Category Archives: Sociopathy

About that Coup in Turkey

Remember the bizarre coup a year ago in the summer, which Turkish President Erdogan said was fomented by his arch rival Gulen and his network?

This coup is an example of just how dirty and evil geopolitics really is. The truth is that geopolitics is a dirty game where only sociopaths need apply. If  you’re not already a sociopath, you will have to act like one in order to play this nasty game. If you’re not a sociopath, I have a hard time seeing how you can even engage in geopolitics considering all the dirty business you will have to engage in.

Back to the coup.

Actually Gulen and the Gulenists had nothing whatsoever to do with the coup. The coup was actually staged by secular Ataturkist Turkish nationalists in the military over Erdogan’s attempt to Islamicize a secular state and his disgusting corruption. It looks like Erdogan was warned about the coup beforehand by someone, possibly the Russians.

It also looks like the US was involved in the coup and definitely had foreknowledge. The US motivation for the coup would have been to punish and remove Erdogan for his recent moves cozying up with the Russians, as Erdogan had started making friendly with them only a week before the coup. This infuriated the Deep State, so they activated their coup network in the Turkish military. This network already had their own reasons for wanting Erdogan out.

It looks like Erdogan knew that the coup was going to go down and simply allowed it to happen so he could use it to his devious advantage. Erdogan already had lists with tens of thousands of names on them of his enemies to be arrested in case of a coup. Obviously these lists had been made up long beforehand and were sitting in some drawer just waiting to be used.

So he whipped them out and arrested ~40,000 of his enemies, mostly people who were part of this Gulen Network, which actually had nothing whatsoever to do with the coup. Gulen is an Islamist just like Erdogan and in fact, he was close to Erdogan until they had some sort of falling out, which resulted in Gulen’s becoming Enemy #1. Gulen does indeed have a network in the military and all around society, but they are not secular and were not involved in the coup. We can tell who the coup plotters were by the language used in the statements they issued during the coup. The wording used would only be used by Turkish secular Ataturkist nationalists. Many of Erdogan’s enemies were killed in the roundups. Much more were arrested and thrown in prison, where many of them were tortured.

Anyway, Erdogan immediately blamed Gulen (falsely) and then set about dismantling his network in Turkey while also shutting down most of the opposition press and arresting most of the opposition politicians. As of now, Erdogan is simply dictator of Turkey. Turkey is also an untouchable member of NATO of all things.

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Filed under Eurasia, Europe, Geopolitics, Nationalism, Political Science, Politics, Regional, Russia, Sociopathy, Turkey, USA

“Child Porn” (Whatever the Hell That Means), Teen Sexting and Pic/Video Trading and Other Moral Panics, Mass Hysterias, Emotional Derangements and General Idiocies

Contrary to what my enemies say about me, I will take a pretty hard line below. The real deal (adults and kids 12-below child porn) needs to be kept the Hell off the Net. People making that crap, putting it up on the Net, or collecting it on their drives can go down hard for all I care. Throw the book at ’em. On the other hand, the issue is somewhat more nuanced than that, and it brings up some extremely difficult questions in legal theory and moral philosophy and general common sense.

The laws against child pornography are correct in that it ought to be illegal put that stuff up on the Net.

I have a hard time seeing how it is illegal to look at the stuff. I mean, you are cruising around the Net and BAM there’s some child porn on your screen. Or you are pic trading porn in a chatroom, and all of a sudden the guy you are trading with sends you child porn BAM! Even if you had no idea the guy was going to send you that crap, and you deleted it within seconds of it hitting your screen, you still committed a felony. Isn’t that crap?

Suppose you are cruising along the Chans and BAM there’s some child porn up on the Chan. OK what exactly are you supposed to do? Leave the page? Stay on the page? It doesn’t matter! Because BAM as soon as that crap hit your screen, you committed a felony! Any way to go back and uncommit the felony? Nope! You’re going down forever more unless you can clean your drive real well. See what crap that is?

I also have a problem with eyeball crimes. This is the only crime on Earth where you can to go prison for many years for “illegal looking.” What do you mean illegal looking? What the Hell kind of crime is that? You can look at anything else on Earth, videos of men being slowly tortured to death by serial killers, Islamists sawing people’s heads off and torturing them to death in every way imaginable, the worst crime scenes  imaginable… everything on God’s Green Earth is legal for your eyeballs.

Except for this CP crap. The argument goes that this kid was injured or harmed in the making of that porn. Indeed that’s probably the case. But then the argument goes that by the fact that your eyeballs grazed that photo of that kid being harmed, you horribly harmed that poor child again by looking at them with your eyeballs! Really?! Your eyes hurt that kid? Every time someone looks at that pic, that kid gets horribly injured? How? Where’s the injury? Is it invisible? Can we measure it?

For this to be true, you would have to prove that that kid was aware every time someone looked at the CP photo of them. So if the photo gets looked at 100 times that day, somehow through some psychic process that kid gets a devastatingly injurious brain zap every time? The whole argument behind this theory is sheer idiocy, and it defies all logic and sense. It’s not a rational argument in any possible universe.

You see where they say Mr. X was arrested for “downloading” child porn. For a long time, I thought these guys deserved it. I mean “downloading” means saving it to your drive in a folder, right? Once you do that, you’re possessing it, right? I have no problem with the possession of CP being illegal. You shouldn’t be collecting that crap on your drive. And yes, all you perverts collecting that crap is of course what drives the market for it in the first place. It’s illegal to possess all sorts of things. There are many such laws saying we may not possess this or that. That’s grounded in sanity, logic and legal precedent.

But recently I realized that downloading CP doesn’t mean downloading at all necessarily. It’s often a reference to the horrific crime of “illegal looking with illegal eyeballs.” I guess your eyeballs have to go to prison for the illegal looking charges? Just by the fact that you happened upon that child porn, perhaps out of complete ignorance and innocence, you are guilty of “downloading child porn.” Isn’t that stupid? It’s “downloading” because your browser downloads a copy of everything you see on the Net to the browser cache. Now I suppose if you clean your drive thoroughly, you can get rid of everything in your browser cache, but still, what the Hell kind of retarded crime is that? Illegal looking? WTF!

