Category Archives: Lebanon

A Motto of the Alt Left, Via Liberation Theology

La gente, unida! Jamas sera vencido!

The people, united! Will never be defeated!

– An old Castroite Marxist revolutionary chant from Central America and South America, with roots back especially to the great Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the FMLN in El Salvador (who I used to buy guns for), the URNG in Guatemala, probably the ELN in Colombia, and probably the great FARC in Colombia.

All of these movements except the FARC were “Christian Communists” or “Catholic Communists.” Most of the rank and file guerrillas all the way up to the leadership were Catholics. In Nicaragua, leader Daniel Ortega was and still is a practicing Catholic and one of the top leaders of the Sandinistas was Tomas Borge, a Catholic priest. The ELN was led by a former Catholic priest named Camilo Torres, who traded his frock for an AK-47 and led a guerrilla group in the mountains of northwestern Colombia. He was killed soon after he started the ELN in 1964. The ELN has never renounced its Catholic roots and is a de facto “Catholic Marxist” organization.


The Eastern Catholic Church or Eastern Orthodox have been much more progressive than the  Catholic hierarchy, but that was not so at the  beginning of the century when the Cheka executed over 12,000 top ranking Orthodox officials in first several years of the Revolution. The Russian Orthodox Church or at least many believers are quite leftwing these days. They often hobnob with Communists, Leftists and even monarchists. Even the monarchists are pretty leftwing in Russia today.  Russia is a place where everyone is leftwing. There is no Right in Russia. Well actually there is,  but the Right has only 10-15% support. Putin’s party is defined as “Russian conservatism” but Putin says he still believes in the  ideals of Communism and socialism which he regards as very similar to the Biblical values of the Russian Orthodox Church. This marriage is not unusual and high ranking Church officials even today regularly make pro-socialist and pro-Communist remarks. Sort of ” Jesus as a Bolshevik” if you will. Stalin himself was studying to be a priest in a sen\minary of the Georgian Orthodox Church when he gave it up to be a full-time bank robber/revolutionary.  The thing is that you cannot understand Stalin at all until you understand his deep background in the Orthodox religion. Although Stalin called himself an atheist, he remained deeply Orthodox in  his mindset until he died. He ever revived the Church during and after the war for patriotic reasons. Stalin was very much a social conservative and his social conservatism was deeply inflected by his Georgian Orthodox seminarian roots, which he never renounced.

The Orthodox Christian churches of the Arab World have always been leftwing, along with the Church in Iran and Turkey. George Habash, founder of the Marxist PFLP in Palestine, was a Greek Orthodox. Many of the rank and file even of the PFLP armed guerrilla have always been Orthodox Christians. The Greek Orthodox SSNP in Lebanon and Syria are practically Communists. Interestingly, this was the first group to widely use suicide bombings early in 1982 and 1983 in the first years of the Lebanese Civil War. Most of the first suicide bombings, up to scores or hundreds in first few years, were by Communists, often Christian Orthodox Communists. Many of these suicide bombers were even women. It was only later that the Shia adopted the technique.

The man who created the Baath Party, the Iraqi Michel Aflaq, was an Orthodox Christian. The party had Leftist roots as an officially socialist party. Tariq Aziz, high-ranking member of Saddam’s Baath party, was an Orthodox Christian and a Leftist. Assad’s party in Syria is a Leftist party. Most Syrian Orthodox Christians are strong supporters of Assad, the Baath Party and Leftism. Recently the Syrian Defense Minister was a Christian.

The few Orthodox Christians left in Turkey are typically Leftists.

Many Greek Orthodox are Leftists. Serbian Orthodox laypeople and hierarchy long supported Milosevic, who was a Communist.

The Russians who violently split away from Ukraine in the Donbass were so Leftist that they called their new states “people’s republics.” Most of the leadership and the armed forces are Orthodox Christians. The armed groups had priests serving alongside in most cases. They often led battlefield burials for the troops.

There are deep roots of this sort of thing in Russia. Tolstoy is very Christian in an Orthodox sense, but he is also often seen as a socialist. Dostoevsky’s work is uber-Christian from an Orthodox point of view and he is not very friendly to radicals. However, before he started writing, he was arrested for Leftist revolutionary activities and sentenced to prison in Siberia. Most of his colleagues were hanged and Dostoevsky only barely escaped by the tip of his nose. Dostoevsky was not very nice to the rich either. No Russian writer of that time was, not even Turgenev. The rich destroyed 19th Century Russia. Anyone with eyes can see that. It would have been hard for any artistic heart above room temperature to not hate the Russian rich and feel sympathy for the peasantry. Turgenev’s first books were paeans to the Russian peasantry, and he was raised on an estate!








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Filed under Catholicism, Central America, Christianity, Colombia, Economics, El Salvador, Eurasia, Europe, Greece, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Latin America, Lebanon, Left, Literature, Marxism, Middle East, Nicaragua, Novel, Orthodox, Palestine, Politics, Regional, Religion, Revolution, Russia, Serbia, Socialism, South America, Syria, Turkey, USSR

How Al Qaeda Was Born

Although the Muslim Brotherhood is officially opposed to Al Qaeda and tends to take a legalist and democratic approach to obtaining power, the organization is nevertheless very radical and many radical Muslims gravitate to the MB as the only game in town. In turn, as they radicalize in the MB, the more radicalized people spin off  to Al Qaeda, ISIS and other radical jihadi groups.  Then some of the Al Qaeda people spin back into the Brotherhood, this time hiding their radical views.

It is not well known, but Hamas is nothing less than the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood. The MB is illegal in Saudi Arabia, Syria and Qatar. They led an uprising in 1982 in Syria where 30,000 people were killed. The survivors went to Europe and also to Saudi Arabia where they met up with Egyptian MB members who were working and teaching in the Kingdom. These MB religious folk were then in turn influenced by the allegedly quietist Wahhabism, the official doctrine of Saudi Arabia. The MB religious teachers then supercharged Wahhabism while Wahhabism itself radicalized the MB teachers in terms of Islamic doctrine. It was this mixture of the Ikhwan and Wahhabism that eventually morphed into bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. From and around Al Qaeda all sorts of other radical jihadi groups emerged, especially in Iraq and Syria. Most of the groups in Syria are either Al Qaeda linked or inspired or if not, are not a great deal different from Syrian Al Qaeda, now called Al Nusra.

Another origin of Al Qaeda was in Egypt where as above, the MB served as a nursery of sorts for Islamic radicals. Radicals kept spinning off the MB and forming more radicalized splits. Sayed Qutb was one of the first, and Al Qaeda is simply Qutbism writ large. He was executed by Nasser in the 1950’s.

Another split occurred in the late 1970’s, when another radical group spun off of the MB and evolved into various factions. One of these factions developed the Qutbist notion that the entire Muslim world was now living in a state of jahaliyya or pre-Islamic ignorance. The entire society of Muslim Egypt was tainted by infidel and anti-Islamic influences. Some of these people dropped out of society and went to live like hermits in caves in the desert. They saw the entire society as corrupt and evil, so they had no alternative but to completely drop out of it and live in isolated hermitage like early Christians.

