Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Lowdown on Psychotherapy

Juliette Kochenderfer-Moore writes:

I also question why some people want to work in therapy sometimes, and the endless job titles have my head spinning.

Is a  therapist the same as a counselor? What the hell is a psychotherapist? A psychoanalyst? Are a psychologist and psychiatrist the same thing?

Seriously. Most of them seem totally bored out of their minds at what they do for a living. Why are we paying bucket loads of money to go get labeled and undergo “treatment,” of which the success rate is dubious?

Most are not bored, most therapists enjoy what they are doing, I have liked most of my therapists, and I thought most of them were very smart.

Also it can be very good money. Licensed therapists can make a lot of money.

Anyone can be a “counselor” in California. Even you can. But hardly anyone does it because realistically, who is going to pay you good money to sit there and listen to their problems?

A psychotherapist is someone with a credential – in California, either a Clinical Psychologist, a Psychiatrist, a Masters in Social Work, or a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

A psychoanalyst practices Freudian psychoanalysis. This seems to be going out, as a lot of it has not stood up to scientific scrutiny.

A psychologist is a Clinical Psychologist. They have a PhD. Most of them are extremely good.

A psychiatrist is an MD. They are medical doctors. I don’t like them quite as much as the Clinical Psychologists. I think Clinical Psychologists actually understand psychology and the psyche better than Psychiatrists. Nowadays Psychiatrists are mostly just drug pushers. If you want drugs, you need to go to a Psychiatrist.

Therapy is costly. I think psychotherapy is a luxury good that is available only in wealthy societies. You don’t really need it, but it can really make you feel better. I am convinced that many to even most 3rd World people could benefit from psychotherapy, but their societies are too poor, so they cannot afford these things.

Labeling is generally a good idea. Only 14% of the population has a personality disorder. That’s not a lot. Most people with a PD diagnosis definitely are very difficult people at best, I assure you. I say this because I have known a number of Personality Disordered persons for decades, and they are truly impossible and infuriating human beings. There is no way on Earth that is normal behavior. It’s not acceptable to act abrasive and annoying such that you screw up your own life and that of everyone around you. That’s not a definition of mental health.

Most people with anxiety disorders really have them. If you do diagnosis properly, and you put the person on the right drug, it is amazing what you can do.

I think it is incredible just how “syndromal” a lot of these conditions are. I work with OCD people, and this is a syndrome if I ever saw one. All of these people seem like they are reading off the same script. I know them so well that I can almost spot one half a mile away blindfolded. Also I can practically crawl up around in the brains of my clients and tell them exactly what they are thinking because I know exactly how this illness makes you think.

The Personality Disorders are also very “syndromal,” often shockingly so.

Why so many mental disorders look nearly as syndromal as physical disorders is a mystery, but I think a good answer might be that of all of the possible ways of acting crazy, humans are somehow limited to a small subset of all such craziness due to the limitations of the human brain and condition. In other words, because there are only a certain number of ways to go nuts, humans tend to go nuts in very syndromal like patterns that look a lot like physical illnesses in the way they seem to come as a “package.”

Some people are so nervous that they just do not function well. Others are going round and round about other anxiety like conditions. Panic Disorder is crippling. PTSD is a very bad illness.

Depression is real. I have known some depressives who simply cannot function at all due to extreme depression. It is almost like they have a physical condition.

Bipolar disorder is as straight up syndrome, and these people are just not well. It’s not even really ok to be hypomanic. They’re not rational, they don’t act very sensibly, and the irritable ones are insufferable jerks who quarrel and fight with everyone all the time. Full blown mania is so non-adaptive that the person almost needs to be committed so they don’t completely destroy their lives during the episode.

It’s not ok to be psychotic. Psychotic people cannot function and are often a danger to themselves or others. They desperately need to be treated.

Schizophrenia is a full-blown illness in which there is something wrong with their brains.

Many of these illnesses are highly genetic, with Manic Depression and OCD showing some of the highest loadings of all, near 85%. Obviously these people simply have something wrong with their brains.

Psychotherapy is overpriced, but we are all doing therapy with each other all the time. Anytime you talk to any of your friends or loved ones about any psychological stuff they have going and try to give them advice on how to deal with it, you are doing therapy. Anytime you try to help people to live their lives better, function better, quit making dumb mistakes and stop engaging in unhealthy behavior patterns, you are doing psychotherapy.

The problem is that most people do not want to help you get over your troubles or teach you how to function better and quit doing nonadaptive things. Also therapists have a lot of training, and they are simply better than your ordinary person off the street at such things.

But really anytime you talk to a very wise person who gives you a lot of good wisdom on how to live your life, solve your problems, function better and stop doing non-adaptive things, you are basically getting psychotherapy, as the best therapists are simply very wise people who help you by sharing some of their wisdom with you.

Psychotherapy works very well, and it certainly works as well as the competition.

What is the competition?