Child pornography is photos and videos of adults having sex with children age 12-under. I don’t think pornographic photos and videos of teenagers having sex with anyone is child porn. It’s just not. I don’t know what the Hell it is, but it sure as Hell ain’t “kiddie porn.”

Teenagers of both sexes, boys and girls, are constantly taking nudes and pornographic photos and maybe even videos of themselves and trading them around with other teens. I can tell you for certain that there is a vast amount of this going on, at least on Twitter. How do I know? Because I know about this stuff. They form private pic and video trading groups, (usually all underage teenage girls mostly 15-17) and they trade pics of each other, sext each other, etc.

Usually the groups are girls under 18 only, no boys allowed. Often bisexual girls are especially encouraged to join. So underage teenage girls are taking a vast amount of pornographic photos and maybe videos of themselves and maybe others and trading them all around to fellow underage teens. It’s literally an epidemic. And according to the law, it’s all child porn. Every one of those girls taking those photos and videos is “producing/manufacturing child pornography.” If she trades the stuff with her girlfriend? Now she’s “distributing child pornography.” Huge numbers of teenagers of both sexes are being arrested for manufacture, distribution and possession of child pornography. This insanity is absolutely outrageous. It shows just how insane the Pig State really is. It’s not even a Police State – it’s actually a Pig State.

So what is to be done? I have no idea. We should leave these kids alone with their pics, though. If they put them up on the Net, that’s not OK, but from what I can tell, girls are hardly putting any porn pics of themselves up on the Net. It’s all going back and forth with messaging and emails. Almost nothing is going up on any webpage. I think we should make it illegal for these teenagers to put this teen porn up on the Net. We have to ban that. And we need to keep the under 18 for porn law in. You know why?

This is why:

Now suppose we said that in Kentucky the age of consent is 16, so you can have sex with any legal person you want to at that age, 13-93? There are laws like this all over the land. It’s perfectly legal for any adult man to have sex with a 16 year old girl in half the states in the US, which is fine. But if it’s legal for her to have sex, why isn’t it legal for her to take a nude pic of herself? So now you have a tidal wave of cases of the Pig State allowing a 20 year old and a 16 year old to have sex with each other, but as soon as one takes a nude of themselves or the other and gives it to the other one, they’ve manufactured and distributed child porn, and they have to go to prison for 10 years! Idiocy!

So this 20 year old man can have sex with this 16 year old girl 10 times a day for years if he wants to, but as soon as these star crossed lovers who are screwing each other’s brains out every day take a nude of one or the other, they’re child pornographers and they are going to prison for 10 years! What kind of stupid crap is that!?

I do not know what to do about this. I suppose if they are over the age of consent, they can take pics of each other all they want and pass them around at least to one another in privacy and to other minors. I’m leery about this stuff being passed around willy nilly to adults though. They can’t put them up on the Net because it’s illegal material, and we don’t want that junk on the Net.

But why not? Indeed, let us look at a fascinating argument:

A very good argument is that if a girl can consent to sex at 16, why can’t she consent to taking porn photos and videos of herself and put them up on the Web? Or allow other people to film her? Actually it sounds logical. If you’re old enough to screw, of course you’re old enough to do porn. At the very least, you ought to be able to take pictures of your own self and put them up on the Net. I have no problem with this in theory.

But here is the problem. Pornographers are some of the most low down, sleaziest, slimiest men (and almost all are men) on the planet. They’re just about criminals, except what they are doing is legal. Most are what I would call legal criminals. The rates of Axis 2 Cluster B disorders is very high among pornographers. Narcissistic Personality Disorder and especially sociopathy and psychopathy are everywhere in that industry. It’s Ground Zero for male controlled psychopaths. Most pornographers are simply awful people.

Now here’s the problem. Say in these states where the AOC is 16 or 17, we allow girls that age to consent to doing porn. I agree it’s rational and reasonable. But here’s what is going to happen. Very soon after you legalize legally sexually mature girls age 16 and 17 to do porn, the porn studios are going to be flooded with teenage girls wanting to do porn. It’s just going to happen. I assure you it will. If they can’t find them here in the US, they will readily find them in Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and places like that.

Because the porn industry is constantly pushing the envelope and promoting weirder, kinkier and sicker stuff in a race to the bottom, the 16 and 17 year old girls doing porn will soon be flooded all across the net. There’s already a massive market for the “Barely 18” market, in which 18-20 year old girls do porn for the “young girls” market. You can call men who would look at those 16 and 17 year old girls doing porn sick fucks all you want, but I assure you that in the US alone, you will have millions of men looking at that 16 and 17 year old girl porn.

Do we want this? No, we do not want this! We cannot allow girls under 18 to make porn because of the scenario above. I don’t want to open up my browser and see 10 ads for 16  year old girls doing hardcore porn. Just forget it.

As far as CP – the real deal – adults and kids 12 and under – goes:

  • Of course it needs to be illegal to put that crap up on the Net.
  • It has to be illegal to make it.
  • It has to be illegal to trade it back and forth by messaging or emails.
  • People who collect that crap in folders on their drives can go down hard for all I care.

But illegal looking? Illegal eyeballs? That’s just weird. How do you justify putting some poor schmuck in prison for 10 years because of some image that he innocently stumbled on and flashed before his eyes? The whole idea of “illegal looking” at anything on Earth being a crime, much less a serious felony, sounds completely bizarre. Like I said, name one other thing on God’s Green Earth that it is illegal to look at?

Let the teenagers take their porn pics and whatnot of themselves and each other and trade them around in strict private out of the view of everyone else. If it’s perfectly legal for two humans to engage in any sex act they wish with each other, for God’s sake, of course they can take photos of each other doing it or just posing with nothing on. But I don’t want to see that crap being passed all around town. If you are a grown adult, you should not be looking at nudes and porns of underage girls. The exception would be if you are in a legal sexual relationship with her. But passing them all around town? We need to discourage that somehow.