It was here that Zayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian eye surgeon and bin Laden’s 2nd in command, got his start. He developed some followers in the city he lived in and he eventually dropped out of society and went to live in caves with the rest of the radicals.

Around this time, a lot of these radicals got wrapped up in plot to assassinate Anwar Sadat, mostly for the crime of making peace with Israel. The assassins, of which there were several, were ex-MB members who had spun off from the group. About 1,000 radicals were rounded up after the assassination. Al-Zawahiri was one of them. There is footage of a wild-eyed Zawahiri in a crowded jail cell with ~40 other men. He is gripping the cell bars and shouting along with many others.

After his release, Zawahiri went on to form the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. This and several other very radical jihadi groups waged war on the Egyptian state in the early 80’s. Zawahiri’s movement, which had ~1,500 members, was crushed by the state. Jihadis were taken out into the Egyptian desert, tied to a pole and left there. It didn’t take long for them to perish from lack of food or water. In this way, the movement was crushed. Zawahiri fled Egypt and may have taken up with bin Laden in Sudan for a while.

The remains of Islamic Jihad combined with the nascent Al Qaeda forming in the Kingdom via the mixture of Egyptian and Syrian MB and Saudi Wahhabis to form the nucleus of the early Al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda got increasingly radicalized during bin Laden’s stay there. Finally both men went to Afghanistan for the Afghan jihad which radicalized huge numbers of Muslims all over the world, mostly in the Arab World. As they fought in Afghanistan, they become increasingly radicalized. Zawahiri had always argued for fighting the “near enemy” first – the secular Arab regimes, but bin Laden’s radical theory was to switch from a war only against the near enemy to a war against the “far enemy,” which bin Laden called the US for its support for Israel and the secular Arab dictatorships.

The MB is hated and outlawed in Qatar and Saudi Arabia more on the grounds of rivalry than anything else. Qatar and the Saudis see the Ikhwan as a threat to royal power. After a military coup overthrew the elected MB government in Egypt, the new leader Sisi has formed a major alliance with the Saudis and the Qataris. The Saudis have responded by flooding Sisi’s government with oil money.

In Jordan, most of the Parliament is made of the MB members, which is one reason why the powers of the Parliament have been severely limited by the King.

The MB is quite active in north Lebanon near Tripoli where Lebanon’s 20% Sunnis live. These people have become increasingly radicalized and are now engaged in open warfare with Alawis living in some of these cities. Some of these Sunnis also seem to have gone to Syria to join up with the jihadi groups. The MB in this part of Lebanon is known for its dislike of Lebanon’s Shia and Hezbollah.

The MB was formed by Hassan Al-Banna, an Egyptian schoolteacher, in 1922. It is one of the oldest radical Muslim groups in the world.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Africa, Alawi, Asia, Egypt, Geopolitics, History, Iraq, Islam, Islamic, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Middle East, Middle Eastern, Modern, North Africa, Palestine, Politics, Radical Islam, Regional, Religion, Saudi Arabia, Shiism, South Asia, Sunnism, Syria, Terrorism, USA

Male Homosexuality in the Arab World

Tata writes: Maybe you could help me understand a phenomenon. In the Middle East and especially in the Gulf countries, homosexuality is punishable by the death penalty and decapitation. Paradoxically, I have often heard that the Arabs of the Gulf have many homo relations between them because they do not have access to women. It seems that it is rampant in the Gulf, and apparently the fear of dying does not stop them.

But I read a bizarre story about a Gulf prince who got caught in a fight in a gay nightclub in London with his lover. This guy is a hypermasculine Arab man, and he doesn’t look gay. But maybe Arabs have too much testosterone and are always horny, that’s why they put a tent on the head of their women and could fuck anything. I don’t know, it’s just a reflection.

The prince is in London, and there are no obstacles to have contacts with women, dozens of women if he want. He drives a Ferrari, he is rich, he is a prince, but he continues to go to gay nightclubs and avoids women? Why? Another rumor is of another prince from the Gulf who allegedly murdered one of his employees with whom he had gay relations. It seems that there is a mentality in the Gulf that if the guy is active rather than passive, he is not gay. Are these guys gay, bi or straight? Can a hetero sodomize a guy and be hetero nevertheless and continue to act full macho? I find this crazy and I do not understand this mentality.

I have heard that in the Arab World, you are not considered gay if you play the male role in gay sex. This is true in Morocco and Egypt at the very least. 20-30% of young Egyptian and Moroccan men have played the male role in gay sex. The guys who play the passive role are considered faggots. They are not necessarily persecuted though. It’s more that they are used sexually as a surrogate female by straight men.

William Burroughs and Paul Bowles lived in Morocco for years. Allen Ginsberg visited Burroughs in Tangier. I have also heard that Oscar Wilde went to Morocco with some other European gay men and had sex with teenage boys there. All of these men were basically gay. All of Burroughs neighbors knew that he was gay and was having sex with teenage street boys, but no one ever turned him in. I never heard the dynamics of the type of sex that Burroughs, Bowles and Wilde were engaging in with those Moroccan street boys. Apparently there was quite a bit of this going on in Moroccan society, and as long as you were very quiet about it, no one cared.

There is a lot of gay sex in Saudi Arabia. There are even quite a few of what could be termed gay bars. I am not sure of the sexual orientation of the men who are doing such things. Obviously if you prevent men from having sex with women, a lot of them are going to start screwing guys instead. That’s just the way men are.

Supposedly nothing is done about all of this gay sex in Saudi Arabia as long as they are very quiet and discreet about it. When they start getting loud about it, the authorities crack down. There were a number of arrests in Saudi Arabia recently at a gay wedding of two Saudi men getting informally married. There were female impersonators there, and the whole thing got out of hand pretty fast. The authorities raided the party and made a number of arrests.

Similarly, a group of gay men threw a wild gay party on board a boat on the Nile River recently. This was considered to be flaunting it, and these men were arrested, tried and sentenced to a few years in prison. The trial caused quite a fuss.

But I have heard that there are quite a few gay couples living quiet lives in Cairo. Everyone knows about it, and no one cares.

I read a recent article by a gay man who went to Egypt on vacation. He was on the Nile in Lower Egypt where he was renting boat boys to take him out on the river. He told how some of these teenage boys were openly propositioning him. Later he met with a gay couple living quietly in Cairo. Everyone knew about them, but it was accepted as long as they were discreet about it.

I read another piece by a gay man who went to Kuwait. He said Arab men of all ages were openly propositioning him. He was shocked at how open it all was. He went down to the beach at night, and he said there were all these gay men there cruising for sex on the beach, and quite a few of them were actually engaging in sex on the beach. No one was doing anything about it, but it all had to be kept on the down low.

Nevertheless, it is different in every country. The Shia take a very hard line against gay sex, and many gay men have been murdered in Iraq.

~8,000 gay men have been executed by the clerical regime in Iran.

In Iraq, Ayatollah Sistani issued a fatwa saying that gay men should be killed. After that, there were a lot of murders of Iraqi gay men.

Hezbollah is normally pretty liberal about the things that they allow under the rule, but they take a hard line on male homosexuality too. They don’t kill gay men in Hezbollah areas, but they do beat them up.