Get better on your own? Talk to your friends and family get them to talk you out of it? Go to church? Read some books? Get a girlfriend or boyfriend? Get a better job? Move to a new area? Join a cult? Join a self-help movement? Go to the gym? Read Manosphere Blogs and learn Game?

None of that stuff works as well as psychotherapy for helping people with diagnosed proven psychological disorders. And none of it works as well as psychotherapy for even problems in living, growth work (trying to grow as a person) or deep work (trying to delve into the depths of your psyche and figure yourself out).

The only thing that works better than psychotherapy for a lot of things is drugs. These are psychiatric drugs and they do have a lot of side effects.

Really the best treatment is psychotherapy + drugs.

I deal with OCD’ers. When OCD is very bad, I feel that psychotherapy is useless. The person’s mind is just too far gone for the therapy to do any good work. It’s like banging your head into a wall. You can do the therapy over and over, but it won’t sink in because there is something wrong with your brain. Therapy with a messed up brain is like filling up the gas tank of a car with serious mechanical problems. That gas won’t get you very well (in other words, it won’t even work well) until you fix the car so it can run well enough to even use the gas in the first place. Once you fix up the car, now you can put gas in it, change the oil, check the fluids and all of that, and that’s finally useful.

On the other hand, drugs alone don’t seem to really cut it. I have found that when you are on a really good drug, you can start using all the great stuff you learned in psychotherapy, and now the therapy really starts working. The sad thing is that psychotherapy works best on a fairly healthy brain. You have to get your brain into a fairly healthy place to where the therapy can even function at all.


Filed under Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Health, Medicine, Mental Illness, Mood Disorders, OCD, Personality Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy, Psychotic Disorders, Schizophrenia

Behavior in Manic Episodes: An Overview

Jason Y writes:

Seems like some of them can go into a rage when not on meds. Breaking phones, computers.

I do not know much about schizophrenic violence, but I can definitely attest on a first hand basis that during the manic phase of manic depression, people can be quite violent.

There are different types of manic episodes: Hypomanic, euphoric,  and irritable/angry/violent/paranoid. They can also be psychotic at times, but manics usually are not psychotic.

This post will describe the irritable/angry/violent/paranoid manic.

These types tend to be psychotic for briefer periods and wild, violent, dangerous,  and criminal yet not psychotic for longer periods

They can be very verbally hostile and violent, pretty much trying to pick fights and start fights with various people nearly every day. They scream, yell, threaten and menace people a lot. They also do minor violence like throwing food around, throwing objects, breaking windows, throwing cordless phones. In addition, they smash toilet seats and they are very found of smashing holes in walls and doors.

It is not uncommon for them to acquire weapons during this phase, either guns or knives. Sometimes the guns don’t even work, but they use them to threaten their enemies anyway. Showdowns with enemies with one or more parties armed with guns, knives or swords are fairly common. Manics grab baseball bats, poles and sticks and chase enemies, usually ordinary strangers, down streets howling abuse at them and throwing the weapon at the stranger as the stranger runs away in terror. The manic will explain that the stranger out for a stroll at night was really one of the enemies in an elaborate disguise.

Mania is a time of extreme aggression, guaranteed violence, regular menace and often enough brandishing of weaponry.

Housemates of manics often end up arming themselves to defend against the manic, often with knives. Some carry weapons around with themselves fulltime to defend against possible attacks by the manic. Housemates frequently pull weapons, often household knives, on manics in self-defense during fights and showdowns.

They also steal a lot like drug addicts, and if you live with them, pretty soon you are going to have to start hiding your money, car keys, dope, etc. They will even sneak into your bedroom at night while you are sleeping to steal car keys, money, etc.

They are basically a total menace and a lot of them act like sociopathic criminals and seem to become almost completely evil. A guy I know has a relative who goes manic from time to time and when he goes manic, my friend says, “He turns into Charles Manson.”

They have no attention span whatsoever and are always leaving doors open, leaving the stove on with things cooking on it, forgetting things, etc. They start something, get halfway through it, get distracted and go off to something else so everything ends up half done including meals and just about any task. Their personal hygiene declines a lot for some reason. Often they take to wearing the same clothes for days on end. They sleep in their clothes, often with the lights on and music blaring. It’s not uncommon for them to start smelling bad after a while, possibly because they sleep in their clothes, don’t change their clothes often, etc.

If they are smokers, they will dramatically increase their smoking often by 2-3X the previous level. If they are drinkers, they will often drink very heavily to the point where they are drunk most of the time. If they are driving around when they do this, they will soon get one or more DUI’s.

Property destruction is very common, either their own or other people’s property. They may even destroy most of their own property for no apparent reason. They can also destroy other people’s property, smash up objects or steal others clothing, pile it and set it on fire. They may also set some of their own property on fire, especially clothing.

Manics commonly make public loud, often violent and menacing public scenes which can attract the attention of the police. The manic runs out to the divider of a major highway, takes off their shirt, screams and yells violent threats and sets the shirt on fire in the highway median. Or the manic runs onto a highway median with a baseball bat and runs up and down the median swinging the bat wildly and threatening their enemies.

