Category Archives: Mongolians

Nutcase of the Day

I ban at least one person every day on here. You all never have the pleasure of seeing these lowlifes because they are banned before they even make one post. These folks “come in the door swinging” so to speak. Well, what happens when someone at your house comes in the front door swinging their fists, so to speak. You boot them right back out the same door the crawled in through, right? Well, same principle here. First post, new blog, and they came barging through the front door of my site swinging their fists at me and screaming to High Heaven.

Bloggers need to make it a policy to ban these people. If people knew they could not come in the door swinging like this so to speak, comments sections would be filled with many fewer trolls. Main problem with the Net is not enough hostile commenters are banned. Um, this is my site. You are a hostile commenter. What in God’s name are you doing on my site, for Chrissakes?

I used to let them post once and then blast the Hell out of them, insult them, their extended family, their homeland, their genetic stock, their anti-culture, the whole nine yards, but I started getting a bad reputation for doing that, so I stopped. The high road’s usually the road to take, unless someone is trying to kill you, in which case, there is no high road. There’s the Homicidal Road and the Suicide Highway, and you best pick the first. There’s times in life you have to fight dirty, but it’s best to minimize them if only for your own dignity.

Here is a particularly bizarre lunatic. Germans have nothing to do with any other Indo-European people, especially those disgusting Slavs. Instead they are related to Finns, Hungarians, Turks, Mongolians, and Siberians. What-ever! Anglo-Saxons and Germanic people in general aren’t even White! Well, gosh, if a Swede isn’t even White, then let’s just can the whole concept and kill the whole damned White race, Ignatieff-style.

If even blond and blue doesn’t cut it anymore, let’s just hang it up an become just another shade of brown like rest of the unwashed masses. I’m anticipating the trend, being an early adopter. I’ve been a transnigger for about a year now. I recommend it, especially with Affirmative Action the way it is.

It’s just not worth it being White anymore, guys. Time to hang it up and call it a day. We had a good run there for 10,000 years or so, but we are in Brazil Uber Alles, and White is just passe. White’s just not hip anymore. Mongrelization is the order of the day. Take a hint, paleface. Drop the charade, and join the Rainbow Millennium. Monochromatic ain’t where it’s at, daddy-o. The phenotypical flavor of the day is Human Mystery Casserole.

But seriously, Germanics aren’t White? Swedes are really Mongolians? Oh Adolf, you big silly! You’re so cute when you’re mad!

We Krauts are actually Finns? No way! Finns? Forget it! They were Finnish before they even started! Bunch of losers!

Sparky seems to be a little upset. Guess it takes all kinds to fill the freeways.

You are a real lowlife dirtbag. Germans were, are, and will never be one of you Indo-Aryan queer freaks of nature. We are Uralic. We are the MASTER RACE!!! My ancestors conquered the true Indo-Aryan pathetic weakling bastards with amazing ease over 1,000 years ago. But it serves them right for being so racist, sexist and lazy! Those inferior, subhuman scums never knew what was coming for them!

Being pure Anglo-Saxon and 100% literate in German and Scandinavian languages, Germanic has NOTHING to do with Slavic bullshit. Germanic people are actually a group of Uralic-Altaic people with 0 genetic or cultural connections with you despicable, psychotic, Indo-European degenerate scum! Hah… We’re not even fucking “White”! Please…STOP with the corrupt, bizarre, phony bullshit you insane assholes keep concocting about my race. Go to hell!


Filed under Asians, Europeans, Finns, Germans, Hungarians, Lunatics, Meta, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Race/Ethnicity, Siberians, Turks, Whites

More on the Finest Mixed Race of Them All – The “Hapa”

S. D. writes: Eastern Europeans have some Asian blood in them-Charles Bronson was an example-all the way West to Hungary (Named after Huns from Northern China).

Finns, though blonde, also derive some ancient Asian genes through the Lapps who were apparently present when the Germanic tribes migrated Northwards in antiquity.

The Filipino ruling-class are Eurasians.

My point is this ain’t nothing new under the sun, folks,

The grandchild of a white male and an Asian female that is 1/4 Asian looks no different than an Eastern European.

That is why the continent is called Eurasia.

Japanese are some ancient mixture of Caucasoid Ainu from Russia and ancient migrations from Korean peninsula (In this instance the Asians exterminated the whites).

Manchurian Chinese are Eurasians from the steppes of Soviet Siberia.

What is the big deal?

I love a lot of mixed race people because I think a lot of mixed race people are even more beautiful than those of the pure races that formed them. Further, some races that are not very attractive to me can create very beautiful people by mixing with another race. Even some mixed Aborigine-White women can be quite beautiful. One is a famous Australian model.

East Europeans do not have much Asian blood in them – maybe 3% in Czechs and not a whole lot more in your average Russian. It’s less than 12% at any rate. Finns and Turks are 7% Asian, a bit more.

Go look up some photos of people like the Mansi and the Khanty. Very, very mixed Asian-White to the point where you see people with blue eyes and blond hair next to people who look very Asiatic – very strange looking but somehow beautiful.

Some of the groups around the Altai like the Altai people and the Khakas are also extremely mixed – more or less 50-50 in those cases but really more like 40-45% White and 55-60% Asian. These are the ancestors of most Amerindians.