There is zero sense, logic, sanity or rational thinking operating on any argument about this stuff. 100% of the people talking about this stuff are emotionally deranged. They are trying to think about this, but they are emotionally crazed so they can’t think about it logically. If you are in an emotionally deranged state of mind, you can’t make any rational decision about anything. Reasonable thinking only occurs when people calm down and stop thinking emotionally.

Emotional thinking never does any good. All it ever does is give you the wrong answer.


Filed under Child Porn, Computers, Crime, Girls, Government, Jailbait, Law, Losers, Mass Hysterias, Moralfags, Narcissistic, Personality Disorders, Pornography, Psychology, Psychopathology, Ridiculousness, Sex, Social Problems, Sociology, Sociopathy

America, Land of Sex-Crazy Puritans

When It Comes To Sex, Americans Are Barking Mad and Always Have Been

What in the Hell is the matter with Americans anyway? Why are we so insane about sex? America has always been insane about sex, possibly dating back to its puritan roots. The fact that this is the only Western country with a huge fundamentalist religious movement cannot be helpful.

On the one hand, there is free porn everywhere, all over the Internet, available for anyone to see, even underage teenagers. And underage teens of both sexes definitely watch porn. By age 18, I would gather that the vast majority of teens of both sexes have seen Internet porn. I had a client once who had started masturbating compulsively to Internet porn at age 11. And, get this, this person was female. Yep, an 11 year old girl masturbating compulsively to Internet porn. Now obviously she’s an outlier, but the point is taken.

She brought up the issue of “early sexualization” regarding today’s kids in regards to her own experience.

In addition to flooding society with free porn, we fetishize and nearly mandate sex. We make it impossible to criticize even the sickest, most messed up sex acts.

Gay men like to eat shit? That’s just fine! Don’t you know it’s homophobic to criticize that?

Sick people get into S/M relationships where a sadistic man basically abuses a self-hating masochistic women, all done under the rubric of S/M of course, so we are not allowed to criticize it, except that in terms of its dynamics, it looks exactly like any abusive relationship with a cruel man and suffering, Stockholmed battered woman? This is basically torture sex. We are not allowed to criticize torture sex. If people want to torture each other, that’s their business!

Another thing not discussed is the relationship between S/M, B/D sex and psychopathy and sex crimes, including kidnapping, rape, torture, murder and serial murder. It is extremely common for men who committed violent sexual crimes against women to have a background interest in S/M B/D sex. Women involved in the scene report that many of the male doms (really just sadistic men) have sociopathic tendencies, and many are out and out psychopaths.

A lot of the masochistic women who come out of the “consensual” S/M B/D scene end up damaged, often seriously, by years of abuse done under the “cool” rubric of S/M B/D. The sort of damage that they present with looks exactly like the psychological damage that women in abusive relationships show. But hey, that’s just fine. A sex scene that produces rapists, kidnappers, torturers, murderers and serial killers is just fine! And you’re a stuffy uptight prude if you disagree!

Gay men want piss on each other and drink each other’s piss? Well that’s just fine! How uptight of us to object to such a thing! We must be evil or something. Why don’t we try it ourselves? What’s wrong with you? You won’t drink piss? What, are you frigid or impotent or something?

Gay men want to shove fists up each other’s asses, sometimes causing serious damage to their bodies? How dare we object. We are evil homophobes! Fisting is just fine! We must be uptight or something. Why don’t we try it ourselves, we might like it?

For straight people, sex is nearly mandatory, even if you are single. I knew a 19 year old college girl who absolutely hated herself because she was still (technically) a virgin. She said she felt like a total loser. You can go on the Internet and read underage teenage girls complaining bitterly that they are still virgins and predicting that they will be virgins all the way to age 18. One was so angry about it that she was determined to seduce one of her father’s friends just to get rid of her virginity.

Guys who can’t get laid are considered losers. We are all supposed to be having tons of sex all the time, and if we are not, we are hung up, failures, losers and maybe even mentally ill, sick or even evil. I have seen people call men who were not getting any evil on many occasions. If you’re not having sex, you’re a sinner! Wow. We’ve turned morality upside down. Sins are virtues and virtues are sins! Sade would be proud of us.

At the same time as we push this Wild West bacchanalia sexual free for all with its sinful chastity and virtuous whoredom, we are probably the most puritanical country in the entire West. Most of this is being driven by Gender Feminism, one of the most fanatically puritanical movements to emerge in our time and  probably by the Christian fundamentalism, which is somehow working right alongside the whorish Babylon. So we hate sex, and we are sex-crazy. This actually makes sense because there is evidence that the more you repress sex, the more sex-crazy people get due to pent-up frustration.

Way to go, Americans! Way to be stupid! Keep being idiots! Don’t stop now! You’re just getting started.


Filed under American, Christianity, Coprophilia, Crime, Culture, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Little or None, Masochism, Mental Illness, Personality Disorders, Pornography, Psychology, Psychopathology, Radical Feminists, Regional, Religion, Scum, Serial Killers, Sex, Sociopathy, Solitaire, USA

Would a Psychopath Purposefully Hurt/Be Cruel to Someone Else (for Fun), Even If They Hadn’t Done Anything to Him/Her?

Answered on Quora:

It is not true that anyone can act this way. Most non-psychopaths will not behave this way. Most narcissists will. Many borderlines will. Histrionics might. Manics definitely will. This is Cluster B behavior.

When normals are cruel, which they often are, there is typically a reason for it. They think it is a good reason, but often it isn’t. I can’t imagine a neurotypical hurting someone out of boredom. That’s ridiculous.

Psychopaths and sociopaths along with narcissists are known for their cruelty. Borderlines can be exceptionally cruel, but they are doing it because they are crazy rather than because they are evil. Narcissists and sociopaths/psychopaths are getting a lot more towards true evil.