Arrest and imprisonment during a manic episode is very common. The friend I quoted above says the family member who goes manic always gets arrested at least once during most every manic episode. They are often arrested for minor crimes like DUI or disturbing the peace. Often people who are victimized by the manic are reluctant to press charges because the manic is so obviously insane that it seems wrong to hold them criminally responsible for whatever they have done. If they are arrested, they are usually released very quickly. The manic will raise Hell in the jail, destroying his cell, rattling the bars of his cell endlessly and engaging in a lot of loud screaming and yelling, often with threats or violent overtones. They raise such Hell in jail that they often attract the attention of jailers. The ensuing confrontation will typically end up with the manic being beat up, sometimes badly, the by the jailers and police in the jail.

Sometimes manics are out in public looking and acting so crazy that police officers take them in simply because they seem so out of it. The officers do it our of sheer concern for the manic’s safety. The manic simply appears too out of it to be wandering about in public. In these cases, the manic will be held for a day or two at most and then released.

They usually do not go psychotic but sometimes they can become psychotic. Often they are seriously crazy, but if you closely examine them and think about what they are saying, doing and believing, they really are not psychotic. They aren’t crazy, they are “wild and crazy.”

For instance, a manic, dressed in rags with wild eyes, may thrown up their arms and yell, “I am Jesus Christ!” If you ask them if they are really Jesus, they will forget about and move on to some other topic, or say it was a joke or an allegory.

But sometimes there are psychotic episodes, often paranoid psychoses. If a manic does not have a single enemy on Earth, they will quickly accumulate a number of enemies within a few months of a manic episode. Many of the people encountered during the episode will be transformed by the manic into “enemies.” These can include friends, family members, employers, drug dealers, bank employees, police, etc. If you are in close proximity to a manic for a few months and don’t manage to get transformed into an enemy, consider yourself lucky.

They may stop eating because housemates are poisoning their food. Housemates, friends or banks are typically accused of stealing their money and many conflicts result as the manic confronts the “thieves” about the “stolen money.” For instance, a manic may blow through a large bank savings of say $10-15,000 very quickly in a matter of a few months in the middle of an episode. Then when they realize they have no money, they will accuse the bank of stealing their money. This will result in numerous trips to the bank and angry, sometimes menacing or even violent arguments, confrontations and showdowns with the “thieves” at the bank.

The enemies may make regular rounds to their home, leaving calling cards and destroying things here and there. The enemies come by the house and damage the manic’s vehicle. They set up surveillance stations outside the manic’s home where they keep the manic under surveillance at all times. They may become convinced that the world is going to end.

Confidence increases greatly. A single male manic who rarely dates suddenly has a girlfriend.

Most manics are not hospitalized during their episodes unless they are wildly psychotic. But wildly psychotic manics are atypical. More common is the wild, violent behavior, fleeing delusions and paranoia. Often others make frequent attempts to hospitalize the manic by calling the police. However, many manics, curiously enough, no matter how crazy they are acting, are able to remarkably pull themselves together and present themselves as quite sane when the police show up. If hospitalized, they quickly become “sane” in the hospital and are ordered to be discharged. They can become angry, threatening, menacing and even violent towards psychiatrists who are evaluating them for admittance. Some manics appeal their hospitalization, go to court, appear completely sane and are ordered released. When the police show up to take in a manic on a 5150 (danger to oneself or others) commitment call, 80-90% of the time, the manic will pull themselves together and appear completely sane to the officers. Manics can be wildly manipulative and conniving like the finest psychopaths and they can even earn the sympathy of the police officer. The manic expertly spins a brilliantly elaborated made-up stories, often with the full range of emotions from outrage to tears in a performance rivaling that of a professional actor. The manic will go on about how these evil people who called the cops on them were victimizing them and committing crimes against him in all sorts of ways. The police who have come to commit the manic often end up being won over by the manic, side with the manic and blame the victims for the “crimes” they have committed against the “poor, innocent” manic.

The fact that the craziest manics around can completely pull themselves together and appear cool as a cucumber and sane as can be leads many to believe that manics are engaging in a lot of this behavior on purpose and there may be something to that.

Manics stay up all night long making all sorts of racket, playing loud music and occasionally screaming, yelling and threatening others. You never sleep well with a manic in the house. They sleep, if at all, only a few hours a day, and often at odd hours, typically in the daytime with no particular regular schedule.

They are absolutely unaware that they are ill no matter how crazy they are. They hardly sleep at all. They quickly blow through any money they have and then they are broke and begging or menacing everyone around them for money. Then the manic begins to sell or pawn off all of their possessions in order to get money.

