Monthly Archives: May 2017

CP Story from High School

One of the players in the Delphi murders drama has been a young man named CP. Like so many people including yours truly,  he was briefly considered a possible suspect in the killings. I never thought  much of this theory. We quickly learned that he had a rock solid alibi for the time of the murders, as he was at Subaru at work. Along with his father, he was present at the search for the girls at 5:30 PM. He may have been part of the family group that came back at midnight and searched until 2:30 AM. Hence there is no way whatsoever that he could have been involved in this mess.

I will not go over the theory of why people thought he might be involved in the crime or any other criminal matters regarding CP. Other than a string of drunk driving offenses, there is no good hard evidence that he has ever committed a serious offense.

Some people are still suspicious of him and today I was sent a story he wrote back in high school where he turns into a murderous monster,  apparently to show that he had some homicidal fantasies or potential at least. People can investigate this P family all they wish. As far as I am concerned, they are all innocent.

Which leads us to a story that CP wrote in high school about him transforming into a murderous monster. I thought it was going to be some dark, disturbing stuff, but really it wasn’t. I really was not expecting much from this story and I was getting ready to cringe. I figured CP was a dumb redneck like the rest of  them.

Cody’s story here.

Boy was I wrong!

This is a fine little piece of writing! And my pet peeves, poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. are mostly absent. He needs a bit of a light edit, but not much and good writers I work with a lot need about as much of an edit as he does.

I was stunned that this is a very good story! CP can actually spin a fine little tale and his writing style shows skill and smoothness. He kept the narrative going well and didn’t flash back and forth between tenses.

CP can actually write quite well, especially for a high school kid! What do you know.  I never thought he had it in him.

I have no idea how smart he is, but if he is intelligent enough to write well and construct this nice tight little tail, he’s as smart as he needs to be, and that’s all that matters in this world.

A lot of people out there are nice writers just waiting to unleash their potential.

A tip of the hat to CP of Delphi, Indiana for a job well done.

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Filed under Crime, Literary Excursions, Midwest, Regional, USA, Writing

A Bit about the Sasquatches

Paul C.: Also, what other secret information do you have?

I know this sounds absolutely insane, but I was selling the directions on how to get to one of the hottest Sasquatch Habituation Sites in North America. That would be the Alberta Habituation Site. It was a closely guarded secret and the information was almost impossible to come by, but a lot of people wanted to go out there and see if they could find the Sasquatches.

If you wanted directions to that site, I sold the directions for $100. And I had a number of buyers too.

It’s amazing all the ways you can make money if you just put your mind to it.

There are those of us who are absolutely certain that these things are real, and there are lots of us out there working on this. If we ever prove these things are real, it’s the story of the century. The are definitely shot and killed from time to time, and I know of a few cases. In fact, a good friend of mine shot and killed two of the damn things! And I believe him too. There’s no way he is lying about this. I know people who knew him before he shot these things and they said he never believed in them and laughed at and ridiculed people who believed in them. Do you have any idea how many stories like this I have of people who thought Bigfoot was the stupidest thing in the whole world right up until the day when the 9 foot tall thing ran across the highway in Oregon? Or whatever your story is. I cannot even count how many stories like this I have heard.

I believe they are real because my good friends told me that they saw these things. They told me with a straight face and there’s no way they are lying. They told they saw them as clear as air just like you were standing in this room next to me right now. The people I know who have seen them were nurses, university biology and anatomy professors, college professors, schoolteachers, authors, you name it.

They can ridicule us all they want to. We know these damn things are real. I just hope I do not die before we unveil these damned things.

I have heard of three shootings in recent years. A body was almost surely recovered in one of them as I know an impeccable source who saw a photo of it. In the other case, I am not sure if they got a body or not. The problem is that when you kill one of these things, you go over to look at it and it looks like an 8 foot tall Paul C. covered with hair. Everyone completely flips and thinks they have killed a person. Every single person who kills one is afraid of going down on homicide. Hence the bodies are left there or buried. Some seem to be retained but those have a very nasty habit of disappearing. The last I heard about the most recent is that the government was in possession of it for a while.

Even if you can keep the government from stealing it, these bodies have a way of disappearing. God knows where they go. They’re red hot dangerous to hold onto, so I suspect people dispose of them. Dump them in the ocean, set them on fire, who knows?