I had one psychopathic client in my counseling practice. This young man desperately needed an intervention so he didn’t kill someone for the sheer fun and thrill of it. This man told me that sometimes when he was bored, he acted cruel and mean to people just to have something to do. He acted like this was somehow perfectly justifiable and that there was nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

Understand that sociopaths/psychopaths are often bored. One way to get out of boredom is to be cruel to someone. This will create a lot of tension and drama in the air and will tend to cause a scene. To this type of person, an ugly scene is better than being bored.



Filed under Borderline, Mental Illness, Narcissistic, Personality Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy, Sociopathy

Could People Who Have Intrusive Thoughts Also Have Sociopathic, Etc. Tendencies?

Answered on Quora.

Psychopaths don’t have intrusive thoughts about violence or much of anything else for that matter. Intrusive thoughts about committing acts of violence tends to rule out sociopathy right there because sociopaths don’t experience these thoughts as intrusive. Rather they just like them. If they want to think them, they think them. If they don’t want to think them, they don’t think them. But they are not going to experience intrusive violent thoughts in my opinion.
OCD and sociopathy pretty much rule each other out. You have one or the other and it would be very hard to have both. These disorders are the opposite of each other. OCD’ers experience tremendous guilt and never commit any irrational acts of violence and sociopaths experience no guilt and commit an incredible amount of violence. So you see we are dealing with two things that are the polar opposite of each other.
PS if you were a sociopath, you would not be fussing and worrying about thoughts like this, much less going on line to try to fix them. Sociopaths don’t think there is anything wrong with thoughts of hurting and killing others. They like to think about these things.


Filed under Anxiety Disorders, Mental Illness, OCD, Personality Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Sociopathy

Do Therapists Ever Think Their Clients are Unfixable?

Question from Quora:

Some people are utterly unfixable or even improvable, but they are quite rare.

There are clients who are just too far gone, and they cannot be helped at all. It is as if the person were a ceramic bowl that was dropped on a hard floor. The bowl is now in 100 pieces, and the person who dropped it is on the ground looking at the pieces and throwing up their hands. “Where do I start?” he asks in exasperation.

All sociopaths and psychopaths are unfixable by their very nature. We can’t cure the sociopathy and psychopathy because they don’t want to get better. They enjoy being antisocial, and they do not wish to change. However, we can get them to change their behavior. For instance, a homicidal sociopath may show up in the office. A good therapist may be able to convince this sociopath that acting on their homicidal fantasies would be one of the stupidest things that they could ever do. This sociopath may then be able to go through life without killing an innocent person. So we can’t fix sociopaths, but we can change their behavior somewhat, tone it down, or reduce the amount of damage they do to society.

All paraphilias are unfixable by their very nature. The paraphilia quite literally will not and cannot go away. It’s etched in stone.

Schizophrenia is largely unfixable. They need a great deal of medication, and even then in most cases, they are repeatedly hospitalized. A few can go on to lead somewhat normal or even successful lives, but these people still need continuous medication and regular psychotherapy. In addition, they need frequent interventions to stay out of the hospital.

Many illnesses such as OCD, Bipolar Disorder and Chronic Major Depression are unfixable by psychotherapy. Most of these people will need medication for the rest of their lives. However, psychotherapy can improve their conditions a lot at least in the first and last cases.

Long-term suicidality is very hard to fix. It tends to become chronic with repeated attempts over the years. The suicidal person is typically defiant and is furious with you for challenging their suicidality. You are expected to sympathize with their condition, which is actually a very bad idea. Most suicidal people are what I would call “defiantly suicidal.”

Personality disorders are generally incurable. Theoretically, they could be fixed, but these people almost never present for therapy, and when they do, it is often at the behest of others, and they do not really wish to be there or get anything done. People with personality disorders, like sociopaths, literally do not want to get better. They like their personality disorder, and they are incredibly resistant to change. There are some case reports of cures of personality disorders, but in general the prognosis is grave.

I have never been able to fix long term low self esteem, and I have tried with a few people. There is something about that condition that hammers itself into the brain as if into concrete. I do not know why, but long-term low self-esteem seems to be one of the hardest psychological problems to fix. Why this is, I have no idea. Perhaps someone else can offer some ideas.

In many cases, long-term mental disorders simply cannot be fixed or cured. However, with psychotherapy and drugs, people can often get much better than they were before. We need to stop thinking in terms of cures and start thinking in terms of amelioration.

I realize that many clinicians insist that most people can be fixed or cured of long-term conditions, but I think they are lying. They are probably trying to drum up business. Many clinicians fear that if word got out that a lot of long-term mentally ill people cannot be fixed or cured, people would stop coming in for therapy. There goes their paycheck. Therapists are a lot more money-oriented than most people believe, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I know this field very well.

Clinicians have nothing to worry about. Even if a lot of conditions could only be ameliorated and not fixed, I am sure a lot of folks would show up to try to get some improvement. Some mental disorders are so painful that any improvement feels like a miracle cure to the client. A lot of people have given up on being cured anyway, just want to at least get better and are quite happy to do so.


Filed under Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Health, Medicine, Mental Illness, Mood Disorders, OCD, Personality Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy, Psychotic Disorders, Schizophrenia, Sex, Sociopathy

Newsflash: Many Surgeons are Controlled Sociopaths

A new trick among surgeons is to take one operation and chopping it up into four smaller operations and double their money. There are actually popular seminars for surgeons showing them exactly how to do this. What a sleazy ripoff!

However, many other physicians frown on this scummy behavior. A physician who does this can lose their hospital privileges and get sued. When I worked as a paralegal, most of my time there was spent working on the defense of a sociopathic lowlife physician who did exactly that, and that was exactly what was happening to him. Local hospitals had revoked his privilege, and a number of his former patients were justifiably suing his crooked ass. And I was getting paid to legally defend this guy. It was morally trying to make a living defending slugs like this, but the money was good, and I sloughed off the guilt. Doubt if I would do it again though. Some jobs actually cause moral injury, in my opinion.

This arrogant dirtbag was suing the hospitals who had revoked his privileges! And we were helping him do that, and getting paid from his unlimited money supply in the process. The arrogance. I see narcissism, and it looks like some sociopathy too.

