Category Archives: 9-11 Truther Insanity

For You Conspiracy-Mongers

Repost from the old site.

I don’t really believe that this is what happened, but Professor Francis A. Boyle, whom I am acquainted with, tosses out some conspiracy theory here regarding the Anthrax attacks and 9-11. First of all, he claims that the Patriot Act was already written and sitting on John Ashcroft’s desk on September 10, the day before the anthrax attacks. That’s pretty weird right there.

Boyle is convinced that elements of the US government – he lists Bush, Rice, George Tenet and John Ashcroft – either participated in the 9-11 attacks or at the very least allowed them to go forward. He says that before the attacks occurred, the US military had forces positioned all around Afghanistan and Iraq (the decision of which one to attack would be made by the Administration).

He also lays out a conspiracy theory about the anthrax attacks, claiming that an FBI agent, Spike Bowman, may have been responsible for the destruction of the Ames cultural Anthrax Database in Ames, Iowa, which caused the destruction of evidence necessary to figure out which strain the anthrax came from. Since the FBI seems to know which strain it came from anyway, Boyle’s claim seems odd.

This same Bowman later was supposedly responsible for thwarting a FISA warrant for searching Zacarious Moussaoui’s computer, which had information on it that possibly could have helped stop the 9-11 attacks. After these two strange and seemingly evidence-tampering actions, Agent Bowman was given a promotion.

Leahy and Daschle were reportedly targeted due to their opposition to the Patriot Act – they were holding up the passage of the Act, then they got hit by Anthrax, Capital Hill was shut down, and all opposition to the bill vanished in the wave of hysteria that followed. Indeed, the FBI is now claiming that Bruce Ivins, the man they are fingering as the author of the attacks, mailed the letters to the two Democrats in order to shove the Patriot Act through.

Boyle points out correctly that under the Patriot Act, the government can call you a terrorist, throw you into Guantanamo, and never let you out.

There are problems with Boyle’s theory. If the government itself did the attacks, how did they manage to keep the FBI away from the state authors of the attack?

He also notes that there seems to be an effort (exemplified by John Yu of Stanford Law) underway to seed neoconservative sympathizers of an authoritarian state into the nation’s law schools to subvert long-established US law.

The Nazis did something similar in Germany, led by attorney Carl Schmidt, who was the mentor to and hero of Leo Strauss, icon of the neoconservatives. Incidentally, Strauss, a German Jew, supported the Nazi Party, but opposed their anti-Semitism. He wanted to strip the anti-Semitism from the Nazis, but he did support fascism in general. So the icon of the neoconservatives was long a covert supporter of fascism.

It was only after the Nazis turned on the Jews bigtime in 1933 that Strauss turned on the party and left Germany for America. There were many other German Jews like Strauss, who supported Nazi fascism but were uncomfortable with the anti-Semitism, and who only turned their backs on the party when the party went after the Jews in 1933.

Israeli scholar of fascism Zeev Sternhill notes that Italian Jews were some of the most prominent supporters of both Mussolini’s fascist party and the Italian Communist Party, for what it’s worth.

Boyle notes at the end that an FBI agent interrogated him in 2004 and tried to get him to spy for them on his Arab and Muslim clients who he was representing as an attorney. Boyle refused and was then placed on a no-fly list, and has since found it very hard to leave the country.


Filed under 9-11 Truther Insanity, Afghanistan, Anti-Semitism, Conservatism, Conspiracy Theories, Democrats, Europe, European, Fascism, Germany, Government, History, Iraq, Italy, Law, Left, Marxism, Middle East, National Socialism, Nazism, Neoconservatism, Political Science, Politics, Racism, Regional, Republicans, Sociology, South Asia, Terrorism, US Politics

An Expose of the New World Order Illuminati Out To Kill Us All

The title is sarcastic, by the way. NWO Illuminati conspiracists, please don’t think I am one of you. I already have enough issues with psychotic anti-Semites in the comments threads.