One more problem: if it ever gets out that you have a body, the government usually comes out and steals it. They come in black vans or helicopters and they are dressed in all black and they carry automatic weapons that they point at you. Seriously. The “men in black” come out and steal them. We have since learned that US military intelligence dresses in all black. We think these people are maybe with DARPA.

You are thinking cover-up. Yes there has been a longstanding government cover-up of these things since the Patterson film at least. The Smithsonian is very deep into this and has been covering this up for over a century. It all goes back to Powell Doctrine.

You are asking me where the bones are. We have them. They are in university collections, but they are all labeled “Indian.” Sasquatch bones look like human bones except they are much larger. Any strange ancient bones found in the US are automatically labeled “Indian.”

If you are wondering what they are, they are not apes. They are actually human beings. Sasquatches are people. Thing is they are not human beings like you and I. We are Homo sapiens sapiens. They are something else, perhaps something like Neandertalis or Heidelbergensis. You know those subhumans like Neandertal, Denisova, Flores Man, Sulu Man, Red Deer Cave Man? Well, guess what? They never went extinct! A few of them survived and that is exactly what these Sasquatches are. They are simply prehistoric men. It’s not as insane as it sounds if you think about it.

Just imagine if Neandertal or some of those other subhumans never went extinct. Well, this is the remains of them, the Sasquatches. Yetis and the other similar things are all the same creature, and Yetis exist too, just like Sasquatches. And those Orang Pendeks in Indonesia absolutely exist. I know people who search for them almost full-time and they swore up and down that these things are real. And a quite famous US journalist and environmentalist saw one in 1995. I think they may be related to Flores Man. Orang Pendeks are like the Flores Men that did not die out.

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Filed under Animals, Anthropology, Apes, Asia, Bigfoot, Canada, Government, Indonesia, Mammals, North America, Physical, Regional, SE Asia, USA, Wild

About My Employment Status

I am sort of getting tired of answering questions about my employment that I get from haters every day. Here is a statement on the matter from another site a while back.

I live off a trust fund, and I also work as a therapist. I make some money writing and I do a few other things like brokering deals between consultants and clients, things like that. The reason I do not work is due to health. I am not in good enough health to work. Otherwise I have been working or in school my whole life. My last job title was Linguist/Cultural Anthropologist.

I do not use any government programs, so I am mystified at people always saying I am on welfare or collect a government check. I have no idea where they came up with that idea.

Here are my income sources in the last year or so:

Income Sources

Trust fund. Had $700,000 at the start, but now it is a lot less. It is a spendthrift trust, so I am locked out of it. They have always given me right around a poverty level wage only because my grandfather wanted me to survive but he also wanted to force me to work, so he made it small enough so I could survive but would not live comfortably. The idea was to force me to work because he did not want me kicking back my whole life as a trust fund kid. It was made spendthrift because he figured that if I had control over it, I would blow through the thing in a few years as I was a bit of a spendthrift, party boy and playboy as a young man.

Counseling. Peer counselor. I focus mostly on one condition, a DSM anxiety disorder, which, frankly, I am an expert on. I work with clients all over the world, mostly in the US but also in Chile, El Salvador, Canada, Australia, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. I also work with problems in living, deep stuff (exploring your deep self or childhood issues) and growth stuff (learning how to grow to become a better and more functional human being).

People often break down in tears and start crying right in the middle of sessions. Happens all the time. I deal with suicidal people all the time. In fact, I lost one client to suicide already. I have had clients who were attempting suicide while I was working with them. It can be hard to deal with. I have no degrees, credentials or licenses in this field, but in California, you do not need one. Just hang out your shingle and call yourself “Counselor” and say come talk  to me about your problems. I do not get a lot of business, but I do get some. Considering that I lack all of the things you usually need to do this work, I am amazed that I get any work at all.

I read a lot of books on this subject and I have been studying psychology for 40 years. I had decades of therapy. I read up on counseling psychology and mental illness all the time so I am pretty much self-taught. You would be amazed how many jobs you can do simply by teaching yourself how to do them. It’s a myth that you need degrees, credentials,. etc. to do this or that job. Just teach yourself.