Male homosexuality is not accepted at all in Palestine, and gay men are often murdered in the Palestinian areas. Some have even sought refugee status in Israel as a result of this, and Israel did grant some of them this status. Male homosexuality is frowned upon in Syria and Lebanon, but there is quite a bit of it anyway. There are quite a few gay men among the Syrian refugees in Beirut, but they live in absolute terror as male homosexuality is frowned upon on Lebanese Islamic society.

They were also persecuted in Syria. I know of one case where gay men were arrested by Assad’s regime and imprisoned for a while. They were made to have sex with each other in front of Syrian police at the jail while the police sat back and laughed and ridiculed them. Of course, ISIS has been executing gay men in areas under its control, usually by throwing them off the top of tall buildings.

I know nothing about male homosexuality in Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Sudan or in the Islamic parts of Africa. Nor do I know much about it in the rest of the Islamic World, but I do know something about male homosexuality in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which is quite a complex situation. Maybe for a later post.

I’m not much of an expert on gay rights because as a straight man, the subject does not interest me much.

However, it has long been rumored that the leader of Oman is a gay. He has never admitted it, but many think he is anyway. I understand that people in Oman don’t care much one way or the other about their ruler being gay.


Filed under Afghanistan, Africa, Algeria, Asia, Egypt, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Man World, Middle East, Morocco, North Africa, Pakistan, Palestine, Radical Islam, Regional, Religion, Saudi Arabia, Sex, Shiism, South Asia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen

Zionism, Anti-Zionism and the Monster of Dual Loyalty

Forced to choose between loyalty to the homeland and loyalty to the tribe, Jews have traditionally chosen treason. This is the poison pill of anti-Zionism, for it throws the Jews back into the Diaspora where they may revert back to their normal treacherous role. On the other hand, Zionism has not solved the problem of Jewish disloyalty and dual loyalty. In fact, it has worsened it by orders of magnitude. Whereas before Zionism Jews may have been mildly treasonous, afterwards Jewish treason went through the roof as Jews captured nation after nation throughout the West and turned one White country after another into a colony of Israel.

All things considered, I think Jews would be much less treasonous without a Jewish state.

So yes, the dismantling of Zionism would throw the Jews back into the Diaspora and bring back the boogeyman of Jewish dual loyalty. But Zionism has morphed the dual loyalty monster into a titan. All in all, I feel that Jewish dual loyalty would radically diminish if the Jews no longer had a state that they could use to drag generations of White Gentiles into fighting and dying for them in the endless Wars for the Jews we see playing out across the land, in Iraq, then in Libya, next in Yemen and now in Syria and soon to be Iran. Lebanon? Been there, done that. 323 Marines died in that War for the Jews.


Filed under Anti-Zionism, Geopolitics, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jews, Lebanon, Left, Libya, Middle East, Military Doctrine, North Africa, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Syria, The Jewish Question, USA, War, Whites, Yemen, Zionism

The “Iranian Expansionism” Lie: How the US and UK Have Joined the Gulf Arab War against the Shia: The Case of Lebanon and Syria

It is about time the Gulf nations made alliance with Iran. Iran wants to have peaceful relations with the Sunni Arab world; it’s the Sunni Arabs who hate the Shia, the niggers of Islam and the niggers of the Arab World. It’s like the Jim Crow South with the Sunni Arabs as good old boy crackers enforcing Jim Crow against the poor Shia niggers.

The modern version of this lie sees Shia taking power across the region as “Iran expanding its influence in the Arab World” and “Iranian expansionism.” It’s total crap.

All of these are local conflicts and local political situations. In few Arab countries,  there are many Shia and the Shia have obtained quite a bit of power. This is due to the situation inside the nation, not some BS Iranian expansionism.

Hezbollah is popular in Lebanon because the masses love them. They have 85% support across all sects. They are even very popular with Lebanese Christians. The Lebanese Army is a joke, so Hezbollah is seen as effectively the Army of Lebanon or the National Resistance. They support over there because the people love them, not because of some “Iranian expansionism” lie.

In Syria, yes, the Shia have been in power for decades, but the regime is aggressively secular and does not favor any confessional group. The Syrian business community is mostly Sunni. They’ve always run the businesses over there. Many Shia Alawi who are members of Assad’s sect are very poor because the only Alawis who have benefited from the regime are those with tribal and family ties to the regime. 70% of the Syrian military is Sunni. 70% of Syrian officers are Sunni. 70% of Syrian government officials are Sunni. In recent elections, Sunnis won 85% of seats.

Yet the vile Israelis and the US keep talking up this big lie about Syria as a “Shia supremacist state” where all the wealth, power and government is in the hands of the Shia and the Sunnis have nothing. The whole army is said to be Shia, as no Sunni would want to fight for the Shia government. The only reason they fight is because they have a gun to their backs. All of this is a huge lie as the government is secular and is not confessional or discriminatory in any way, shape or form. If the Shia are running a Shia supremacist state, why do the Sunnis have most of the money in the country as they run the business community? Why are the Christians wealthier than the average Syrian. I thought the  government was Shia supremacist and the non-Shia get nothing?

Furthermore, the Shia sect that runs Syria is called Alawi and they are one of the most secular of the Muslim sects. They do not go to mass. They do not fast at Ramadan. They never go on hajj. They are very secular and most of the women do not wear the hijab.

The religion is a strange mishmash of ancient pagan sects like Mandeanism, Christianity and a very secular version of Shia Islam. Alawi worship Jesus, celebrate Christmas and every Alawi household has a picture of Jesus hanging on the wall. Paganism is present in the Alawi believe that the stars represent the souls of dead humans. After we die, we ascend to the heavens and turn into stars. This is taken from the ancient Mandeanism sect, star worshipers who follow John the Baptist as their spiritual leader. There were a number  of them in Iraq, but many were killed as infidels in the recent  civil war. However, Saddam protected the Mandeans.

There is a huge debate in Islam around whether or not the Alawi are even Muslims! Many Sunnis state emphatically that they are not Muslims and instead they are a heretical schismatic sect of apostates who must be killed.

The case for this discrimination was first made by Syrian Ibn Taymiya centuries ago who could be said to be the father of the modern Salafi Islam of Al Qaeda, ISIS and the rest. Indeed, Salafis revere Taymiya and pore over his writings. The Alawi state that they are indeed Muslims, albeit an extremely secular variety of nearly New Age Muslims.

Considering that this is one of the most secular sects in Islam, why would they be confessionalists? Why would they discriminate against other sects if they are barely even Muslims and not particularly religious in the first place? Religious discrimination in the Muslim world is tied to fundamentalism. The secular regimes have usually been much more nonprejudicial. So the Alwai have run Syria for 50 years, and Syria is hardly a case of Iranian expansionism. Please!

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Filed under Alawi, Asia, Christianity, Geopolitics, Government, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Politics, Regional, Religion, Shiism, Sunnism, Syria, USA

The “Iranian Expansionism” Lie: How the US and UK Have Joined the Gulf Arab War against the Shia: The Cases of Iraq and Yemen


Iraq is the latest flash point. This is not a case of Iranian expansionism either. Saddam somewhat repressed the Shia, although millions of Shia were Baath Party members, and most of the army were Shia.