It’s not well known, but many physicians are controlled psychopaths. The field of surgery is full of them. And you wondered why so many surgeons have the reputation of being the worst arrogant physicians of them all. These professionals have learned to channel their sociopathy into quasi-legal avenues in order to become “legal criminals.” But these folks do a lot of damage. Look at our politicians corporate executives? Just how many are not controlled psychopaths?


Filed under Ethics, Health, Law, Medicine, Mental Illness, Narcissism, Operations, Personality, Personality Disorders, Philosophy, Psychology, Psychopathology, Scum, Sociopathy

Updated July 16: Profile of the Evansdale Child Killer

This is an update to my previous profile. The previous profile was of the Evansdale Child Killer, but I also thought maybe he was responsible for the Delphi Murders. I have now decided that he was not involved in the Delphi Murders at all despite a remarkable set of coincidences between the two. However, I continue to believe that he did the Evansdale Child Murders either alone or with an accomplice.

I have added quite a few things to the profile and I removed all references to the Delphi crimes. I have more to add, so this may be updated later.

Note to commenters: Please stop referring to Unsub as a pedophile. He may well be one, but that’s something that can be determined from this crime as it was not a pedophilic offense. Instead, this was a hebephilic offense. And the perpetrator could certainly be seen as a hebephile, although he’s not necessarily one. If you want to refer to the nature of the offense, use the word hebephilic instead of pedophilic. If you wish to refer to Unsub’s paraphilia, please refer to him as a hebephile and not a pedophile.

Thank you so much for this. I am getting tired of words being misused. And now we are being scientific on the board.

Note 2 to commenters: I am really getting sick and tired of saying this, but most of the material below is made up of rumors and my own opinions and theories. None of that is represented as fact. The only thing that is represented as fact as statements sourced from LE or the media.

And incidentally, the way I wrote up the case is precisely how detectives work a case. Detectives do not work cases using the scientific method. If they did, they would hardly solve one case. It’s more “We believe this for now…this is true for now…at the moment, this is what we think happened…we believe…” They are throwing out endless theories about what really happened and accepting them as (temporary) facts. They are then continuously revising and throwing out theories and creating new ones.

Being  a detective is about being wrong. Not just once, but being wrong over and over so many times your head will want to come off. If you can’t handle being wrong, then detective work is surely not for you. Finally detectives arrive at enough information to file a case against someone, but a lot of that is not factual either. They believe he did the crime. They believe that this, that, or the other happened with no way to really prove it – it’s just what they conjecture.

If he is convicted, then the theory that he did the crime is validated as fact, but I am not sure what other evidence is. And even court decisions are not scientific fact because they get overturned all the time. There are not a whole lot of 100% certain, clear scientific facts in LE work, detective work on the judicial system itself. A good portion of the decisions made turn out to be theories, temporary but unstable facts, beliefs, hunches and guesswork, all represented as fact in the court.

If you have issues with theories, opinions and what not, just quit reading and get the Hell off my site right now and never come back. I am really getting sick and tired of this BS.

Profile of the Evansdale Child Killer

by Robert Lindsay

The initial Unsub profile of the Evansdale Child Killer was written on February 25 with an update on February 28. I have updated it a lot with new information. Major changes were made in the profile.

I have been wrong many times in the past about all sorts of things, and of course I could be completely wrong about this too. But this time, I do strongly believe that the Unsub described below may be the man responsible for both of this crime.  

I am not a professional in this area. I am amateur, a dilettante. This is done more for my own entertainment as a hobby than as a profession. I do not claim that this profile is an accurate behavioral profile of the Unsub of the sort that the FBI produces regularly. I am just some amateur who is fooling around. So keep that in mind.

I am not stating this as fact. Things below may or may not be true. I believe much of the below is true because I have been able to document it as fact. Other things are more up in the air and are simply opinions that are strongly held by me. 


First of all, let us look briefly at the crime.

More than one killer? This is not known. The fact that Unsub may be a member of a network of pedophiles adds weight to the theory that he may have had a partner. Perhaps the network brings men together who share common criminal interests.

Purpose of killings? There has been much suggestion of why these killings occurred, to try to prevent identification, for sex trafficking, or a mistake because one of the girls ran, scream or freaked out. None of these are true. This pair of girls was abducted for the specific purpose of rape and murder for thrills. These were thrill kills. Unsub is the sort of man who gets a strong erection when he thinks about raping and murdering little girls. This is what gets him off. As the intention was murder from the start, sadly neither girl stood a chance.

How did Unsub arrive at the crime scene? He drove to it with his vehicle, parked it near the abduction site, and abducted the girls.

Where are the girls raped and murdered? I believe that both girls were quickly removed from the abduction sites and taken away somewhere to a motorhome where they were raped and murdered. These motorhome was parked in a remote, out of the way place for three weeks. At some point during this three week period, the girls were raped and killed.

Disposition of victims. After he raped and murdered the girls, he drove them to a dump spot. In Evansdale, it was 20 miles away from the abduction site.

Body dump spot: The bodies were dumped at near a stream in a park.

Abduction zone: Unsub committed his abductions in parks near bodies of water like streams, that have one or more bridges, especially railroad bridges.

Dump zone: After he killed the girls, he dumped the bodies 20 miles away.

Crime time: The crime was committed on the 13th of the month, possibly because 13 is an unlucky number. The crimes were committed on Friday the 13th, which is an especially unlucky day.

Sick humor: Unsub seems to have a sick sense of humor. He abducts and kills on unlucky days like the 13th as if to say, “This is your unlucky day, girls! Rape and murder, ha ha!”

Left town and did not come back for some time: Unsub left town the day of the abductions. No one knew where he was, but I believe that he took the girls away in his motorhome to a very remote place where he raped and tortured them. He stayed there for three weeks. At some point, in this three week period, the girls were raped and murdered. He was not seen at any point while he in this remote place.