The longer I do this, the better I get at it. It is a stressful job though. I do one 1 hour session and I feel like I just ran a mile. I sometimes have to go lie down. The clients are in so much psychic pain that it seems to leak out of them and into my body. If you are empathetic at all this is going to happen.

Brokering deals between graphic artists and clients. I put the clients and artists together, negotiate prices, etc. and then take a cut for myself.

Conflict resolution/arbitration. In cases of graphic artists and clients where they have come to a standstill and nothing is getting done. An example: client has spent $~1,000 and is not satisfied with the product. Artist has stopped speaking to the client or returning his phone calls or emails. Client sent work back for endless revisions, and eventually the artist just had it. I wade in there, talk to both sides, figure out the nature of the dispute and try to settle the matter so that everyone is happy. I am actually quite good at this.

Webpage design/graphics. Mostly graphics. Working with graphics for people who need websites done. Work with graphic artists.

Graphics editor for books. I was recently a graphics editor for a book. I was in charge of maps. I worked with a graphic artist and told him what to label the areas and where to  shade in the areas we needed to shade in. We used a lot of sources, all of which were wrong. It was a great big mess,  but it was fun to put together the jigsaw puzzle.

Webpage design consulting. Consult with webpage designers who are having problems with their pages to fix their issues.

Selling information. As crazy as it sounds, I have actually made money doing that. I have some pretty much secret information about a few things that a lot of people want but few people have access to. An example would be a geographical location of an  unusual place that a lot of people want to get to, but the location is a closely guarded secret. So I ell directions to this location and then work with them afterwards to help them reach the site, etc. Yes, you can actually sell information! Isn’t that crazy?

Medical counseling. Work with heterosexual men who are worried that they have contracted HIV from sexual contact with women. I am an expert on this type of transmission and have been studying it for over 30 years now. I know more about it than most physicians.

They tell me the situation, and I lay out the odds that they may have contracted the disease based on their situation. I also tell them how HIV is acquired from women and tell them about the various surveys that have been done. I also have a lot of percentages, facts and figures about this type of transmission, like say 1% chance after 40 encounters. I tell them about all the different types of testing, the accuracy, etc. Then I follow them through any tests that they need to take in the next few months. And if they have anxiety or obsessive issues about possibly contracting this illness, I work with them on that, as I am very good at calming down or talking down people who are in the midst of anxiety episodes. I do it all the time.

Author. Just published my first book, or chapter in a book I should say. It is an 80 page chapter. I am supposed to be paid for this at some point. Book was published in Turkey in a university press. Took me 500 hours or three months work at part time. I worked with professors from all over the world on this project. I also had to go through two rather brutal peer reviews. I also came up with the name for this book series, but I was not paid for that.

Sell advertisements. I have made a bit of money selling ads on this site, but honestly it has been very little.

That’s it. I am always looking for new ways to get money though. I wake up every morning and think, “How am I going to get some money today?”

I became ill 21 years ago and have not worked at a regular job since. If I did not have the trust, I would try for Disability. Before I got ill, I was always either working or in college or both. There was never a time when I was doing neither.

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Filed under Art, Health, Illness, Labor, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Vanity, Writing

The Benefits of False Modesty

False modesty is a fun game to play. A nice little social skill to add to your social repertoire. It almost always goes over very well. Actually you can use false modesty to discuss many things where you would normally be accused of bragging. You can talk about your three figure lay count, your career as a porn star, your former job as a gigolo, the time you picked up two women at once, you name it.

Just act ashamed and embarrassed about it and say it in a low, meek voice like you are saying, “I just drank a glass of water,” and it usually goes over great. People become very interested in what you have to say, will often compliment you, pat you on the back or even act like the admire you.

Bragging is not discussing your achievements and gifts. Bragging is about how you discuss your achievements and gifts.

I have just shown you that you can discuss achievements and gifts in a modest way that will go over 95% of the time.

Get on the false modesty train today! Start faking it!

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Filed under Psychology

This Is an IQ Blog

One of the main subjects of this blog is human intelligence, in particular IQ tests, their scores and everything surrounding them. We are sort of like Pumpkin Person in that way.  And yes, we will discuss the racial angle. We have been talking about IQ and human intelligence since the early days of this site and we will continue to do so.

