Monthly Archives: August 2017

Robert Stark Interview: Alt Left Chaos Magic with Brandon Adamson


You all should know who he is by now. He blogs under Rabbit at, and he is one of the very first early Alt Leftists. Although he is controversial due to racial views and his association with the Left Wing of the Alt Right, I still think he is one of our most important thinkers.

Furthermore, his racial views are exaggerated. I would say that the difference between the Alt Right (AR) and the Left Wing of the Alt Right (LWAR) is that the real AR types are real hardcore racists who are open about their views, have extreme views and are not afraid  to talk about them, often use slurs and and hostile language about non-Whites, and pose drastic solutions, usually some form of White Separatism which would not be completely nonviolent. They also use a lot of White Supremacist and Nazi imagery.

The LWAR, on the other hand, usually does not use slurs and hostile language towards non-Whites, and in fact they often do not discuss race much at all. I think Rabbit would mostly like to be writing about other things, and race is only a small part of his Alt Left project. The LWAR types have much less extreme views and propose less extreme solutions to the racial question.

For instance, Rabbit says he does not with to harm any non-Whites in the US in any way, and he doesn’t want to carve out a White state in the US, which would obviously require some type of ethnic cleansing. Instead, Rabbit takes a very long view and is much more of a dreamer. Sure he would rather not live around non-Whites, but he wants to establish his White State in places like Patagonia, Antarctica or even outer space. He sometimes describes himself as a “Space Communist.” 

Given that the LWAR views on race are more polite and their solutions are less extreme, I have a hard time understanding why Rabbit has become such a persona non grata in much of the Alt Left, especially considering that he was one of the founders.

I still believe that Rabbit is one of our finest and most important thinkers, and he is an excellent writer. In fact, he has a book of poems out called Beatnik Fascism. I imagine it’s pretty good. His views on nonracial matters are intelligent, important and deserve an audience.

I get the feeling that Rabbit is uncomfortable writing about his racial views. I figure that is because he is basically a liberal or Leftist, let’s face it. And when Lefties go racist, they often don’t go too far down the line because there is always that liberal antiracist guilt nagging away at you causing you to tone down and attenuate your racial views. And it is for this reason that the LWAR will always be a lot more toned down and reasonable on race than the AR. Racists with a guilt complex usually can’t go real far down that racist road they’re on. The guilt keeps pulling them back.

Alt Left Chaos Magic With Brandon Adamson

Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Brandon Adamson. Brandon blogs at, is the author of Beatnik Fascism, and has a Youtube channel Self Checkout.


Brandon’s Official Response to Trump’s Remarks on the Alt Left.
The context of Trump using the term “Alt-Left” to describe the antifa as opposed to the original Alt Left.
The media’s references to Brandon’s Alt Left site and how the only semi-accurate one was The Week’s article.
Confusing political hacks with esoteric outlandish cultural references.
The “Orange Pill.”
How the less aggro elements of the Left and the Alt Right should combine forces for single payer health care, student debt relief, and dismantling the College Football Industrial Complex.
How massive online censorship forces people to build alternative tech universes.
Corporations enforcing a uniform culture of consensus among workers.
Companies policing employees behavior outside of work.
Why a 6 hour work day would be more efficient.
People Don’t Think Universal Basic Income Be Like It Is but It Do.
New Suburbanism.



Filed under Anti-Racism, Conservatism, Culture, Economics, Health, Higher Education, Journalism, Labor, Left, Liberalism, Political Science, Politics, Racism, Republicans, Sports, US Politics, White Racism

Where Have All the Catholics Gone?

In recent years, the US Catholic Church is undergoing a crisis. Fully 1/3 of its members have left the Church, even with all the Hispanic immigration. For the Church, this is a looming catastrophe. This is happening at the same time as Evangelical Protestants are increasing somewhat (8% increase) and mainline Protestants are declining somewhat (4%). There has been collapse in the membership of the mainline churches and the Evangelical churches are not undergoing explosive growth. Both of these are common tropes believed by many people nowadays.

If fully 1/3 of Catholics have left the church, this begs the question of where have they gone? I thought, once a Catholic, always a Catholic and in the sense that they take a bite out of you and psychologically, you tend to remain Catholic for good and for bad is a common cliche. I believe that the Church considers lapsed Catholics to still be Catholics, but that is a formality. The Church believes lots of silly things, for instance that we are all naturally born Catholic no matter religion we grow up in. That is why conversion to Catholicism is always called “return” because you are said to be returning to the natural religion you were born into.

