A Hypothesis for the “Unifying Theory”

After I spent five decades or so on Earth, I started to notice a curious thing. Humans, life, nature, maybe everything, seems to strive towards balance. You get +2 on one side of the divide, and what to you do, some other process pops up to counter it with just about -2 on the other side of the divide. The greater the extremes, the  more radical measures are implemented to keep them in place. You get +200 on one side of the divide and at first, life is confused. It tries different ways to counteract it, -2, -25, -50, but none of this really works. Somehow life or the mind figures out that the only way to counteract a +200 is with a -200.

+2 + -2 = 0

+200 + -200 = 0

I kept seeing this over and over and it made me wonder.  What’s so great  about zero. We non-mathematicians in Late Capitalism regard zero with disdain. Why would anyone try for that. At worst it’s awful and at best it’s just middling to mediocre. You ever see someone jumping up and down yelling, “I’m a zero!” Of course not. So why the constant drive towards zero? I am thinking maybe the zero is an illusion. It’s not really zero. Maybe it’s stasis or harmony or peace and end to oppositions or something of that nature. The opposing forces have canceled each other out,  and now we can kick back and enjoy, or deal, or whatever.

This “strive towards balance” which I still do not understand, seems to be the goal of most human psychological mechanisms and interactions with other humans.  We’re all trying for the zero, the sweet spot. Not too much and not too little. Just right. Call it harmony. This drive in humans is so strong and seems to be so strongly reflected in actual natural processes themselves (the balance of nature) that one wonders if there is any universal drive or theory driving at least all living things: it is simply the drive for some sort of harmony or balance.

And this interminable and unstoppable and seemingly rooted in the universe incessant and insistent drive for harmony or balance may itself be the closest thing to what to the Holy Grail of the Physicists:

The Unifying Theory

I would add that this physicists’ holy grail, the  “unifying theory” is also what drives all religion, philosophy, and art. I once characterized the goals of all human scholarly and artistic endeavors in all of the sciences, social and physical and all of the arts, as:

The Search for the Perfect Relationship 

And I am thinking just now that the Search for the Perfect Relationship and the Unifying  Theory have some relationship to each other. Either they are the same thing or the one is the search for the other, or the quest is the goal and vice versa. A lot more thinking to do on that one.

Over and out. Over and over and out.


Filed under Philosophy, Psychology, Romantic Relationships, Science

9 responses to “A Hypothesis for the “Unifying Theory”

  1. Jason Y

    Harmony is impossible because so much is subjective. For instance, what is a good economic system? What is the ideal relationship between the sexes and races? What is beauty? What amount of empathy is ideal?

  2. Life is an expression if basic physical laws and forces, so it probably stands to reason that the complex form that we take as living individuals, is still tuned to seek simple balance, the compromise between what is enough to live healthily, and what is harmful overindulgence.

    • Jason Y

      The definition of overindulgence is highly subjective. For instance, if health police make people take in small amounts of things, well, that’s good for the obese, but not everyone has the same metabolism – and also it cancels out the free will of people to eat what they want – and exercise to control things.

  3. Jason Y

    From what I’ve seen of the alt-right and probably this is popular among the alt-left (as Robert defines it) is a high tendency to want to boss people around – saying what society and people should do and what they shouldn’t do.

    For instance, in a thread on another forum with some alt-right guy – he was stating all these things that consider degenerate. Well, imagine if that dude ran the government – you can bet your bottom dollar it would be as oppressive as some SJW government.

    So I think SJWs and Nazis are flip sides of the same coin, tbh. Both want to parent people, taking the place of religion, something which for now in the US is a private matter.

    • Jason Y

      So there is a unifying theory but not one which satisfies all groups and the alt-right wants to unify everything under statism – as Richard Spencer stated. Basically, this Nazi state would be this bossy hell – also with no empathy or compassion at all – where people would be forced to be somewhat religious – but without religion. That screams out “self-righteous” I mean, at least when religious people tell you to clean your room – it’s done out of love, not condescending arrogance.

      • TRASH 2

        Who is Spencer?

        Born in 1978 and a bit old for the 4 Chan crowd.

        Perpetual student who did not graduate from college until he was 28 (I was in the Middle East on my own by then).

        Mother rich, spoiled him.

        No life experience, no accomplishments.

        Gee, what a man to rule our country.

  4. TRASH 2


    4Chan users and Milo and Spencer are young and naive. They have not seen the failures of Republicans in Iraq or Vietnam or the rest of it and we would have another BUSH 1.
    They are not old enough to know shit about the economy.
    Most have a Bachelor’s degree at best. They are as they complain of being-rubes.
    They are not as smart as Jews or other liberals. Point blank.

  5. TRASH 2

    I’ve perused ROK and 4Chan out of curiosity having been out of the US for 20 years and here are some problems:

    They hangup about “Jews” (Which disappeared in the nineties) is their big obsession. Not Muslims, or China but Jews and whether Lena Dunham is half-Joo or whatever. I’m surprised anybody in their 20’s even knows the difference between Jews and Christians with out-marriage rate and the secular country it is an obsession.

    4 Chan Users and Return of Kings are in fact what liberals accuse them of being-white “rubes” from Louisiana or the Flyover who have not traveled or have any significant life experience. Another words they do not know shit. Democrats have traveled and usually came from better-educated and better-connected homes. Alt-Right are “rubes” who want to blame people in California for the fact that their own father could not make a decent living or that they live in a shitty Flyover town.

    They are young and seem to me like Young Republicans from the Reagan Revolution. Not so much political literacy as a rebellion against Gen X parents born in 1965 who voted for Clinton.

    They are not well-educated.

  6. TRASH 2

    “Boss people around”

    Do we all get to live in Alabama or Dick Knob, Missouri? Would California or the East Coast be bigger economies if they were run like Louisiana’s.

    Politicians will reject medical care because it is “Beta” and call men who support some safety net for the elderly and disabled “cucks”.

    Perhaps they would demand that women recognize their “Alpha status” and quit working to go back to the kitchen.

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