Category Archives: Christianity

A Motto of the Alt Left, Via Liberation Theology

La gente, unida! Jamas sera vencido!

The people, united! Will never be defeated!

– An old Castroite Marxist revolutionary chant from Central America and South America, with roots back especially to the great Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the FMLN in El Salvador (who I used to buy guns for), the URNG in Guatemala, probably the ELN in Colombia, and probably the great FARC in Colombia.

All of these movements except the FARC were “Christian Communists” or “Catholic Communists.” Most of the rank and file guerrillas all the way up to the leadership were Catholics. In Nicaragua, leader Daniel Ortega was and still is a practicing Catholic and one of the top leaders of the Sandinistas was Tomas Borge, a Catholic priest. The ELN was led by a former Catholic priest named Camilo Torres, who traded his frock for an AK-47 and led a guerrilla group in the mountains of northwestern Colombia. He was killed soon after he started the ELN in 1964. The ELN has never renounced its Catholic roots and is a de facto “Catholic Marxist” organization.


The Eastern Catholic Church or Eastern Orthodox have been much more progressive than the  Catholic hierarchy, but that was not so at the  beginning of the century when the Cheka executed over 12,000 top ranking Orthodox officials in first several years of the Revolution. The Russian Orthodox Church or at least many believers are quite leftwing these days. They often hobnob with Communists, Leftists and even monarchists. Even the monarchists are pretty leftwing in Russia today.  Russia is a place where everyone is leftwing. There is no Right in Russia. Well actually there is,  but the Right has only 10-15% support. Putin’s party is defined as “Russian conservatism” but Putin says he still believes in the  ideals of Communism and socialism which he regards as very similar to the Biblical values of the Russian Orthodox Church. This marriage is not unusual and high ranking Church officials even today regularly make pro-socialist and pro-Communist remarks. Sort of ” Jesus as a Bolshevik” if you will. Stalin himself was studying to be a priest in a sen\minary of the Georgian Orthodox Church when he gave it up to be a full-time bank robber/revolutionary.  The thing is that you cannot understand Stalin at all until you understand his deep background in the Orthodox religion. Although Stalin called himself an atheist, he remained deeply Orthodox in  his mindset until he died. He ever revived the Church during and after the war for patriotic reasons. Stalin was very much a social conservative and his social conservatism was deeply inflected by his Georgian Orthodox seminarian roots, which he never renounced.

The Orthodox Christian churches of the Arab World have always been leftwing, along with the Church in Iran and Turkey. George Habash, founder of the Marxist PFLP in Palestine, was a Greek Orthodox. Many of the rank and file even of the PFLP armed guerrilla have always been Orthodox Christians. The Greek Orthodox SSNP in Lebanon and Syria are practically Communists. Interestingly, this was the first group to widely use suicide bombings early in 1982 and 1983 in the first years of the Lebanese Civil War. Most of the first suicide bombings, up to scores or hundreds in first few years, were by Communists, often Christian Orthodox Communists. Many of these suicide bombers were even women. It was only later that the Shia adopted the technique.

The man who created the Baath Party, the Iraqi Michel Aflaq, was an Orthodox Christian. The party had Leftist roots as an officially socialist party. Tariq Aziz, high-ranking member of Saddam’s Baath party, was an Orthodox Christian and a Leftist. Assad’s party in Syria is a Leftist party. Most Syrian Orthodox Christians are strong supporters of Assad, the Baath Party and Leftism. Recently the Syrian Defense Minister was a Christian.

The few Orthodox Christians left in Turkey are typically Leftists.

Many Greek Orthodox are Leftists. Serbian Orthodox laypeople and hierarchy long supported Milosevic, who was a Communist.

The Russians who violently split away from Ukraine in the Donbass were so Leftist that they called their new states “people’s republics.” Most of the leadership and the armed forces are Orthodox Christians. The armed groups had priests serving alongside in most cases. They often led battlefield burials for the troops.

There are deep roots of this sort of thing in Russia. Tolstoy is very Christian in an Orthodox sense, but he is also often seen as a socialist. Dostoevsky’s work is uber-Christian from an Orthodox point of view and he is not very friendly to radicals. However, before he started writing, he was arrested for Leftist revolutionary activities and sentenced to prison in Siberia. Most of his colleagues were hanged and Dostoevsky only barely escaped by the tip of his nose. Dostoevsky was not very nice to the rich either. No Russian writer of that time was, not even Turgenev. The rich destroyed 19th Century Russia. Anyone with eyes can see that. It would have been hard for any artistic heart above room temperature to not hate the Russian rich and feel sympathy for the peasantry. Turgenev’s first books were paeans to the Russian peasantry, and he was raised on an estate!