We are not trying to show off or brag because there’s nothing to brag about anyway. No one values intelligence or IQ, so there’s no way to brag about being smart. It’s like bragging about being poor. Anyway, as you can see, intelligence is not such a great thing. Many of the posts on here discuss how high intelligence, instead of being a gift to brag about, is almost a disability along the lines of Asperger’s Syndrome. There’s about as many bad things about it as good things. And as I have said many times, often I think I would kill for average intelligence and just being one of the boys. It must be such an easier way to go through life.

I am trying to take into account that 90% of the population is batshit nuts on the subject of human intelligence and IQ. Americans hate talking about this stuff, and it is often a major faux pas to discuss it.

In Meatspace, I don’t talk about this much unless I have a good opening to do so. Like if someone says, “Jesus Christ you’re smart! How the Hell do you know all this stuff?” Actually people say things like this to me all the time, believe it or not. OK, then maybe I let the score slip out. I also act ashamed and embarrassed as I say that as if I am saying something shameful.

That’s called “false modesty.”

I know it’s a social faux pas to discuss IQ. I know many people think it is such a social faux pas that they refuse to even tell you their score. These people tend to be people like  physicians and attorneys who think they have strict social rules that apply to them. I assure you that any clinical psychologist will tell you their score in a New York minute.

We are trying to take into account that this is such a socially sensitive subject, and we are trying to talk about human intelligence in the least offensive way possible. Also we have a lot of posts on the downside of very high intelligence. It’s not all a walk in the park.

Everything is up for grabs here. Commenters can discuss their scores and those of people they know. The racial and gender aspects of IQ are up for grabs, as are the curious cases where people with lower scores seem more intelligent than people with higher scores. We want to see what life is like for people at different intelligence levels. We want to know about the nature of communication across intelligence levels. We are especially interested in the notion that communication becomes difficult to impossible when you get to 30 IQ points apart.

Human intelligence is largely inborn and hence it is a gift. No one is better than anyone else due to their gifts because they did not earn them. If you have very high intelligence, it’s nothing to brag about, and it doesn’t make you better because you did nothing to earn it. You just lucked out in the genetic lottery, and you were smart enough to pick the right parents.

Since discussion of IQ and human intelligence is pretty much banned in our society as a violation of social rules, we have set aside this website as a safe place for people who want to discuss these subjects without fear of being scolded for breaking social rules. You can talk about this stuff all you want on here, and you aren’t violating any social rules because this website is outside of the stupid social rules zone.

Since this is officially an IQ blog, people who naturally feel it is a social violation to discuss human intelligence are asked to either shut up or leave the site. This is what we talk about here. It’s one of the reasons for the state. We don’t care about your moronic social rules, and we’ve got our own little safe space here where we can commit social faux pax’s all we want without fear of the Politeness Police.

Anyway, I just thought I would clear that up. No one is here to brag about anything, and high or very high intelligence is nothing to brag about anyway, as no one seems to value it. Even through we are breaking social rules by talking about this subject at all, we will still try to talk about it in as sensitive a way as possible so we are breaking the social rules in the mildest way possible. We have no interest in being deliberately offensive.

I hope that clears up some things.

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Filed under American, Culture, Intelligence, Psychology

Why Many People from Indiana Do Not Seem Well-Educated

I hate to say it, but I have noticed that a lot of folks from that part of rural Indiana around Delphi cannot spell, punctuate or use grammar to save their lives. Many can barely write a proper English paragraph.

Indiana has a low rate of college graduation, something like 11%. That’s very much on the low side for the US.

It’s not much that the people there are dumb. They’re probably around as smart as anywhere. But I have been told that most people in Indiana who are college material either leave the state for university or go to university in Indiana and then leave the state for work. So what is happening is that plenty of bright people are being born and brought up in the state, but most of them are taking off around college age for school and later for work.

So what’s left is a lot of people with a high school education who can’t write English very well.