In the past, converting out of Catholicism was considered a grave error and even a serious sin. I believed that Catholics were still loathe to convert to Protestantism, other than in the Hispanic community, where a mass exodus of Catholics to Evangelical churches has been going on for a long time in both Hispanic communities in the US and in Latin America itself. The situation is especially grave in Central America. Countries like Honduras now are ~1/3 Evangelical. As lousy as the Catholic Church is (and it is lousy) I would much rather have those Hispanics being Catholic than converting to pie in the sky when you die we love the poor but don’t try to improve your station in life ultra-rightwing anti-Left and anti-progress Protestant Evangelicals, with its various heresies such as Christian Zionism and Wealth Doctrine and other atrocities.

But Evangelical Hispanics are stuck in the worst rut of reaction. One wonders how they c can get out.

I used to think the most Catholics were absolutely loath to convert out to Protestantism, but it’s more common than you think and the Church hardly cares anymore, as they have more pressing concerns. Let’s look at the figures:

Of the 1/3 of Catholics who have left the Church:

50% have simply gone from Catholic to ex-Catholic. They have converted to Protestantism or another religion. Apparently nowadays it is perfectly acceptable to be a former Catholic. That’s news to me.

18% have converted to Protestantism. That is not a large number, but it is not trivial either.

Of those, 12% of leaving Catholics convert to Evangelical Protestantism. I would argue that these are mostly Hispanic Catholics converting out to the exploding Evangelical churches in the Hispanic areas of the US. I’ve never met a White Catholic who converted out to Evangelicalism, but there are probably a few.

Only 6% of leaving Catholics convert to a mainline Protestant Church. That’s a small number, but it’s not trivial.

In fact, more Catholics convert to Buddhism (10%) than convert to mainline Protestant churches. That’s a pretty pathetic statement on how many Catholics leave for mainline P Protestantism.

There’s no good answer on why Catholics leave. Sure, liberals say that they leave because of reactionary Church doctrine on homosexuality, women priests marrying, priestly celibacy, birth control, and abortion. In contrast, conservatives say that Catholics are leaving because they Church has gone way too liberal, especially since Vatican II.

The truth that about equal numbers leave because the Church is too liberal as leave because it is too conservative. There’s no real trends either way. It’s all a wash.

Actually the main reason Catholics left (65%) was that they felt that the Catholic Church was no longer meeting their spiritual needs. This is a serious failure on the part of the Church. I am not sure what they can do about it, but ritual only goes so far. More New Testament Biblical homilies, especially about Jesus’ life, might be an avenue.


Filed under Buddhism, Catholicism, Central America, Christianity, Conservatism, Hispanics, Honduras, Latin America, Liberalism, Political Science, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Religion, USA

In Latin America, Hispanics Are Much Better off Catholic Than Converting to Evangelical Protestantism

At least Hispanic Catholics have the potential to go in a Left direction, and there is a long history in Latin America of them doing just that, especially with the explosion in the great Liberation Theology movement of the last fifty years. The Catholic Church, always a mechanism of stasis and reaction in the reaction in the region, has now also become a nearly revolutionary force since the early 1960’s. Camilo Torres is not some made-up person. He really existed.

The Sandinistas and the FMLN are both Catholics and Leftist. The ELN Colombian guerrillas were always Catholics, and their original leader was a priest with an AK-47. The Chavistas in Venezuela are Leftist and very Catholic.

Believers are now allowed to join the Cuban Communist Party, and there has been a lot of intellectual ferment in recent decades in Cuba around notions of Catholic Communism and the like. Actually there is a long tradition of Catholic Communism predating even Liberation Theology going all the way back to the 1930’s in Eastern Europe. Leftwing Catholics have been arguing that Catholics can be Communists for nearly a century.

How many Protestants do you see making arguments like that? Along with all of the idiocy and reaction of their backwards rules, at least Catholics in general seem to have a much greater tendency to go left, socialist or even Communist, and that tendency seems to be baked right into the religion. The Catholic Worker movement in the US is a good example. How many Protestant movements like the Catholic Worker movement sprung up back then? Basically zero.


Filed under Caribbean, Catholicism, Central America, Christianity, Colombia, Cuba, Economics, Europe, Hispanics, Latin America, Left, Marxism, Nicaragua, Race/Ethnicity, Regional, Religion, Revolution, Socialism, South America, Venezuela

Is It Possible for One to be Homoromantic While Being Heterosexual, Since It’s Possible to Be Asexual but Homoromantic/Heteroromantic?

That is absolutely not possible at all. The romantic side always goes towards the strongest orientation. Let’s think about what this means. Let us think of a man in this situation.