The vast majority of ordinary people have no understanding whatsoever of manic-depressive illness and are unable to identify mania even when it is displayed right in front of their face. Charming hypomanics are often regarded as completely sane and even exemplary people. People who meet them think they just met the coolest person around and are mystified at others who insist that the manic is ill. Angry, irritable, paranoid manics are typically not recognized as ill as almost everyone has zero understanding of mania. Hence there are various attempts to explain the behavior away via other explanations. Laypeople often think that these types of manics are on drugs such as glue, meth or cocaine. Others simply think the manic is a frightening, menacing, dangerous, violent criminal type of person who belong in a jail or prison. They look at a manic and can’t see the illness so they simply see a criminal who needs to be put away. Others think the manic is simply an unstable, hotheaded, violent type, a crank, a kook or a loose cannon ho should be avoided at all costs.

If they have a job, they are guaranteed to lose it in the manic phase because no one will continue to hire any human being who acts like that. Sometimes they can get another job, but then they will lose that one too. If they have an apartment, they will get evicted. And a number of times, they even lose their vehicles in a variety of ways. Bottom line is unless you have some rescue system, a manic episode is a short trip to homelessness.

The manic episode ends after 5-8 months. They often start in the spring and end in the fall, often beginning right around the spring equinox and ending right around the fall equinox. At other times, an episode begins around the fall equinox and ends around the spring equinox. The episodes seem to be tied into the seasons in some unknown way, possibly having to do with the number of daylight hours in the day.

When the episode ends, the manic’s life lies in ruins. If he had a car, it’s now gone. Any job they had was lost and any new jobs they got during the episodes were lost. If they had an apartment, they were evicted. They will have sold or pawned most of their possessions. Their body bears the brunt of 6 months of heavy drug, alcohol and tobacco use. They have destroyed most if not all of their friendships and burned through most of their relationships. These people generate a lot of hatred in others and it is common that former friends and relatives say they hate the manic, never want to see them again and with they were dead. The manic comes to, the episode ends, and unbelievably, the manic is often back to their old self, which is typically as normal as anyone else you might meet walking down the street. It is very hard to believe that this completely normal person was a crazed, terrifying maniac only a few months prior.

The manic is none the wiser for all of his wild and dangerous and destructive adventures. In fact, he has learned nothing at all except maybe that people are mean and the world is out to get them.

The manic typically refuses to acknowledge that they were ill during the episode and instead tries to explain it away in different ways. The doctor gave them some pills that made them “a little wild.” it was all the fault of those pills. They manic was “sick” or “not feeling well” or “upset.” The manic will continue to nurse all of the conflicts that they developed during the episode. The manic will blame others for all of the bad things that happened during the episode, the loss of vehicle, job or jobs, housing, arrest and imprisonment, hospitalization, fights, violence or showdowns, and loss of income, which will be blamed on “the thieves.” Even many years later, the manic will remember the episode as a time of great injustice when thieves stole money from them and everyone around them turned into evil criminals who endlessly victimized them for no reason. Housemates or others who pulled weapons on the manic in self-defense will be referred to as maniac criminals who tried to kill the poor, innocent manic. The loss of the vehicle will be blamed on others, usually “the thieves.” The employers will be referred to as terrible people who unjustly fired the manic for no reason whatsoever. All behavior done in the episode, no mater how crazed or insane, will either be denied or explained away as completely logical. A manic takes all of his expensive electronic equipment to the balcony of his apartment and throws it down to the ground, smashing $1,000’s worth of TV’s, record players, CD and DVD players, guitars, speakers, amps, musical equipment into pieces on the ground. Years later, the manic will righteously defend this behavior as completely rational and angrily blame the people who called the police on him as evil, horrible people who got him arrested for no reason at all.

If you tell the manic they were mentally ill during that period, they will either laugh it off or more commonly will angrily deny it. Some manics even threaten to beat up or punch out anyone who says they are mentally ill. When well, former manics often assault those who say they were mentally ill during the period or who say that the former manic has mental illness that needs treatment.

Manic depressive illness is hard to treat. They are usually not ill enough to be committed even during wild episodes. While manic, they have no insight whatsoever and aggressively deny that they are ill. It’s hard to treat somebody who angrily denies that they are ill in the first place. When they come out of the episode, they are often quite sane, so it appears that there is nothing to treat in the first place, and the manic has typically framed the episode in such a way as to explain it is something more than mental illness.


Filed under Corrections, Crime, Law enforcement, Mental Illness, Mood Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy, Psychotic Disorders, Symptoms

Our Common Australoid Past

Khan1983 writes:

I have read somewhere that Southeast Asian and North Eurasian split around 50,000 years ago while Caucasian and Northeast Asian split around 30,000 years ago. By genetic, would this mean that Mongoloid phenotype is just a convergent evolution of both Northeast Asian and some Southeast Asian (S. Chinese & Vietnamese)?

I doubt if the figure for Southeast Asian and North Eurasian splitting at 50,000 YBP is correct. The Asian race began in northern Vietnam 51,000 YBP. But who did they split off from? Was this the date of the SE Asian-North Eurasian split? I do not think anyone knows what those people looked like but skulls from 25,000 YBP in Thailand look like Aborigines and skulls from Vietnam 22,000 YBP look Melanesian. Also skulls from India 25,000 YBP look like Aborigines.