In their defense, I would say that if you live in a town like that, you simply do not need a university degree, and you sadly you don’t even need to be able to write a proper English paragraph. The jobs that are available there mostly don’t care how well you write and a degree is not needed for most of the jobs. No one cares if you can’t write proper English, so there is no social penalty for not writing well. Humans are basically lazy. If there’s no overriding reason to learn something, they usually don’t bother. Instead humans are adaptive. They learn whatever they need to learn to do whatever they need to do. Anything more is seen as superfluous and a waste of time. Some people like me learn things as a near-sensual activity, but I’m not a normal or typical person and most folks don’t have that same attitude towards learning new things.

They are being raised in working class communities where the emphasis is just to graduate high school and go get yourself a job. There’s no premium or status given to intelligence, education, erudition or knowledge.

So this tends to discourage people from self-educating themselves, which believe it or not, even people like me have done a lot of.

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Filed under Education, Higher Education, Labor, Midwest, Regional, Sociology, USA

How a College Degree – in Anything – Helps You in Later Life and Work

Many entry level jobs with advancement possibilities used to require a college degree – in anything at all.  They could care less what it was in. The idea was that if you were able to get through college at all, you were probably reasonably bright. College grads in the US have average IQ’s of 115, so they are more intelligent than 82% of the population. College  isn’t supposed to be for everyone. It’s not supposed to be so easy that someone of average intelligence can fly right through.

In addition to being reasonably intelligent, if you graduated from college it showed that you had a good work ethic and a level of perserverance and persistence under serious pressure. You have no idea how many people drop out of college. Last time I was at university, I noticed a lot of students who didn’t seem to be college material. I noticed that almost all of them were freshmen and sometimes sophomores. Some of the girls were really hot, but they didn’t seem real smart. I was wondering what the Hell they were even doing in college. Without fail, I noticed that almost 100% of these people were gone after their freshman or sophomore year. They just couldn’t handle it.

Also a lot of bright students get involved in working, often full-time. Everyone says work your way through school, but I say that;s a bad idea. I knew lots of students who worked their way through school. The more hours they worked, the more likely they were to drop out. Studies have now shown that there is nearly a linear relationship here.

When you are college age and your parents are not wealthy, you often have to live with  your parents. You can only work part-time, and it doesn’t leave you with much money. Many of your friends who did not go to college are now working full-time and they are bringing in all sorts of money. Many are moving out. They are partying all the time on weekends. They start dating, and that costs money. It’s pretty hard to date with no money. It’s hard to hang out with your working friends when you are in college as they seem to have no respect for what you are doing. At best, they see it as an oddity.

You really don’t get any bonus points among the working crowd by being in school. A lot of these people are insecure and get defensive about not going to college. You get insulted a lot and called a loser for going to school. Because, you know,  they didn’t go, they feel insecure, so they need to insult you to feel that they are somehow better.

I really advise anyone in college to just associate with other people in college. They’re all in the same boat you are. People who are not in school and are in the workforce full-time are doing something very different with their lives and I don’t think college students can get along with these people. It simply doesn’t work. A good rule in life is to hang around with  people who are doing whatever you are doing. If you hang out with people who are doing something much different from what you are doing, it just doesn’t seem to work. Would be nice if it did, but it just doesn’t.

I have been told I know a lot of stuff, but frankly, most of it is from being an autodidact. A college education ideally teaches you how to think – it teaches you critical thinking skills. Then you take that ramped-up college-educated brain out into the world and use it to gain new knowledge or even to work at jobs where you have no training or background but the only requirement is that you have to be smart.

Once you learn how to think, you can now work at all sorts of jobs that require nothing more than being smart. I am not obviously using my degrees now for work, but my degrees taught me how to think. For one of my side jobs, counseling, the only requirement is that you have to be smart. I have no degrees, credentials, licences or any of that, as you do not need them. But college taught me how to think and this job requires serious brains, so I am able to do it. In addition, I learned a lot of this job simply through study for many years.

I had a job a while back as a linguist and anthropologist. I had a degree in Linguistics, but we were never taught field linguistics. So I simply went out and checked out a small pile of books on how to do field linguistics.  Then I got on the phone and called all over the country to some of the bigger linguists out there, and I asked them how to do the job. Mostly I wanted to know how to make an alphabet. They gave me a lot of tips. With those skills, I was able to invent an alphabet for the tribe. I also made a dictionary and a phrase book. For the phrase book, I ended up being creative director.

