Category Archives: Blacks

Alt Left: The Biggest Lie of Them All: Antisemites Hate Jews Because They Are Trailer Park-Dwelling Whites Who Blame Jews for Their Failures in Life

Hood: (Along with a lot of other pro-Jewish self-serving nonsense) – You do read comments by Dixie posters like Jess blaming Jews for everything from acid indigestion to the economy.

Along with most of Hood’s other self-serving comments (Hood is 1/8 Jewish, so perplexingly he takes a reflexively philosemitic “Jews can do no wrong” stance to everything) this is part of his typical line against antisemites. Antisemites are often not very nice people and the philosophy at its harder core is very cruel, but Hood’s explanation of it is just wrong.

This is the typical lie about most antisemites. Now, I am not saying that antisemites are wonderful people. Antisemites are definitely not good for the Jews, that’s for sure. And I consider them rather lowly human beings on the moral scale. But in Late Capitalism, morally lowly human beings are as common as weeds, since moral lowness is very useful for succeeding in our ultra-capitalist society.

Antisemitism is a very complex phenomenon and even most Jews don’t get it, falling back on the usual self-serving lies the Jews made up to make themselves feel better about so many people hating them.

In my own life, most of the antisemites that I met were former philosemites with a great deal of exposure to Jews who at some point met one too many stereotypical “nasty, ugly, belligerent Jews” and then finally broke with philosemitism and became antisemites.

The rest are simply White Supremacists whose antisemitism is all wrapped around their White Supremacism as they see Jews as waging a war against the White Race.

You are doing the Basic Jew Thing of saying all antisemites are redneck losers blaming Jews for their failures in life. It’s all crap, I assure you. I have known many antisemites, and almost none of them are like that.

However, many antisemites are indeed Southern racists. Unless you want to make a claim that Southern racists blame Jews for their failures, your argument will not hold up. Southern racists are just racists. Mostly they hate Blacks. They associate Jews as Black enablers and nigger lovers. Their argument is that Jews are trying to destroy the White race. It’s a racial and racist argument based on this notion that Jews hate Whites and want to wipe out the White race due to this hatred.

That’s all it is. It has nothing to do with success or failure or any of that crap. It is simply an outgrowth of mostly anti-Black White racism. These people are White Supremacists. White Supremacists are just ordinary Whites. I am shocked at how many of them are successful moneywise. Many are from the South.

Until you analyze anti-Semitism as deriving purely from White racism you will never understand it.

Anti-Semitism in the US traditionally was huge among rich WASP’s. My mother grew up among these types, and she has always told me that they don’t like Jews.

The whole “White losers blame Jews for their failures” is a crap line made up by…guess who? Jews! Gee, I wonder why they made up that lie? Could it be to make the Jews look better?

People dislike Jews for all sorts of reasons, but hating Jews for failing in life is not a common reason. If that’s your only analysis of antisemitism, then you do not understand the phenomenon well. I absolutely hate the Jews who run that Roth Antisemitism Research Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel, but even they would scoff at Hood’s pro-Jewish self-serving line.

Antisemitism is an extremely complex phenomenon. Of course the Roth Center gets it wrong a lot in a lot of ways, but some of the finest researchers on antisemitism have always been Jews. You need to go beyond the usual bellowing gatekeepers (antisemitism is a mystical phenomenon that is inherently irrational like psychosis and cannot be explained in rational terms is just one of their lies) to get at the Jews who have really tried to get a handle on this. And actually, some of the finest and most brilliant researchers into antisemitism have always been Jews.

Check out Simone Weil for starters. Then on to Goldberg and Linemann. Israel Shamir and Gilad Atzmon are fine with a heavy dose of caution.


Filed under Anti-Semitism, Blacks, Jews, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, South, USA, White Racism, Whites

That’s What We Get for Electing a Nigger

There has been much talk about why the Democrats have lost so many seats all across the land. There are a variety of reasons for it, but the main reason is right up there in that ugly title of the post. We Democrats had the temerity and nerve to elect a Black man to  President of the US. Can you imagine that? We actually elected a Black man! How outrageous.

