Category Archives: Radical Feminists

A Call to All Liberal and Leftist MRA’s: Please Join Us in Building an Anti-Feminist Left!

I submitted a post something like this to a couple of Reddit boards, including Men’s Rights and Masculinism. Masculinism is probably saner. Men’s Rights are MRA’s and most of them are nuts. Men’s Rights buried my post somehow. Masculinism kept it up there, and we will see what the response is, if any. It’s a low-volume group. There’s no way to post on Redpill, and it’s probably a waste of time anyway. Men’s Liberation are some feminist MRA’s. It’s crap. It’s part of the feminist movement, thought I will grant that it’s a bit more sane than feminism. Men’s Liberation started out great. Warren Farrell was one of the founders, but it went full SJW long ago. There’s probably something worthwhile there, but they would never accept a post like this.

Regarding this post:

I believe that the Alt Left should incorporate anti-feminism as a core value. Nevertheless, that statement is an extreme one. I think there are many good things about feminism, but some things are so horrific that they have poisoned the entire movement. In particular, they seem to have morphed into Puritanical, Victorian, prudish, frigid Comstocks who seem out to shut down all heterosexual sex as illegal or a societal transgression.

I am an MRA. In fact, I am an ultra-MRA. Nevertheless, I do not like many things about the MRA movement. In fact, I hate the MRA movement. The MRA’s are almost as bad as the feminists. Nevertheless, the toxicity of modern feminism must be opposed. Mostly I feel like Ryan Englund that the MRA movement is the other side of the mirror of the feminist movement. They are basically the same thing while being opposites of one another. And I am very concerned that the MRA movement is becoming just another Identity Politics rabbithole.

I also, like Warren Farrell, came out of the feminist movement back when it was sane. I was actually a dues-paying member of NOW for a number of years, much to my mother’s pride. I would not join NOW at the moment if you put a gun to my head. I still support liberal feminism, equity feminism, and sex positive feminism. Nevertheless, it is clear that feminism is a clear and present danger to all real men in the West. And as this feminist cancer spreads beyond the West, all men on the planet will soon be menaced.

Yes, we hate feminism, but we are Leftists! Or at least the movement as it started was a Leftist movement. The real Alt Left worth defending has morphed into a Leftist wing and a liberal wing. The rest are just rightwingers, and most are supporting Trump. I have renounced all of them.

Those are two early foundational documents.

We are a big tent movement with a philosophy of “everyone form your own wing.” That’s not completely true, but what I mean is that except for a small set of non-negotiables, everyone construct your own ideology via picking and choosing the beliefs that suit you best. We are not party line, and we don’t have a lot of litmus tests.

The early founders were straight, masculine men who love sex. Such men either do not exist on the Left anymore or they are being burned at the stake as witches. However, one of our top thinkers is also a gay man. Nevertheless, we do not spend a lot of time on Gay Rights. The Cultural Left has that area pretty much covered. I myself support gay political causes and I even work on them. I am on a number of gay political mailing lists and I work for their causes. A lot of them hate my guts and call me homophobe, but I will continue to work for them no matter how many names they call me. For the most part, gay rights is a matter of doing the right thing. People deserve basic rights whether they like me or not.

We started out as race realists, but most of the movement has rejected that.

Mostly we just think the Cultural Left is out of its head. A lot of us are social conservatives to some extent, but we are not femiservatives and we despise the social conservatism is the US Republican Party. The principal nonnegotiable is on economics. You must be Left on economics! No exceptions! Other than that social conservatism is ok. Some have called us conservative Leftists or socially conservative Leftists. But at least my wing are radical social libertarians.

I came out of the Left. I was a member of the Communist Party USA. I even got a membership card! I used to be on the mailing list for the Weathermen. I bought guns for the Marxist rebels in El Salvador. You get the picture. But a man-hating psychotic feminist Left is something I want no part of.

As a Leftist, I am utterly sickened and disgusted at the reactionary nature of nearly the entire MRA movement. It’s vile and disgusting. We are MRA’s, but we want no part of these ruling class suck-ups. We are for the workers, the working MEN in particular!

Peace out, from a brother to the brotherhood.