Tatars and Bashkirs are also extremely mixed, although I believe they are mostly White. Nevertheless some of the women look very Asiatic.

Turkmen are also very mixed – I think they might be 40% Asian.

The Ainu are not Caucasoids either by genes of by skulls. On skulls they are Australoids – basically depigmented Northern Veddoids – and on genes are they are simply Asians. People think they are Caucasoids because Veddoids have look somewhat Caucasoid themselves and a depigmented Veddoid can look (falsely) quite Caucasoid and also because the mix between an Australoid and a Mongoloid or Paleomongoloid can often appear mysteriously quite Caucasoid in phenotype. Check out the Ainu and the Veddoids, some Polynesians, Papuans and even Aborigines, some Southeast Asians such as some Khmers, and especially the Taiwanese aborigines who often look very “Caucasoid.”

Northern Chinese may well have Caucasoid in them from way back, but the genes are no longer present. Mongolians have more White in them – they are 14% Caucasoid.


Filed under Ainu, Amerindians, Anthropology, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Eurasia, Europeans, Finns, Khmer, Mixed Race, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Papuans, Physical, Polynesians, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, SE Asians, Siberia, Taiwanese Aborigines, Turks, Whites

The Races of China and Japan

Pretty cool old anthropology article on the Chinese and Japanese races. It’s wrong in some ways, but it still has a lot that should be of value. Obviously such an article could not appear in any anthropology journal today, which is pitiful. Blame PC for that.

The Races of China and Japan

by Harry Paxton Howard

The China Weekly Review, Vol. 60 (12 March 1932), pp. 48–50

The Chinese and Japanese are two separate and distinct peoples, as separate and distinct as is the southern Italian from the Norwegian taken in the mass. There is no scientific basis for the assertion that they are of the same race, and indeed anyone at all familiar with the two peoples is readily able to distinguish between the general type. There is the lesser height of the Japanese (due mainly to shorter legs), the more rugged features, the sharper, longer, and narrower eyes (usually black as compared with the typical Chinese brown), the more brownish skin-color, the much greater frequency of beard.

On the other hand, there are certain sub-types which both peoples possess and which make it possible for thousands of Japanese in this country to pass as Chinese, while there are many pure Chinese who may be mistaken for Japanese. The reason for this is that each people is a mixture of different elements. Some of the elements are common to both peoples. Some elements one people possesses but not the other.

Chinese Racial Origins

Many anthropologists have devoted themselves to analyzing and distinguishing the racial elements in the two countries. Buxton, Li Chi, Shirokogoroff and some others have given special study to the Chinese people, and all distinguish different types among the population, as do also Haddon, Morant and others.

The most complete study to date is that made by Dr. Stevenson of the P.U.M.C. at Peiping, in his ‘Collected Anthropometric Data on the Chinese,’ showing at least two distinct types, though Stevenson is too cautious a scientist to state any definite conclusions as yet. And as regards racial origins in the North, the data given in Black’s study of skulls from prehistoric sites in Kansu and Honan suggest answers to some long-debated problems when considered in connection with some physical types already distinguished by different anthropologists.

First of all there is a Chinese type which is also found among the Manchus and by students is regarded as the fundamental ‘Manchu’ type. It is of short or medium stature, with broad head, low orbits (apparently associate with a long and narrow eye-slit), narrow nose often aquiline, frequently fair and ruddy skin. This type exists in Manchuria and in North China today, and is found further south as well.

Secondly, there is a type which, if placed side by side with the foregoing, will show marked differences. It is taller, with longer skull, wider forehead, higher orbits (‘rounder’ and more open eye), broader nose. It is frequent in North China, but is found to be predominant and characteristic among the Kham Tibetans of the territory adjoining Kansu.

The Primitive Mixture

The study of prehistoric skulls referred to above indicates the existence of these very types in the China of four thousand years ago. The earliest skulls, from Neolithic cities in Kansu and Honan, present ‘several suggestive similarities to Kham Tibetans’ though differing from more recent North China skulls in being longer, ‘with somewhat wide foreheads and longer skull bases, and slightly broader palates and lower orbits.’

The aspects in which these Neolithic skulls differ from the Kham Tibetans, however, are very significant. In addition to the Tibetan type, they include a type with broader head, narrow nose, and lower orbits. Such features are characteristic of the Manchu type referred to above, which fact leaves little doubt that the Neolithic people were a mixture of these Kham Tibetan and ‘Manchu’ types.

Judging from their later distribution, it is probable that the ‘Manchu’ type was more characteristic of the Honan communities, the Kham Tibetan type of those in Kansu, but the study referred to above, unfortunately, does not distinguish between the two localities, grouping them all together as ‘Yang Shao’ (Neolithic).

The Turkish Element

Others of these prehistoric communities, evidently later in date and showing the use of bronze in addition to stone, show the addition of another type which, combined with the previous ones, makes up a mixture hardly distinguishable from the Northern Chinese of more recent times. As previously stated, the primitive mixture differed from the more recent by its narrower skull, broader foreheads, and lower orbits. The new type evidently possessed a broader skull, with relatively narrower forehead and higher orbits.