Although I can’t do art, I designed the book. I wrote out of all of the text and then I set aside spaces where I wanted the drawings to go. I specified what drawings of what I wanted in each space and how big they should be. For instance, “a drawing of an old Indian woman weaving a basket here.” I have no idea how I did this, as I never really got trained. We were supposed to learn layout in Journalism school, but I never got taught it because it wasn’t in the courses. You had to go to the print shop and learn it on your own. My art skills are atrocious. But I think those fancy degrees I got ramped up my brain nicely enough to where I can now design books, though I never took a single hour of a course in how to do it.

Later I had to do a lot of anthropological work, so I simply went and checked out a small pile of books on how to be a field anthropologist. I also called up a few anthropologists and talked to them. Then I read all of the previous anthropological work that had been done on the tribe, hundreds of pages. After a while I got a feel for how to be a Cultural Anthropologist. I simply taught myself how to do the job.

I recently worked as Graphics Editor on a book series. We were in charge of making maps of languages and where they were spoken. We had maps of regions and we had to shade in and label each of ~50  languages and where they were spoken. The speaker populations were colored onto maps of Eurasia. We had ~5 maps to work with. After a while, I figured out that all of the maps were wrong and they were all wrong in different ways!

And it wasn’t exactly obvious how or why they were wrong, and it was not clear where the speaker population should properly be shaded on the map. After quite some time, I finally got a feel for it, but it was a pretty wild project. All the source material was wrong and all of it in different ways! Eventually we figured out how each map was wrong and in what way it was wrong. Many of the maps were also correct for some populations too, and after a while, I figured that out too. But it was a pretty crazy project. I know nothing of graphics. I took one university geography course, but it did not help me. I can’t draw to save my life. But I worked with an artist and gave him instructions of where to shade in the groups. I didn’t need to know how to draw and I didn’t need to know anything about maps. I just needed to know how to think.

Even for this sleuthing we are doing here, I believe my university education is helping me to do this. I never took one minute of a single criminology class. But I didn’t need to. What I and hopefully the rest of you are doing here in this sleuthing is that you are simply using pure, raw critical thinking skills. Sure you need special training to be a detective, but if you have ever met any detectives, one thing you will notice is that they are whip smart.

This sleuthing we are doing here is a great example of how learning critical thinking skills alone gives you a skill that is now transferable to all sorts of work in which you might not have received any training at all. None of us need to be Criminology majors to sleuth out this crime. All any of us needs is good critical thinking skills. That’s what is truly necessary for this sort of work.

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Filed under Anthropology, Education, Higher Education, Intelligence, Labor, Linguistics, Psychology, Sociology

Robert Stark Interviews Author Ray Harris

First Stark broadcast I have run in some time now.

This man Ray Harris is a true intellectual. Stark suggests that he also may be considered Alt Left, and I would agree with that.

A lot of interesting discussions going on here with a lot of it centering on nudity, social nudity, and our very nutty hangups about nudity. The Anglophone world is extremely uptight and Puritanical about social nudity in contrast to most of Europe. Germany and Spain in particular are quite wide open about this subject. There is also a lot about nude minors being portrayed in art. In recent years, the controversy has been mostly about naked teenage girls in movies.

Most of these movies were produced in Europe. Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby features a nude 12-year-old Brooke Shields. This clip is out there on the Internet for all to see because nudity is not necessarily child pornography. You can have all the pictures of naked kids all you want I guess.

Nudism sites certainly do, and they are all over the Net. They show humans including minors of all ages, wandering about in the nude on beaches, forests, etc. It’s honestly not very erotic, and the younger teenage girls are not as hot as you would think. They mostly appeared underdeveloped to me, and I wasn’t very into them. Of course the naked kids are not arousing at all, and I fail to understand why we flip out about this stuff. I mean, I can’t think of anything less interesting than a naked kid of either gender. So why do we have a heart attack every time we see one!? I mean it’s a naked human being. Is that evil or something? Color me mystified. What the Hell’s the matter with you hysterical  Puritans anyway?

Of course I have seen the Pretty Baby clip, and I must say, I can’t see why anyone would be turned on by 12 year old Brooke naked in her shower. I watched it and I thought, “Lame,” and “Why would anyone get turned on by that?” Nevertheless, the hysteria rages on out of control, burning minds to a crisp all over the land.