I make this post as a call to all lonely MRA liberals and liberals and Leftists wandering in the political wilderness. I call on all of you to come join us to help us build a real anti-feminist, pro-men Left!


Filed under Civil Rights, Conservatism, Feminism, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Left, Liberalism, Man World, Masculinism, Political Science, Politics, Radical Feminists, Republicans, Sane Pro-Woman, Sex, US Politics

Alt Left: “Why I am Not an MRA”

I continue to say that Ryan England is one of our finest Alt Left thinkers. I say that in part because I agree with him so much. I would put him up there with Brandon Adamson, who I also agree with a lot. And both Brandon and Ryan are two of the finest writers, as in prose stylists, in our movement.

I have reputation for being so radical and nuts that I am almost persona non grata in this movement. I know that posts linking to me have been removed from the Alternative Left that Ryan started. Apparently I am “raciss” or something. It takes almost nothing to get called that anymore. Just be a bit honest, and you’re done. I also have a reputation, via Lord Keynes, for being an extremist on the Cultural Left.

It is said that I have some extreme positions on the SJW Left. He is also rather astonished at how socially conservative I am. But I am not a social conservative at all. My views are Democratic Party’s Official Platform 1995. That these views are now seen as just as socially conservative as Roy Moore is quite astonishing, but it shows just how fast the runaway clown car train called the Cultural Left Freakshow has gone in just ~20 years. And indeed I am not just a conservative. I am also a reactionary. I want to roll back the clock – to Democratic Party 1995. That this is considered Troglodytism is one again a symptom of the disease.

Part of the controversy was that I supported Antifa. That makes you almost persona non grata on the Alt Left. It was said that I had moved to the extreme Left. That’s hardly possible as I have always been there. I was on the mailing list for the Weathermen for Chrissakes. After that, I was buying guns for the Marxist rebels in El Salvador. And I haven’t budged since.

The funny thing is that despite my supposed extremism, I find myself agreeing with Ryan England (who is actually himself quite a radical Left type on the Alt Left) a very good part of the time. This post could have been written by me, but I am not eloquent or disciplined enough to have done so, so Ryan had to do it. If you want to know where I stand on the issue of feminism, etc. (I am supposedly an MRA radical) just read this post. I am as MRA as Ryan is. That our mild views are now MRA shows just again just how insane the “normal” has gotten now. Yep, you read that right. Crazy is the new normal. Sane is new bigotry and reaction.

Not going to say much more about this except that I hope it spurs some comments. Like Ryan, I am also a feminist. I came out of the feminist movement back when it meant something. Once again the crazy train left me stranded at the station holding flowers and jilted once again. I still support liberal feminism, sex positive feminism (though if Jezebel is the definition, I have my worries) and equity feminism. I think Ryan might want to identify as a masculinist or Men’s Liberationist. These are the left wings of the MRA movement to the extent that they exist at all. One can be both a masculinist and a feminist and the demands of basic equality nearly mandate it.

I have scarcely seen an article that lays out the poison of modern feminism so eloquently and accurately. Once again, his words are mine. My principal beef with feminism is outlined here by my alter ego, Ryan.

Read and enjoy.

Why I am not an MRA

By Ryan England

Feminism 101

Doesn’t it want to make you swoon?


I know I’m going to catch flak for this, but I don’t care much for the men’s rights movement. I do think they make good points – I’ve read Warren Farrell for example and found his work quite profound. In fact, it really takes a wrecking ball to this idea that men have conspired to make the world a wonderful place at the expense of women. You can’t reasonably believe that after reading Farrell’s works.

Why I don’t really relate to the MRM is rooted in my overarching distrust of identity politics. I do think that there’s all kinds of room to criticize the excesses of feminism, and some points made by the MRM are valuable in that regard.  Decades of ideological protectionism has produced a very real feminist echo chamber with next to no external checks on its claims.  The MRM can by helpful in remedying that.  The MRM also brings our attention to real issues that men are confronted with.  Glaring disadvantage (to varying degrees depending on jurisdiction) in divorce settlements and child custody arrangements being the most obvious example.