When the US military rolled through the Shia cities of the South during the Gulf War, they expected a warm welcome. It was the other way around. A convoy would be driving down a street in Nasariyah with nary a problem in sight. They got halfway down the street when the whole street opened up on them with automatic weapons and RPG’s. Most of them were hiding on rooftops. These were Shia Baath Party people, Shia Iraqi military veterans and also a lot of Shia who were simply Iraqi nationalists who would rather live with Saddam than be conquered by foreign invaders.

Of course, our criminal, Nazi-like war of aggression against the Iraqi people resulted in the overthrow of Sunni rule. With democracy, obviously a Shia government was elected, as 60% of the population is Iraq is Shia. The US and Israel are now screaming that Iraq is a case of Iranian expansionism. The Hell it is. It’s a case of democracy! The Shia are the majority, so democratic elections of course elected a Shia government. Democracy in action. I guess the US and Israel are opposed to democracy now?

Of course the new Shia government has friendly ties with Iran. The Shia Alawi government of Syria also has close ties with Iran. The Shia Hezbollah in Lebanon has close ties with Iran. None of this is “Iranian expansionism” or “Iran conquering the Arab world.” Instead these are Shia populations in the Arab World who have formed a natural and normal confessional alliance with Shia Iran. Shia are going to ally with Shia. What do you expect them to do?


In Yemen, the Shia are 45% of the country. This group is called Zaidis, and they are barely even Shia. They only differ from Yemeni Sunnism on one or two things. While most Zaidis call themselves Shia, some call themselves Sunnis, and others say that they are both Sunni and Shia. So the sect isn’t even pure Shia according to their own members.

A tribal group in the north called Houthis who are mostly Zaidi launched a very popular civil war from the north all the way to the south of the country, eventually overthrowing the government. The US- and Saudi-installed president, a man named Hadi, was airlifted out to Saudi Arabia where he continued to insist that he ran the country. Hadi was very unpopular, and frankly most Yemenis hated him.

The Houthi revolt had the support of the majority of Yemenis. The Yemeni Army was loyal to a former president named Saleh, who was also a Houthi Shia. Most of the Yemeni Army, 70-80%, went over to the side of the Houthis. So the vast majority of the army goes over the side of the armed revolution that overthrows the state, and the revolution is still not legitimate? Well, when is a revolution legitimate then?

The US went along with this folly and insisted that Hadi was still the real president of the country. Well, no he wasn’t. Ever heard of a revolution? When an armed revolution happens and overthrows the government, the new armed group is the new government. I would say they are even under international law. Revolutions have been a legitimate way to overthrow states forever now. Or do we now say that all revolutions are illegitimate? Would that apply to our own revolution then? That would have to be illegitimate too, right, because the US says that armed revolutions cannot install legitimate governments?

The remaining 25% of the Yemeni Army started fighting the Houthis, but they were close to defeat. Suddenly, the Saudis, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, and Sudan all jumped into the war and attacked Yemen. They invaded Yemen, a sovereign country. That’s a Nazi like war of aggression, illegal under international law. Yet the US and UK gave full support to this invasion.

Since that time, the Saudis have been bombing all over the country. The Saudi and UAE militaries also invaded, but they did not get far. They set up a few garrisons, but they came under constant attack and suffered heavy casualties. The Saudi military is terrible and is not capable of fighting any war. The UAE military is about as bad. The US has been supplying intelligence and command and control facilities to the invaders from the beginning. At least 10,000 Yemenis are dead at the hands of the US and the UK in this sickening war. Whenever the Saudis start running low on bombs, we rush-deliver more bombs to them.

Al Qaeda has a large presence in Yemen, and they quickly waged war against the Houthis and Saleh’s army. The Gulf states have been funneling supplies to Yemeni Al Qaeda ever since the invasion, using them to help overthrow the Shia Houthis. When the war started, Saudi Arabia and the UAE flew 300-400 ISIS and Al Qaeda jihadis from Syria down to Yemen to fight against the Houthi. The UAE and the Saudis continue to run jihadis into Yemen, typically by ship. The Saudis have never launched one attack against the Al Qaeda and ISIS in Yemen, and the US has had a quite but not completely hands-off policy too, as the US and UK are using ISIS and Al Qaeda in Yemen to overthrow the Houthi.

The Houthi takeover had nothing to do with “Iranian expansionism.” That’s a paranoid lie of a fever dream. The Shia are 45% of Yemen. The Houthis have always been very popular in Yemen. In fact, the Shia Houthis ruled Yemen for centuries with no problems whatsoever. Even many Sunni Yemenis say they support the Houthi because they say that the Houthis know how to run the country. The Houthis have some friendly relations with Iran, but it boils down to little more than moral support. US and Israeli charges of the Iranians running weapons to the Houthis appear to be complete lies.

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Filed under Africa, Alawi, Asia, Egypt, Geopolitics, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jordan, Law, Lebanon, Middle East, North Africa, Politics, Radical Islam, Regional, Religion, Revolution, Saudi Arabia, Shiism, Sudan, Sunnism, Syria, USA, War, Yemen

Syria: Trump May Just Have Started World War III

Peter Koenig is great. This former pilot proved conclusively the M17 airliner shot down in a Western backed false flag was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet and not a Buk missile fired by rebels. There is a massive amount of evidence that conclusively proves that there was no Buk missile attack and there was no Buk missile in the hands of the rebels or Russians anywhere in the Donbass. The US CIA states that there was no Buk missile.

The CIA is not sure who did the attack. Half of the analysts think the rebels did it but not with a Buk – with some other missile instead. The other half say it was shot down by a small Ukrainian faction inside the state via a fighter jet. Evidence supports the latter conclusion. When asked why the CIA does not go forward with its evidence proving that the West is lying about M17, analysts say they do not want to embarrass the Administration. The CIA is very secretive and they almost never come out and saying anything to the people at large. They do not issue press releases or analysts’ findings. All of their reports are secret. The CIA is not supposed to be communicating with the public at all.

Koenig is correct here. Gladio was a wave of false flag and other fake attacks during the Strategy of Tension orchestrated by NATO intelligence and Western intelligence. NATO and Western intel set off bombs all over Europe for many years, blaming them on far right and far leftwing organizations. They were often set in places like train stations. Many civilians were murdered in this NATO and Western intelligence orchestrated campaign, particularly in Italy.

As you can see below, Philip Giraldi a former high ranking CIA officer, says that his contacts in military intelligence and the CIA all say that there was no chemical weapons attack in Idlib, Syria the other day.

However, Koenig is wrong. The attack was not orchestrated by the CIA. And it was not conducted by Saudi and Turkish warplanes to blame Assad. What occurred is unclear, but those two statements are false.

I also do not agree that Israel wants to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. It’s a popular myth and early Zionists did make statements along those lines, but there’s no evidence that Israel intends to expand its slimy borders outside of the current ones inside of which it now festers. I hate Israel about as much as Saddam Hussein did, and even I don’t agree with the Greater Israel thing. One must be fair even with enemies.