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Filed under Catholicism, Central America, Christianity, Colombia, Economics, El Salvador, Eurasia, Europe, Greece, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Latin America, Lebanon, Left, Literature, Marxism, Middle East, Nicaragua, Novel, Orthodox, Palestine, Politics, Regional, Religion, Revolution, Russia, Serbia, Socialism, South America, Syria, Turkey, USSR

Liberation Theology: Jesus Christ as Marxist Guerrilla in the Jungle with a Machine Gun

From the Sandinistas of Nicaragua to the URNG of Guatemala to the guerrilla column in Honduras led by the Irish Catholic priest in 1983 to Father Aristide’s Lavalas in Haiti to the ELN in Colombia to the Chavistas in Venezuela, all of these radical leftwing groups had one thing in common: they all came out of Liberation Theology, more or less a “Jesus Christ, Marxist guerrilla in the jungle with a machine gun” type of armed to the teeth Catholicism.

Liberation Theology came out a movement of Professors of Pedagogy in Brazil in 1964, especially an influential book written by a priest named Gutierrez. The argument was that teaching in Latin America was an overtly political act, and teachers should ideally by Leftist revolutionaries. Out of this flowed many documents laying out Liberation Theology or “the preferential option for the poor.” It was most powerful among lay workers, of which there are many in Latin America. In heavily Catholic areas, Catholic lay workers are nearly an army.

The French Communist Party in  France long had Catholic roots as did the PCI in Italy. Near the end of his life, Fidel Castro praised Catholicism and said he was a “cultural Catholic.” Hugo Chavez and the Chavistas were of course a ferocious part of the Catholic Left. Chavez Leftism was heavily infused with the social teachings of the Catholic Church.

Even the viciously anti-Christian Sendero Luminoso in Peru had many supporters in the Catholic Church, mostly at the lay and priest level but surprisingly all the way up to the bishop level. Sendero killed many reactionary Protestant missionaries in their war, but they left the priests alone.

The great Edith Lagos, a 19 year old year revolutionary woman who led one of the first Sendero columns, was killed in battle in 1982. Her funeral in Ayacucho at night a bit later attracted 30,000 visitors, nearly the entire population of the town. Everyone was in line for the funeral – the local police, the local government and of course the entire local  Catholic clergy. The line wormed all through the city for hours far into the night. She was treated to an actual Catholic funeral right there in the church led by the local priest. Her casket stood next to the priest as he delivered his sermon. It had a Sendero Communist flag on it.

A communist flag on a coffin in a Catholic church! The crowd then filed out through the town to the graveyard where she was buried in the middle of the night. Her tomb exists to this day, although it has been repeatedly bombed by reactionaries. Local Indians make patronages to the tomb on a regular basis, leaving flowers at it. Rumor has it that she has obtained informal sainthood and is now Saint Edith Lagos in the local Catholic Churches.

FARC called itself officially atheist, although they had the support of many priests in the countryside where the FARC held sway. Nevertheless, most FARC rank and file were Catholics.

In Paraguay, a former guerrilla was elected president. He was also a former Catholic priest.

The armed Marxist Left in Uruguay and Brazil also had deep links to the Catholic Church.

In the US, we have something called Cold War liberals. This is the pathetic Left of the United States,  people who would be rightwingers or center-right anywhere else on Earth.





Filed under Brazil, Caribbean, Catholicism, Central America, Christianity, Colombia, Conservatism, Cuba, Europe, France, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Latin America, Left, Liberalism, Marxism, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Political Science, Regional, Religion, South America, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela

The Reactionary Catholic Church Hierarchy and a Link to Secretive Syncretic Religions of the Middle East

The Catholic Church hierarchy nearly everywhere has been reactionary.  The Catholic Church had been in with the ruling classes in Europe forever. This was one of the main reasons why the Bible was never translated into the vernacular and why masses were always held in Latin. The people could neither read not speak Latin, hence there was a huge disconnect between the Church hierarchy and the people.

This is similar to many other religions, especially eclectic religions of the Middle East such as Yezidism, Alawism and Druze. In all of these religions, the secrets of the religion are usually held in secret by a priestly caste of mostly men, though the Druze actually have female priests. For a long time, the secret book of the Yezidis was thought  to not even exist except perhaps only in oral form – this is how secret it was. This ended when an actual copy fell into Western hands around 1900.

In all of these religions, the “real true” religion is in the hands of the priestly caste and they make sure not to tell any outsiders what the religion is about. Hence it has been very hard to get good data on any of these religions. The people are fed some watered down version of the religion that doesn’t mean much of anything and  if you ask the average Alwai, Druze or Yezidi what their religion is about, you will only get some diluted harmless synopsis acceptable for outside ears. Usually what the people say the religion believes and what it really believes are two different things altogether.