There’s a long history of painting naked minors, especially females, and in centuries past, it was quite common to paint young naked children. I believe Harris says it’s not done much anymore because artists are too paranoid.

The work of photographers Jock Sturges, David Hamilton, and Bill Henson is gone over. These are modern photographers whose work focuses on naked teenage girls.

Henson likes them real young, like age 13. I’ve seen some of that, and it’s not a turn-on at all. In fact, it’s a huge turnoff. You want to look away because you are thinking a girl that young is too young to be sexualized. It’s not erotic to me in the slightest. Instead it is shocking and weird. They have no bodies at all, no tits to speak of, their bodies look like boys’ bodies (I call females like that “sticks”), and at this point of my life, they really look like little girls. They’re not little girls anymore, but they look like they are.

I think we need laws to keep men and 13 year old girls from having sex. These girls need to be protected from us men, and we men need to be protected from ourselves. It would not be right for this to be legal. That’s practically a little girl.

Hamilton and I think Sturges focus on teenage girls, so that’s a lot more promising. Hamilton’s shots are in outdoor locations, often in groups. The photography is spectacular, and the girls are very beautiful.

On the other hand, at least Hamilton focuses like Henson on young teenage girls. I think most of those girls are 13-15, but correct me if I am wrong. I would have to loved to have looked at them earlier in adulthood because girls that age turned me on a lot more when I was younger like 18-30, but at my age, they just seem too young. It’s too much of a young girl. They’re not even much of a turn-on. Physically they are somewhat of course, but then they seem like too much of a young girl, and they are so underdeveloped and girlish, and that part of it is a turnoff and wipes out the physical part.

I know they are not little girls, but even 16 year old girls are starting to seem like little girls to me now. They are perfectly developed, but it just seems like way too much of a girl, and they seem very immature. I see them, and I think they are in junior high. I figure they are in 7th or 8th grade. I ask them if they are in junior high, and they get offended. Anyway, yes, I have seen Hamilton’s stuff and it is all over the Net if you want to go looking for it, and I assure you that it is all 100% legal. After all, nudity is not child porn. I’ve already seen it, and I have no desire to go looking for it again.

I forget Sturgis’ focus, but I think it was young teenage girls also.

I also worry about these men. What’s with the obsession with 13-15 year old teenage girls? I don’t get it. Sometimes I wonder if these guys’ sexual interests are completely OK. It’s not normal to be obsessed with young teenage girls. You are getting into hebephile territory, and hebephiles are not normal.

This subject has aroused some of the worst lies and libels about me of all. I have tried to address these lies, but I just dig the hole deeper. This is all based on some retarded thinking that people of normal intelligence always engage in. It’s called, “If you write about it, then you do it,” or “If you write about it, then you are one.” There’s also, “If you talk about it, then you do it,” and “If you talk about it, then you are one.” All of these are logical fallacies. Take this arguments to your Logic professor and see what he says.

These are examples of very stupid ways of thinking and almost 100% of the population with average intelligence thinks like this all the time. Now you see why people like me think people of average intelligence are retarded.

The Robert Lindsay Brush Fire about this matter was set off long ago. The fire is 0% controlled and is expected to rage into the foreseeable future. As long as that’s the case, I figure I will pour gasoline on the flames and sit back and watch the devastation. It’s rather entertaining to be a social arsonist. If you can’t beat em, join em.

Robert Stark Interviews Author Ray Harris


Cover of Ray Harris’ newest science fiction novel.

Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater interview writer Ray Harris. He is based out of Australia and is the author of Paradise Reclaimed which is available on e-book.

Link here.