And about these elusive North Eurasian people, lost in the mists of time – could the very mysterious Caucasoid-like Chukchi and Ainu be all that remains?

Caucasian and Northeast Asian could not have split off that late. Cavalli-Sforza says that Caucasian split off in part from Northeast Asian 42,000 YBP. We do not know exactly what those people looked like, but a skull from 7,000 years after the creation of the Caucasian race from southern Russia has been characterized as Australoid.

So from 22,000-35,000 YBP in a belt from Caucasus – India – Thailand – Vietnam, all humans were apparently Australoids.

It is starting to look like Australoid types were the basic human type outside of Africa for a very long time, possibly until just recently.

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Filed under Aborigines, Ainu, Anthropology, Asians, Melanesians, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians

Possible Human Phenotypes As a Limited Subset at Any Point in Time

tangybutthole writes:

Robert why do you say that the modern races are what the humans phenotype eventually ends at? I feel if we went back to neanderthal times someone would say ” this is where all possible phenotype point to”. Don’t you think it’s possible that another phenotype could arise or would that make it a new species at that point?

All of the recent races seem to be crashing down into a limited subset of possible of phenotypes.

Perhaps at any given time in evolution, only a limited subset of all possible phenotypes are available. That is why “Neandertal” is not one of the possible human phenotypes available today, though it was long ago.


Filed under Anthropology, Physical, Race/Ethnicity

OCD-Psychosis Borderline Cases

Lynn writes:

I’m really struggling with schiz-related OCD, and I know that for a fact. However, what I’m not sure about is whether I have schizophrenia (or maybe schizotypal personality) as well… or if it’s just the OCD, or if I might even also have factitious disorder imitating schizophrenia.

So, about me:

I first noticed OCD symptoms in myself when I was about 14, though it may have been subclinical then. It took the forms of “wanting to be a good person”, order/symmetry/pattern stuff, and the occasional vague “I need to do X or Y will go wrong somehow”. As I got older the order and symmetry faded somewhat and the “good person” got bad–for example, fears of violence to the point of feeling weapons in my hands and needing to rub them against surfaces to make sure nothing was actually there.

This later came to include an obsession with schizophrenia, but not of the “I’m afraid I have it” sort–rather, I wanted to prove I had it because that would provide an explanation for certain things wrong with me, taking the blame off of me, and subsequently I realised I could be (likely was) faking symptoms and started to obsessively examine if all my so-called symptoms were legitimate. I could be exaggerating, or outright fabricating.

On the other hand, I was the star pupil in my high school for the first two and a half years. All my teachers loved me. Then in the second semester of my junior year, I started skipping classes and forgetting assignments, gradually stopped bathing, started getting comments (sometimes concerned, sometimes angry) about how I never paid attention in class and my writing had gone from excellent to a mess of unnecessary words and long tangents…

Other students started to call me “weird” and avoid me, and those who were my friends either cut contact or pointed out as nicely as possible that my social and conversational skills were terrible and it made me really difficult to deal with. In response to all of this, I thought “eh, whatever, I don’t really care about school or friends anyway”, eventually dropped most of my classes, graduated early, and spent the next few years locked in my bedroom playing online games and watching anime.

I had a couple friends online, however, and the opportunity came to move out and stay with one of them when I was 21. I lived with her and her girlfriend (all three of us were bisexual) for a few weeks, but three things came up in that time.

First, my attention span and general awareness was next to none, and sometimes it was to the point that I would just stare at people really confused when they spoke to me, totally unable to make sense of their words.

Second, my roommates told me a few times that things I remembered them saying to me had never been said.

Third, I was convinced that the other girl was just trying to use me to pay the rent, had no intention of accommodating me as a proper roommate, and was taking incriminating pictures of me to show the police to kick me out. She did actually call the police, however, so I was probably right. She hated me. Bad. I did start to think I might be reaching a little when I accused her of stealing money out of my wallet, and I now think I was probably wrong on that, however.

I ended up moving back in with my family, and a couple months later the idea that I might have schizophrenia first crossed my mind. I thought about it off and on for months, but it seemed like a huge stretch, so I shelved it eventually.

Over the next year I would start seeing shadow bugs (like the typical shadow people, but the size of and moving like bugs), thinking people were breaking into my window at night… Move out again, fear that people were going to kidnap or rape me, that they were following me and planning to mug me, see whole crowds of people just coldly stare at me on the streets for several seconds…

And then over the next year after that, I’d move back with my family (evicted this time, for being a bad roommate–spending all day lying in bed and never doing chores), start noticing my hands looked strange, occasionally hear a voice repeating my thoughts aloud, and then…

And then my OCD landed on the subject of schizophrenia when researching why I was so lazy, and it was sort of like a million bells went off at once saying “YES HELLO PLEASE NOTICE ME, YOU HAVE STRUCK GOLD” …And then I shrugged it off again after a couple months of intense obsession.

And started thinking people I met online were actually people I already knew in the past, but using different names and ages and such… They acted so similar though! And then the obsession would hit again.