The Catholic Church was in with the rich and in Europe especially in the Middle Ages it was very wealthy. It was this extreme wealth that enabled the Church to build those huge architectural masterpieces we see in the form of Medieval churches across the north of Europe, especially in France and England. They sold the peasants pie in the sky when you die like religions always do. It was this anti-people, pro-rich philosophy that made Marx so hostile to religion. He was not so much against it because he was a materialist and he thought it was superstition; he was also against it because he thought it was reactionary.

The hierarchy of the Church remained reactionary all through the  20th Century. Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador and the four Catholic priests assassinated in 1989 at the start of the great guerrilla offensive (a crime that was plotted in the US ambassador’s office of the US Embassy two days before) were the exceptions to this rule. The Church hierarchy in Venezuela and Nicaragua remain rightwing and hostile to the Sandinistas and Chavistas to this very day. Same with the church hierarchy in Spain to the best of my knowledge.

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Filed under Alawi, Catholicism, Central America, Christian, Christianity, Druze, El Salvador, Europe, History, Islam, Latin America, Latin American Right, Left, Marxism, Middle Ages, Nicaragua, Political Science, Regional, Religion, Shiism, South America, Spain, Venezuela, Yezidism

Catholic Communism: The Story of the Catholic Left in Europe

The link between Catholicism and the Left has been ongoing for some time now. In Eastern Europe, especially in Czechoslovakia, Catholic Communists were common enough to form an actual movement. Obviously there were Catholic Communists in Spain and particularly in the Basque Country. The ETA was virtually a Catholic Communist revolutionary movement. The armed Left, especially the Communists, started killing priests in the Spanish Civil War. Although burning churches has been an odd tradition in Spain for a good century now, the actual killing of priests did not go over well. Of course the same could be said of the great IRA in Ireland, most of whom were Catholics.

In Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania, unfortunately, the Catholics were virulently anti-Communist for whatever reason. The Communists under Stalin brutally repressed the church, killing many priests and lay workers. In Poland and Ukraine, Catholicism got wrapped up in an anti-Communism in a horrible way. One of the main beefs against Communism particularly in Poland was that the Communists were not only anti-nationalists but mostly that they were anti-Catholic. At any rate, Catholicism and nationalism are so wrapped together in Poland that one can hardly see where one ends and the other begins.

Nevertheless, most of the virulent Polish nationalist Catholic anti-Communist were committed socialists. However, many of these folks who were often also anti-Semites as these Poles linked Communism with Jews. Anti-Semitism in Poland is as old as dirt. Yitzhak Rabin once noted that Poles learn their anti-Semitism at their mother’s breast – it’s that deeply rooted in the culture. There was a nationalist rally in Poland recently that drew a huge crowd of 50,000. One of the things that they demanded was a Judenfrei Poland. The problem is that there are probably no more than 4,000 Jews in Poland to this day. One wonders what evil effects such a tiny community could have on the national body politic, yet this shows you the intensity and paranoia of Polish antisemitism.

In Eastern Europe, there is a big difference between a socialist and a Communist. Almost everyone you meet in Eastern Europe is a socialist or practically one, although Poland is particularly pathetic in this regard, a sorry habit in light of the centuries of abuse the reactionary feudal lords committed against the 95% serf Poles for centuries. The Polish ruling class is still feudal in nature and has changed little since the days of the lords of the land. It also has deep ties to a deeply conservative Polish army, which has always had strong links to the feudal royal ruling classes.

It is a little told story, but when Communism first came to Poland, it was quite popular, particularly among the downtrodden peasants. It was also very popular among the urban proletariat and to some extent among intellectuals. But the brutality of the Polish Communists working in the model of Stalin quickly doomed the project. The Polish Communists were hoist on their own petard. Even Stalin recognized the futility of the project. “Imposing Communism on the Poles,” Stalin said, “Was like trying to put a saddle on a cow.” Basically doomed from Day one.

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Filed under Anti-Semitism, Catholicism, Christianity, Czechoslovakia, Economics, Europe, Ireland, Left, Lithuania, Marxism, Nationalism, Poland, Political Science, Racism, Regional, Religion, Socialism, Spain, Ukraine, USSR

Hollywood and Acting in General Have Been Sleazy Forever

Back in the 1950’s, your average right-thinking Christian White person thought Hollywood was a debased sleazeathon full of fags, lezzes, poofs and perverts. Here it is 2017, and we learning that the previous generation’s “bigoted” assessment was simply flat-out true.

If you study Roman history, you will learn that acting was considered to be a sleazy profession even by Roman standards. Many morally upright Romans (to the extent that there was such a thing) wanted nothing to do with the profession. Acting was thought to be full of…guess what? Fags, lezzes, poofs and perverts! How did you guess?

Fast forward to 1950’s and 2017. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Human nature is what it is. Some things are largely rooted in human nature and may show little change across time or perhaps even space.