The rest of the country looked at the  Democrats in disgust and said, “I can’t believe you Democrats just elected a nigger President of the US! Just for that, I am voting Republican at the federal, state and local level! The nerve of you Democrats – electing a nigger! You thought you could do that and we would just sit here taking it sitting down – I don’t think so!”

There really is no other explanation for the Democrats’ loss of over 1,000 political positions countrywide since the election of Obama.

Part of the losses can be explained by increased voter fraud and rapidly declining democracy in the US, but even without those problems, we still would have lost seats due to real changes in opinion since 2008.

Fraud and the War on Democracy

I am not sure exactly why we lost all those seats but part of it has to do with the death of democracy in America.

The whole country is gerrymandered to Hell, and this right there has led to huge Republican gains. Once Republicans get into a state government, they start gerrymandering the state like maniacs.

The vote-stealing by computerized election machines that started in 2000 has continued and increased every year. They don’t just steal Presidencies. There is good evidence that they are stealing Senate seats as well and they stole at least three last year, one each in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and probably Missouri. The last election with Ossoff in Georgia was almost certainly stolen, so they are stealing House seats too. Republicans are doubling down on the election machines by refusing to remove the ones that are most easily hacked.

They have also passed a number of laws making vote recounts after elections difficult or even impossible. You saw how all of the 2016 recounts were shut down by Republican state governments and courts.

In addition, the Republican Supreme Court outrageously overturned the Voting Rights Act in one of the most racist decisions since Plessy v Ferguson. As a result of this wildly racist decision, Republicans all over the land have formulated all sorts of new election laws and rules that have the end effect of making it harder for Black and Brown minorities to vote.

In addition, in several elections this year, Democrats who were voted into office were actually removed from office by state legislatures in a move so profoundly anti-Democratic it is frightening.

The attacks on democracy across the land by Republicans are vicious and ugly. They are some of the worst we have seen since 1964 before which Blacks could hardly even vote in the US.

Given all of these wildly anti-democratic actions, how anyone can say with a straight face that we live in a democracy anymore, I have no idea. The whole idea that this is some kind of a democratic country is some sort of a sick joke.

Actual Moves towards Conservatism in the Population

Nevertheless, polls do show a huge swing towards the Republican Party since 2008 when Obama was elected. As Obama was a mushy Centrist and most of us on the Left think he is just a Republican, it can hardly be because Obama was too liberal.

I assume that the Democratic Party was punished at all levels for the crime of electing a Black President. Basically, “This is what we Democrats get for electing a nigger.” It’s Johnson’s White House comments in 1965 after the Civil Rights Act all over again: “We will lose the South for the next generation.” Just like in 1964, we Democrats are being punished horribly for doing the right thing. We are being made to fall on our swords for the crime of supporting Black people.

The fact that Democrats were crushed all over the land after we elected a Democratic Black President to me shows just how profoundly racist this country still is. And it looks like the Republican Party is becoming the de facto party of resentful White racism, mostly anti-Black racism but to a lesser extent anti-Hispanic racism too.


Filed under Blacks, Civil Rights, Conservatism, Democrats, Discrimination, Government, Hispanics, Law, Local, Midwest, Northeast, Obama, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Regional, Republicans, South, US Politics, USA, White Racism, Whites, Wisconsin

Alt Left: In Support of Prejudice

I just found out that prejudice means “dislike for a group of people.” This typically means a racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientation or sexual identity. Prejudice usually means bigotry of some sort, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, sectarianism, and various forms of ethnic hatred.

For the life of me, I cannot see what on Earth is wrong with not liking some group of people. However, I would argue that this should be limited to dislike, it should not be obsessive and it should not be the sort of hot or cold hatred that hurts a lot of people.

This boils down to a basic limitation of freedom. Saying that prejudice is illegal or immoral or bad in some way is automatically an abrogation of human freedom. Obviously, we don’t have to like anyone. Isn’t that clear? Obviously, we can dislike anyone we want to, for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all. That is our right as a free citizen.