So basically, right now I’m sort of thinking I’m an immortal nonhuman being who reincarnated into this plane and various others of my kind are active here and occasionally contact me but usually just monitor me from a distance while doing their own things with human experiments and such.

But then there are like three voices (not actual voices lol) in my head saying “you are delusional”, “you are faking being delusional”, and “you are just being OCD, calm down” and I don’t know which to believe and the more I think and research the more distressed I get.

So, um… What do you think? (please don’t say “e-mail me”!)

This comment appeared on one of my articles, so I will publish it while keeping anything about the person’s identity confidential as is proper.

There is clearly a psychotic process going on here that looks very much like classic schizophrenia. Then we also have some very classic OCD going on at the same time. The OCD came on at age 14, and the schizophrenia came on 2.5 years later at age 16. It has long been known that OCD sometimes appears as the leading edge of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia often occurs ~2 years after the onset of the OCD, and the schizophrenia might have some of the same OCD symptoms, now magnified to psychotic level.

I am aware of several cases of OCD preceding schizophrenia. In two cases, the OCD appeared quite early around age 11-12 and was extremely severe during high school years to the point where they were nearly disabled. The schizophrenia then appeared at the classic age of 19-20.

In another case, OCD appeared at age 19 and then schizophrenia occurred at the classic age of 23.

This data has been interpreted to show that OCD is a risk factor for schizophrenia. This interpretation is false. First of all, most if not all people with schizophrenia are now known to have been ill from a very early age, possibly form birth. The schizophrenia is simply subclinical until the real hard symptoms hit often in late adolescence to early adulthood. If schizophrenics have had the illness since birth, OCD cannot possibly be a risk factor for schizophrenia as OCD appears later in life, often in late childhood to adolescence.

The question then is whether OCD is a risk factor the triggering of full schizophrenic symptoms in someone with subclinical schizophrenia since birth. This is uncertain, but it is probably not the case. Probably the stress of OCD is not a risk factor for triggering full blown schizophrenia either, as in the cases above, full blown OCD occurred for 2, 4, and 7-9 years before the onset of full schizophrenia. OCD is a very stressful illness. If the stress of OCD triggered schizophrenia, it would trigger it very soon after the OCD onset, not 2-9 years later. Stress as a trigger for schizophrenia is typically a serious stress where the schizophrenia occurs soon after the stress, not years later like some sort of time bomb.

In recent years, there has been discussion of something called schizo-obsessive disorder. These are cases of OCD and schizophrenia in the same person where the OCD is impacting the schizophrenia. Often these people retain more insight into their delusional processes than typical schizophrenics as OCD is a disorder of doubt whereby schizophrenic is a disorder of knowing. So the OCD can lead to better reality testing where the factor of doubt may be introduced into delusional material.

Schizo-obsessive disorder is probably just OCD and schizophrenia occurring in the same individual with different onsets for each illness. Each illness is discrete and neither one was causative or the other, yet both illnesses are impacting each other probably via an endless feedback loop whereby they feed into each other like a dog chasing its tail and sometimes it is difficult to tell where one illness ends and the other begins.

The above case looks like classic schizo-obsessive disorder. Schneiderian symptoms such as hearing ones thoughts spoken out loud are common as are ideas of reference and in particular paranoia. The prototypical “voice in the head” of OCD is often quite a loud voice, louder than in most OCD cases. In fact it is so loud that sufferers sometimes worry that others must be able to hear their thoughts. There is sometimes difficult diagnostics between a very loud OCD voice and and worrying that others can hear it, which has more of an OCD character to hearing one’s thoughts spoken aloud which is more schizophrenic..

Auditory hallucinations occur, but they are not common.

Functioning is often better than for schizophrenics. In the above case, you can see that this person has been able to move out of the parental home several times. They had to move back home, but most schizophrenics would probably be too ill to even survive living on their own for any length of time.

Delusions are often reported but are then denied as the person says that they do not really believe this. This is because these people often cannot accept being delusional. Probably what is happening is that delusional material is simply being hidden and then denied when a clinician confronts the person with it. Paranoid and grandiose delusions are common.

Insight wavers between complete loss to partial to even full insight on a spectrum where the symptoms move back and forth along the spectrum without any particular order or reason. These people may be more likely to recognize that they have schizophrenia than other schizophrenics because the presence of OCD enables improved insight. It is common for sufferers to waver between believing they have schizophrenia, insisting that they do not, being unsure whether they have it or not or saying that they have some illness other than schizophrenia to explain symptoms.

Thought disorder is often present but is less severe than in schizophrenia. Often written and spoken communications with schizo-obsessives can be quite clear and cogent whereas most schizophrenic communications typically have an odd to incoherent character abut them.

Mood symptoms are sometimes present and can take a bipolar character.

They are often highly intelligent, much more intelligent than schizophrenics. This is because OCD tends to strike more intelligent persons.

Treatment is often difficult as atypical antipsychotics often worsen the OCD, in many cases dramatically so.


