and some false flags under Obama but it seems they were done by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter without the president or his advisers knowing about it. It was a case of insubordination on the part of the US military. The President opposed attacks on Syria, so the CIA and the Defense Department went around him and ordered them anyway, later either saying they were accidentally or turning them into false flags and blaming the Russians.

He did that for a ((certain group of people)). Donald Trump is fanatically pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. Under Trump the Jews* have never had so much power and control over the US government. The US now is effectively completely controlled by the Jews* now for the first time in US history. In the past, they had partial control, but now the neoconservatives, the pro-Israelis and their Gentile supporters have got the US government by the balls worse than they ever have before.

It is important to note that the Jews have the support of vast swaths of the Gentile population in enabling neoconservative and pro-Israeli control of the government. The Jews are only 2% and they could never take over the government without the help of huge numbers of Gentiles. Donald Trump is an example of what happens when Jews take over your government. Very quickly there is huge military clash on your hands as the Jews attitude is “constant war against all non-Jews.” Hence, Jewish control is usually followed by wars or threats of wars. The stupidest thing Americans have ever done is let these psycho people get America by the balls.

What is completely insane is that almost 100% of the wildest antisemites in America are wildly rooting for the most Jewish president in the history of our country. Absolutely incredible.

Trump is the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president in the history of America.

* Note: The Jews refers to Jewish neoconservatives and strongly pro-Israeli Jews and the huge percentages of the Gentile population who support the neoconservative and pro-Israeli project. If you are a Jew who is opposed to neoconservatism or Israel-firster Jews, I am not talking about you.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Conservatism, Democrats, Eurasia, Government, Israel, Jews, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Obama, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Republicans, Russia, Syria, The Jewish Question, US Politics, USA, War

Donald Trump – The Penultimate Neoconservative President and the Most Warmongering Maniac President since Teddy Roosevelt

Any sort of conventional attack on North Korea would be sheer lunacy.

Trump has already attacked Syria a number of times. That is Nazi like aggressive war and is banned by the Geneva Conventions. He has ramped up the war in Yemen. He has urged on Saudis in their war against the Shia of Arabia, now a full-blown insurgency. Trump has been menacingly threatening Iran. Trump is now threatening to invade and conquer Venezuela.

Trump cannot attack North Korea in any way, shape or form unless or until they launch an attack on us.

Preventive war is always illegal in all contexts. Preventive war is what the Nazis and Japanese engaged in. All wars of aggression are staged as preventive wars. Preventive war is outlawed at the Geneva Conventions. Many Germans and Japanese were executed for waging preventive war.

Pre-emptive war is legal, but you have to have excellent evidence that the other country is going to attack you and is about ready to do so in the very near future. The pre-emptive war championed by the US is almost never the actual pre-emptive war that is actually legal.

There is no sense in saying anymore that Trump is never going to attack anyone.


Filed under Asia, Conservatism, Iran, Law, Middle East, NE Asia, Neoconservatism, North Korea, Political Science, Politics, Regional, Republicans, Saudi Arabia, South America, Syria, US Politics, USA, Venezuela, War, Yemen

How to Get It Spectacularly Wrong


Yes, Hillary is a war hawk, but she is a fluttering dove compared to Donald Trump, the most wildly warmongering, militaristic, and hawkish president since Teddy Roosevelt. Donald Trump is the Ultimate Neocon.

That said, history will not be kind to Maureen Dowd.

1 Comment

Filed under Conservatism, Democrats, Journalism, Neoconservatism, Political Science, Politics, Republicans, US Politics, War

Soft Rock from the 1960’s: Scott McKenzie “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)”

God I love this song! And I still love the hippies, too. If there’s anything we need to go back to, it’s that. It’s so painful to realize that the Flower Children of the 1960’s grew up to be a generation that voted in Donald Trump.

Or did they?