We have a right to our preferences. We have a right to have a preference for one particular group or a preference to not associate with some other particular group, although I would hope it would be phrased as,

“You know, I just don’t care to associate with [X group]. I wish them all the best and will work for equal rights for them because as humans they deserve it, but as far as I am concerned, it’s them over there and me over here. I simply prefer not to be around them too much and I do not wish to befriend them. If I have to deal with them, I will be as polite and friendly as possible, but I do not wish to take things any further than that.”

What in God’s name is wrong with such a mindset? Now obviously you cannot incorporate it into law. You cannot use your preferences to discriminate against certain groups in housing, employment, voting rights, etc. (even though such discrimination is rampant even now and is even officially sanctioned by a political party called the Republican Party). Sure, you can’t discriminate. But you don’t have to be friends with anyone. You don’t have to make the acquaintance of anyone. You don’t have to hang around with or associate with anyone.

I happen to have a certain dislike for some groups of people.

I am not wild about gay men, though I have a few online gay friends who I am very fond of. Friendships between gay and straight men are impossible in my book and fail every single time. How do I know this? Personal experience. I have also had a lifetime of bad experiences with gay men, and I just do not wish to deal with them anymore. I’ve had enough of gay men for one lifetime.

On their other hand, I support full rights for them, and I even work on their political campaigns! I support most of their political causes and in general think it should not be legal to discriminate against them.

But it’s still them over there, me over here, and never the twain shall meet. In my life, almost all straight men I have known have had little or nothing to do with gay men. I cannot think of anything more bizarre than straight men have gay friends, and the men I have known who befriended gay men almost always reported a catastrophic experience, bearing out my concerns. But then, I am Old School.

I don’t like Gypsies very much. In fact, I do not like them at all. I don’t hate them because they are not worth wasting my energy hating. I have met five Gypsies in my life. Four of them stole from me, and one just got out or jail. All were female. Based on that, I do not wish to meet anymore Gypsies in  this lifetime.

I’ve met plenty enough Gypsies for one life. As far as racism against Gypsies, it’s not something we deal with in the US, so it’s not an issue. It’s a nonexistent problem, so I have no opinion about it.

I don’t like Nigerians or Africans period very much, especially West Africans. I am done with them. Almost every African I met on the Net behaved horribly, and almost all of them tried to steal from either me or my friends.

We had a Yahoo group once and we let a lot of Africans, mostly Nigerians, into the group.

All except for one or two tried to steal from us.

A few others were trying to scam a White wife so they could get into the US. We called them wife-scammers and considered them to be about as low as the thieves.

The rest of them were always trying to chat with the women in our group. When the women would go talk to them, these men would have their cams on and would always be jerking their big Black cocks at these women, almost always White women. A number of our women got very upset by this, and some were out and out traumatized.

We threw almost all of them out of the group for stealing or trying to steal, wife scamming, and flashing and jerking off at our women without permission. We then put in a totally racist and discriminatory rule banning all Africans from joining the group.  We got accused of racism for this, and a lot of group members defected to go hang out with those wonderful Africans.

I suppose you think that because I am not fond of Africans, I dislike Black Americans. Actually, I have no particular opinion about Black Americans, and mostly I try to just not think about them, which I think is best. This is one group of Americans that I would say the less you think about them, the better.

Yes, we banned Africans from our group, but we also had a lot of Black Americans, men and women, in the group. Only one was banned, and he deserved it. The African ban did not apply to American Blacks. Why? Because they were not doing any of the things the Africans were doing! They were not stealing from us, wife scamming or jerking their dicks at our women.

In fact, the behavior of the US Blacks in our group was orders of magnitude better than the Africans! It was almost like we were dealing with two completely different races of people. This is why I think it is wrong to lump US Blacks in with Africans. Behaviorally, they are dramatically different, and US Blacks are much better behaved than Africans. I am not sure why this is, but I have some theories. As  you can see, theories of genetic race and behavior do not make much sense here, as US Black genes are not much different from African genes. What’s different? How about culture? How about 400 years of exposure to White culture here in the US?

I don’t have any particular preferences about any other groups of people, although to be completely honest, I suppose I am most comfortable with my own White people. I know that I am most comfortable with White women. I think it is just that they are most similar to me in many different ways. Also White women are far more likely to like me and want to get involved with me than are women of any other race. Why that is, I have no idea, but perhaps when it comes to dating and relationships, a lot of people simply prefer their own kind.