Ray’s science fiction novel Paradise Reclaimed about the story of the first interstellar colony.
Warnings about dystopia on Earth and creating a utopia from scratch.
Transhumanism, the idea of both genetic and social engineering, CRISPR Gene Editing, and the influence of Julian and Aldous Huxley.
Ecotopia, Solar Punk, Soleri’s Arcosanti, and combining the primitive and futuristic.
How we have the technology to advance civilization, but corporate and political corruption stands in the way.
Aldous Huxley’s Novel Island.
Jungian archetypes.
The upcoming sequel to the book The Golden City about the colonists returning to Earth after being isolated.
Social nudity, it’s place in the book’s space colony, and whether our aversion to it is rational.
The historic of social nudity, attitudes in Europe and Japan, and the Freikörperkultur Movement in Germany.
Different cultural attitudes towards sex in America, Europe, and Japan.
Developmental vs. chronological age.
The history of attitudes towards sexuality in the West, age of consent laws, and how they affected the arts.
Nudity in art; French Rococo painter François Boucher’s Leda and the Swan; works by Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh, and Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
Japanese Shunga art.
The debate about what is art and what is erotica.
Controversial nude photographers Bill Henson, Jock Sturges and David Hamilton.
The film Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby (1978), Eva Ionesco, and Natalie Portman in Léon: The Professional.

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Filed under Art, Art History, Asia, Cinema, Culture, Europe, Germany, Girls, Jailbait, Japan, Law, Left, NE Asia, Photography, Psychology, Regional, Sex, Spain, USA

Financial Situation Update

I write these not to beg money. Instead I am just showing you that you are not making me rich. Every time I see a Donate button somewhere, I always worry I am making the guy rich. With a lot of these guys, I would love to see a financial situation update so I can see exactly what he needs.

If I ever got to the point where I had lots of money, I might even take the Donate button down and work for free. I would have to think about it.

Remember “To each according to their needs, from each according to their ability”? Marx. My Mom always hated that line and acted like it was very unfair somehow. The people who need money the most are those with the greatest basic needs. You give a rich person money, and all you are doing is helping buy a new yacht or or a $10,000 bracelet for his wife or pay for another night at a $300/night hotel. People either need money or they don’t. Rich people don’t need one more damn nickel, sorry.

In case you are wondering how us Commies think, well, this is how we think.

Will 100 dollars be enough? Sounds like his financial situation isn’t great, so perhaps it is. Just asking the question.

Assuming this fellow is not a troll (I get a lot of trolls on here making posts like this) sure, of course. And I can prove it.

Right now it is the end of the month, so I have to hardly spend any money. That is because I need $300 above my small trust fund check to even pay my bills and still be at budget. Budget is $15/day. Yep that is what I live on after bills are paid.

Right now I have $255 over budget. Some of that will get spent over the next three days. So I am still $45 short of even what I need to pay basic bills next month and still be at budget and I pretty much have $0 spending for the next few days unless I wish to dip into that $255.

Not to mention some rather pressing expenses, the main one of which is fixing my air conditioning at $90. It’s 90-100 degrees here some days. Driving with no air con is murder.

You guys are not making me rich. You are just allowing me to function at a basic level, pay my bills and take care of some highly important expenses like car repairs that pretty much need to get done.

The purpose of this post is to show you exactly my situation so you can determine what, if any, my needs are. That’s the only reason.


Filed under Meta

What Do the Words Communism and Socialism Mean?

I am sort of a Commie. I am definitely a Socialist. Commie, not sure. Sort of almost kind of just about barely maybe a Commie. I still believe in market. I actually think that what the Chinese are doing is the best implementation of Communism or Socialism or whatever you wish to call it that has ever been done. And there are quite a few Marxists and open Communists out there who support what the Chinese are doing very much. I think any future implementation of Communism or Socialism will have to have some sort of a market. There are a lot of us out there who call ourselves Market Socialists. We don’t want the state running everything. We want a market also.

Communism or Socialism themselves are words that don’t have much meaning. They mean whatever meaning we humans decide to give to them. They have no inherent meaning in and of themselves. Check out Heidegger if you do not believe me. He makes it quite clear that the real meaning of objects is whatever we humans have decided are the meaning of those objects.

Words don’t mean much. They are just sort of “tags” that we stick on objects when we try to explain and give meaning to them. So there is no real meaning of any object. Any object means whatever you, I and the rest of us say it means. Meanings of objects are created by man. A search for the real meaning of objects will lead you down a rabbit hole you will never emerge from because you are looking for something that is not even there. You can’t find something that’s not there in the first place.

Anyway, enough philosophy.


Filed under Asia, China, Economics, Left, Marxism, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Regional, Socialism