The feminist demonization of male heterosexuality; this presumption underlying much of feminist theory that male sexual attraction towards women is somehow demeaning and objectifying of women is something else that needs to be challenged and the present taboo against disagreeing with feminism desperately needs to be broken here.  The MRM can help in that regard.  The equation of compliments and polite civil greetings on part of men towards women with harassment, objectification or even oppression, commonly seen on social media, is a manifestation of this.  If taken at all seriously, especially in any kind of public policy context, this kind of thinking could effectively close the door on prospects for male-female encounters of all but the most institutional kind.

The ever expanding definition of rape, and the ever narrowing definitions of consent, and the increasingly onerous requirements for obtaining legal consent – an express verbal “yes” given for every touch, kiss or caress, and even that be nullified if there’s any alcohol or mental illness or any factor that could in the slightest call into question the strict legal capacity to give consent, constitute another manifestation of this.  The end game here, I suspect, is to make legal intercourse, for all intents and purposes, impossible for men.

Although most feminists profess to disagree in principle with the notion that all things “boy meets girl” are inherently sexist or oppressive – and may even trot out their own relationship as proof of this, the restrictions imposed on gender dynamics by these kinds of very popular demands made by very widely circulated and credible media outlets that represent the mainstream of liberal opinion on gender issues, would make establishing even platonic, let along erotic relationships extremely difficult.

That many feminists choose to make exceptions to their own rules for themselves and the men they get the D from should not be taken as proof of feminism’s flexibility and open mindedness.  It should be taken as proof of moral hypocrisy on part of the feminists so doing, and a tacit admission on their part that their system of sexual morality and conduct is no more reasonable and in alignment with human nature than that of the religious conservatives they so smugly see themselves as superior to.

Compound that with inundation of  feminist perspectives casting heterosexual relationships in so consistently negative a light; as being about nothing other than unequal distribution of domestic labor, unequal pay, riven with male insecurity and unreasonable male behaviors contrasted to the relief women are expected to seek and experience in all-female spaces, as characterized by universally poor male sexual performance and an expectation of female preference for marital celibacy, dildos, lesbianism, asexuality, promiscuity, anything other than relational intimacy – all hermetically sealed by a propensity to yell “fragile male ego” at any dissention from any of the above on part of men – as if this kind of petty weaponized rejection is something we should just sit back and relish, and feminist gender dynamics become a mortal threat to healthy heterosexual relationships, even if it turns out to be death by a thousand cuts rather than a swift beheading.

A strong MRM could be a countervailing force for reason and love in gender relations.  On the other hand, groups like MGTOW could just up the ante and make things worse rather than better.  Don’t get me wrong: you, dear reader, be you male or female, have every right as far as I’m concerned to live your life as you see fit, and if that involves not having a significant other of the opposite sex, good luck to you.  I once wanted an unattached life myself.  May you succeed where I failed.

But to advocate widespread rejection of the opposite sex, as feminism often implicitly and, in the case of separatist feminism, explicitly does, and MGTOW likewise does, is to advocate for the infliction of protracted neurosis and frustration culminating in a demographic holocaust upon whichever population is to embrace this as a form of gender based political activism.  It would inflict incalculable and irreparable damage on the psychological fabric of such a society.

But even a less strident form of male activism than MGTOW could end up becoming a gender flipped version of the worst aspects of feminism.  I’ve noticed that in every debate I’ve ever read between feminists and MRAs – though flame war is a better description in just about ever case, since debate implies a reasoned exchange of views and that’s most definitely not what happens – the exchange always boils down to each side saying to the other, “you’re just ugly and can’t get laid” – with cats and mother’s basements figuring in there somehow. Inevitably, one side resigns in frustration over the strident unreasonableness of the other, and both remain more convinced than ever that the opposite sex is hopelessly screwed up.  There’s not much of a future in this.

Taken to their logical conclusions, demands upon heterosexual relationships would end up more closely resembling shari’a law than they would anything previous generations of liberal feminists struggled and fought for.

Wait a minute …

Of course,  feminism – in its more reasonable forms, is still needed to protect and safeguard the rights of women. Life is certainly not all wine and roses for all women at all times, and men are not blameless. This is especially true in communities where, for religious reasons, women still very much are second class citizens.