These features are characteristic of the Turki, with their broad skull, long oval face, and generally non-Mongolian eyes. From the study mentioned…it would appear that the lower orbits are generally an Oriental characteristic. They are apparently associated with the longer, narrower eye. No other race in this part of the world seems to possess just these characteristics, and we know that the early home of the Turkish peoples was somewhere in the interior of Asia. It is an interesting confirmation of the theory held by many historical students (e.g., Hirth), on different grounds, that the Turkish element is present and is of some significance in China.

[It should be understood that the word Turki here refers not to the tribe, but to the racial stock. This stock is predominant among the Turkish peoples, though now apparently mixed with other elements.]

This element, indeed, would explain the presence of the occasional ‘hairy’ type among the Chinese. Most Chinese, like Mongolian peoples as a whole, have little hair either on face on body. The Turki, however, possess a plentiful beard, and a fair supply of hair on the body as well, in distinct contrast to the Mongolian peoples. We find some Chinese possess beards and growth of hair on the body, and the Turkish element would account for this. Hairiness, indeed, is a distinguishing feature of Chinese Moslems, who quite clearly have a strong non-Mongolian element in them.

Four Types

This Turkish element seems to have come in together with bronze in the legendary period just preceding more definite history. The early Hsiung-nu (on the plains to the north of the Yellow River in ancient China) appear to have been Turkish, and Hirth believes that the Chou Dynasty was of Turkish origin. It was apparently in the second millennium B.C. that this element became mixed with the Kham Tibetans and Manchu types referred to above, producing a mixture similar to that of North China today.

There is, however, a fourth type, of the presence of which Chinese history leaves no doubt whatsoever – the Mongol. This type, distinguished from the mass of Chinese by the lowness of the Mongol head and breadth of the face and head, as well as the little flat nose and low stature, has apparently existed for long in the Chinese mixture. Its coming into China was during the historic period, with one invasion after another by Mongol peoples (as well as by others) during the past two thousand years.

There may be distinguished, therefore, four racial types of some importance in North China,— the Manchu, the Kham Tibetan, the Turki, and the Mongol. These four elements, with their combinations, seem to account for every type of any frequency in North China and are found further south as well.

It should be noted however, that three of the types, judging from their present-day representatives, possess certain essential characters of the Mongolian group – hair straight, black, and scanty on face and body; eyes usually relatively long and narrow, generally brown in color, and commonly with the characteristic Mongolian eye-fold; skin color varying from yellowish-white to yellow-brown, though there are fair and ruddy complexions also.

The Turki are closer to the Caucasian owing to their abundant hair on face and body, frequently if not typically wavy; eyes generally full and round (though often – apparently through admixture – with Mongolian fold); skin color from pinkish-white to brown.

The South

The above-named elements are characteristic of North China, but they extend into the South as well. Here, however, they come into contact with other types rarely found among natives of the North. First of all there is an element with wavy or even curly hair, open and round non-Mongolian eye, short stature but relatively long legs, long and narrow head, and broad nose. These characters, which set this type distinctly apart from the Mongolian races, belong to many southern aborigines as well as Chinese, distinguishing a race which Buxton and Haddon link up with the Indonesians or Nesiots.

There is still another element present in the South, a quite different race but now generally mixed with other types – the Negrito. This type is characterized by its woolly hair, very short stature, very dark skin and broad nose, and full or thick lips. Li Chi and other anthropologists have pointed out indications of such a type.

It appears indeed, that the occasionally curly-haired Chinese in the south is usually a cross between this woolly-haired type and either the wavy-haired Indonesian or straight-haired Mongolian element. And other Negroid characters such as prognathism, black skin, pigmentation of the eye, the full or even thick lips also occur. Negrito peoples still exist scattered over a considerable area in southeastern Asia and the adjoining islands, and probably at one time occupied a much greater part of southeastern Asia than at present.

Stevenson believes there is still another type present in the South which he terms Polynesian, rather similar to the Indonesian but with finer and more prominent features.

The Chinese Mixture

There are therefore several races or sub-races among the Chinese people. There is indeed little agreement among anthropologists as to what constitutes a race, some defining 19 or 20, others 40-60, among the peoples of the earth.

There is wide agreement among competent anthropologists, however, as to certain broad divisions of the human species, and Boas…recognizes two main divisions, the Caucasian-Mongolian and the Afro-Australian.

In the first division the Mongolians have straight black hair, flat or broad face, Mongolian eye-fold, frequently yellowish (though often fair, ruddy, or brown) skin color. The Caucasian hair is often wavy or curly and of lighter color, and the Mongolian eye-fold and yellowish skin color are ordinarily absent. The most fundamental distinction between the two however is the relative hairiness of the Caucasian and the hairlessness (on face and body) of the Mongolian.

The Blacks of the second division differ from both members of the first division by their woolly or frizzly hair, their black skin (with a degree of pigmentation which even affects the eye), their frequently thick and everted lips, and by actual bodily proportions, the Negro leg being differently formed from that of ‘White’ or ‘Yellow’ man. The most marked point of distinction between Negro and Australian is the relative hairiness of the latter and the fact that this hair is not woolly but curly or frizzly.

Of these four main physical divisions of mankind we find the Mongolian most common in China. The extent of the Caucasian element depends upon how the Indonesian and Turkish types are classified. Some group the Indonesians with Caucasians because of their wavy or curly hair and open, round, non-Mongolian eye. Elliott Smith groups them together with the Mediterranean peoples as the Brown Race. The Turki are also a people regarding whose classification there is a difference of opinion, their straight black hair making it possible to group them with the Mongolians, while its abundance and their lack of other specifically Mongolian characters marks them as Caucasian.