Which brings me to another type of preference. Why in God’s name can we not have racial or any other type of preferences when it comes to dating!? So you don’t want to date Catholics, or Arabs, or bisexuals, or transwomen, or Gypsies, or Gentiles, or atheists, or Nigerians, or, Hell, Midwesterners, or redheads, or people with blue eyes, or Republicans, or insurance salesmen, or banksters, or…anything or anyone for any reason or no reason?

I cannot think of anything more personal than dating, relationships, love, sexual behaviors, intimacy, and sex itself. The idea that we cannot have preferences or even actively discriminate in this area is absolutely insane, but we are starting to hear this now from the Cultural Left.

Apparently we men have no right to discriminate against transwomen in dating. As for me, sorry, I don’t date trannies. Real women are enough of a headache, believe me. I don’t need to deal with some chick who used to be a dude, sorry, I’m out as far as that goes.

Apparently, we White men are no longer allowed to say we prefer not to date Black women. We also cannot say that we do not find Black women attractive (a common belief among White men). I guess we have no right to have standards when it comes to attraction! The Cultural Left now says it is always racist for a White man to prefer not to date Black women, and it is always racist if a White man says he is not attracted to Black women.

I keep telling you that these Cultural Left freaks keep getting crazier every year. I think they are on some runaway Crazy Train. Apparently the nature of the Cultural Left is to get weirder and crazier every year, continually upping the ante and making more and more extreme demands. We meet a few of their nutty demands, and they don’t even bother to say thanks before they move the goalposts again and start making new even nuttier demands. It’s like a football field that stretches far off into the horizon with no end in sight.


Filed under Blacks, Civil Rights, Cultural Marxists, Culture, Discrimination, Homosexuality, Law, Left, Nigerians, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Race Relations, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Roma, Romantic Relationships, Sex, Social Problems, Sociology, Whites

The Alt Left View on Anti-Black Racism

Rambo: Saw you’re 10-6-17 post regarding some guy calling you a racist. Left the first comment about that. P.S. I happen to be a Black guy.

The real hardcore nasty racism against Black people bothers me. I do not mean just words and whatnot, but ugly words are still gnarly. It’s hard to argue that you’re not racist against Blacks when you care calling them niggers all the time like so many of these Alt Right types do. Used in a certain way, that is a very cruel word to use against Black people. It is nearly a slap in the face. It’s literally a fighting word.

Real discrimination against Blacks bothers me too. I am against discrimination! However, I would argue that disparate impact has to go, and affirmative action is not the way to deal with discrimination.

I am outraged at the way Blacks are having their right to vote taken away from them. It’s like we are back to Jim Crow.

It’s little known, but the Housing Rights Act is barely enforced at all. It’s a great law, the last of the great civil rights laws of the Second Liberation, but it’s toothless a lot of the time. They do have investigators they send out, and it is pretty simple to pick up discrimination, but they get constant budget cuts, especially when Republicans came in. Trump put this silly Tom named Ben Carson in charge of HUD, and one of the first things this House Negro said was that he would not enforce the Housing Rights Act.

Job discrimination has declined dramatically, but it’s still out there. Promotion discrimination is actually a more serious problem. The EEOC generally has good resources to fight this, and they do all the time. Good for them. The lawwuits are generally not abusive (though the disparate impact ones are) and most of the time, they are filing suit against some nasty policies.

Trump’s softer racism is starting to bother me too. When there are multiple people doing something he doesn’t like, he singles out the Black man and goes after him. And he seems to single out Blacks for attacks based on their behavior. This NFL flap feels racist to me. He just can’t resist any opportunity to bash Blacks. I think he is trying to win points with his racist base this way.

It is sickening that Jeff Sessions is now Attorney General. This is one nasty, ugly, old cracker White man from the South. He’s an unreconstructed Jim Crow type racist. His racism is raw and unmasked. They put this anti-Black racist cracker in charge of enforcing the laws of this land! Outrageous!