Filed under Anxiety Disorders, Intelligence, Mental Illness, OCD, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotic Disorders, Schizophrenia

Skin Color among the Mongoloid Races

Mike815 writes:

Are there Neomongoloids darker(almost as dark as Indians) than Southern Chinese and Vietnamese? And are there Paleomongoloids other than the Ainu that are very light skinned?

Yes, in the south of China, there are some pretty dark Neos. And some Koreans and Japanese look pretty dark. When Neomongoloids look dark, their prototypical “yellow” skin seems to look “orange” or “tanned.” The northern ones in Japan and Korea can look more “orange” = darkened yellow, and the ones in Southern China can look more “tanned.” Probably the ones in the South are more melaninized as it is a lot hotter down there.

The Ainu are not really Paleos. They are Australoids. Paleos are Australoid-Mongoloid transitionals.

Some Ryuku Islanders may be quite light. Many Ryuku Islanders may be more properly classed as Paleomongoloids than as Neomongoloids.


Filed under Ainu, Anthropology, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Japanese, Koreans, Northeast Asians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity

More On Possible Paleocaucasoids

Mike815 writes:

If there is a division between the Northern Chinese and the Southern Chinese, should the Chinese people in Western China be regarded as another separate group of Chinese since most of them(especially the Uighur people) have varying degrees of Caucasoid admixture that are identical to Central Asians?

The Uighurs are very much a different type of people. They are very much Caucasoid-Neomongoloid mixes. They are in that way similar to the Central Asian peoples of the Stans where the Caucasoid mix is more Iranid and the Neomongoloid element is Mongolian.

Also for some reason, genetic charts and papers on ancient peoples seem to show that the Uighurs are like the Mozabites, Orkney Islanders and Kalash in that they are a very ancient people. They are either very ancient Neomongoloids, which I find dubious, or they are the remains of very ancient Caucasoids, which I think is a lot more accurate. So maybe the Uighurs are Paleocaucaoid-Neomongoloid mixes.

So possibly some genetically Paleocaucasoid peoples would be:

  • Orkney Islanders
  • Mozabites
  • Berbers in general
  • Uighurs
  • Kalash
  • Chukchi
  • South Indians?

The Orkney Islanders are interesting in that they are very modern Caucasoids yet their genes are very ancient. In fact, their genes trace back to Northeastern Asia where the Chukchi and the Ainu reside. So possibly this is the same group of people. Orkney Islanders then may be Paleoasian Chukchi or Ainuid types who migrated to Europe and simply transitioned over to modern Caucasoids over time.

The Berbers are some of the most diverse Caucasoids of all, and in fact, on some charts, they show up as Africans,  not even Caucasoids. These are odd people, phenotypical Caucasoids that sometimes have African genetics, similar to the odd Chukchi, phenotypical Asians who sometimes have Caucasoid genetics.

As far as phenotypes go, Paleocaucasoids would be:

  • Mozabites
  • Uighurs
  • Kalash
  • South Indians
  • Horners
  • Chukchi?

The Chukchi are very odd as they show up Caucasoid on some genetic charts, yet their appearance is Mongoloid. Whether they are Neomongoloid or Paleomongoloid is uncertain. They look more Paleo to me. But if they look Mongoloid, then why do they have Caucasoid genes. Possibly the very ancient Caucasoids, some of the most ancient of all, looked Mongoloid. The confusion regarding the “Caucasoid” appearance of very ancient Paleoasian Ainu and Paleoamerind Kennewick Man points in this direction. Kennewick Man is not actually Caucasoid. Instead, he is an Ainuid (Paleoasian).


Filed under Anthropology, Asians, Berbers, Central Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), North Africans, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, South Asians, Uighurs

Were the Shang Dynasty People Black?

Mike815 writes:

Yes, the Shang Dynasty people in Southern China people may well have been Negritos or maybe Melanesian types. That is well known.

The Australoid -> Mongoloid transition seems to have been later in Southern China and Vietnam than it was in the north, where it occurred much earlier, around 9,000 YBP.

In the South, the Australoid -> Mongoloid transition took place 2,300-4,500 YBP, and many Southeast Asians have not even fully transitioned but are still transitional types moving from Australoids towards Neomongoloids, that is, they are Paleomongoloids. There are figures on the Angkor Watt temples that look very much like Negrito or Melanesian people. These may well have been the basic Khmer type ~3,000-4,000 YBP.


Filed under Anthropology, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Khmer, Melanesians, Negritos, Oceanians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians

Why Everyone Cannot “Advance”

Jason Y writes:

The educated white leftists might view white proles as lazy. Seeing that the white proles don’t have racial prejudice or another bad environmental factor working against them, they shouldn’t have probems advancing in society. Of course, though that isn’t always the case. The illegal immigration is quite aggressive and takes white proles off guard.