This piece is also rather hyperbolic, but you get the picture. I’m a fanatic radical myself, so when I call someone hyperbolic, they are pretty off the edge.

Syria: Trump May Just have Started World War III

President Trump just ordered an US attack of at least 59 Tomahawk missiles from US warships in the Mediterranean Sea on Syria’s al-Shayrat airbase near Homs.

Mr. Talal Barazi, governor of Homs province, reports several deaths but at this time does not offer further details. This Tomahawk assault was supposedly in response to Bachar al-Assad’s alleged nerve gas attack on 4 April, targeting the civilian population in Idlib Province that killed in excess of 60 people, among them many children.

It reeks all over of False Flag – Gladio 2 – level ‘world’. But nobody smells it, nobody wants to see it, nobody wants to hear it – and especially, nobody wants to talk about it. The truth cannot be spoken. The attack has to be launched immediately, before any investigation could reveal the truth. That’s the way it’s always been. Kill the witnesses. That’s what Washington and its Zionist masters know best.

The Pentagon says Moscow was informed about the attack. There was no reaction from the Russian Government yet.

Earlier Mr. Putin stated that

“it was unacceptable to bring accusations against anyone until a thorough and impartial international investigation was conducted.”

Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer and Director of the Council for the National Interest, says that “military and intelligence personnel,” “intimately familiar” with the intelligence, say that the narrative that Assad or Russia did it is a “sham”. 

This is a classical case of a false flag, instigated by the CIA and carried out by Saudi-Turkish planes to blame Assad. Western presstitute media propagated and hammered into westerners indoctrinated brains the same lie as in 2013, when the East Ghouta Chemical attacks were killing children to justify US “Humanitarian” Military intervention. Then as today, the Washington assault was to follow quickly before the lie could be discovered, but Mr. Putin intervened by warning Washington not to attack – or else – and insisting on an investigation. Russian naval facility in Tartus and airbase in Khmeimim, Syria, were ready to counter a US attack.

Later it was proven beyond any doubt that the attack did not come from Syria’s army, nor was it ordered by Mr. Assad, that it was indeed, once more, a false flag carried out by the Syrian opposition, the so-called rebels, but in truth the western paid terrorists, with the purpose to blame Mr. Assad and to justify the ‘regime change’ – planned since 2009, since well before the CIA instigated start of the 2011 ‘civil war’.

( ).

It is depressing to see how the world – the corrupted-to-the-bone Western world – swallows these lies and actually openly calls for war against Syria, for the removal of Mr. Assad, Syria’s only legitimate and sovereign President, elected by the Syrians and still enjoying more than 80% support of the people.

Renowned socialists’, so-called peace seekers’ eyes are blurred by the western corporate lie-machine. It is sad to see. They believe the (((Western criminal media))). It is too hard even for them to admit to themselves that they have been duped, perhaps all their lives, and that they must now seek out and see reality. They can’t. But instead to look inside themselves – to ask themselves, what interest would Mr. Assad have to kill his own people, the children of his nation, the future of Syria – and God help Syria to have a future again – these shabby ‘progressives’ are too noble to admit to reality – and instead they join the blinded and call for ‘regime change’. That’s exactly what Washington – and the Zionist murderers behind that foul inner-beltway monument of assassins, called the White House, want.

We are living a higher level of ‘Operation Gladio’ again – where evil reigns, where the most horrendous of what was once called human beings are in power, killing mercilessly innocent people for their BIG PURPOSE, for world hegemony. This Judo-Christian ‘civilization’ (sic-sic) has a history of more than 1,000 years of Crusade killings followed by colonial killing and raping and exploitation of countries and their people around the globe, from Asia to Africa to Latin America – and there is no end. Our Western ‘culture’ is sold to Lucifer and his banking clan – continuing killing for greed and power.

People wake up! – If you don’t, you may be next.

We all have this little spark left somewhere in our brains – that tells you that something is not right – that those who call the shots are liars, that the world’s justice is not with evil – that justice is seeking peace not subjugation, power and material gains, but solidarity and harmony among us, brothers and sisters of the humankind.

But also, be aware that this monstrous beast knows no scruples. It has one goal – Full Spectrum Dominance – and will not let go, under no circumstances, until this goal is fully achieved or itself, the monster, the exceptional nation, is subjugated and disabled.

People stand up and become disabler of the empire!

Syria is a mere square on this murderous chess board, as was Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and many more to come. The purpose is not ‘winning a war’ – that would be too simple. The purpose is creating and leaving behind chaos, eternal chaos. In the case of Syria, a balkanization of the country, what Clinton did to Yugoslavia. The old ‘divide to conquer’ – it still works after hundreds of years. People are still blinded to these oldest and most rudimentary of war strategies. They still fall for it; don’t notice; swallow the lies.

In Syria, the stakes are high. In addition to the insane profits of the war and weapons industry – there is the little-talked-about Qatar-Turkey-Syria pipeline that was to bring oil and gas from the Gulf to Europe to demolish the Russian gas market in Europe – and to make trillions for US petro-giants; a pipeline Mr. Assad rejected in 2009.

Instead he approved and promoted the Iran pipeline through Syria to Europe. Iranian hydrocarbons would complement rather than compete with gas and oil from Russia for Europe. That’s when Obama decided that Bachar al-Assad had to go. It also fitted the bigger picture – a balkanized Middle East with steady conflicts fueling the war industry – but eventually leading to a Greater Israel, stretching from the Euphrates to the Nile, absorbing, parts of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.  

“It’s barbarism. I see it coming masqueraded under lawless alliances and predetermined enslavements. It may not be about Hitler’s furnaces but about the methodical and quasi-scientific subjugation of Man. His absolute humiliation. His disgrace.” – Odysseas Elytis, Greek poet, in a press conference on the occasion of receiving the Nobel Prize (1979).

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media (China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.


Filed under Afghanistan, Africa, Asia, Colonialism, East Africa, Eurasia, Europe, Geopolitics, Government, History, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Journalism, Lebanon, Libya, Middle East, North Africa, Political Science, Regional, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Asia, Syria, Turkey, USA, War, Yugoslavia, Zionism

Trump Has Surrendered; Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender? The Chemical Attack is a Washington Orchestrated Event

Very interesting piece by Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan Administration official who has now gone sane and moved far to the Left in somewhat of the fashion that Pat Buchanan has over the years.

He says many a wild thing in this piece, however, my deep analysis of all of these shows indicates that I cannot show one false thing that he is stating here. And many of his accusations are simply 100% true, like most everything he writes.

Roberts is right. Trump and the psychopathic oil company maniac freak Secretary of State are now threatening Russia to end their support for Assad. If Putin caves, that’s it. He’s history. Putin cannot cave. The safety of the entire region is at stake. He caves and the US, the Gulf states, Jordan, Turkey and the Jews will set the whole region on fire, starting with the removal of Assad and then moving on to a terrorist war against Iran. After that, they will launch a mass jihadi terror/civil war against Russia.