This is what I find both astounding and disturbing about What looks like an alliance of feminists and Islamists, particularly in opposition to the Trump presidency.  While I don’t condone the more boorish things Trump has said about women, you can’t compare the danger posed to women by macho locker room bluster with the danger posed to women by shari’a law.  Given the dour attitudes that both feminists and Islamists appear to have towards free and fun expression of happiness and attraction between the sexes, however, I can see the kinship the two might have with one another, though from where I sit, it promises to be a stormy relationship.

What I worry about regarding the MRM, though, is its own potential to become a kind of rank gender partisanship. That “Male good female bad” thinking could, and does, easily arise from it.

Because that, in its own way, is exactly what happened to feminism. What began as being “just about equality” or just about “the same treatment of women as for men” has become a blinding and fanatical form of gender partisanship. Motivated by dogmatic adherence to feminism, whole cohorts of young women (and their male sympathizers) have circled the wagons and harnessed collective groupthink to hermetically seal themselves away from any kind of criticism or dissent.

Driven by a sense of universal and historical mission, these women regard themselves as quite entitled to ceaselessly make unilateral demands of men with no countervailing concessions, tar all men with collective responsibility and guilt by association for the very real crimes and misdeeds of some men, and to effectively kill any prospect for intimacy and trust between the sexes by making militant confrontation the permanent and universal norm for gender relations. Backed by unilateral academic and media support and an arsenal of canned responses and copy pasta with which to respond to naysayers, the impact that this has had on gender dynamics is nothing short of devastating.

As an antidote to this, we need to step back from identity politics. We don’t need a male version of the same thing. Given what we should now know about ideological and identitarian polarization, feminism and the MRM will most likely feed off one another and each further radicalize in response to the other. This is certainly what I’ve seen in every single exchange between MRMs and feminists that I’ve ever seen. If that process becomes normalized, it could well mean the death of heterosexual love in its entirety. The prospect of this worries me greatly. I really hope people of both (yes, both) genders can learn to take a step back from their attachments to gender ideology and start reasoning honestly about these kinds of issues.


Filed under Conservatism, Democrats, Feminism, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Islam, Law, Left, Liberalism, Man World, Masculinism, Political Science, Politics, Psychology, Radical Feminists, Radical Islam, Religion, Republicans, Romantic Relationships, Sane Pro-Woman, Sex, Social Problems, Sociology, US Politics

Men Are Afraid to Give CPR to Women Due to Fear of Sexual Harassment Lawsuits


Figures. I hope some women start dying from this. Maybe they will think twice about this  Puritanical-Victorian sexual harassment anti-male witch hunt.

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Filed under Gender Studies, Health, Law, Man World, Radical Feminists, Scum, Social Problems, Sociology, Women

War on Men: There’s an All-out War on Men and Heterosexual Sex in General, but Men Won’t Speak up for the Brotherhood


What gives?

Pussywhipped, right? They think if they go against the women, the women will cut off the sex. Maybe there’s some real fear too. Any man in the workplace speaking out against the War on Men and standing up for men is likely to be sanctioned or even fired. Nowadays, women rule the workplace!


Filed under Britain, Europe, Gender Studies, Man World, Politics, Radical Feminists, Regional, Scum, Social Problems, Sociology

Who Is This Woman?


Who is this woman?

This woman has recently died. She is famous or rather infamous mostly for a single incident that occurred some time ago. Who else was involved in the incident? She is also famous for publishing a famous document or text? What is name of the document? What is it about? In what academic field is it most famous? Not many people know what happened to her afterwards, but I do. Do any of your know what happened to her in the last 10-20 years of her life?


Filed under Art, Celebrities, Crime, Mental Patients, Radical Feminists, Scum, Women

Alt Left: Gay Men’s and SJW Views on Statutory Rape: Shocking Revelations and Outrageous Bias

Gay culture even today is extremely protective of older man – teenage boy relationships. Forums for gay teenage boys are full of comments from the adults running the site saying, “We know a lot of you are in relationships with older men, and that’s just fine. Don’t worry. We won’t turn your boyfriend in.”

Part of the long-term gay agenda has been to lower the age of consent precisely for this reason – because so many gay men love those teenage boys. That is what is insidious about their devious Gay Agenda. Adult man – teenage boy relationships and sex go on all the time in the gay community. No one cares, and no one turns them in.