There is nothing new under the sun.

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Filed under Antiquity, California, Christianity, Cinema, History, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Religion, Roman Empire, US, USA, West, Whites

Alt Left: 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution

Today, November 7, is the actual 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. They call it the October Revolution, but actually occurred in November because the Russians use a different calendar than we do.

I do not have a 100% negative view of the October Revolution. I think there were some good things about it. However, it was a military coup and it certainly was not democratic, but the Leninists never intended to be democrats anyway. The excesses of the Cheka, in particular the executions of 12,000 officials of the Russian Orthodox Church (12,000 priests and 500 bishops) must be condemned. Lenin started executing his political opponents pretty quickly. I don’t necessarily object to putting those folks in prison, but once in prison, they should have been afforded basic rights.

A high ranking member of the Bolsheviks, a Jewish man, was in charge of Legal Affairs. He interviewed an opposition member in prison and then went to talk to Lenin to ask what was to be done with this man. He was expecting Lenin to grant him the typical rights of the accused, but the man was shocked when Lenin was outraged at the suggestion that this man deserved any basic rights at all. To Lenin, he was a counterrevolutionary, and as such he was going to be shot. Lenin failed to understand what was so controversial about that.

I will never support the use of the Cheka, the organization of the firing squad, in killing opponents of the Revolution. Of course I will never support the Whites, but the excesses of the Cheka should not be supported by any fair-minded person.

With that said, I think the Alt Left should not see the October Revolution as 100% negative, and we should not support the Whites. And only 15% of Russians today say they are better off now than they were in the USSR. Anti-Communist propaganda in the US and the West leaves much to be desired. In particular, it is at odds with the testimonies of most people who actually lived under Communism. At the very least, most people think that they had it better under Communism than they do today based on polls taken in Eastern Europe and the former USSR. Communism wasn’t paradise, but whatever replaced it doesn’t seem to have been any better and most people think it is worse.


Filed under Christianity, Eurasia, Europe, History, Left, Marxism, Modern, Orthodox, Regional, Religion, Revolution, Russia, USSR

Take to the Skies Tonight!

Sky Pilot by the Animals! One of the greatest bands of all time. Eric Burdon!

Angie Cohen just posted a list of Christian songs that you can listen to if you wish.

Actually it’s not about Christianity. Or maybe it is. It is absolutely about the Vietnam War though! A sky pilot is not God as I thought. Instead the sky pilot is the name for the military chaplain. The song is about the military chaplain looking over wounded and possibly dying soldiers in Vietnam. However, as the military chaplain is also a Christian minister of God, the song could still be about Christianity.

If it’s a Christian song, it is one of the greatest Christian songs I have ever heard.

The footage is from the 173rd Airborne Regiment of the US Army, otherwise known as “The Herd.”

Following the lyrics, the bit of prose that follows is my attempt at literary writing, in case you were wondering. This is what I call flash fiction. I write some flash fiction things now and again. I have no idea if it’s any good, but some people love my stuff, especially females.

Good stuff, huh?

You’re welcome.

He blesses the boys as they stand in line
The smell of gun grease
And the bayonets they shine
He’s there to help them all that he can
To make them feel wanted – he’s a good holy man

Sky pilot [x2]
How high can you fly?
You’ll never, never, never reach the sky

He smiles at the young soldiers
Tells them it’s all right
He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight
Soon there’ll be blood, and many will die
Mothers and fathers – back home they will cry

Sky pilot [x2]
How high can you fly?
You’ll never, never, never reach the sky

He mumbles a prayer, and it ends with a smile
The order is given
They move down the line
But he’ll stay behind, and he’ll meditate
But it won’t stop the bleeding or ease the hate
As the young men move out into the battle zone
He feels good, with God you’re never alone
He feels tired, and he lays on his bed
Hopes the men will find courage
In the words that he said

Sky pilot [x2]
How high can you fly?
You’ll never, never, never reach the sky

You’re soldiers of God, you must understand
The fate of your country is in your young hands
May God give you strength
Do your job real well
If it all was worth it
Only time it will tell
In the morning they return
With tears in their eyes
The stench of death drifts up to the skies
A soldier so ill looks at the sky pilot
Remembers the words
Thou shalt not kill

Sky pilot [x2]
How high can you fly?
You’ll never, never, never reach the sky

Sad Song

The rocket, if it was a rocket at all, raced across the sky towards the dawning hours away. The roar split the clouds. We thought the sky would fall down. In its wake, it was just the two of us, you and me, shuddering in the screeching silence, and don’t you know the the whole damn world can go to Hell. When it all comes crashing down, we will still be standing here, you and me, shivering amidst the ruins.

How high can we fly?

Sky pilot!