And then it’s on to China where at some of these maniacs (the US for sure and possibly the Sunnis, and surely the Turks) will support the Uighurs in Xinjiang. China is insane to ally with the US at this point. The US has had the trigger finger pointed at China’s head ever since this Syria thing picked up. It’s so obvious that the jihadi terrorist/guerrillas will be unleashed against Russia and China. China would be stupid to think otherwise. China must ally with Assad and Putin and it is mandatory that China treat the US as Russia does as a dangerous enemy nation.

There’s never much upside to allying with Washington at gunpoint. It’s like allying with ISIS, Salvadoran gangs or the Mafia. It never works. You cave once and now you are weak and next the US will just point the gun at your head over and over until you cave and cave. The solution of course is not to even cave in the first place.

One thing I am not sure of is if we were in on the orchestration of this event. I do not believe that Roberts has proven his case that the US orchestrated this stupid fake attack. It looks like the British may have been in on it though. From what I can tell, this was just another Al Qaeda production with the usual performance actors, I mean doctors and rescue workers. The Turks are now in on the plot after the fact, but so is everyone.

The Turks are now currently cooking up fake autopsies saying the victims died of “Sarin.” They didn’t. Those corpses display none of the signs of Sarin poisoning. If they died of some gas it sure as Hell was not Sarin. Assad doesn’t have any chemical weapons anyway. He has the same amount of WMD’s that Saddam had before the war: zero. This is Iraqi WMD bullshit all over again and as usual (((the media))) and some parts of the government such as dual loyalist (((Jared Kushner))) are playing a leading role. The (((Jew York Times))) is on the case! They have fetched some of their finest writers such as (((Mr. Gordon))) and Ann Bernard. These two crazies, along with pathological liar (((Judith Miller))). 

So at the moment, we only have evidence that Al Qaeda was in on this scam. In the previous Ghouta attack, it has now been proven that Turkish intelligence was deeply involved in that false flag slaughter. Shocking emails obtained from the Pentagon now show without a doubt that the Defense Intelligence Agency was involved in planning the Ghouta mass murder. A high ranking DIA executive in charge of Officer Staff received an email the day after the Ghouta false flag telling him “congratulations on a job well done.”

Trump Has Surrendered; Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender? The Chemical Attack is a Washington Orchestrated Event

President Trump just ordered an US attack of at least 59 Tomahawk missiles from US warships in the Mediterranean Sea on Syria’s al-Shayrat airbase near Homs.

Mr. Talal Barazi, governor of Homs province, reports several deaths but at this time does not offer further details. This Tomahawk assault was supposedly in response to Bachar al-Assad’s alleged nerve gas attack on 4 April, targeting the civilian population in Idlib Province that killed in excess of 60 people, among them many children.

It reeks all over of False Flag – Gladio 2 – level ‘world’. But nobody smells it, nobody wants to see it, nobody wants to hear it – and especially, nobody wants to talk about it. The truth cannot be spoken. The attack has to be launched immediately, before any investigation could reveal the truth. That’s the way it’s always been. Kill the witnesses. That’s what Washington and its Zionist masters know best.

The Pentagon says Moscow was informed about the attack. There was no reaction from the Russian Government yet.

Earlier Mr. Putin stated that

“it was unacceptable to bring accusations against anyone until a thorough and impartial international investigation was conducted.”

Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer and Director of the Council for the National Interest, says that “military and intelligence personnel,” “intimately familiar” with the intelligence, say that the narrative that Assad or Russia did it is a “sham”. 

This is a classical case of a false flag, instigated by the CIA and carried out by Saudi-Turkish planes to blame Assad. Western presstitute media propagated and hammered into westerners indoctrinated brains the same lie as in 2013, when the East Ghouta Chemical attacks were killing children to justify US “Humanitarian” Military intervention. Then as today, the Washington assault was to follow quickly before the lie could be discovered, but Mr. Putin intervened by warning Washington not to attack – or else – and insisting on an investigation. Russian naval facility in Tartus and airbase in Khmeimim, Syria, were ready to counter a US attack.

Later it was proven beyond any doubt that the attack did not come from Syria’s army, nor was it ordered by Mr. Assad, that it was indeed, once more, a false flag carried out by the Syrian opposition, the so-called rebels, but in truth the western paid terrorists, with the purpose to blame Mr. Assad and to justify the ‘regime change’ – planned since 2009, since well before the CIA instigated start of the 2011 ‘civil war’.

( ).

It is depressing to see how the world – the corrupted-to-the-bone western world – swallows these lies and actually openly calls for war against Syria, for the removal of Mr. Assad, Syria’s only legitimate and sovereign President, elected by the Syrians and still enjoying more than 80% support of the people. Renown socialists’, so-called peace seekers’ eyes are blurred by the western corporate lie-machine. It is sad to see. They believe the western criminal media. It is too hard even for them to admit to themselves that they have been duped, perhaps all their lives, and that they must now seek out and see reality. They can’t. But instead to look inside themselves – to ask themselves, what interest would Mr. Assad have to kill his own people, the children of his nation, the future of Syria – and God help Syria to have a future again – these shabby ‘progressives’ are too noble to admit to reality – and instead they join the blinded and call for ‘regime change’. That’s exactly what Washington – and the Zionist murderers behind that foul inner-beltway monument of assassins, called the White House, want.

We are living a higher level of ‘Operation Gladio’ again – where evil reigns, where the most horrendous of what was once called human beings are in power, killing mercilessly innocent people for their BIG PURPOSE, for world hegemony. This Judo-Christian ‘civilization’ (sic-sic) has a history of more than 1000 years of Crusade killings, followed by colonial killing and raping and exploitation of countries and their people around the globe, from Asia to Africa to Latin America – and there is no end. Our western ‘culture’ is sold to Lucifer and his banking clan – continuing killing for greed and power.

People wake up! – If you don’t, you may be next.

We all have this little spark left somewhere in our brains – that tells you that something is not right – that those who call the shots are liars, that the world’s justice is not with evil – that justice is seeking peace not subjugation, power and material gains, but solidarity and harmony among us, brothers and sisters of the human kind.

But also, be aware that this monstrous beast knows no scruples. It has one goal – Full Spectrum Dominance – and will not let go, under no circumstances, until this goal is fully achieved or itself, the monster, the exceptional nation, is subjugated and disabled.

People stand up and become disabler of the empire!

Syria is a mere square on this murderous chess board, as was Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and many more to come. The purpose is not ‘winning a war’ – that would be too simple. The purpose is creating and leaving behind chaos, eternal chaos. In the case of Syria a balkanization of the country, what Clinton did to Yugoslavia. The old ‘divide to conquer’ – it still works after hundreds of years. People are still blinded to these oldest and most rudimentary of war strategies. They still fall for it; don’t notice; swallow the lies.

In Syria, the stakes are high. In addition to the insane profits of the war and weapons industry – there is the little talked about Qatar-Turkey-Syria pipeline that was to bring oil and gas from the Gulf to Europe to demolish the Russian gas market in Europe – and to make trillions for US petro-giants; a pipeline Mr. Assad rejected in 2009. Instead he approved and promoted the Iran pipeline through Syria to Europe. Iranian hydrocarbons would complement, rather than compete with, gas and oil from Russia for Europe. That’s when Obama decided that Bachar al-Assad had to go. It also fitted the bigger picture – a balkanized Middle East, with steady conflicts fueling the war industry – but eventually leading to a Greater Israel, stretching from the Euphrates to the Nile, absorbing, parts of Saudi Arabi, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.  