This is one more type of SJW hypocrisy. SJW’s hate straight men and are on a jihad against male heterosexual sexuality. This jihad is led by feminism. If you are a heterosexual adult man, and you say that 17 year old girls turn you on (all heterosexual men are maximally aroused by 17 year old girls in the lab), every SJW for miles around will bash you accusing you of being a pedophile and demanding you be arrested.

They will even call the police on you claiming you are a pedophile and try to convince the police to raid your home or investigate you. Apparently dozens of people have called the police on me to try to get me arrested for “pedophilia” because I write that it is normal for adult men to be turned on by teenage girls. Nothing came of it, but it is still scary.

The people doing this are feminists and “femiservatives.” Femiservatives are conservatives who are to all intents and purposes radical feminists in the way that they persecute and prosecute normal male heterosexual behavior. They are actually more dangerous than feminists because there are so many of them.

However, if you bring up gay men and teenage boys to these same feminists and SJW’s? Crickets! Silence. At the very least. That’s if they do not come right out and support it, which I am not sure of. All I know is they never mention it even one time.

100% of the “pedophiles” that SJW’s are hollering about are adult heterosexual men having consensual sex with 13-17 yr old teenage girls.

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Filed under Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Culture, Ephebephilia, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Law, Man World, Mass Hysterias, Pedophile Mass Hysteria, Political Science, Politics, Radical Feminists, Scum, Sex

PUA/Game: The Ethical Pimp


The Ethical Pimp: How to Get Ass without Being an Ass, by Tim Mojo Moore.

Nice little ebook. It’s only 63 pages. Since I am such a tight bastard, I read it in part for free instead of forking over the money. Also the author is a little bit of a dick, so I almost did not want to pay him. But mostly I am just cheap and more than that broke as Hell.

I read 13 pages of this book. That’s 20% of it. Based on what I have read, this is actually a good book. I am not sure if it is redpilled. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But it’s not bluepilled at all.

Let’s face it, the PUA/Game Sphere is horrific.

Main problem with the Gamesphere? The truth they dish out so brutally is pretty awful, especially from the point of view of a Leftist, liberal, progressive, feminist or woman-loving man. Turns out you were taught a bunch of crap and lies about women. Turns out that most of the advice that women have been giving you all through the years is crap and lies. Turns out that most of what women have been telling you that they want all this time is mostly crap and lies. Turns out even your beloved Mom was wrong. That goes without saying, and men should not listen to their mothers when it comes to women anyway, but it’s still a bit painful if you love your mother like all good men do. And in my case, even my father was wrong.

And the lessons of the Gamesphere plays into a lot of what we were always told was old fashioned sexist lies about women.

The sad truth for all men, and especially for us men who love women, is that the truth about women, what they want, what they do and say, their worldview, and what works and doesn’t work with them is just awful. It’s enough to break your heart.


Red Pill and the Gamesphere is utterly horrific, but the tragic and cruel truth is that a lot of the things these awful men are saying are simply true. And if you reject their diabolical advice and try to be the nice leftwing feminist guy, you might just end up with a lot of problems with women. Now all men have women problems with women. The only men who don’t are gay men and dead men. If you have a woman, you have woman problems by definition. You can avoid these problems by being volcel or incel, but that’s no fun.

But there are degrees of this pain. And the idea as a man is to have as much success, fun and happiness with women as possible and as little failure, pain and misery as possible. And if the nice leftwing feminist stuff just leads to a lot of pain and failure with women, maybe you need to check your pointless values at the door and try something that works. If what works in enabling you to have happier, more fun and successful relationships with women is a little bit evil, well so be it. I don’t know about the rest of  you, but I am into success. If I have to be a bit evil to be successful, well I will blame God for that and go right ahead. If being a good guy and doing the right thing leads to failure, what’s the point? You hoping to get an A on your Life Report Card from Jesus? Screw it.

Look, if there is one truism in life, it is this:

  1. Do what works.
  2. Don’t do what doesn’t work.

The world is not a very moral place. Humans are really just mammals, and we are a result of tens of thousands of years of typically vicious Darwinian evolution. You play the game of life with the cards handed out to you by the world. I suppose the key is being as good as you can possibly be and still be successful. If you have to be a bit bad to make it in life, well, fine, but evil is usually best when kept to a minimum.