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Filed under Christianity, Literary Excursions, Music, Religion, Rock

PUA/Game: The Basic Rules of the Boy’s Club for Men

Fraser Crest: Wow, that was homophobic and bigoted. Anytime we make sweeping generalizations about any group of people, especially a minority group that has been oppressed and persecuted by a majority, you run the risk of being “phobic”. It’s stereotyping, it isn’t just, and it isn’t the truth.

So, if that person was in Hollywood and therefore knows ALL about gay people; then, I must be an expert on Orthodox Jews, Russian Jews, Rock-n-Rollers, actors and actresses, singers and musicians, bla, bla, bla, because I lived in and around Hollywood for nearly 30 years.

I had very masculine friends, muscular, confident, and genuinely good people; one friend who liked to do drag once in a while (he couldn’t wear anything too tight because he wouldn’t be able to conceal that huge bulge he had), and another friend who performed in a drag acting troupe that did performances on the weekends in Silverlake with hilarious characters, musical numbers, and a storyline that progressed each week. He was talented and funny, and I enjoyed going to see the shows and usually sat with his partner (a very butch, Latin former gang member who had been married three times and had three grandchildren).

My best friend was from Brazil and working on his PhD at USC (he now teaches back home in Brazil at Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, and his mother is a well-known gay rights activist), and he didn’t fit into a gay stereotype.

As for myself, I lived near the Guitar Center and a theater bookstore – for many years I had long hair, and people asked what band I was in, and one time I was offered a spot in a band (because they liked my look) if I could play bass guitar – I can’t.

When I cut all my hair off, went really short and worked out at the gym – a girl who worked there told me her husband (a comedian) had written a 3-minute performance piece about ME. It was called “The Refreshingly Gay Man” – because I was neither feminine nor hyper-masculine as if trying to conceal something. I was just me. Her husband told me that when you wake up in the morning and open a window and take in a deep breath and stretch — he said that’s what I am – refreshingly gay.

After 9-11 I realized I didn’t know very much about Muslims at all, and I started to read…I hated what I was reading. So, I got a book that’s published by Muslims about their religion…I hated that too. So, I got a book by a lesbian who was raised Muslim and her search to find resolution and peace…didn’t help.

I so desperately did not want to be a bigot, and have bad feelings about a billion + people, but I was discouraged…until one day I discovered an incredibly beautiful singer who sings in Arabic. I have listened to her music for many years now, and I can sing along with quite a few songs. Music is a powerful healer. But she just helped me realize what I already knew — that there are good and bad people in every group…and truthfully, there was a big, abusive religion that forced conversions, tortured, murdered, or enslaved some who wouldn’t convert; and persecuted Jews, calling them “Christ killers”.

That little old religion is still based in Rome. Plus, there is a lot of violence and gross stuff in the Bible so stop pointing out crap from the Quran and think you just exposed all of those Muslims… because there are really decent, caring, loving, peaceful people who happen to follow their religion as they understand it to be or should be.

I also have a friend whose mother turned him into the authorities for being gay – he was only 23 or 24 — he had to appear before Islamic Court (three times) in Tehran. They took everything from him (job, bank account, car, furnishings), issued an order for execution and banned him from travel. Two friends got him out of Iran, risking prison if caught. He was exiled in Turkey for approximately 2 years before being accepted as a refugee to the U.S.

When I heard his story, I heard the words very clearly in my heart say, “I have to do everything I can to help him”. He calls me “dad” or “papa” now, I love that kid, and I’m so proud of him. I am still shaken by what he went through, but I am humbled that he is my “adopted son”.

No, all gay people are not the same.

Although I did joke in the 80’s that some gay men, when they get drunk, turn into black women. But I’m gay. I’m allowed a joke with my friends.

What you are reading up there is the way most straight men really, really feel about gay men. I am straight, and I have been around straight men my whole life. I know what my people are like. I think most straight men are homophobic on some level.

The Rules of the Boys’ Club

These are the rules for masculine straight society or for the Boy’s Club for Men that most such men are members of. Being a Club member means you are one of the boys or one of the guys.

1. NO GAY SHIT. ALSO NO FAGS (SORRY FOR THE LANGUAGE). Not even .00001% gay shit allowed, and no, none of them, no fags, don’t even come around, they’re not members, and they need to somewhere else with their own kind or their straight women friends. No hard feelings, but they are not wanted here. It’s a private club after all.

Gay shit? No, no, no, no, no, no, no.  Don’t even think about it! Do it, and you’re gone. Just like that. You are banished. You can’t even talk about it. If you do, you are suspected of being gay right there. It’s considered such an abomination that you never even bring it up. If you have some feelings like that, we get it, a lot of straight men do. But you really need to STFU about it, and keep it to yourself, dammit.