Destroys evidence by three weeks: Unsub worked very carefully to remove all evidence within three weeks of the killings. He sold the motorhome three weeks after the abduction, but first he cleaned it very thoroughly, wiping down the whole structure. removing newspapers or pillows from the windows and throwing away all sheets.

Method of killing:  Unknown. I believe he really enjoys this part of the crime. This is where the crime reaches an ultimate peak experience for Unsub, a once in a lifetime great feeling or rush.

Unsub is 59 years old.

Unsub is a pedophile, a heterosexual pedophile. He likes little girls from age 2-12, mostly around age 6-10.

Unsub may be a nonpreferential pedophile. That means he is may also attracted to adult females, and he may enjoy having sex with them regularly. Not all pedophiles are exclusive. Nevertheless, his sexual preference is for girls age 6-10. His attraction to adult females is lower than to little girls, but may still be adequate for adult heterosexual functioning. He does not like women his own age though. If approached by a woman his own age, he will tell her that he only dates young women. If he dates adult women at all, he will probably confine himself to the youngest ones possible. He has had sex with boys in the past, but only if he dresses them up in girls’ clothes so they look like girls, as he is a heterosexual pedophile

Unsub is also sexual sadist. He has been a sexual sadist since no later than age 14, but he has been repressing the sexual sadism at least to the extent of not being murderous. At some point before five years ago, this control has broken down and is no longer repressed. This has coincided with an increasingly menacing look to him.

In appearance, Unsub is balding with white hair. In the past, he had stringy long blond hair. He had a goatee and mustache in recent years, but lately he has shaved most of it off except for a mustache and bit of a goatee.

Unsub looks downward instead of looking people straight in the eye. This could give the impression of “looking down at others.” This is intentional, as I feel that Unsub does indeed look down on others. He thinks very highly of himself, is narcissistic and thinks he is better than others. He also thinks he can outsmart police, and I believe he has been doing just that for the last five years when he has been getting away with murder.

Unsub altered his appearance since the Evansdale murders. In the past he had rather long stringy blond hair, a mustache and a goatee. He altered his appearance after the  Evansdale killings by shaving off the beard.

In the past, Unsub was often smiling and seemed happy go lucky. He looked harmless enough. He was surely molesting children, but he was not violent yet, so his face remained open and friendly.

In recent years, Unsub’s face has gotten angrier. He has been slowly developing an air of menace. This is because he has been transforming from a nonviolent pedophile into a violent pedophile. While in the past his fantasies were about non-coerced sex with children, they have now turned much more violent, and now he mostly fantasizes about rape and murder of girls age 6-10. Why he changed from a nonviolent to a violent pedophile is not known.

Unsub was paunchy for most of his adult life from age 40 on. Around 15 years ago at age 45 and probably for some time prior, he was heavier. His excess weight mostly went to his width, so he looked something like a football lineman. After age 45, he lost a lot of that weight. He has retained somewhat of a paunch since at least age 40. From 2012-present, he remained with this thinner frame, but I believe he retains a paunch to this day.

Unsub is not a happy serial killer. Instead he is a tormented one. Since the murders, he has grown much darker. He has also aged prematurely and looks much older than he did even a few years prior to the murders. His smile is gone and has been replaced by a look of sadness and especially rage. Now he looks downright mean. His friends have reacted to this by telling him he has aged. Others said things like, “Cheer up! Smile!”

Somehow this double homicide aged him and made him much sadder and angrier. This means that the Evansdale killings significantly stressed him out. Even though these type of crimes stress him out, he still commits them. That is because he is driven in some way to commit crimes like this. It is a sort of addiction. He is addicted to rape and murder.

Unsub has few hobbies other than pedophilia. He likes to hang out in local places like taverns, coffee shops, pool halls, etc. Here he likes to relax with friends and shoot the bull. He is a member of a pool-shooting league.

Unsub’s writing appears somewhat uneducated. He makes some spelling errors that an educated American never makes. However, in his rural Iowa area, he is about as educated as most people he knows, as most of them write about as poorly as he does.

His IQ is not particularly high. It is probably ~105-110, but he probably acts less intelligent than that. This can be seen in his poor writing style.

Unsub graduated from high school. He graduated from a religious college. Unsub is not good at completing scholarly tasks. He starts them and quits or takes a long time to fulfill his educational goals. For instance, he took 10-15 years to complete a four year college degree. He has a hard time sticking to tasks and has a tendency to drag things out. Why he does this is not known.

Unsub’s employment is working class. He repairs objects in some way. He is quite good mechanically. He works as a computer consultant or repairman, a mechanic, a truck or school bus driver, or at a factory.

However, he has the same desultory attitude towards work as he has towards school. Bottom line is that Unsub is a bit lazy. He would rather kick back and enjoy himself than work or go to school. He has a problem with sticking to either work  or school. Many tasks are started but never finished, but this does not bother Unsub much.

Unsub has not always been like this. This lackadaisical style developed in middle age. As a young man, he was much more productive. At one point he even owned his own business. I am not sure about how successful this business was though.

Unsub was in the US military. He participated in one of our Middle Eastern wars. I do not know when he joined the military. However, he  suffered some sort of an injury in service and was sectioned out. This was about 25 years ago.

I believe Unsub is quite religious. He is an evangelical Protestant Christian like so many in the surrounding area. He graduated from a religious college. He is probably very active in his local church, where he is regarded no doubt regarded as a great man. He probably has a number of friends through this church. How he reconciles his strong religious faith with raping and murdering little girls is hard to figure.

Although he has been losing his looks since his mid-50’s, Unsub was an attractive man until quite recently. He had a sexy appearance in a sort of bad boy, devilish way. He appeared masculine and handsome in a tough guy way.

Women in the local area were attracted to him due to his good looks. Even after age 50, he continued to attract attractive, sexy women all the way down to age 30. A number of the local younger women used to think he is “hot” or “cute.” No doubt this has gone to his head somewhat, and he thinks of himself as a ladies man.