It is in this vein that this rather vulgar book is written. Tim is trying to show you how to get women without being a what women call a creep. He also doesn’t want you to be a douchebag or an ass. In the lawless Mad Max World of Third Wave Feminism, you are going to get called sexual harasser, sexual assaulter and maybe even rapist if you even try to have sex with women at all, but if  you follow this guy’s advice, you will get called that less and the charges will lose a lot of their bite.

Tim says you can be successful while avoiding all of these rather evil shortcuts men use to get what they want. He calls his formula being a “nice bad boy.”

I like it.

Heterosexual sex, like geopolitics, is a dirty game. Martyrs and choirboys need not apply. You’ve got to do what works. But you can always minimize your assholery along the way.

Carpe diem!













Filed under Feminism, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Left, Liberalism, Man World, Political Science, Psychology, Radical Feminists, Romantic Relationships, Sex

Male Empowerment, Cultural Left Style


The very definition of male empowerment, Cultural Left style. 

C’mon boys! What are you waiting for? Bratwurst tastes great! Try it sometime! Your wife will love you for it, promise! You won’t be a literal cuck faggot or anything like that! Oh Hell no! This is the new Manhood, guys! Move over Syl Stallone and Marlon Brando! Let these brave male blowfish show you the way! Women all over the land are clamoring for cuck fag male blowfish boyfriends! This is the way to get laid, guys! Do it now!

The Cultural Left has never just been all about liberation and basic rights for biological gay men and lesbians (a noble goal). Instead it’s been all about the normalization of homosexual behavior for all of  the rest of us and the promotion and encouragement of converting and recruiting straights to bisexual behavior.

I have studied the Gay Rights Movement for a very long time. Their true goals are much more insidious than the goals that they holler about in polite society, many of which are quite reasonable.

First thing you need to know is that it is nearly an axiom among gay men that there is no such thing as a straight man. All of us men are really just bisexual to some degree or another. Probably 90% of gay men believe this. This is a core belief of their culture. There are a few who buck the trend and say it’s wishful thinking and it’s not true, but they are a small minority. Unfortunately, far too many straight men have given gay men all too many reasons to assume this about us.

A longstanding goal of the homosexual movement has been to convert and recruit as many heterosexuals into bisexual behavior and a bisexual lifestyle. The reasons for this are obvious. There are millions of hot straight men, and gay men drool at the thought of getting their hands on them. You can hardly blame them. If I were a gay men, I would want as many straight men to be into bisexual behavior as possible. More hot guys to screw!

Nevertheless, the Gay Lobby is very dishonest about this issue, and they have always lied and said it’s not a part of their project.

Another part of their project is access to male children. I am uncertain if they want to convert and recruit male children into homosexuality. I am not sure if this can even be done. But they definitely want straight male adolescents to not take their sexuality for granted. They strongly promote sexual confusion among straight adolescent boys.

Adolescent boys are asked if they are “questioning” or not. This is a very bad thing to ask, as around puberty, many boys (1/3) are still uncertain of their sexual orientation. Encouraging them to to question whether they are gay or not will not lead to any positive benefits, but it may well cause a lot more boys to experiment with homosexuality. Really no one has to question their sexual orientation as to most boys, by a certain age, it is biologically fixed, and there is nothing to question.

Even unmistakably straight boys often suffer from a lot of sexual confusion where they worry that they might be gay. Fully 62% of all men have worried that they were gay at some point, according to a Playboy study in 1976. So this sort of thing is pretty common. Encouraging boys and young men going through this normal sexual confusion to get out there and experiment, see what you like, see what you don’t like, try it with guys, try it with girls, see what you like best (these are actual words of advice given to young men on many gay websites), is not the best way to handle this.

It’s best handled by a sober assessment of one’s true sexual attractions. Does the boy fantasize about sex with males or females? Does the boy check out males or females when out and about? When the boy is at the beach, who is “in the way,” the males or the females? What does the boy think about when he masturbates? Asking just a few of these questions is sufficient to perfectly determine sexual orientation with most males past age 15.