This is actually the number one rule of the Club, and in a sense it even supersedes masculinity, but not by much. Generally the two are part of a package, one package. Masculine = homophobic and vice versa. Like peanut butter and jelly, they just go together. If you are wimpy but homophobic, well, “At least you’re not a fag” is the attitude. We would tolerate you a bit more because although you are pitiful, at least you are not a menace, an outrage, or an abomination.

This does not necessarily boil down to hating gay men, though sadly it often does. A lot of Club members nowadays are more accepting and tolerant and excuse gay men from Club rules.

They’re not part of our Club, they are not welcome here anyway, and they are seen as outside of our society. They’re over there. Because they are not Club members, the rules do not apply to them. More Club members nowadays think that gay men can’t help it, and we accept them on a somewhat pity basis on the grounds that they can’t help it, and hating them would be like punching someone for being lefthanded. He couldn’t help his handedness. So gay men are exempted from the fierce homophobic rules of the Club. They can act as effeminate and faggy as they wish. It’s weird as Hell, but whatever. Maybe they can’t help that either. Maybe that’s part of getting wired up gay. We give them the benefit of the doubt. Besides, simpatico is a major Club rule and even applies to people outside the Club. See below.

2. BE MASCULINE, DAMMIT. Yep, not real masculine, but just masculine enough. This is called, “Walking the walk, and talking the talk.” If you are not at least masculine or macho enough, get out. You’re not part of our Club. The attitude is “Go over there with the women and fags or your wimpy, pathetic, pussyboy friends.” We don’t even like wimpy and seriously unmasculine, weak men. They’re pitiful and a bit disgusting, and they are not wanted in our circles. Act like a man, dammit! What are you, a girl? This is a minimum requirement for true Club membership, and it goes right along with Rule 1.

3. BE HETEROSEXUAL. A very masculine man who was seriously homophobic and not gay at all but nevertheless did not like women for some reason would still be accepted in the Club because he fulfills Rules 1 and 2, which are mandatory. People would think he was weird, but whatever. So Rule 3 is not mandatory, but most Club men definitely fill it anyway. He gets Club membership on a waiver basis because he fulfills Rules 1 and 2. We rarely see truly asexual men in the Club though. If you truly want full membership, you gotta like pussy. You get massive bonus points once we figure out that you are a regular,  normal, heterosexual, high-sex-drive pussyhound who is crazy about women or at least crazy about having sex with them. You don’t have to be having sex with them, but you get huge bonus points for aggressively wanting to do so.

4. GET LAID. This is actually the least important one. I have known seriously masculine, homophobic, apparently heterosexual men who could not get laid with God’s help. One was an extremely scary guy with a car repair place who wore leather all the time and always looked mean and angry.

He was accepted in the Club because he was a badass, but a lot of men did not want to deal with him because he was “just too full of hate.” Yes, you must be homophobic and masculine, being straight helps and you don’t really have to get laid, but if you are too mean and aggressive, you are “psycho,” and even most macho guys think you have gone overboard. You are seen as giving off bad vibes and living in a world of meanness and hate. Believe it or not, most Club men dislike the idea of living in a world of meanness and hate. Most Club men are actually trying to relax, not be angry or hate people, and be halfway nice most of the time. It’s called “being cool.” Even Mexican men are like this. Their version of it is called “simpatico.” and Mexican men are profoundly masculine, yet simpatico is nevertheless a  part of the machismo.

You don’t even have to get laid much. If other men see you for years without a woman, they would still accept you if you fulfill Rules 1-3. Extra bonus points if you at l least talk loudly and aggressively about women and sex with them in a lascivious, high-sex-drive sort of way. We know you’re OK inside, you’re just having a spell of bad luck, and almost all Club men have been through dry spells anyway. Most Club men know that getting women as a single man is not that easy even nowadays. Women don’t give it up for free easily.

Why do you think there is a Whore Market? And a pricey Whore Market at that. If women were easily giving it up for free all the time, the Whore Market would collapse. The fact that there is a Whore Market shows that women are actually operating what boils down to a Pussy Cartel which engages is mass price-fixing, monopoly tactics, and a lot of dirty tricks all to keep the price of sex and access to women’s bodies as high as possible. The Pussy Cartel runs something called the Pussy Market. The Pussy Market and the Whore Market are two different things. I am not sure how they relate, but the Whore Market very much needs the Pussy Cartel to limit access to sex so as to drive up the prices of the Whore Market’s product.

This Cartel the reason for the Jailbait Mass Hysteria. Women are terrified that if more JB’s become legal, a lot of men will choose boppers over real women, and the Pussy Market will crash. It’s all about keeping the price high. That’s what is behind all the outrage. Pure fear.

It’s the same reason that feminists are making desperate moves to try to keep men from getting mail order or overseas brides. Too much really scary competition, and more fear of a Market Collapse. A market on which prices are artificially inflated.