Unsub is a fixated pedophile and has been so since age 14 at the latest. His pedophilia is one of the major themes of his life. I do not believe he has been controlling his pedophilia, and I think he has been molesting girls for quite some time. He may have gotten quite good at it. I believe that many people do not realize that he is a pedophile. He is still probably close to some members of his family and their friends. They probably do not suspect him of being a pedophile.

Unsub has married two, and he has a number of children and stepchildren through these marriages. Relations with one ex-wife probably are not good. The marriage ended bitterly, and there were some court battles with the ex-wife accusing Unsub of various outrages in an attempt to get full custody of the children. They had joint custody for a while, but there were big scenes and battles associated with this, so it didn’t work out well. Unsub and the ex-wife have engaged in big fights in public in broad daylight.

At least one of his ex-wives has a low opinion of him. This is because she has experienced his sociopathy firsthand. Unsub was been very mean and cruel to her during their marriage.

This ex-wife is now deathly afraid of Unsub and regularly tell people this. She accuses him publicly of being a pedophile and a sociopath. She considers Unsub to be a very dangerous person. She has accused him publicly of molesting specific girls and even boys. She tried to turn him in over this, but it didn’t go anywhere. If asked about this, Unsub probably says she is making this up as a bitter ex-wife.

I believe his children may also suspect Unsub of being a pedophile. Nevertheless, they continued to visit him in joint custody after the murders. However, after some court battles, his ex-wife has now retained sole custody of most of the children. Unsub retained custody of no more than one child. In addition, the ex-wife has moved out of the area quite a ways away to another state. Her location is 400-600 miles away from her previous one.

The ex-wife has several children of her own, four or more. The ex-wife continued to have kids into her 40’s. I believe that Unsub has molested at least some of his children and that this molestation went on for years. I believe he dressed two of his stepsons up like girls and molested them for years. I am unsure of how good his relationship is with his children, but at least some of them accuse him of being a pedophile. The children are all minors or they were when Unsub was still married.

Unsub has not always resided in the Iowa area. He was born in Ohio. Then he lived for a decade in Texas. Then he lived for 19 years in Tennessee. He moved to Iowa ~25 years ago, when he was ~35 years old.

The killer does not live in either Evansdale. He’s not that stupid. But I do believe he lives or at least used to live near there. He resides or used close to Evansdale.

I believe that Unsub took the Iowa girls to a motorhome of his. He then drove the motorhome to a remote area somewhere and was not seen for three weeks when he was in this place.  Within 12 hours of the Evansdale abduction, he left the area in  Evansdale where he was staying with a relative. He stayed away for at least three weeks.

It was in this motorhome that he raped and killed those girls. He blocked out the windows with either pillows or newspapers and may have even soundproofed the vehicle in order to do this. Afterwards he cleaned the motorhome as thoroughly as he could.

Unsub does not have a lot of money, but I  he owns or did own a modest home in Iowa close to Evansdale. He may used to own a motorhome which he used in this crime and then disposed of. His principal residence has the appearance of a sparsely or poorly-furnished bachelor residence. The walls are white with a white carpet. It is not even well-lit inside, and the residence has a dim look about it, even in daytime.

Unsub is is divorced and he lives alone. He probably has little girls over at his residence from time to time, but I am not sure if he molests them there or not. He has some photographs of little girls in his residence. I do not know if he collects child pornography, but he probably has a significant collection of photos of cute little girls obtained in a variety of places. He has some photos of himself with a little girl or two next to him.

Unsub continues to drive a fairly nice car. This car is a red Ford compact.

In the Evansdale killings, there was talk of a white SUV in the area where the girls disappeared. It was never proven to have any connection with the murders. I believe that Unsub used that white SUV to commit the Evansdale crimes. It is known that he did own a white SUV around 2012-2013, but it was broken down when last photographed. Nevertheless, photographs do show a white SUV parked next to his garage.

Unsub seems to take these murders rather hard. They take their toll on him. The Delphi Murders upset him because for a time he was considered a suspect but I believe he did not commit the Delphi Murders and has been ruled out. However, he is aware that people are now actively linking him to the Evansdale killings, and this is making him worried and highly stressed out. A couple of months ago, Unsub vanished from his central Iowa city. He seemed to vanish off the face of the Earth and has not been seen since. I believe he was feeling the heat from being a Delphi suspect and he is also worried that more people are pointing the finger at him over the Evansdale murders.

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Filed under Crime, Criminology, Girls, Iowa, Law enforcement, Lolitas, Mental Illness, Midwest, Pedophilia, Personality Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Regional, Serial Killers, Sex, Sociology, Sociopathy, USA

Psychopathology of Serial Murderers

The primary problem with almost all serial killers is simply ASPD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, derived sociopathy or primary psychopathy. It is present in almost 100% of such cases. Most everything else is rather secondary to this primary character disorder, which is the most prominent symptom.

Very rare is the serial killer without this disorder, although there have been a few. I remember a long-distance trucker who turned himself when he walked into a Northern California police station with a woman’s breast in his top shirt pocket. He had camped out in forests while trucking and had picked up women and killed them. He kept the body of one in the truck for three or four days and drove around with it.

Experts said he was quite unusual in that they said he actually felt bad about what he had done. I wonder how bad he really felt though. You could not get me to drive around in a truck with a dead woman in the back for very long. I would go into severe panic pretty fast, would stop the truck, get out and start walking or probably running away. I would not be able to walk around with a woman’s breast in my shirt for long either. I would completely panic almost right away, take the shirt off, throw it on the ground and start running. But then I am a pretty guilty type person with a strong conscience.

Based on that, while I am sure he may have felt some guilt for his killings, the fact that he was able to drive around in a truck with a dead woman in the  back for 3-4 days shows without completely flipping out shows to me that he didn’t feel that much guilt, certainly not on the level that most of us would. And the fact that he could rather calmly walk into a police station with a cut off breast in his pocket without flying into total panic shows to me that he didn’t feel that bad about it. So guilt, even when it is present, is not as strong as in most of us, otherwise they would not have even done such horrible things in the first place.