Heterosexual means you are mostly turned on by the opposite own sex and have little or no attraction to your own sex. So this man has maximal attraction to females and little or no (let’s call it zero) attraction to males.

Now we are trying to say that this completely heterosexual man somehow can only fall in love with a man (when he has zero attraction to men) and can never fall in love with a woman? How likely is that? It simply would never happen.

I have known some women who had sex with men and women. Two identified as lesbian even though they were 25–75’s on the scale. They said they were somewhat attracted to men but much more so to women. At any rate, they could only fall in love with a woman, so they identified as lesbian.

I knew another woman like this who had sex with both genders. She told me that she did not identify as bisexual because she didn’t do relationships with women. She had little sexual flings with them but nothing serious. She told me that this is because relationships with women were completely insane – endless drama and chaos. Of course we men have known this forever, so it’s nice to hear bi women chime in.

The case of George Michael is very interesting. He is always reported as being gay, but the truth is that he was a very strong bisexual. I believe he was lined up to be gay biologically, but he would not figure that out until his sex drive came on. Somehow he got very interested in girls since a very young age, and by the time puberty hit, he was already strongly attracted to girls.

Then the biology hit with a rush of huge attraction for men, and he also realized that he could only fall in love with a man. As you can see, romantic attraction attaches to the strongest and most biological attraction. However, he was still very attracted to women and had regular sex with many of them all through his 20’s. He finally stopped because he was seriously bisexual, he was lying to all these women, and he did not want to deceive them. So he quit having sex with women and just focused on men. But he retained a high level of attraction to women until he died.

So, you can be:

  • Homosexual and homoromantic (all gay men).
  • Bisexual and homoromantic (George Michael).
  • Asexual and homoromantic (apparently).

But there is no way you can be:

  • Heterosexual and homoromantic.

It’s makes no sense at all. I would be surprised if one human identified that way.

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Filed under Celebrities, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Psychology, Romantic Relationships, Sex

Okay, So I Don’t Have a Problem with Gays—in Fact, I’m Friends with a Few—but I Think Being Gay Is Unnatural, and I Don’t Support It. After All, Why Would I Support Something That I Am Not? Is This Bad?

Answered on Queera, I mean Quora. Good God, that site is gay. That must be one of the gayest sites on the Net. Full-on SJW on steroids, support for every bit of sexual and gender weirdness, perversions, deviants or weirdness. And then fanatically pro-Israel. That’s liberalism now. Fanatically pro-SJW to the point of insanity and then pro-Israel, ultra-reactionary on foreign policy and support for settler colonialism, imperialism and one of the worst countries on Earth.

The only thing SJW’s are liberal or Left on is their SJW bullshit. They’re not necessarily Left on anything else, especially foreign policy. I sure see a lot of Humanitarian Bomber Liberals among these SJW clowns.

SJW on Culture, neoconservative on foreign policy. Good Lord that is like the worst of the Left combined with the worst of the Right.

As a straight male, I understand that you are repulsed by male homosexuality. Most straight men experience revulsion at the thought of male homosexual sex. This is a perfectly natural way to feel.

Do you realize that the vast majority of males who openly identify as gay had absolutely no choice in the matter? Do you realize that there is no cure for male homosexuality? We have tried everything in the lab, and it cannot be fixed. We can’t even move men 10% in either direction after age 15. Male sexual orientation is set in stone by age 15 at least.

Look. These guys had no choice when it comes to being gay. They had no more choice than a blue eyed person chooses their blue eyes. And no matter how much they hate being gay, they will never be able to be straight or even bisexual.

I believe most straight men are homophobic at least in the sense of strong revulsion at the idea of gay sex. That’s completely normal. On the other hand, we have to be kind. Even if we are revolted by the idea of gay sex, we straight men must realize that these men did not choose to be gay, and there is nothing on Earth that can make them straight or even bi.

How can you hate someone over something they had no choice over? It’s like hating blond haired people for being blond.

Male homosexuality is indeed unnatural. There are about zero cases of preferential male homosexuality in the animal kingdom. There is no corollary in the animal world to males who are exclusively into males and not into females at all. Occasional homosexual dabbling which occurs in many species is absolutely not the same thing as purely gay human males. No comparison.

Male homosexuality is probably caused by hormonal fluctuations in utero. Sure it’s unnatural, but so are similar things like abnormal fingerprints, left-handedness, etc. We can handle it if ~3% of men are gay. The sky won’t fall.

Even though it is unnatural, these men did not choose this orientation. Therefore, even if it is unnatural, we straights have to accept these men fully and wish for them as happy and healthy of lives that we wish for ourselves. We don’t have to associate with gay men, make friends with them, or even talk to them. But complete rejection and blatant animus seem immoral for most any perspective of moral philosophy and from the doctrine of many religions. How many religions say you should hate people for things they cannot control? We must support them, even if from a distance.