I know this because I often have to do sexual orientation assessments with my male clients due to the nature of my counseling work. After I ask a few questions like this, the sexual orientation of the male is usually quite clear very quickly. In other words, there’s nothing to question. Almost all males past age 15 already know their sexual orientation. There’s nothing to go round and round about, and encouraging people to do that just promotes needless neurosis and anxiety.

Articles like the above all the time in the Cultural Left media. And those of you interested in a racial angle might be interested to note that it is almost always a White man who is encouraging other straight men to get out there and suck a cock to see what it tastes like or get pegged in the ass by your girlfriend (a profoundly emasculating and feminizing sex act) because it feels so wonderful to pretend to be a gay man getting it up the ass from another guy.

I don’t like racial conspiracies, but if someone were to say that the Cultural Left is encouraging straight White men to discover what a penis tastes like or to play the profoundly feminizing role of being buggered San Francisco style by a dominant woman, I would not say they are off-base. Notice how the last one is encouraging straight White men to feminize themselves in the most profound way (getting buggered, even by a woman, is the ultimate feminizing act) while at the same time, in the ultimate feminist romp, encouraging White women to wear the pants, play the male role, dominate their wimpy cuck men, and essentially lord it over their men as superiors. All of which are long term goals of Female Supremacism, I mean Gender Feminism.

I can’t help but note why non-White men are never encouraged to engage in gay sex, get cucked and buggered by their domineering wives, etc.

I have no idea if this is a deliberate conspiracy, but it doesn’t have to be. Cultural projects have their effects whether their outcomes are deliberately promoted or whether it’s all accidental. The result is the same. So in a sense a lot of conspiracy theory is misguided. All that matters is the end result of the cultural project. Determining whether there is some devious hand promoting it intentionally or not is ultimately irrelevant and beside the point.

This is sadly what happens when you normalize homosexuality. You’re not just normalizing it for the 3% of the population who deserve such kindness, you’re normalizing it for everyone else too.

Solution? As usual, I doubt if there is one. Perhaps it’s best to just celebrate the decline and party it up until the ruins.

We are all dead too soon anyway.

Momento mori!


Filed under Cultural Marxists, Culture, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Left, Man World, Politics, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Radical Feminists, Sex, US Politics, Whites

Alt Left on Feminism

The Alt Left position on feminism should be quite simple:

One bullet, one feminist.

I am not sure if I actually believe that, and I’m pretty sure I will ever put it into action, but this is how I feel deep down inside.*

I want to kill the feminists.

These bitches are the enemies of all men, and honestly, all women who love men.

The war against the feminists is a war to the end. It will go on until one side destroys the other. The feminists are the mortal enemies of all of the men. We will give them no quarter.

There will be no peace with the feminists.

*But not really. Even my own mother and sister are feminists for God’s sake. I can’t exactly wish to kill them, now can I?



Filed under Feminism, Gender Studies, Left, Man World, Radical Feminists, Scum

Alt Left: Chaos Amidst the Ruins: The Insanity of Female Rule in the West

This is a repost of an older post with a slightly different title. I would like to point out that this is also a position statement of the Alt Left, that is, the Alt Left strongly opposes Female Rule (basically Feminism in Power) and urges a return to male rule. Females may serve in power as long as they do not impose feminism on society, but the record is not good and seems to indicate that any time women take power, they always impose feminism, which is always catastrophic and causes nothing but chaos. Hence, the Alt Left are MRA’s or even strong MRA’s. However, the Alt Left opposes the extreme misogyny that characterizes most of the movement.

Female Rule or Male Rule means simply whether society decides to set its norms and laws based on either male or female views of the world.

For example, in modern Western society, we now have cases of Female Rule. This means that female norms, rules and laws have supplanted male rules, laws and norms.

Female Rule: Western Society amidst the Ruins

Various insane things have resulted since Female Rule has begun in the West:

1. Domestic Violence. A man goes to jail if he ever hits any female for any reason, apparently even if she is threatening his life. A woman may strike a man as many times as she wishes, but if a man hits back even one time, he is going to jail. In other words, if a woman hits a man, he has no right to hit her back. If she hits him 100 times, he has no right to hit her back. If he hits her back, he’s going to jail.