Besides the Mongolian and Caucasian elements in China, there is only the Negrito, which is slight. We find, therefore, six recognized types in China, three being Mongolian – the Mongol, Manchu, and Kham Tibetan (though Morant thinks the last-named type is not Mongolian at all – two being classifiable as ‘Caucasian – the Turki and the Indonesians – and one being Negrito. There are some other rather infrequent physical types not yet clearly defined and classified.

Japanese Racial Origins

The racial analysis of the Japanese is in some ways easier than that of the Chinese owing to their being concentrated in a very much smaller area and owing to their being a more recent mixture of which the various elements are still fairly distinct in many cases. Three thousand years ago the ‘North China’ type seems to have already been formed, with its Manchu, Tibetan, and Turkish elements, but nothing whatever is known of the Japanese at that period. In the next thousand years the Chinese penetrated into the south and mixed with the Indonesian and other non-Mongolian elements there, but still nothing is known of the Japanese.

There are indications however that while this continual push to the southward was taking place on the mainland, there were movements in a northerly direction off and along the coast. Just when this movement of a southern maritime people reached Kyushu, the big southern island of Japan, we do not know, but it was probably not much before the Christian era. The present distribution of physical types in Japan, however, and their outside associations permit us to outline roughly the development which took place there just as we have done for China.

The early natives of the Japanese islands were the short, fair-skinned, hairy, non-Mongolian people known as the Ainu, now found, in fairly pure form in their communities only in Hokkaido, the most northerly of the three big islands but probably occupying practically the whole of the main island (Hondo) two thousand years ago. This people, whose affinities are Caucasian and who indeed show much resemblance to certain Russian types, were steadily driven north by the invasion from the south, continuing for century after century.

Negritos and Malays

In Kyushu there may have been another element – Negrito – prior to the maritime invasion. The wide territory over which the Negritos are scattered and the probability that they formerly occupied a much greater area than at present has already been referred to. At the present time, as regards Japan, this type seems more common in Kyushu than elsewhere, though it is scattered through the islands, and clearly recognizable Negroid or specifically Negrito types can be noted, though generally mixed with other elements.

In speaking of the Japanese types, our task is simplified by the fact that most of the racial types have already been defined for China. When we speak of the Malays therefore we can state the general type by simply noting that anthropologists tend to regard this type as a mixture of the Indonesian peoples with a Mongolian element from the north. The Mongolian element is shown more specifically in the eyes; the Indonesian in the short stature and occasionally wavy hair. The Malays themselves therefore are an ancient mixture – how old we do not know, though perhaps more recent than the early North China mixture.

This brown Malay element is probably the most important type in Japan, but for fully two thousand years it has been mixed with the Negrito, and also with types from the Asiatic mainland via Korea. These mainland types are of interest here.

Manchus and Ainus

The earliest known center of civilization in Japan was at a point opposite Korea where certain types evidently came across from the mainland. Among these types there was the ‘Manchu’ type which has already been defined, and probably the ‘North China’ type which had already been formed from the mixture of different elements previously referred to. There are Malay and other elements in Korea also.

Of these elements, the Manchu-Korean appears to have left the widest traces in Japan. Though there was some Chinese migration both in prehistoric and historic times, this was not sufficient in quantity or contained too little of the tall Kham Tibetan type, to affect the short Malay physique to any extent. The ‘Chinese type’ however is distinctly present in Japan, though its proportion to the whole is apparently not great.

Far more important than the Chinese element was that of the White aborigines, the savage Ainu.

As the Japanese people (mainly Malay but mixed with Negrito, some Manchu-Korean, and a slighter Chinese element) advanced northward in their steady conquest of the islands, they exterminated, enslaved, or absorbed those of the natives who did not give war before them. They certainly absorbed a very large number of them, as is shown today by the frequency of individuals with Ainu characteristics among the Japanese.

Most recognizable is the Ainu hairiness. Some have estimated that the Japanese people of today are more than one-third Ainu, though this figure is probably too high.

The Japanese Mixture

When we consider the four main physical divisions of mankind already referred to we find the Japanese are a quite different mixture from the Chinese.

While the Malay element is apparently of most importance, this must itself be divided into Mongolian and Indonesian. Another Mongolian element is seen in the Manchu-Korean type and in the occasional ‘Chinese’ type (which includes however other elements). The Mongolian element is therefore the most important quantitatively speaking, though this includes much more of the Manchu type than is the case with the Chinese, as shown by the long, narrow eyes characteristic of the Japanese.

The extent of the Caucasian element depends partly on how the Indonesians are classified, but there is little doubt of the essentially Caucasian characters of the hairy Ainu. The importance of the Negrito element is considerable, much greater than in China.

We find, therefore, six recognizable types in Japan, three being Mongolian – the Manchu type, and the Mongolian elements in the Malays and Chinese – two being classifiable as ‘Caucasians’ – the Ainu and the Indonesians – and one being Negrito.