You don’t have to jump up and down and cheer for gay men. But I think you ought to grant gay men full rights, all of the rights that you wish for yourself.

Here’s hoping you read this.


Filed under Civil Rights, Colonialism, Conservatism, Cultural Marxists, Ethics, Gender Studies, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Imperialism, Israel, Liberalism, Man World, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Philosophy, Political Science, Regional, Religion, Scum, Settler-Colonialism, Sex

Which is More Important for a Better Society, Empathy or Intelligence?

Answered on Quora. Some loudmouthed prick picked a huge fight with me about this for no reason at all. Just a total asshole. I went and looked at his profile, and he’s a Jew from Israel. Surprise, surprise. Like I said…Boy they never fail to live up to the lousy stereotypes, huh? I am getting a lot of really hostile comments on this, but as usual, they all wrong and I’m right just like it usually is. People need to stop arguing with me. All this losing they are doing is pathetic.

Bad question. Intelligence is related to empathy in general. The more intelligent a society is, in general the higher its empathy levels will be. And as groups become less and less intelligent, their empathy levels drop correspondingly. Empathy is highly correlated with intelligence.


Filed under Intelligence, Psychology, Sociology

Excellent Proof of the Aryan Invasion Theory

From here.

Aryan invasion

Around 1500 BC, the Indus civilization came, after 2,000 years of prosperity, to a comparatively abrupt end. Conclusive evidence shows that the reason for this decline, in fact the sole reason for it, was an invasion by highly barbaric Aryans. They invaded, destroying the Indus cities and exterminating the native peoples.

1. Archaeological Evidence

1.1 Thick Ash Layers

Thick ash layers occur in the upper strata of many Indus cities. At Nal the last phase of the Zhob-ware was burnt down so much that the mound is known as the Sohr Damb, or the Red Mound, from the reddening of fire. At Dabar Kot the upper 6 feet show 4 thick ash layers that indicate repeated destruction by conflagration and the layers were is associated with the last settlements of Harappa [Piggott 215].

At the Rana Ghundai Mound everywhere overlying the foundation level of the RG IIIc phase there are pockets of ash. Above the RG IIIc phase the pottery is a markedly different from the preceding type, the RG IV phase pottery being painted with coarse bands. RG IV was again destroyed by fire, and the RG V phase is marked by another change in pottery. The RG V pottery is unpainted and contains patterns in relief [Piggott p. 214].

1.2 Fractured Skulls

At Mohenjo-daro, Harappa and Chanhu-daro, skeletons/fragments of skeletons indicate violent massacres in the final stages of the cities’ histories. Huddled skeletons of persons murdered in the streets indicate that the mass deaths were not due to poisonings etc. but were violent [Piggott p. 145].

1.3 Aryan Weaponry

Copper ax-adzes are intrusive at Harappan sites (Harappa, Shahi-tump and Chanhu-daro) but are similar to those found at North Persian sites (Hissar III, Shah Tepe, Turang Tepe) and Akkadian sites. At Assur Sialk B cemetery, the specimens are probably from as late as the 9th century BC) [Piggott p.228].

Swords 1.5 foot long and strengthened at the mid-rib are non-Harappan and are found only in the later strata of the cities. These swords at Mohenjo-daro have a tang and rivet to hold the handle exactly as found in Palestine, where such implements are associated with the Hyksos 1800-1500 BC [Piggott p. 229].

Copper harpoons found in the Indus Valley are similar to those found in Europe and elsewhere in Asia [Piggott p. 237].

1.4 Flooding by Aryan Destruction of Indus Dams

Signs of flooding were discovered in the Indus cities, mainly in the form of silt deposits. It was considered that this flooding could explain the fall of the Indus cities and this was considered the most viable alternative to Aryan Invasion. It was subsequently discovered, however, that flooding had been pinpointed as an alternative explanation to the Aryan Invasion Theory several decades before the actual discovery of the flooding. It is now accepted that the flooding was caused by the Aryans’ destruction of the Indus dam and irrigation system and was merely another aspect of the genocide.

+ He smote Vrtra who encompassed the waters [RgV VI.20.2].

+ He smote Vrtra who enclosed the waters, like a tree with the bolt [RgV II.14.2].

+ He is referred to as `conquering the waters’ (apsujit), which is his prime attribute.

+ Indra let loose the streams after slaying Vrtra [RgV IV.19.8].