The modern antiracist movement of which many Blacks are a part of has gone completely bonkers and off the deep end. They have taken things way too far, and all they are doing is making people mad. Plus they are fighting for some very dubious things. Even worse, they are driving some formerly sympathetic Whites over to the overt racist side as the logic of the crazy debate is that you are with either the CRT kooks or the nasty racists, and there’s no middle ground. You have to side with one idiot or the other. It’s a game of Pick Your Fool.

But the correct response to the craziness and stupidity and even wicked folly of modern anti-racism is not be become a racist in response. The correct response is to say the Hell with the CRT Cultural Left antiracists and the Hell with the real racists too!

There’s nothing wrong with antiracism or better yet, nonracism. I like the word nonracism better than antiracism, as the modern version has poisoned the word to where it’s not even a good thing any more. Further, antiracism seems to mean that one must be consumed with a constant war against racism wherever it rears its ugly head. I don’t agree with that. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have better things to do than to use up all my energy battling racist assholes.

Racism will never go away anyway, so in that sense the modern antiracists are either attacking windmills with spears, or worse, racism has become their very own White Whale. The best response is probably to line up with neither the antiracists nor the racist bastards and instead to simply drop out of the war. That doesn’t mean refusing to take a side. It means trying not to be racist yourself and opposing real racism at least in your mind while somewhat dropping out of the interminable war against the racist Leviathan.

But most of the principles of original Civil Rights Movement of Rosa Parks, the Little Rock Seven, James Meredith, SNCC, Martin and even late Malcolm are righteous things, and those values are still very much worth holding. The Alt Left in general upholds the values of the early Civil Rights Movement or what we call the Second Liberation, with a couple of exceptions for overreach.


Filed under Anti-Racism, Blacks, Civil Rights, Discrimination, Housing, Law, Left, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Republicans, US Politics, White Racism, Whites

They’re Talking about Us, October 6, 2017


The site is called I Am Not Your Niga Higa: Contemplations of a Young Japanese-American.

Here is what he says about me:

Robert Lindsay – one of  the internet’s most notorious, bigoted “racial realists” also admitted that the idea that black women aren’t sexy is absolutely preposterous:

Wow! One of the most notorious bigots on the Net? Jesus. There’s nothing like infamy I guess.

They won’t quit calling me this crap, will they? I work on Black political campaigns – I am a member of Culture of Change. My favorite group in Congress is the Black Political Caucus. I voted for Obama twice and even cried at his first election just because I am such a damned liberal. I supported the early Civil Rights Act, and I support all civil rights laws with the exception of affirmative action. I also oppose disparate impact – it’s got to go.

I am outraged that the SC threw out the Voting Rights Act. I am furious that Black voters are being disenfranchised across our land. I am angry that the Housing Rights Act is so little enforced. I am appalled and disgusted at the open racism of the Trump Administration, especially Jeff Sessions, an unreconstructed White racist right out of the Jim Crow era.

Trump’s mild anti-Black actions such as his tweets are slightly disgusting. He wants to get racist Whites all riled up to support him. How sickening. I am repulsed that Donald Trump was convicted of housing discrimination in refusing to rent to Blacks in New York City. This level of racism is repulsive. Martin Luther King is one of my heroes and so is late Malcolm X after he renounced separatism. I even like the Black Panthers. Not the racist New Black Panthers. The old ones like Huey and Stokely and the rest.

With a history like that, they dare to call me an anti-Black racist?! How many anti-Black racist White men do you know who fit my description? There’s no such thing.

Still a lot of Blacks keep calling me racist. I am tempted to call them ingrates and tell them to go to Hell and solve their own problems, as I am not going to help them anymore. But I keep getting pulled back. I am going to try to help US Blacks no matter how much they hate me. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing.

The site that linked to me seems to be focused on the most unlikely pairing of all, Asian men and Black women.



Filed under Anti-Racism, Blacks, Civil Rights, Democrats, Discrimination, Housing, Law, Liberalism, Obama, Political Science, Politics, Race/Ethnicity, Racism, Republicans, US Politics, White Racism

Game/PUA: Differential Masculinity and Femininity Among Both Males and Females As a Rationale for Interracial Sexual Preferences

Let us look at the masculinity-femininity chart across races:

Masculinity In Men

Race             Masculinity Level 

Black men        Highest

Arab/Berber Men  Very High

Hispanic men     High

Polynesian men   High

White men        Medium

Amerindian men   Lower?

