
A country in Europe
The number of individual languages listed for Poland is 21. All are living languages. Of these, 7 are indigenous and 14 are non-indigenous. Furthermore, 4 are institutional, 10 are developing, 3 are vigorous, and 4 are dying.
Official Name
Republic of Poland

38,427,000 (2015 census)

Principal Languages
Literacy Rate
100% (2016 UNESCO)
Immigrant Languages
Arabic (2,380), Bulgarian (1,700), English (80,900), French (8,890), Italian (7,730), Spanish (4,640), Vietnamese (3,970)
General References
Campbell and King 2011, Comrie 1987, Schenker and Stankiewicz 1980
Deaf Population
50,000–2,342,000 (1998)
Language Counts
The number of individual languages listed for Poland is 21. All are living languages. Of these, 7 are indigenous and 14 are non-indigenous. Furthermore, 4 are institutional, 10 are developing, 3 are vigorous, and 4 are dying.
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