“It’s barbarism. I see it coming masqueraded under lawless alliances and predetermined enslavements. It may not be about Hitler’s furnaces, but about the methodical and quasi-scientific subjugation of Man. His absolute humiliation. His disgrace.” – Odysseas Elytis, Greek poet, in a press conference on the occasion of receiving the Nobel Prize (1979).

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media (China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.


Filed under Afghanistan, Africa, Asia, Britain, China, Colonialism, East Africa, Egypt, Eurasia, Europe, Geopolitics, Government, History, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Journalism, Lebanon, Libya, Middle East, North Africa, Political Science, Radical Islam, Regional, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Asia, Syria, Turkey, War, Yugoslavia

Why Jews Might Promote Braziliafication

Why do Jews who run for office ALWAYS do so on the Democratic ticket. I cannot think of a single exception.

I don’t debate Jews act in their own self-interests.

But I do not believe the complete annihilation of the white race and a dim-witted Mulatto population beget from mostly poor members of all races (Brazil’s poor are a composite of Indians and Blacks, more or less, with Mestizos and a few old Portuguese families ruling the roost) will put Jews in a better position.

To begin with, less consumers with less money because of a shrunken middle-class. Blacks don’t watch Seinfeld. Blacks do not watch Ron Jeremy. Etc. Etc. Whites do.

First of all, Jews don’t think. It is a major misconception that Jews think or are logical. They do not and are not. Jews are emotional thinkers with extremely emotional personalities driven by rage, hatred and fear. This is what drives most of their thinking. Jews basically don’t think things through to the end. They make an emotional judgment based on whatever they were thinking at the time and never think about the consequences.

Look at how the Jews blew up Iraq and Libya. Look at how the Jews are now blowing up Syria. Short term thinking. In the short term, it is worth it to destroy all of Israel’s enemies. Iraq and Libya were destroyed in order to destroy Israel’s enemies and for no other good reason. Syria is in the process of being destroyed for the same reason. The Jews tried to destroy Lebanon to get rid of their enemy, Hezbollah.

Jews are not good for much of anything but destroying countries, slaughtering millions of people and sowing mass terrorism and chaos. Apparently it is for these reasons that they have been put on this Earth. They don’t seem to have any agenda other than mass slaughter and destruction of their enemies. This goes back to the Jewish religion. The Jewish worldview is based on Purim. Destroying all those countries in the Middle East and killing millions of people was just an ongoing Purim holiday for the Jews.

As we can see, Jews do not think of consequences for their behavior because they think emotionally, and their dominant emotions are fear, hatred, rage and revenge. There have been many times in the past when the Jews pushed way too far in societies, and warnings went out that the Jews were about to provoke a pogrom. The Jews never heed any of these warnings. They just get furious and scream, “How dare you say Jews cause anti-Semitism!” and they just keep pushing and pushing until it all blows up in their faces, and there’s a pogrom.

But even then they see no role for themselves in the blowblack. It was simply caused by evil, irrational anti-Semites who are diabolical and act for no intelligible reason whatsoever. Believe it or not, this is how Jews think. The official Jewish line is that anti-Semitism is some mysterious, ether-like quality in humans that all Gentiles are afflicted with presumably from birth. There’s no reason for it. Gentiles just persecute and kill Jews for no reason except blind hatred. There’s never been 1% of a reason for any outbreak of anti-Semitism.

Jews actually think this. Almost all of them do.

Now I ask you, are such people capable of logic? Of rational thinking? Of worrying about the endgame? Of course not.

As far as Brazilification goes, ask you average Jew about it. He will get visibly angry, act like he is going to punch you in the face and call you racist. Almost all Jews will say there is nothing wrong with a Braziliafied US, and if you think it’s bad, you are racist.

Jews hate White Gentiles. Not all of them do, some don’t, and I have known them. But a lot of them do. Jews have made statements that said that they were cheering on the day when Whites become a minority in the US because then Jews would never have to worry about a White Supremacist regime ever coming to power here.

A lot of Jews hate us for what we did to them over the centuries. This last time was the worst of all, and the Holocaust has made most Jews half-nuts to this day. They’ll never forgive us for it. The real enemy to the Jew is the White Supremacists. They killed millions of Jews and nearly wiped them off the Earth.

Jews hate any nationalism among White Gentiles. Whenever White Gentiles go nationalist in any way, it’s not long before they go after the Jews because Jews are always the enemies of any White Gentile nationalists because they are considered to be not only not part of the nation but actively hostile to the interests of the blood and soil natives.

Jews prefer diverse countries because historically speaking, diverse countries are less likely to go after the Jews because people need to get together on a common basis to go after a common enemy in order to go after the Jews, and that’s hard to do in diverse country. Jews dislike White countries with one dominant nationality, culture, religion or sub-race because these are the type of White countries that go after the Jews.

Many have noted that Braziliafication would be bad for the Jews. You go find me one Jew anywhere who will agree with that statement. Also this implies that Jews think through the consequences of their emotionally based thinking, and that’s something they have never done historically and still do not do to this very day.

When you point out that Braziliafication will be bad for the Jews, I would answer yes, but most Jews won’t see it that way. Jews will see it only in terms of their short-term interests, which is reducing the White population to a minority so no White Supremacist regime can take power and creating a diverse society that will not go after the Jews.

Jews don’t do long-term thinking. They only think in terms of short-term emotionally driven solutions.


Filed under Africa, Anti-Semitism, Democrats, Iraq, Israel, Jews, Judaism, Lebanon, Libya, Middle East, Nationalism, North Africa, Political Science, Politics, Race Relations, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Religion, Sociology, Syria, US Politics, Whites

All Enemy Rebels Have No Agency

The US, NATO and our allies always insist that any anti-Western rebel group has no agency. They’re all just puppets being pulled by the evil Putin or the ayatollahs or whatever. They have minds of their own. They lack desire, needs, wants, goals and willpower. They are all silly pawns who obey their masters in some other country who push them around like chess pieces. They  have no more agency than a robot.

But the other side does it too. The Left claims that the Syrian rebels are mercenaries paid by the US. The truth is that radical Sunni Salafists have come from all over the Arab World to fight the Shia heretics ruling Syria. It’s all part of the Sunni-Shia Civil War breaking out all over the region. And 70% of the rebels are Syrian Sunni Muslims. Only 30% are from outside Syria, but those are not puppets either. They are anti-Shia fanatics who want to put in Islamic Law.

In the Ukraine, the US claims that everything was fine until the evil Russians came in and stirred things up. In other words, the Donbass rebels have no agency. They are just puppets pulled by Putin. But why would anyone agree to be a puppet for some other country. The truth is that the Donbass rebels rose up on their own due to a Nazi coup fomented by the CIA and the US State Department.  Russia opposed them rising up all the way. They wanted a federalized state instead.