Why do you think so many men jump right into marriage? They get married to have lots of regular sex! Men don’t marry for love. That’s just some crap they tell their girlfriends and wives to keep them around. They marry for sex! Now some love might come along as side order, yes, but the sex is always the main course. Women will never figure this out, and they will continue to laughably think men marry for love. Nope!

So Club men are sympathetic to a homophobic, masculine, straight man who’s not having any luck. Almost all men in the Club have some low-level sexism and think women are a great big, huge, pain the ass, at times infuriating, endless headache of a problem. Sort of like a car that you really love, but it’s always in the shop.

It sounds course and crude, but most men use women as a place, product or even object to fulfill their sexual needs. Women are like sexual gas stations where you fill up your human body car. Yes, there is sometimes fondness, kindness, warmth, tenderness, and niceness at the same time. Indeed, pleasantries are often exchanged in the process, but the Sexual Pit Stop is their basic role. Some love might go along with this basic function, but that is actually peripheral. Probably no woman on Earth will ever accept this, but it’s the way it is, like it or not.

But if Club members see that guy with a woman over at his place or spending the night  there even one time, their opinion of him goes way up, sky high, and every Club member around wants to come up to him and give him five. He was a member of the Club before, but now he’s really a member. This means he is now what is called officially “a regular guy.” You become a regular guy by getting laid.

If you do very well with women and are a player, you are granted Hero status in the Club. You’re not even a Club member anymore. Now you are a super-member.

You are like a general who is covered with medals. Club men will praise you, buy you meals, etc. They will walk up to you and slap you on the back. Other men in the Club will walk up him with a “Can I have your autograph?” attitude. They will even put their arm around himyou, but it’s not seen as gay because you are a macho hero player, and everyone knows you’re not gay. Ordinarily, you have to be very careful getting physical with other men in the Club because the homophobia is so off the charts, but exceptions are made for the Player. He’s the Superstar. He’s The Man. The rules don’t apply as far as he goes.

But mostly the attitude in the Club towards Player is that he is simply hilarious. Everyone in the Club thinks it is absolutely hilarious how this guy gets so many women. The reason why he is hilarious and why he is a superstar hero is because it is actually very hard to be a real bigtime player. Only 6% of straight men have sex with over 100 females in their lives, and probably 95% want to. Or maybe it’s 100%.

Women will never figure this out either, and most women solipsistically think getting laid is utterly trivial for men. Women can get sex anytime they want, and women are solipsists by nature, so they think if they can do it, men can do it too.

Same thing with marriage. Women usually marry for love, and since women are solipsists, they think if women marry for love, then men must too.

Women just don’t get what it’s like to be a man.

I will say though that once a woman gets to her 40’s and 50’s, a lot of them have pretty much figured us out at least in part, and they accept us for being the way we are, mostly because they figure we can’t change, we are hopeless, and we are just doing what comes naturally. A lot of old women also understand men well too. But they still don’t completely get us. I am not sure if one woman has ever figured out men. Sometimes I wonder.


Filed under Christianity, Feminism, Gender Studies, Girls, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Islam, Jailbait, Man World, Mass Hysterias, Psychology, Religion, Romantic Relationships, Sex, Women

Game/PUA: The Advantages of Older Women – the Older, the Kinkier

A lot of women of all ages are perverts. I have known many women of all ages who masturbated to orgasm every day or most every day. One did it 10 X/week (45 years old) and I knew one who did it 3-4 X/day (50 years old). Many have been doing this for years. I knew a woman in her 20’s who sometimes masturbated all night long or off and on all day.  She had a driving job once and during the lulls when there were no calls, she would drive to an empty parking lot and masturbate there. Wow! That’s the sort of thing men do. Once women figure out how to have that orgasm, most of them are addicts. Masturbating to orgasm every day? That’s as horny as a man! Women are hornier than you think.

Nowadays, I often date women in their 40’s and now in their 50’s. A lot of them are serious perverts. Most are total sex maniacs who want to do it all the time. And as women get older, they get kinkier too for some reason. I figure once a woman gets to about age 50 or so, she has probably accumulated a few perversions and kinks along the way, no?

A lot of older women can have multiple orgasms, but not too many young women can.

It’s a lot easier to talk to older women about sex than it is to talk to young women about it. Older women just seem to accept it as a fact of life, and talking about sex is like talking about eating or sleeping with them. I think by the time they get into their 40’s and 50’s, most women have had enough sex and they have figured out that they like it a lot.

I think maybe it takes women a long time to finally get rid of their inhibitions and open up all the way. I have known women who had such deep and serious inhibitions, in one case due to fundamentalist Christian upbringing, that they did not finally flower sexually until they were after age 40. After that, they set about quickly to make up for lost time.