The Illuminati were a secret society that was formed in Bavaria from 1776 to 1784. At the time, it had branches all over Europe and top politicians, writers and thinkers all over the continent joined. It was a secular organization of freethinkers and progressives. Conspiracy theorists of the time felt that they were out to overthrow all of the governments of Europe. The same folks saw them as a power behind the French Revolution. There was apparently nothing to either accusation.

Conspiracy theorists say that the Illuminati never disappeared and instead were behind several progressive events such as the American Revolution, the French Revolution and later on the Russian Revolution. It’s basically a theory peddled by reactionary, European-based elitists with a fetish for monarchism and elite rule, which is paradoxically what they are railing against.

The Illuminati have supposedly gone on to rule the world in secret, appearing either as Jews in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or as other ruling class types in the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Round Table Club, the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones Club, the Bilderbergers, the Bohemian Grove crowd and the Club of Rome.

Members of this shadowy group of evil, ultra-rich Communists include or included the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, George Bush, Winston Churchill, Zbigniew Brzezinski and many others.

The evil Illuminati have set up a number of global organizations to further their nefarious plot.

Usually this is woven in with anti-Communism, since supposedly this whole affair was being headed by the Soviet Union and purpose of it was to create a World Communist Dictatorship in which the rich would rule and supposedly divert all of the surplus for themselves, leaving nothing for the poor (all the rest of us).

In this way, the conspiracy mirrors ultra-Left Trotskyite nonsense about bureaucratic collectivism, the bureaucratic collectivist state being supposedly what happened in the USSR when the true people’s revolution got sidetracked. This theory never made any sense, but Trotskyidiots (Excuse me! Trotskyites. Why do I keep making that mistake?) continue to recite this about modern Communist states, especially Cuba, which they say is a deformed workers’ state.

Here the Trotskyidiot Theory is manipulated by crazed anti-Semites who insist that Communism is a Jewish plot financed by a bunch of stinking rich Jews so that Jews can take over governments and eventually the world. These uber-rich Jews will eventually thoroughly impoverish themselves in the pursuit of this fiendish plot, but no matter.

The fall of the USSR seriously damaged this theory, and the UN has now pretty much replaced the USSR.

More recently, the Illuminati are tied in with other crazy theories like UFO’s, aliens, and alien abduction. David Icke says that the Illuminati are not only a bunch of Jews but that these Jews are actually not really human. They are not even mammals. They are instead gigantic reptiles who are shape shifters. That is, most of the time they just look like us humans, but when they draw the curtains and no one is looking, they turn into bipedal six foot monitor lizards with Ivy League degrees.

Icke has published a number of books along these lines. I believe that Mr. Icke is an insane person. He’s also an anti-Semite. He has come to this blog’s comment section before. If you see him, tell him to please not come back.

There are religious aspects. Fundamentalist Christians say that the New World Order will herald in the Second Coming in the End Times. This theory has sprouted a number of idiotic best-sellers such as the Left Behind series.

Recent iterations note the progression of barcodes, which will be implanted in all of us by the Devil Himself as supposedly prophesied in the Book of Revelations, which was written by the Apostle John in the year 100 or so, probably while he was experiencing a manic-depressive psychosis.

In the 1990’s there were many stories of UN black helicopters hovering over the US. Chemtrails conspiracy theory, which I am not clear on, is also part of this Illuminati stuff. Apparently the chemtrails you see in the wake of jumbo jets are really some evil chemicals being sprayed on all of us for some diabolical purpose.

Anti-environmental theories play in. A lot of the local insane people up here in the Sierra Nevada (I am including maybe 20-30% of the population among these psychotics) believe that the UN is going take over all of the wilder areas in the US, throw out or kill all the humans, and turn 80% of the US into wildlife sanctuaries to which no humans would ever be admitted. The sieges at Ruby Ridge and Waco, Texas were part of this NWO evil and drove these nuts into serious lunatic conniptions.