2. Sexual harassment. Female geniuses have now succeeded in making it so that if a man flirts with, looks at, or asks a woman out at work, this is “sexual harassment,” and the man will be fired from his job. Apparently the goal here is to eliminate men flirting with, looking at and asking out women at the workplace.

3. Alimony. If a woman divorces a man after 5 years of marriage, she still gets 50% of his income for the rest of her life. Why should she have that right? This is insanity.

4. Rape. On California college campuses, males accused of rape incredibly are regarded as guilty until proven innocent. Men must somehow prove that they did not commit the rape. Every sex act must receive approval before it is done. If you want to touch her tits, you have to ask her permission first, and she has to say, “Yes.” If want to you kiss her, you have to ask her, “Can I kiss you?” and she has to say, “Yes.”

If you have sex with a woman and she never utters one single word of protest to your advances, then this still may be rape, as “silence is no longer consent.” So you can still be charged with rape even if a woman never said no because you could not read her mind and figure out that she was thinking she didn’t want to do it.

In the UK, all males charged with rape are now guilty until proven innocent. Silence is not considered to be consent; a man can still commit rape even if a woman never said no because he wasn’t able to read her mind and figure out she didn’t want to do it. See the lunatic Evans case for more, where a star footballer served 2.5 years in prison for having consensual sex with a drunken woman who was in the habit of doing such things.

Sweden now has the 3rd highest rape rate on Earth not because there are many rapes in Sweden. Actually there are few rapes in Sweden, and the true rape rate is low as it has always been. However, Sweden has now been taken over by feminist lunatics who have installed the craziest rape laws the world has ever seen. Hence many sex acts and behaviors which were once legal are now considered to be “rape.” Tell a woman you are going to use a condom and then have sex with her without one? In Sweden that is called “rape.” Many other behaviors that are neither rape nor even illegal in 99% of the world are considered “rape” in Sweden.

5. Pedophile Mass Hysteria, a moral panic whereby the normal male attraction to teenage girls that all healthy males experience is insanely conflated with pedophilia or attraction to little girls 12-under, has been directly caused by Female Rule. Because of this irrational moral panic, solid majorities of Americans now believe many an insane thing.

Apparently most Americans believe these things are true:

  • A man who is aroused by teenage girls is a “pedophile” who belongs in prison.
  • A man who has sexual fantasies about teenage girls is a “pedophile” who belongs in prison.
  • A man who says he thinks about having sex or feels like he wants to have sex with teenage girls is a “pedophile” who belongs in prison.
  • Sexually speaking, a 13-17 year old teenage girl is the same thing as a 7-11 year old little girl, a “small child.”
  • Being aroused by a 13-17 year old teenage girl is the same thing as being aroused by a 7-11 year old little girl.
  • Teenage girls are “children” who are somehow “incapable of making decisions” about just about anything, especially sex.
  • Teenagers shooting nude photos of themselves and passing them around is called “production of child pornography.” The teenagers doing this are “child porn producers.”
  • Consensual sex between minors is “pedophilia,” and if minors are caught having such sex with each other, they need to be arrested, charged and convicted of “child molestation,” and afterwards they need to go on the Sex Offender Registry for the rest of their lives.
  • It is apparently illegal now for adult males to befriend teenage girls. A man who does this is doing something called “grooming.”
  • A man who speaks to a teenage girl is guilty of something called “harassing a child” because the only reason a man would talk to her is if he is scheming to have sex with her.

In every case above, we previously had laws, norms and values based on Male Rule, which is the rule of Logic over Emotion. Now in all of the above cases, Male Rule or the Rule of Reason has been overthrown by women. In its place has been substituted various new laws, rules and mores based on Female Rule, which is the Rule of Emotion. In each case, flawed but rational and fair male rules, laws and mores were replaced by faulty, ridiculous and insane female rules. Society is not better as a result. Society is simply crazier and less rational.

This sort of mass chaos and idiocy is probably the typical and possibly even universal result of allowing Female Rule to supplant Male Rule in human society.


Filed under American, Britain, California, Crime, Culture, Europe, Feminism, Gender Studies, Girls, Higher Education, Jailbait, Labor, Law, Left, Lolitas, Man World, Mass Hysterias, Pedophile Mass Hysteria, Radical Feminists, Regional, Scum, Social Problems, Sociology, Sweden, USA, West