You must understand. Back in those days with Revolution in the air, maybe half the young people were part of the Movement and the other half hated it with all their guts and intensity. We never hear about them. There were as many young people for the war as against it. There were as many lining up outside ROTC buildings as there were bombing them. The campuses were full of short-haired conservatives, members of Buckley’s Young Americans for Freedom. Sometimes it played out in the streets, when rightwing construction workers and even bikers assaulted hippies. It’s true. Bikers have always been conservatives and still are to this very day. I’m sure they all voted for Trump this time around.

What we saw in the 1990’s and 200’s was history replaying itself, but this time as farce. Bush and his minions – Rumsfeld, Cheney, the neoconservative Jews around Bill Kristol and his father Irving at Commentary, John Bolton, Condoleeza Rice, Colon Powell – these were the 60’s Generation too, but they were the other side of the mirror – the 60’s young conservatives who hated the Movement types as much as anyone’s parents did.

Clinton ruled for eight years, and he was the Hippie Movement Generation or the Revolutionary 1960’s in power even though he barely inhaled. One of the reasons he was so hated is because the Culture War of the 1960’s-1970’s with a generation split between Left and Right at each others’ throats trying to – sometimes successfully – kill each other, never really ended. There was no truce or even a ceasefire. Surely there was no peace deal.

And when Bush came in, he was the other side of the coin, this time the conservatives of the 1960’s – the squares as we derisively called them – had taken back over the reigns from their lifelong enemies. They did it by stealing elections, but they got in no matter what.

The 1960’s were replayed again under Barack Obama, this time even worse, with accusations of hobnobbing around with actual revolutionaries like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn (these are still two of my heroes), former high-ranking members of the Weather Underground who lived underground for over a decade and resurfaced only to be pardoned of all charges.

Dohrn and Ayers resurfaced as Education Professors at the University of Chicago where they teach to this day. U of Chicago has a bad rap. Forget the Economics Department where the curse of neoliberalism was resurrected from the dead by Friedman and his gangsters who then went on to destroy Chile and poison the minds of generations. There’s a whole tradition of radicalism there too, especially in the social sciences and nowadays in the Education Department. Former bomb-throwing revolutionaries now tenured professors living comfortable lives in ivy-covered brick apartments? Who could have guessed?

Chicago’s a funny place. Sure you had the reactionary Tribune, but you also had Marshall Fields, a Leftist millionaire and head of a department store chain who funded huge pro-labor newspapers because they would die with ads they would never get. It’s a funny place, Left and Right all mixed in and in each other’s face, gripped at each other’s throats and choking hard, sort of like…the whole country now? N’est pas?

The reaction against the so-called Movement radicalism of Obama in power was of course the election of Trump on a fake populist platform, whose job it is apparently to roll back the entire Revolutionary Project of the 1960’s – and the New Deal of the 1930’s while they’re at it – and oh Hell, let’s go all the way back to Gilded Age of the 1890’s as Rove dreams. We’re already there anyway. What is the US from 1990-present but the Gilded Age Part 2, as if we never learned a thing the first time?

The infinite return coming back to punch us all in the face again. Cirlces aren’t all round. Some are flat in fact.

Riverrun, past Eve and Adams, from swerve of shore to bend of bay…

OK, you get it now?



Filed under Conservatism, Culture, Democrats, Economics, Higher Education, History, Left, Midwest, Music, Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Obama, Political Science, Politics, Regional, Republicans, Revolution, Rock, US, US Politics, USA

November 22, 1963: The Day the Music Died

A very nice comment from one of my commenters.

A friend of mine had lunch with a former attorney for LBJ who had worked in the LBJ Administration. He later got wrapped up in Watergate somehow, I believe as part of the prosecution. Keep in mind that LBJ’s own personal attorney says that LBJ was part of the plot to kill Kennedy. .Some of the gunmen were part of LBJ’s own “hit squad.”

Believe it or not, a lot of big US politicians have their own “hit squad goons.” I believe that George Bush did and I believe the Dick Cheney did too.

In fact, I think that Cheney’s goons killed Paul Wellstone by sabotaging his plane. Barbara Boxer herself has hinted the Cheney killed Wellstone, but she also hinted that everyone who knows is too afraid to speak on the record about it.