East Asian men   Low

Indian men       Lowest, but varies


Femininity In Women

Race                Femininity Level

Asian women         Highest

Arab/Berber women   Very high

Indian women        Very high

Hispanic women      Higher

Amerindian women    High

Polynesian women    High

White women         Medium

Black women         Low

Testosterone levels in both genders seem to correlate pretty well with gender and race above. The highest testosterone women are seen as the least feminine and the lowest testosterone women as the most feminine. The highest testosterone men are the most masculine, and the lowest testosterone men are the least masculine.

Masculinity/femininity, that inscrutable variable that the idiot Cultural Left wants to wipe off the face of the Earth – this is the goal behind the ludicrous “get rid of gender” and “everyone choose your own gender” campaign –  seems to be pared down to that most coarse and biological of things, the level of some certain invisible chemical coursing through our veins and brains. How boring. How prosaic.

The whole problem with these varying levels of masculinity and femininity is multiculturalism.

In India, Indian women think Indian men are just fine.

In Asia, Asian women think Asian men are just fine.

In isolation, males and females of each race seem to be perfectly happy with the opposite sex in terms of masculinity or femininity.

Now enter multiculturalism. Catastrophe.

Now men can compare the femininity of the various races of women. In general, men will choose the more feminine women over the less feminine women. Likewise, women will now be able to compare the masculinity of men cross-racially. They will tend to prefer more masculine men over less masculine ones.

This probably only goes so far.

Hence White women will pick Black men over White men because they are more masculine but will reject Asian women as less masculine. They will be comparing everything to the baseline of White men.

Asian women will choose White men over Asian men as White men are more masculine. However, Black men may be too masculine. Here you are asking to pair the most feminine women with the most masculine men. It may not work. Asian women may regard Black men as so masculine that they are uncivilized, animal-like brutes. After all, Asian societies are run on a certain level of highly civilized and controlled behavior, and Black men seem to violate that. Asian women probably want their men masculine but controlled, civilized and mannered.

Of all the races, Asians set the bar highest of all in terms of acceptable behavior. Many behaviors that are just fine in White culture are outrageously rude to Asians. Many Asian women are said to have a visceral hatred for Black men on the grounds that they are dangerously uncivilized and violent.

Asian men regard Black men as the nadir.

In Asian society, a man must support his children. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Asian men see Black men running around having eight kids by eight different women and not supporting any of them, and the Asian men are profoundly disgusted. To him, this behavior is barely even human. If asked, he will say that those Black men are acting like dogs. After all, male dogs simply run around impregnating any female dog who comes their way, and of course they don’t help raise the puppies. To be so far below human behavior that you are acting like a dog is profoundly repulsive and outrageous in Asian culture. It produces a nearly visceral response.

Black men probably like Asian women just fine, but those women are probably not available to them for the reasons above.

White men will use the baseline of White women to choose Asian women, as they are more feminine than White women, but they will reject Black women, as they are more masculine than White women.

Indian women, faced to compare White and Indian men, may well choose White men, as we are more masculine. As super-feminine women though, they may be outraged, offended and frightened by Black men, who they may well see as so masculine that they are brutal, violent, dangerous and animalistic. Indian society is highly mannered and the chaotic nature of many Black areas may be profoundly offensive to proper, dainty, fussy,  and submissive Indian women.

Indian and Asian men, faced with rejection by their women, may look elsewhere, but as the least masculine races among men, women outside those two races are going to see them as less masculine than their own kind. It’s their own women or nothing.

Black women ought to be just fine, but the problem is that many Black men are looking elsewhere, although Black men are quite happy with Black women. White women are more feminine than Black women compared to the Black baseline, so Black men’s desire for a White woman may just be a choice of a more feminized race of women.