These wackjob nuts are all tied in with the Government Did 9-11 Theory kooks. Supposedly the evil US government is building internment camps in which most of the US population will be placed after the NWO coup takes place. They claim there is evidence that these camps are built right now. But there is no evidence for this assertion.

The formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 was one of the crowning achievements of the NWO crowd, along with the UN, the EU, the World Bank, the IMF, the African Union, the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization. The proposed North American Union is supposedly part of this plot.

This ties into anti-Semitic idiots who claim that Jews control the US economy via the Federal Reserve. It’s true that there are way too many Jews on the Federal Reserve system, but I don’t see any evidence of the governors manipulating the US economy in some way that benefits the tribe more than anyone else. Those guys are just agents of the US capitalist elite, which is mostly Gentile and White.


Filed under 9-11 Truther Insanity, Conspiracy Theories, Evil Freemasons, New World Order Menace, Sociology, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind, The Jewish Question, UFO's and the Alien Invasion

James von Brunn Was a 9-11 Truther

There are Obama Birthers and there are 9-11 Truthers. I certainly do not believe in any hard form of the 9-11 Truth Movement, such as Israel Did 9-11 or the US Government Did 9-11. I think Al Qaeda Did 9-11. However, I acknowledge that the Israelis may have had some foreknowledge and may have failed to warn. They’ve done that before, notably in the Hezbollah truck bombing of the US Marine barracks on Lebanon in 1983. Thanks Israelis!

Anyway, the 9-11 Truth Movement is kind of like the Obama Birth Movement in that it has attracted all sorts of kooks and nutjobs. They range from Left to Right, but one thing they often have in common at the very least is some kind of anti-Zionism at best or anti-Semitism at worst, as is frequently the case. In fact, this James von Brunn guy’s belief system is quite common in the Movement.

James von Brunn was a 9-11 Truther. He signed some petition for the movement, but as soon as that came to light, the 9-11 Truthers scrubbed his name. Here’s the scrubbed version of the page with his sig missing. But not so fast. Here is the cached version with von Brunn’s name intact.

Here is a Yahoo posting where von Brunn mentions that he is a 9-11 Truther. According to von Brunn, the “Illuminati” did 9-11.

This guy who calls himself Tommy Overload on his Yahoo profile reposts a lot of von Brunn’s stuff. He’s a retired jazz musician living in Arkansas. Here is Terrible Tommy’s blog, Constitution Revolution. It provides a good overview of the mindset of guys like Tommy and von Brunn.

There also seem to be links to the Patriot or Constitutionalist Movement. The rightwing crazy, Scott Roeder, who shot George Tiller, one of only three doctors left in the US who perform late-term abortion, was also heavily involved in the Patriot Movement.

A White Supremacist shot and killed three cops in Pennsylvania recently. Richard Poplawski frequented Alex Jones’ 9-11 Truth Movement Infowars site, a site that von Brunn and Roeder also frequented. 9-11 Truthers have murdered five people in overtly political killings so far this year. Poplawski also frequented the Stormfront White Supremacist and neo-Nazi site. Poplawski was also an anti-Semite like von Brunn.

A schizophrenic who frequented the White Supremacist site Podblanc shot and killed his father for unknown reasons. He was also a 9-11 Truther and he frequented Alex Jones’ site. He was on a mission to save the White race.

Here is a comment from von Brunn commenting on an article called Bali Bomber Claims CIA/Mossad Involvement. It’s not yet been scrubbed, but in case it does get scrubbed, here is the cached version.

I am starting to think that a lot of these 9-11 Truthers are a bunch of time bombs.


Filed under 9-11 Truther Insanity, Americas, Anti-Semitism, Conspiracy Theories, Dangerous Idiots, Fascism, Homegrown Terrorism, Idiots, Neo-Nazism, Political Science, Racism, Regional, Sociology, Terrorism, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind, The Jewish Question, USA