The very fact that White Leftists would condemn working class Whites for not “advancing” shows that they are not real Leftists at all. A real true Leftist loves the working class. If you don’t love the working class, you’re not a Leftist. Maybe you are on the Left, but you are not a real Leftie. You are what we call a liberal. And this right there is one reason I dislike White liberals so much. At least in the US, they aren’t even very liberal! In the US at least, White liberals are notoriously classist. Classists on the Left? Disgusting!

So no White Leftist should or would ever condemn a working class White for not “advancing” because according to Left theory, it is 100% acceptable to be a working class person your whole life. In fact, I do know some real White Leftists who are very intelligent but simply work at working class jobs. One guy I know is about 60 years old and has been laying bricks his whole life. He’s one of the smartest people I ever met. Another guy works as some sort of an orderly in a hospital. If you ever meet a really smart Leftwinger working in some basic working class job and who is totally happy with it, you know you have met a real Leftie, not a fake liberal.

Why are they lazy? What’s wrong with being working class? Why does everyone have to “advance?” This is the insanity of US society. It’s called “everyone has to be a winner.” You see, everyone has to “advance.” But why? What’s wrong with being working class? What’s wrong with just being a working class person your whole life?

Do you realize that 100% of society cannot constantly “advance?” Saying everyone has to always be advancing is like saying that everyone has to win. How can everyone win? Life is like a footrace. If you have 1,000 runners, someone will come in first, someone will come in 100th (top 10th) and a lot will come in 900th-1,000th.

No matter how many times you run the race, you will always end up with 10% of more being “losers.” This is exactly the way capitalist society is. No matter how hard everyone runs in that race, the bottom 10% will always end up in 900th-1,000th place. Being in the bottom 10% doesn’t mean you were “lazy.” Many some runners didn’t try, but even if everyone tried their hardest to run their fastest, 10% would still end up 900th-1,000th.

So capitalist society will always have winners and losers no matter how hard anyone tries. This is why it is insane to say that the people on the bottom are not trying hard enough or they are lazy for not “advancing.” Sure maybe some on the bottom are lazy, but if you arranged society like a game and made everyone try their hardest, you would still end up with 10% losers, because capitalist society is like a footrace and this is how the game is rigged or set up.


Filed under Capitalism, Economics, Labor, Left, Race/Ethnicity, Whites

Did Caucasoids Come from Australoids?

Mike815 writes:

Robert, if Paleomongoloids are half Neomongoloids and half Australoids, is it true that the Mediterranean and Arab Caucasoids are and half Nordics or at least being a mix of the two?

There are ancient Caucasoids from Southern Russia dating back 35,000 years. Their skulls are said to be Australoid.

If you consider that the original Caucasian stock was 2/3 Proto-Chinese (maybe Paleo-Ainuid) and 1/3 Ancient African (no idea on Earth what they looked like, but they may have looked like Negritos), birthed in the Caucasus 42,000 YBP according to Cavalli-Sforza. The Negritos are an Australoid people. The Proto-Chinese from 40,000 YBP were no doubt an Australoid people. So it looks like Caucasoids were birthed from the Australoid race. But the Asians were also birthed from Australoids. This makes sense as probably the first people out of Africa turned into Australoids at some point after they left Africa, so all out of Africa races probably have an Australoid origin.

I am not aware of what ancient African skulls from 42,000 YBP look like.

The reconstruction of a skull from 35,.000 YBP does not look like any existing human race but it looks more Khoisanid than anything else.

I know that skulls from Europe 22,000 YBP match most closely with the Makah Indians, so it appears that 20-25,000 YBP in Europe Caucasoids looked like Paleomongoloids. How exactly they transitioned to modern day Caucasoids, I have no idea.

The problem is that when you that far back, you are dealing with races that don’t even exist anymore. So we can look at skulls and say, “Well, these ancient people looked most like these modern people.” But that is not the same thing as saying that the ancient people and the modern people are the same. You follow?

No, the only place where Caucasoids and Australoids mixed in recent days was in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, places like that. There has also been Australoid-Caucasoid mixing in Australia. I am not sure what the mixes end up looking like. Possible those mixes might be called Paleocaucasoid. So a lot of Indian people may be termed Paleocaucasoids. I actually like that term because there is good evidence that the Indian people are the remains of one of the oldest Caucasoid races on Earth.

A Mozabite, probably a Proto-Caucasian type.

A Mozabite, probably a Proto-Caucasian type.

Another very old race is a group called Mozabites in North Africa. They may also be an ancient Caucasoid race. I think the Mozabites are Paleocaucasoids.

More very odd looking Mozabite people. Notice that there is some resemblance to South Asian types, which makes sense as South Asians are Paleocaucasians.

More very odd looking Mozabite people. Notice that there is some resemblance to South Asian types, which makes sense as South Asians are Paleocaucasians.

The Sami race is also very ancient Caucasoid. I am not sure if they are Paleocaucasoids.

I am not sure if the Kalash are Paleocaucasoids or not, but some of them look pretty strange.


Filed under Africa, Anthropology, Asia, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), East Indians, Europe, Europeans, Negritos, North Africa, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, South Asia, South Asians