Through the different methods of combination in the Japanese and Chinese peoples, therefore, we can see some of the reasons for the physical differences between the two. There is little sign among the Japanese of the Kham Tibetan and Turkish types which add height to the Chinese (particularly the northern Chinese) as well as making for a rounder and more open eye. There is no sign among the Chinese of the Ainu type which gives the more frequent hairiness and more rugged features to the Japanese. And so we have two separate people, generally easily distinguishable but containing many individuals of similar types.

Other Differences

Probably more important than race, however, are other differences. For four thousand years and more, the Chinese people have been agricultural villagers, tillers of the soil, conquered by pastoral nomads from time to time but absorbing their conquerors.

But for most of this period, the Japanese were a maritime people, raiding their way north and in the islands of Japan conquering and absorbing a White native population even more savage than themselves. China’s age of military feudalism came to an end two thousand years ago, and though there have been relapses, the essential principles of private ownership and a peasantry free from feudal shackles have remained.

But at that time Japan had not yet emerged from the darkness of savagery, and when many centuries later the light of Chinese civilization shed its rays over the islands, it illuminated a primitive military feudalism which continued to exist down to two short generations ago. The inhabitants of the islands cultivate the soil, but the peasantry remained serfs under feudal masters until a little over half a century ago, and military feudalism remained the law of the land.

It is differences in psychology resulting from these things which are probably more vital and fundamental than the physical differences between the two peoples…


Filed under Ainu, Anthropology, Asia, Asian, Asians, Blacks, China, Chinese (Ethnic), Cultural, Europeans, History, Indonesians, Japan, Japanese, Koreans, Malays, Mongolians, NE Asia, Negritos, Northeast Asians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, SE Asia, SE Asians, Tibetans, Turks

A Division of the Asian Races

Found on the Internet:

My definition of the subgroup of mongoloid appearance due to their climatic origin. I am referring to the pure ethnic group before any mixing of ethnic groups.

  • 1. Northern Mongoloid: Tungusic, Mongol, Tibetan, Korean, Northern Chinese, Japanese, Nivki, Chukchi, Yakut, Tuva, Yukaghir, Samoyedic
  • Very cold climate – cold winter, cool summer
  • Small eyes, single eyelid
  • Very Pale skin
  • 2. Southern Mongoloid: Southern Chinese, Burmese, Thai, Lao, Hmong, Mien, Vietnamese, Chin, Shan, Kuki, Bai, Lahu
  • Temperate climate – cool winter, warm summer
  • Medium sized eyes, double eyelids
  • Fair skin
  • 3. Southeast Mongoloid: (Paleomongoloid or Australoid-Mongoloid transitionals) – Taiwan aborigine, Montagnard, Akha, Khmer, Filipino, Indonesian, Malay in Malaysia/Singapore, Karen, Karenni, Naga, Rohinga
  • Hot, tropical climate – no winter, hot summer
  • Large eyes, double or triple eyelids.
  • Brown skin


Filed under Anthropology, Asians, Burmese, Chinese (Ethnic), Filipinos, Hmong, Indonesians, Japanese, Khmer, Koreans, Lao, Malays, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians, Taiwanese Aborigines, Thai, Vietnamese

What Is the Difference Between a Neomongoloid and a Paleomongoloid?

Steven writes:

What’s the difference between Paleomongoloid and Neomongoloid? You got a post on this?

Paleomongoloids are more archaic Mongoloids. Amerindians, Filipinos, Nagas, most SE Asians, Ryukuyans, Indonesians, and Taiwanese aborigines are all probably Paleomongoloids.

The base Asian type is Australoid. 2,000-9.000 YBP, Asian base Australoid types began transitioning to Mongoloids.

The Australoid is the archaic Asian type, and the Mongoloid is the fully transitioned more progressive type.

Koreans, Nivkhis, Eskimos, Mongolians, many Siberians, Japanese, and Northern Chinese are all Northern Neomongoloids. The transition began 9,000 YBP in the north. The Ainu represent the base type that transitioned to Neomongoloid in the north.

In the South, Southern Chinese, most of the ethnics in Southern China especially Yunnan, Hmong, Mien, and Vietnamese at least are Southern Neomongoloids. The transition happened much later in the South, 2,000-5,000 YBP.

Because it happened so much later, a lot of people in the south are not fully transitioned, hence they are considered to be Paleomongoloids or Australoid-Mongoloid transitionals. In the South, the Paleos are Taiwanese aborigines, most SE Asians, Filipinos, Indonesians and Naga at the very least. Polynesians and Micronesians are also probably Paleomongoloids.

Paleomongoloids to the north include the Ryukuyans and the Ainu.

Amerinds are often considered to be Paleos because they seem to represent a more archaic Mongoloid type than say the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese or even the Eskimos.


Filed under Ainu, Amerindians, Anthropology, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Filipinos, Indonesians, Inuit, Japanese, Koreans, Micronesians, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Physical, Polynesians, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians, Taiwanese Aborigines

Asians and Caucasians: Archaics, Transitional, and Progressive Forms

Anthropology 1994 writes:

If Chinese are equivalent to Americans and Koreans to Nordics, which European or Caucasian type will the Japanese and Vietnamese be equivalent to?

Not sure, Japanese and Koreans are pretty much identical. I am not sure what to do with Vietnamese.

Those types of comparisons between Mongoloids and Caucasoids are very difficult and maybe impossible to do – the groups are just too different and they have very different histories.