For a long time, Russia refused to aid them and only stepped in when they were on the verge of defeat, and the native Russians in the area were getting massacred. Polls consistently show that 94% of Donbass people do not want to be part of Ukraine. Of course, anti-US polls are always inaccurate because fear and other spooks and bogeymen. All populations polling in a direction the US doesn’t like are literally living under Josef Stalin’s rule and they are terrified to poll against whatever the government tells them to. Cuz you know they might get sent to the gulags. And get a bullet from an NKVD firing squad. Because you know anti-US populations have no agency. They all love America, and they only reason they poll that way is fear and other spooky bogeymen.

Putin doesn’t have 87% support, he has 0% support. Russians are terrified of Putin and if you answer a poll question wrong, Putin’s friend Beria will put a bullet in your head. Or you go to Siberia. Or Putin starves you to death in a new fake terror famine like the last one. Because you know Putin is the spooky USSR. He’s really Stalin. Stalin never died, you know. He just reincarnated as Putin The Evil.

You realize things were much worse under Yeltsin and 20X more journalists were killed under Yeltsin? Russia was much more authoritarian under Yeltsin than it is under Putin. But Yeltsin had 6% support. Oh well, hand wave, but Putin’s a dictator. Yeltsin? That pickled liver was Our Man in Moscow. How could he be bad. Everyone  who is pro-US has a halo over their head, didn’t you know that? No really.

The Crimeans rose up on their own. The Crimeans were always a part of Russia or the USSR. There never was any country called Ukraine. It sprung up for the first time in 1991 and claimed it owned the Crimea. The Crimeans oppose being part of Ukraine from Day One and they even passed a number of resolutions saying that they were not a part of Ukraine.

Basically they never agreed to be part of Ukraine. When the US fomented a coup and the new Nazis came in and said they were joining NATO and throwing Russia out of their base in Crimea (presumably to turn it into a NATO base) Putin had to act. He had no alternative. There was no way he could lose his warm water port and allow NATO to set up a naval base right next door. Nor could he allow NATO to take Ukraine and set up an army right on his doorstep. Polls done by Western polling groups have consistently found that 87% of Crimeans support the annexation.

But see, the US and NATO claims that Crimeans and Donbass people have no agency. They have no minds of their own.

The Jews do this same garbage. Palestinians rising up on their own, maybe because Jews treat them worse than chattel. Well of course not! Zionism is wonderful! The Palestinians love it so much. They love Jews! They would never hurt one Jew, ever.

The Jews say that if it weren’t for Syria, Libya, and Iraq there would be no Palestinians. Before they said that about the USSR. The Palestinians were only rising up because the Soviets were whispering in their ear and telling them to. Hence we took down Libya, Iraq and now Syria on the orders of the Jews because in the US, we do whatever the Jews tell us to do. Iraq, Libya and now Syria were ordered to be taken down by the Israelis. First of all, they were all enemies of Israel, but second of all, if we got rid of all of those countries, the Palestinian revolution would end immediately.

Because, you know, the Palestinians are only shooting rockets and settlers because the Syrians, Iraqis, and Libyans tell them to and give them guns and stuff. This is also why Iran is on the list. Iran is the last of the Jews’ enemies to remain standing. All of the others have been taken out. Granted, Lebanon is an enemy of the Jews, but they have no military so no one cares much about them. Take out Iran and take out Israel’s last remaining enemy. And the Palestinians won’t fight anymore because they only fight because the evil Iranians tell them to. And they won’t get one more bullet because all the weaponry comes from Iran.

A similar thing is playing with Hezbollah. Does Hezbollah exist, maybe, because Israel repeatedly invaded Lebanon? Of course not! That has nothing to do with it! The Lebanese Shia love the Jews. They want to run up to Jews and kiss them on the lips! Nope, instead, Hezbollah only exists because of Iran. Every time a Jew mentions Hezbollah, they say Iran in the next sentence. Because you know Hezbollah are just puppets. Nasrallah is a man on a string.

They and he have no agency. They only take orders from Iran. They don’t. They don’t take orders from Iran. Hezbollah does whatever the Hell it wants and it is not unusual for them to have different goals and aims than the Iranians. The Iranians have no real control over them. Hezbollah is an independent entity with a strong anti-Israel position so Iran supports them, but Iran can’t tell them what to do. Hezbollah gets to do whatever the Hell it wants to. But as the interests of Iran and Hezbollah coincide it is unlikely that Hezbollah will do crazy things not approved of by Iran. On the other hand, Hezbollah is not some wing of the Iranian military taking direct orders from Iran like the Jews say.

Now if you want to say that Iran arms Hezbollah, you have a point. And part of the reason the Jews are trying to destroy Syria is because that way they can end the Iran – Syria – Hezbollah arms pipeline.

Another good case is Kashmir. If you think Indian Hindus are irrational and nuts in general, wait until you see how they feel about Kashmir. Want to see an Indian Hindu have a chimpout? Mention the word Kashmir. They will raise their voices, start yelling, pound the table and get threatening and menacing. And they will say one word over and over: “Pakistan! Pakistan! Pakistan! Pakistan! Pakistan! Pakistan! Pakistan! Pakistan!”

Because you see, Kashmiris have no agency. Kashmiris love India! They love Hindus! They want to kiss all the Hindus on the cheeks! They’re loyal Indian citizens! They have no beefs with India. Kashmiris have total love for India. They would never rebel. In fact, not one Kashmiri has ever taken up arms against India. Not one. Nope. Instead, 100% of the Kashmiri rebellion, armed and otherwise, is being caused by the evil bogeyman Pakistan.

Now Pakistan does aid some of the more radical armed Kashmiri groups, but most of the groups are actually headquartered outside of Kashmir in Pakistani Kashmir. They don’t have much of a presence in Kashmir itself. And now the resistance is mostly just constant rioting and stone throwing like in Palestine. But no matter. I’m sure every one of those stone throwers is a Pakistani in disguise. Those sneaky Pakistanis! They’re everywhere! Look out there’s one under your bed right now, Hindu! Boo! Pakistan! Boo! Boogeyman!

If you study the Kashmiri rebellion, it has internal roots. It never got going until about 1969 anyway because before that, the Kashmiris had tried to work peacefully within the system. Only when India blocked all efforts at peaceful change did the Kashmiris rise up. And in the worst of the armed conflict, 90% of the rebels were native Kashmiris.

India says, “Kashmiris are puppets cuz evil Pakistan bogeyman wants to steal our land hurr!” Actually, this is just more Indian lies. Only 6% of Kashmiris want to split off and join Pakistan. Most have traditionally only wanted an independent state in Kashmir. By the way, the UN has ordered international scofflaw India to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir to decide the fate of the region since 1949. India has always flatly refused. Because you know we can’t have people deciding their own destiny or anything like that.

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Filed under Africa, Arabs, Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Geopolitics, Hinduism, India, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Israel-Palestine Conflict, Jews, Kashmir, Lebanon, Left, Libya, Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan, Palestine, Palestinians, Race/Ethnicity, Radical Islam, Regional, Religion, Russia, Shiism, South Asia, Sunnism, Syria, Ukraine, USA, USSR, War