Bush’s goons will do things like break into your home, poison your dog, etc. His goons poisoned three dogs belonging to one whistleblower, killing all of them. Some of Bush’s enemies have ended up dead “drown in bathtubs” and by mysterious “heart attacks” in cheap hotel rooms.

Drowning you in your bathtub is a favorite CIA/Mossad/KGB intelligence agency way to kill people. I believe that all three of these agencies are capable of injecting you with a drug that will give you a heart attack and leave no trace.

This man, a high ranking member of the LBJ Administration, told my friend that JFK was killed by “the foreign policy establishment of the United States.” That’s a long way of saying Deep State.

Ever since then, I think every President knows that the punishment for going against the Deep State is “the Kennedy treatment.”

As much as I despise Trump, I realize that the Deep State has it in for him mostly for kissing up to Russia, telling NATO justifiably to go to Hell, and making pretenses at a less imperial foreign policy with fewer wars and armed conflicts.

There was an internal coup in the White House and Steve Bannon etc were sidelined in by a crowd around (((Jared Kushner))). (((Kushner)))’s group were the Deep State neocons. Soon after the coup, Trump attacked Syria as if he were ordered to by his new masters. Trump is now just another neocon in addition to being by far the most Jewish, or really Jewy, President in history.

These Alt Right antisemites need to think this over. Trump is New York, in flesh and bones. Forget Israel. New York is the Jewish state. These idiot Nazis are supporting a fanatical Zionist who is frankly the most Jewish President we have ever had. He’s a Judaized Gentile, but still, if you see Jewishness as a spiritual feature as opposed to an ethnic or religious one, Trump is surely more Jewish in spirit than any President we have ever had. Why these Nazis are falling all over themselves from President Donald SuperJew is beyond me. I think these guys didn’t get the memo.

RL: Everybody who was alive back then knows exactly what they were doing when they shot the President.

When democracy died. When the dream of America died with the Deep State coup. When the joke of American democracy was shown as the pathetic sham it’s always been, a think veneer for Deep State and oligarchic rule, the very story of America itself.”

CB: The day the music died.

Eisenhower warned in his farewell address of a dangerous military-industrial-scientific elite; he’d separately spoken of the CIA’s “legacy of ashes.”

Over the following three years, Kennedy, a womanizer and drug user who very likely owed his victory to vote fraud in Chicago,

  1. Engaged in back channel contacts with Khrushchev and Castro (the public didn’t know of course, but doesn’t the charge sound familiar?).
  2. Turned down the Joint Chiefs’ Operation Northwoods Plan to use false flag attacks (a precursor to 9/11) to justify an invasion of Cuba.
  3. Refused airstrikes in support of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.
  4. Fired CIA director Allen Dulles and his top deputy.
  5. Refused a first-strike nuclear attack during the Cuban missile crisis.
  6. Secretly agreed to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets pulling their missiles from Cuba.
  7. Told associates he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind, etc.

The Deep State was mightily pissed with Kennedy, and Kennedy knew he was in danger.

The same Deep State still runs things of course, and they are much more open in their hatred for Trump than they were with Kennedy (Hillary was the Deep State/Establishment choice, beloved by the intelligence agencies (at least the people at the top), Goldman Sachs and the other big banks, the EU, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Chinese, Rupert Murdoch and most other billionaires, the Bushes, etc. etc. The same media types that covered up for the real assassins of the Kennedys and MLK (and continue to cover up subsequent Deep State crimes) are even more rigidly controlled now than during the days of Operation Mockingbird, open in their allegiance to their Deep State masters.

You don’t have to like Trump to consider that he, like Kennedy, has made some excellent enemies.

Peter, Paul, and Mary were good, and I even saw them in concert once, as well as at Newport. But the song that gave me chills in 1963, and still today, was Dylan’s Masters of War.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Asia, Caribbean, China, Cold War, Conservatism, Cuba, Democrats, Government, History, Imperialism, Latin America, Military Doctrine, Modern, Neoconservatism, Nuclear Weapons, Political Science, Politics, Racism, Regional, Republicans, The Jewish Question, US, US Politics, USA, USSR, Zionism