If you are asking what an archaic protoform or paleo transition form of Caucasians may look like, maybe they are similar to South Indians.

Thing is, we can see a lot of the transition in Asia. There are still many Australoid proto-Asians (Melanesians, Papuans, Aborigines, Ainu, Senoi, Negritos, Tamils) and there are also many Neomongoloid Neoasians (Chinese, Japanese, Mongolians, Koreans, Vietnamese). In between we have the Paleomongoloid Paleoasians in transition (Polynesians, Micronesians, Thais, Lao, Khmer, Malays, Indonesians, Filipinos, Taiwan aborigines, Nagas).

For Caucasoids we simply have Caucasoids. Not many people make a distinction between Neocaucasians, Paleocaucasians and Protocaucasians because hardly anyone knows what the Paleos and Protos look like. We are probably not even sure what a Paleocaucasian looks like, but the South Indians and the Saami may be a good example. We are lost when it comes to Protocaucasians. In other words, for Caucasians, we mostly just have the fully transitioned form in Europeans, Near Easterners, Central Asians and even in Arabs and North Africans. All of these are pretty much fully transitioned Caucasians. But no one really knows that they transitioned from or what the transitioning forms looked like.

Asia looks a lot more in flux. The world of the Caucasians looks like a done deal.


Filed under Aborigines, Ainu, Anthropology, Arabs, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Europeans, Filipinos, Indonesians, Japanese, Khmer, Koreans, Lao, Malays, Melanesians, Micronesians, Mongolians, Near Easterners, Negritos, North Africans, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Papuans, Physical, Polynesians, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians, Taiwanese Aborigines, Thai, Vietnamese

What Race Is This Person?

What race is this man? I would tell you what country he comes form, but that would give it away. He was born in 1900.

What race is this man? He was born in 1900.

A most interesting phenotype. This man’s daughter is described as Malay-Chinese mix from Malaysia living in Singapore. The Chinese component came from the far south of China in the Min Nan region.

This man is described as from Peranakan in Malaysia. I am not sure if he is pure Malay or Malay/Chinese mix.

I do not know about you, but this guy is a straight up dead ringer for Pol Pot! That means that he looks Khmer to me. In other words, he looks Southeast Asian. Which he is. I am not sure if I can see any Chinese mix in him or not, so I do not know if he is part Chinese.

The classification is Paleomongoloid or Southeast Asian Mongoloid. This includes Thai, Lao, Malay, Khmer, Filipino and Indonesian in that region.

I would say that the Vietnamese are not Paleomongoloids. I would put them in the same group as the Southern Chinese, Southern Mongoloids.

Southern Mongoloids are more progressive than Paleomongoloids and they are Neomongoloid. But I have a feeling that Northern Mongoloids are even more progressive than Southern Mongoloids. Northern Mongoloids would include Koreans, Northern Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian and some Siberians like the Evenki, Yakut, Gilyak, Oroquen, Ulchi, Negidal, etc.


Filed under Anthropology, Asians, Chinese (Ethnic), Japanese, Koreans, Malays, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Oroquen, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, SE Asians, Siberians, Vietnamese

Northern and Southern Mongoloids

It is best to split the Mongoloid race into two branches – Northern and Southern Mongoloids.

Northern Mongoloids include the North Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Xibe, Oroquens, Mongolians and various Siberians.

North Mongoloid - South Korean girl.

North Mongoloid – South Korean girl.

Southern Mongoloids include a large grouping including many of the peoples of South China – Tibetans, Dai, Burmese, Thai, Hmong, Khmer, Lao, Vietnamese, Malay, Filipinos, and most Indonesians.

Southern Chinese - Northern and Southern Mongoloid mix.

Southern Chinese – Northern and Southern Mongoloid mix.

Below is a pure Southern Mongoloid.

Southern Mongoloid - Kinaray-a Filipina.

Southern Mongoloid – Kinaray-a Filipina.

For comparison purposes, see a Japanese (N. Mongoloid) and Filipino (S. Mongoloid) mix below.

Japanese - Filipina mix. A mixture of N. Mongoloid and S. Mongoloid in this case results in a phenotype that is mostly N. Mongoloid.

Japanese – Filipina mix. A mixture of N. Mongoloid and S. Mongoloid in this case results in a phenotype that is mostly N. Mongoloid.

There is a lot of controversy on the boards about this issue. Some say that Southeast Asians are not pure Mongoloids – that instead they are Mongoloid-Australoids. Most of this critique comes from Chinese racists. Many of these Chinese are overseas Chinese who live in the Philippines and Indonesia. Chinese people are unbelievably racist as it is, but the overseas Chinese are some of the most insanely racist of all the Chinese, far more racist than the mainland Chinese.

This is all based on something called Han Supremacism. Han Supremacism is the underlying racist ideology behind almost all Chinese racism. Han Supremacism generally says that Northern Chinese are superior to Southern Chinese. The Southern Chinese were originally the Yue people, but they got conquered by the Han and become Hanized.

According to Han racism, only the Han are Chinese people. All of the other ethnic groups in China – and there are over 80 of them – are all “non-Chinese.” Hence the Taiwan aborigines, the Dai, the Tibetans, the Uighurs, the Mongolians, the Hmong, and some would say even the Cantonese, are all “non-Chinese.”