Further, many Black women are incredibly loyal to their race and want Black men or nothing. Of course they prefer Black men, as they are the most masculine of all. Who wouldn’t? But what happens when they look elsewhere? White men seem a lot less masculine than the Black male baseline. That makes them a  lot less desirable for Black women because women’s choices tend to be towards more masculinity, not less. Further, as the least feminine of women, non-Black men are going to regard Black women as too masculine for them. Men’s choices will tend to be in favor of more feminine women and against less feminine ones.

Black women do not have a lot of choices outside their own men. For Black women, it’s Black men or nothing.

This dynamic even seems to be working with other races. There are reports that in Europe, White women are choosing Arab or Berber men over White men simply because they are more masculine. And in Argentina, Argentine White men are reporting that many Argentine women are leaving White Argentine men in favor of more masculine Hispanic mestizo men. There are reports that in Mexico, many White women are preferring macho mestizo brutes over mannered and affected White men.

As you can see,  Black women as the least feminine women and Asian and Indian men as the least masculine men get the short end of the stick. A Black woman/Asian man pairing would be bizarre. You are asking the most masculine women to pair with the least masculine men. Black women probably see Asian men as severe wimps. You are also asking the least masculine men to hook up with the most masculine women.  For an Asian man to date a Black must nearly feel gay, as if he is with a man. The people at the far ends of the spectrum are the least likely to choose each other.


Filed under Arabs, Argentines, Asians, Berbers, Blacks, Cultural Marxists, Culture, East Indians, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Hispanics, Mexicans, North Africans, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Romantic Relationships, Sex, South Asians, Whites

PUA/Game: The Black Women and Asian Men Interracial Pairing Project: Doomed before It Leaves the Starting Gate

There is now a movement, with an extreme Cultural Left emphasis, to get Black women and Asian men together. Some have said that this is a pairing of the two least desirable races among the genders. Black women are supposedly the least desirable women according to surveys on dating sites, and Asian men are supposedly the least desirable men according to those same surveys.

I would add here that Black men seem to like Black women just fine.

It’s also true that Asian women seem to like Asian men just fine. I just spent several days in Mountain View, an extremely heavily Asian (mostly Chinese) city in California. Most of the Chinese women were quite willingly hooked up with ordinary Chinese men even though it is a truism in HBD circles that Asian men are the least masculine men of all.

As you can see, Black women as the least feminine women and Asian and Indian men as the least masculine men get the short end of the stick. A Black woman/Asian man pairing would be bizarre. You are asking the most masculine women to pair with the least masculine men. Black women probably see Asian men as severe wimps. You are also asking the least masculine men to hook up with the most masculine women.  For an Asian man to date a Black must nearly feel gay, as if he is with a man. The people at the far ends of the spectrum are the least likely to choose each other.

The argument though is that Black women and Asian men are both SOL in US culture, so these two most rejected groups will have to hook up with each other out of necessity more than anything else. I am just not seeing it. Black women probably prefer a vibrator over some wimpy Asian guy.

An Asian men probably prefer porn and a fleshlight over nearly animalistic, masculinized Black women. After all, Asian men are encultured to prefer the most feminine women of them all – their own. Why would such men who want the most feminine women choose the least feminine women? Those would be the last men to do so.

Black women are encultured to prefer the most masculine men of them all – Black men. As women choose upwards in masculinity, can you blame them? Black men are like the prize to a Black woman. Why would women who want the most masculine men choose the least masculine men? They wouldn’t. They would rather stay home and rub one out in privacy. It’s better than some wimpy guy.

So this project of getting Asian men to pair up with Black women, even out of desperation, seems like a folly. Charging at windmills may be good exercise, but it never accomplishes anything.

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Filed under Asians, Blacks, Culture, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Man World, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Romantic Relationships, Sex, USA, Women

Alt Left: Were Human Females Sexually Selected for Beauty?

Let’s face it, folks, women are beautiful. They are far more beautiful than us men, and this is given as a reason that a lot of basically straight women drift into bisexuality. At least one bi-curious woman told me that, and I have seen others state it.

Put that idea in your head:

“Women are beautiful as a part of their basic genetic nature. They are far more beautiful than us men, who are more ruggedly handsome when attractive.”