Sexual sadism is also often present, and I have heard that Sadistic Personality Disorder is very common. Juvenile delinquency, voyeurism, exhibitionism, burglary, prowling, petty thievery, etc. typically precede the serial killings. When the serial killer starts killing, he usually has a fairly long rap sheet of more minor offenses. The murders are best seen as an escalation of a chronic criminal character type.

The ones who kill children are typically though not always preferential or fixated pedophiles. Certainly the ones who kill only children are preferential pedophiles. There is a type of pedophile called a mysoped, which is a sadistic pedophile. They are not very common. I doubt if 5% of pedophiles are like this, but these people are very dangerous. Probably almost all serial child killers are mysopeds and these crimes often have a sexual basis.

95% of rapists are the type that rarely if ever go serial, but the sadistic rapist, composed of no more than 5% of rapists, is very dangerous. Most if not all rapist serial killers are sadistic rapists.

The rage rapist is dangerous, but he generally does not intend to kill his victim although he assault her. If she fights back or gets difficult, he can fly into a rage and beat her so badly that she dies but again he usually does not intend to kill. I doubt if these types go serial much if at all. Serial killers intend to kill; rage rapists do not.

Malignant narcissism, the disorder, believe it or not, of our wonderful President, is also present sometimes. Ted Bundy was a malignant narcissist. Yes, our wonderful President has the same mental illness as Ted Bundy! Comforting thought.

A few have Schizoid Personality Disorder, and some of the more disturbed ones have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Schizotypal, Paranoid and Narcissistic Personality Disorders are rare if ever seen in serial killers. Schizotypals are probably too disorganized and decompensated and just out and out strange to commit such crimes. The serial killer must blend in, and schizotypals do not do that. A few schizotypals have committed mass murders. James Holmes the Aurora Batman Theater Shooter, was a notable case. But note that he was caught immediately.

Paranoid PD is rarely if ever seen. These people tend to be rather retiring and like to hide away from a hostile world. They also do not like to call attention to themselves from a hostile world. They are suspicious and distrustful by nature and this makes it hard for them to blend in well with ordinary society as serial killers often do.

Narcissists are usually too self-centered to kill. While narcissists are often very mean, the disorder is usually well-controlled in that the rage rarely escalates to homicide. There have been a few cases of NPD’s committing mass murder, usually of their families.

The case of Jeffrey MacDonald, the mass murdering physician of Fatal Vision, seems to be such a case. This is a superb true crime case by the way.

Also narcissists think that if they kill, they will get caught, and if they are in prison or jail they will not be able to live this wonderful life they are supposed to be killing. They are “too cool to kill.” Killing would mess up all their wonderful plans to exploit others and hold them up to contempt by millions of people, which the narcissist would have a hard time taking. The narcissist is “too good for prison.” Prison would be such a crushing blow to their self-image that it would very hard to take.

However, malignant narcissists can be very dangerous because this is a combination of psychopathy, sadism, Paranoid PD and Narcissistic PD. When you weaponize NPD with paranoia, sadism and particularly psychopathy, you create a dangerous illness.

Cluster C Personality Disorders like Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder, Self-Defeating Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder are rarely if ever present in these types. These are PD’s where aggression is mostly displayed passively, and serial killers display aggression actively, not passively.

Mood disorders do not seem to be common. Bipolar Disorder is not common, and serial killers are rarely if ever depressed. They displace guilt and loathing outwards instead of pushing it inside of themselves as depressives do. Depressives are passive, and depression acts as sort of a freezing agent in that it tends to immobilize people by its nature. Men in general tend to either experience less depression than women or mask it with other things such as anger and rage, drinking, drugs, gambling, promiscuity or even workaholism. It is simply not acceptable as a man to be depressed, so depressed men simply channel their depression into other things and say they are not depressed, they are just drunks or workaholics, for instance.

Substance and alcohol abuse issues are quite common with serial killers, but the better ones are more sober, as drinkers and dopers tend to be scattered and unreliable and serial killers must be on the ball  24-7.

Only a few are psychotic. 2% of serial killers are psychotic. Psychotic people can barely organize a trip to the bathroom. How are they going to plot out elaborate and professional serial homicides?

They are motivated by many things, but your typical rape-murders of murders of attractive young women almost always have a sexual component. I would call these serial killings lust murders. The Germans coined the term. Even among the lust-murders, there are a number of different types. Some are motivated by purely sexual desires, others get off specifically on killing and the power gained from it, others are hunter types who get pleasure from the hunt and chase as if they were hunting an animal, which they are of course, but when we refer to hunters, we are always talking about hunters of non-human animals.


Filed under Alcohol, Antisocial, Borderline, Crime, Criminology, Depressants, Depression, Intoxicants, Mental Illness, Mood Disorders, Narcissism, Narcissistic, Pedophilia, Personality, Personality Disorders, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotic Disorders, Schizotypal, Serial Killers, Sex, Sociology, Sociopathy

America: We’re Number One!

Time to rejoice, patriotards! America is Number One again, like it always is!

Donald Trump came in first place, beating out all contenders, for the stupidest President in US history. Yep, he really is a dummy. He’s so dumb, he can’t even read! Trump is so dumb, they asked him to spell dumb and he said, “Dum!” America! We’re Number One!

I guess the question is, “Is Trump nuts or is he dumb?” It’s a good question. He’s obviously nuts. He has a severe personality disorder. In fact, Donald Trump is a diagnosed psychopath. He fits in perfectly with his psychopathic political party and it’s sociopathic voters. America! We’re Number One! Number One is sociopathy! So not only is he nuts, but he’s also evil.

It’s really a trick question. He’s nuts and he’s evil and not only that, but he is severely fucktarded. The guy can’t even read. I mean c’mon man. Little children can do that. Little tiny children can actually read books, something the Presidunce of the United States can’t do. Little tiny children are smarter than the POTUS. Pitiful!


Filed under Dangerous Idiots, Idiots, Mental Illness, Personality Disorders, Politics, Psychology, Psychopathology, Regional, Republicans, Sociopathy, US Politics, USA