This is the most vicious Nazi-like ethnic nationalism, whereby only the majority ethnic group is defined as part of the nation and the rest of the residents of the land are said to be “foreigners.” This was precisely the fascist ethnic nationalism that overtook Europe in the 1930’s and 1940’s and it is essential to all fascist movements all over the globe. It was also a part of the ideology of the fascist Young Turks of Turkey when they murdered 2.5 million “non-Turks.” This same fascist ideology resurfaced again in the Balkans in the 1990’s.

The Han want to believe that Southeast Asians are inferior to Northeast Asians. This way of thinking is also prevalent among Japanese, but most Japanese don’t even bother to think about Southeast Asians. They are more concerned with Koreans. The reason for the inferiority of Southeast Asians, according to Han racists, is that they are part Australoid. Strictly speaking, this is not really true.

What is true is that the transition from Australoid to Mongoloid took place much later in Southeast Asia than it did in Northeast Asia. The NE Asian transition took place 9,000 years ago, and the SE Asian transition, at least in Vietnam, took place ~2,200 years ago. Nevertheless, actual Australoid genes in SE Asians are few in number. The Malay and the South Vietnamese have a few Papuan genes, but the numbers are very small. Filipinos only have a sprinkling of genes from the Negritos, similar to the Amerindian genes in many White Americans.

Southeast Asians do tend to have darker skin than Northeast Asians. The fact that they have lighter skin is one of the reasons why North Chinese look down on South Chinese so much.

Even Southern Chinese can have fairly dark skin – see the group below.

Southern Chinese. Note that some Southern Chinese can have fairly dark skin.

Southern Chinese. Note that some Southern Chinese can have fairly dark skin.

Some Filipinas have skin that is so dark that they could well be Blasians – Black-Asian mixes. However, the woman below is a pure Filipina.

Some Filipinas look very dark. This Filipina could even be a Blasian, but she is 100% Filipina.

Some Filipinas look very dark. This Filipina could even be a Blasian, but she is 100% Filipina.

While most Filipinos have no observable Negrito blood, in the urban slums, you can sometimes see Filipinos with Negrito elements. The girls below seem to be mostly Southern Mongoloid (Filipino) but they seem to have a small Negrito element.

Slum dwelling children in the Philippines. These kids appear to have some Negrito in them. Some Filipinos have observable Negrito elements, but most do not.

Slum dwelling children in the Philippines. These kids appear to have some Negrito in them. Some Filipinos have observable Negrito elements, but most do not.

Below are Filipino Negritos. They would be regarded as an Australoid people.

Pure Ati from the Philippines. These Negrito people have very low population numbers and may even be going extinct.

Pure Ati from the Philippines. These Negrito people have very low population numbers and may even be going extinct.

The Negrito woman and her child below have quite a bit of Mongoloid genes in them.

Ati mix

The true Australoid-Mongoloid types would be the Eastern Indonesians, the Melanesians, the Micronesians and the Polynesians. The Polynesians are ~50% Austronesian and ~50% Melanesian. Micronesians have more Melanesian in them. Melanesians are a mix primarily of Austronesian and Papuan.

A Timorese woman, a true Mongoloid-Australoid mix. Timorese are about 80% Melanesian and 20% Southern Mongoloid (Austronesian)

A Timorese woman, a true Mongoloid-Australoid mix. Timorese are about 80% Melanesian and 20% Southern Mongoloid (Austronesian)

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Filed under Anthropology, Asians, Burmese, Chinese (Ethnic), Ethnic Nationalism, Fascism, Filipinos, Hmong, Indonesians, Japanese, Khmer, Koreans, Lao, Melanesians, Micronesians, Mongolians, Nationalism, Negritos, Northeast Asians, Oceanians, Papuans, Physical, Political Science, Polynesians, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, SE Asians, Siberians, Taiwanese Aborigines, Thai, Tibetans, Vietnamese

Optimal IQ’s for Various Groups

Hey Rob! The 106 figure given for East Asians is highly suspicious. It seems like these are taken directly from SAT’s in which East Asians are overrepresented vs. all other groups that are underrepresented (save Jews and Indians).

105 in fact seems to be the absolute bottom end of East Asian IQ, which what poorest provinces of China as well as Mongolia get.

Zhejiang’s IQ was determined to be 115-116 (Raven’s).

This is Zhejiang’s (52 million people) performance on the recent PISA. It’s roughly 1 full SD over the highest white scores.

Koreans and Japanese reaction times far outperform their alleged 105-106 IQ’s (110-112 for adults has been found, and most recently 110 was found for Nagoya or another city in Japan)

WNs, neo-Nazis and Klansmen grudgingly admit to higher East Asian IQ’s but refuse to acknowledge that

1) Chinese and Sino-Tibetans are genetically distinct from other high IQ groups like the Koreans and Japanese

2) the North Chinese and Mongols are far more “pure-blooded” as far as East Asians go than either Koreans or Japanese

3) the place where Chinese most likely evolved into what they are, Tibet, is one of the coldest places on earth. It’s called the third pole for a reason.

4) IQ tests are biased in their age norming

5) the dumbest whites simply are not tested

6) East Asian societies are far more egalitarian than people realize, which means there’s much less of a rural-urban gap and much less selection bias

All non-white IQ’s are essentially grossly understated due to some combination of bias or poor nutrition.