Filed under Christianity, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Man World, Religion, Sane Pro-Woman, Sex, Solitaire, Women

Hinduism: The Ugly Truth about a Major World Religion

Excellent post by our great commenter Judith Mirville breaking down what Hinduism is really all about. I really think that this is simply an ancient backwards religion typical of many such religions.

I was a sort of wayward Hindu myself for a decade (to be more accurate, a devotee of Kali : being one, though it makes you belong to Hindu India in some way, makes you belong to it like a New Orleans voodoo practitioner belongs to Christian America, that is say looked upon as a representative of the spiritual archenemy), I was already 100% agreeing with all what you say about India right from the start and now I agree 700%.

Hindu Brahmins are just a plainly evil bunch, what they call their religion is pure witchcraft. Actually, what you imagine about Haitian Black magicians thanks to Hollywood does apply to Hindu Brahmins : they wend their way in any organized society -through malevolent magic alone. Hinduism doesn’t exist as such – it is more a religious culture than a religion, but more than 80% of people classified as Hindus are practitioners of the Vaishnava (more vulgarly known under the name of the cult of Rama and Krishna) religion, considering all beings as mere appearances of just one supreme one, Vishnu (about 10% are of the Shivaite current, which is the more interesting part of Hindu culture most Westerners love to enthuse about but is considered malefic by other Hindus, the other 10% being the devotees of more “backward” animistic cults).

To me, Vishnu, as defined by Sanskrit scholars, is the Indian name for Lucifer. Vishnu is supposed to be the supreme maintainer of the worlds, and the way he maintains the world is through deception. Vishnu is best conceived of as the supreme banker of the Universe, the lender of karmic good points you have to earn back through hard life until you win the right to nonexistence.

Vishnu has a female consort, Lakshmi, which is nothing but money. Money is venerated indeed as the supreme female deity herself, no matter the dirty way it is earned (actually the dirtier the better), and banknotes have to be kissed before being deposited on Lakshmi’s altar by all worthy pious shopkeepers.

The Universe is ruled by three principles – deception, rage, and obscurantism in decreasing order of hierarchy, and the more exclusively you devote yourself to deception by renouncing pleasure (all pleasure leads downward into obscurity according to that view: it is the most puritanical culture in the whole world to the point where only the Protestant Englishmen could understand it somewhat and manage it among the European colonists who tried to access that subcontinent) and to revolt against the order of things, the higher you climb in the hierarchy of beings.

There is no place for divine grace within that system, only for good and bad karmic points you earn and spend. There is no divine free gift – you have to earn your way upwards by your own effort alone, and you must never help anyone suffering, as all suffering is rightly deserved. What is given to you by Vishnu is lent, not freely given, and you must pay back with interest. It hence comes to no surprise that such a country is the paradise of all Western Banksters devising the best future for humanity in the long run.

What always made me marvel right from the start is the way the hippie movement led so many romantic Westerners in quest of spirituality to such a haven of pure callousness – it one proof more it was right from the start a remotely-controlled movement to bring about the first generation of Westerners since long that renounced to bequeath a world a little better to their sons and daughters.

Caste is part and parcel of Vaishnava Hinduism, actually it is the main thing about it. Without caste there can be no Hinduism in the same way without charity there can be no Christianity worthy of that name (except in the American Republican acceptance).

The principle of caste is that you must never love your work for work to be work. If you love your work for itself or for the good it brings to the world you make the cardinal offense against Vishnu and against your own salvation, as you fail to pay back your karmic points. Those who are guilty of wanting to change the world for the better are the lowest of the low, the pariahs – they are outside the faith by definition and to be treated as foes to mistreat lest you share their guilt. The greatest sin of all is to cry out what you feel is true, as it is Vishnu’s privilege alone to tell the truth to those of are worthy of it. Being a whistleblower of any sort makes you the target of rightful assassination.

Those who are still attached to earthly pleasures but at least renounce to participate in the advent of another better world and to creativity in general form the lower class among the Hindu proper, the shudras: they are not entitled to education but to effort only for a pittance.

Those who dislike pleasure and rather like pleasure deferral as a way to gain power over those still attached to it but are still attached to their individual will are the merchant or bourgeois caste, the vaishyas.

Those who also dislike individual achievement and take more pleasure in countering others’ will though they are still attached to honor are the warriors and rulers, the Kshatriyas.

Those who are not attached to honor but rather to destroying others through moral blame are the Brahmans. It is very hard to have a real glimpse of Hinduism by fraying with Hindus because it is forbidden to them to teach you any truth, as you are outside their fold and must be pariahs for the very pleasure of being interested too much in what is not your business.

The duty of any guru is to swindle you by any means if you are not among the three upper castes, and the best you can achieve as a non-Hindu is to be a capitalist to be esteemed thanks to money alone.


Filed under Christianity, Culture, Hinduism, Regional, Religion, Sociology, USA