Now start looking at women anywhere, especially on a dating site or Facebook. where you can see many women in short period of time. They are beautiful, aren’t they? They are beautiful in a way that most of us men are not. In fact, they appear to have been specifically bred for beauty, to put it crudely.

It must be that males across space and time have been specifically selecting for beauty in females. The less attractive females were apparently simply selected against.

If human females tend to have a core natural beauty as a result of sexual selection in favor of beauty cross-racially, it stands to reason that Black females have been selected for beauty also. The women of most races are beautiful, although I must admit I still can’t see the beauty in Aboriginal women, though Aborigine/White mixes are often remarkably beautiful. One of these mixes is a famous model in Australia. At any rate, races with largely unattractive females are quite rare. Poke around in any major human race, and you will start to see the beauty in the women if you look closely enough.


Filed under Aborigines, Anthropology, Blacks, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Mixed Race, Physical, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, Women

Alt Left: The Creation of a New Race in the US – a Black/White Converged Race

It must be that males across space and time have been specifically selecting for beauty in females. The less attractive females were apparently simply selected against.

We see this trend even in modern times as the Black phenotype in the US has remarkably merged with the White phenotype, but only from the late 1800’s on. The changes in Black skulls in the US from the 1870’s on are nothing short of miraculous. Some it is probably due to diet, but most of it seems to be due to pure genetics. At the same time, a remarkable change has occurred in the White phenotype in terms of selection against archaic features and for progressive features from the 1600’s to the present day such that White people now look more like Black people than they do like their very own Colonial ancestors.

We what we are seeing is a merger of the two races. We have already had the creation of the American Negro, almost a new race among Blacks characterized by more progessive features and greater beauty, fewer archaic features, increased intelligence (apparently genetic) and heavy White minority admixture. Yet US Whites are also creating a new race as they merge together with Blacks phenotypically. It is almost as if we are heading towards the creation of a new Black-White merged and somewhat mixed race here in the Americas. Some it is due to interbreeding, but much is also due to parallel development.

What happened what that after the First Liberation, Black men were probably finally able to be more selective in Black females. They selected for lighter skin and Whiter or at least more progressive features and against more archaic features. Black females were also able to be more choosy about men. As some Black men began to accumulate money and wealth (quite a bit of which could be accumulated in Black neighborhoods among the new Black professionals) women began selecting possibly for the most moneyed, prominent or powerful men.

This type of Black men has always been lighter-skinned and more White-admixed than other Blacks. Hence these men would have more progessive and fewer archaic features. It also seems to be a truism that archaic features as associated with lower IQ’s and more progressive features are associated with higher IQ’s. This is even true across racial lines and within races themselves. Mass Black selection for more progressive and Whiter features may have led to the increased IQ among US Negroes, which can only partly be explained by genetics. There may also have been some epigenetics at work here in the US.


Filed under Anthropology, Biology, Blacks, Genetics, History, Intelligence, Physical, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, US, USA, Whites

Alt Left: Discovering the Hidden Beauty of Black Women

Most Black men have a serious taste for Black women. It is White, Hispanic and Asian men who rank Black women lower. However, I would like to point out that I am on a site called Hi5 right now, a social networking site that also functions as a dating site, though I have not met anyone off there yet. For some reason, this site is a favorite of Black people or at least Black women. There also seem to be a lot of Black men on there, but I don’t look for them, so it’s hard to tell how common they are.

They often give me a lot of Black chicks to choose from, yes or no, as you go through the list that they offer you. As I went through the choices as I was flooded with Black women, for the first time in my life, I finally saw what Black men see in Black women. It’s not that they are ugly or unattractive, though definitely quite a few are in my opinion, but it is more a matter of opening yourself up to the rather unique beauty of Black women. You  have to get used to them. You need to learn to adjust to or accept their unique features such as prominent lips, some prognathism, dark skin, wide nose, etc. But once you get those psychological barriers out of the way, it’s like a whole new world, black and beautiful, gradually unfolds for you.

I thought, “Wow! I get it! I see why so many Black women think they are beautiful! And I finally see what Black men see in Black chicks!”


Filed under Blacks, Gender Studies, Man World, Psychology, Race/Ethnicity, Romantic Relationships, Women