I’d put optimal genotype IQ as follows:

North Coastal China: 115-118
South Coastal China: 112-116
Generalized Japanese/Korean: 110-112
Generalized Northern Euros: 97-102
Generalized Southern Euros: 92-102
Generalized Indian: 92-96 (they suffer from poor environment)
Sub-Saharan Africans: 85ish (malnutrition and poor education, but age bias favors them)

Everyone else (excl. Ashkenazi/Eastern Euros) I’d take Lynn’s latest and then tack on some 5-10 points. The IQ of Chinese in the traditional centers of learning and wealth are grossly underestimated.

This is nice stuff. Finally, an optimistic post about IQ. It is amazing that the people of Zhejiang have IQ’s of 116, but it doesn’t necessarily surprise me. I had always heard that the E. Asian IQ was 105, but the East Asians I kept meeting seemed so much smarter than that. A lot of them seemed smarter than I was! The numbers just did not seem to add up.

Another thing I noticed was the effortlessness of E. Asian achievement. My East Asian friends used to laugh at me for studying.

“Bob? Why do you study? We never study. Haha.” They got straight A’s.

“You never study?” I would ask.

“Maybe a little bit, the night before a test.”

This is something I have always known about smart people. My Mom used to work for a psychologist as a secretary. He administered IQ tests, among other tests.

He was brought up to believe that the high scorers studied all the time. So he would ask them if they studied a lot. The highest scorers often said that they hardly ever studied because the work was simply too easy. Often those scoring much lower said that they studied all the time, but still struggled to barely make good grades. He was getting ready to throw out the whole “People are smart because they study all the time,” thing.

He was also very liberal. But after giving IQ tests for 25 years, he was starting to wonder. The Jews and Asians scored highest, then the Whites, and then the Blacks. He also said that Mormons were “very nice, but dumb.” Welcome President Romney.

Asian scores may indeed be higher than what they seem, but this remains to be demonstrated. Surely the Zhejiang scores are very high. This makes the Zhejiang people as smart as Jews, with 3 times the population. The Protocols of the Elders of Zhejiang anyone?

It is interesting that the Chinese may have evolved in Tibet, one of the coldest places on Earth. That is if we are to put any weight on the cold = high IQ theory of IQ. I am not sure about huax’s points 4-6. I am also not sure about his optimized phenotypic IQ scores for Asia. However, the ones for Europe may be about right.

For India, he may be onto something. Indian IQ’s are low – at 82, lower than US Blacks at 87. However when Indians move to the West, the resulting scores tend to be ~92-96. There is of course the question of selection bias – that we are only getting the smartest of Indians. Yet Indian IQ’s are just as high in the UK, where any old Indian can immigrate, and they have not had boatloads of IT immigrants.

The optimal Black IQ may indeed be ~85. The US Black IQ is 87, but they have 15% White admixture. The UK Black IQ (mostly Jamaican) is 86, but they have 9% White admixture. At any rate, African and Caribbean IQ’s can conceivably rise to ~85 under optimal conditions. A lot of people are pessimistic about Africa, but in terms of IQ, the future may indeed be bright. We could be seeing substantial IQ rise in Africa in the future. Considering all of Africa’s problems, rising IQ can only benefit the continent.

It’s depressing to think that Black IQ may have ceilinged out in the US and UK. Nevertheless, Western Blacks have benefited greatly from moving to the West. If they had stayed in Africa or the Caribbean, their IQ’s would be 67-71. They love to complain about Western racism, but it looks like in addition to a lot of racism, we also donated about 15 IQ points to them. And you’re welcome.


Filed under Asia, Asians, Blacks, China, Chinese (Ethnic), East Indians, Intelligence, Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians, Northeast Asians, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, South Asians, Tibet, Tibetans

The Whites of Asia

From the Pastmist site. It’s in French, but you can muddle through.

A truly amazing site with a wealth of photos showing very European looking natives from all around the Central and South Asia region.

Areas covered include Afghanistan, Tajikistan, northern Pakistan, northern India, Iran, Kurdistan and Xinjiang.

Peoples covered include Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Tajiks, Iranians, Kurds, Indians, Pashtuns, Chitralis, Nuristanis, Burusho, Kalash and Uighurs.

It’s quite clear to me that these are by and large the remains of the ancient Indo-Europeans. Most are probably related to the Indo-Aryans, but the Uighurs are probably related to the Tocharians. The Tocharians later received an infusion of Mongoloid genes, the result of which is the mixed people you see today.

Most people in Kazakhstan and Kirghistan probably looked like this until 1300 YBP when Mongolian hordes moved through, bringing Asiatic genes and Turkic languages.

The Burusho complicate the IE-European look theory, as they speak a non-IE language that is not related to any other language. However, languages related to Burushaski were probably widely spoken in the region before the Indo-Aryans moved through. So how did the Burusho get so White looking? It’s a mystery.


Filed under Afghanistan, Afghans, Altaic, Anthropology, Asia, Asians, Central Asians, East Indians, Europeans, Genetics, India, Iran, Iranians, Kazakhstan, Kurds, Language Families, Linguistics, Mongolians, Near Easterners, Northeast Asians, Pakistan, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, South Asia, South Asians, Tajikistan, Tajiks, Turkic, Uighurs, Uzbeks, Whites