+ He cleaves the mountain, making the streams flow [RgV I.57.6; X.89.7], even with the sound of his bolt [RgV VI.27; VI.57.6; II.14.2; IV.19.8; VI.20.2; VI.27.1; X.89.7. ST 368].

In Sanskrit, `vrtra’ is an `obstacle’, and denotes a barrage or blockage [ISISH 70-71]. It is thus a word for `dam’. Dams now called Gebr-band are found on many watercourses of the western parts of the Indus region. Aryans shattered the dam system of the Indus, leading to silt deposits in Mohenjo-daro [S & T 369].

+ When he [Indra] laid open the great mountain, he let loose the torrents and slew the Danava, he set free the pent up springs, the udder of the mountain. [RgV V.32.1-2].

+ He slew the Danava, shattered the great mountain, broke open the well, set free the pent up waters. [RgV I.57.6; V.33.1].

+ He releases the streams which are like imprisoned cows [RgV I.61.10].

+ He won the cows and soma and made the 7 rivers flow. [RgV I.32.12; II.12.12].

+ He releases the imprisoned waters [RgV I.57.6; I.103.2].

+ He dug out channels for the streams with his bolt [RgV II.15.3], let the flood of waters flow into the sea. [RgV II.19.3].

+ He caused the waters pent up by Vrtra to flow [RgV III.26.6; IV.17.1; McDonnell; S & T 368-9 quoting McDonnell].

Another verse explicitly mentions him as a destroyer of dams: rinag rodhamsi krtrimani = “he removed artificial barriers” [RgV 2.15.8].

Now, rodhas = “dam” elsewhere in the Rig Veda and in later Sanskrit [S & T 369]. The above evidence taken directly from the Rig Veda and not from any secondary source is sufficient to implicate the Aryans as the destroyers of the dam systems of the ancient Indus.

1.5 Aryan Settlements

Aryan settlements occur atop the destroyed cities towards the end of the civilization. They are primitive brick structures made of material taken from the ruins of the preceding towns.

1.3 Aryan Weaponry

Aryan weaponry, including the horse and chariot, occur towards the end of the Indus cities’ history.

2. Anthropological

2.1 Northern Dravidians

Several Dravidian tribes still inhabit isolated parts of northern India. The Brahui inhabit parts of Baluchistan and still speak a Dravidian language. The Bhils inhabit parts of southern Rajasthan. The black Gonds inhabit parts of central India about the Vindhyans.

2.2 The Black Sudroids ; Dravidians

The Aryans and Dravidians today still retain by and large their original features. The Aryans have fair-pale skin, leptorrhine (thin) noses and straight hair. The Dravidians have broad noses, curly-wavy hair and dark-black skin. [Winters;* Risley].

2.3 White Indo-Aryan Caucasoids

The Indo-Aryans belong to the Caucasoid or white race and are very similar to Latins. The Indo-Aryan languages belong to the Indo-European family of languages. Racially the Indo-Aryans possess white to fair skin, thin noses and lips and straight hair.

3. Literary

3.1 Sanskrit Literature

References to an Aryan invasion abound in Sanskrit literature.

The ancient singer praises the god who “destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan color” [Rg.V. III.34.9; Ann. 114] and “the thunderer who bestowed on his white friends the fields, bestowed the sun, bestowed the waters” [Rg.V. I.100.18; Ann. 114].

There are numerous references to “the black skin” Krishnam Vacham [Rg.V. IX.41.1, Sama Veda I.491, II.242; Ann. 114] which is mentioned with abhorrence. Again “stormy gods who rush on like furious bulls and scatter the black skin” [Rg.V. IX.73.5]. The singers mention “the black skin, the hated of Indra”, being swept out of heaven [RgV. IX.73.5]: “Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshiper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin” [Rg.V. I.130.8; Ann.114].

The sacrificer poured out thanks to his god for “scattering the slave bands of black descent”, and for stamping out ” the vile Dasyan color” [Rg.V. II.20.7, II.12.4; Ann. 115]. See Dasam varnam adharam [Rg.V. II.12.4; Muir part I, p.43, II, p.284, 323 etc.; Ann. 114 ff].

Rakshas are aboriginals

  • Ravana = Rakshasendra [Ann. 111].
  • Rakshas = Ceylon aborigines according to Chinese travelers and Singhalese chronicles – Rakko or Yakko in the vernacular [An. 111].

Destruction of Cities

The Aryan gods are proudly presented by the Vedic “sages” as the destroyers of cities. Of these Indra, later considered an incarnation of the God Vishnu, is the prime culprit. Indra is called Puroha or Purandhara, `sacker of cities’ [S & T 366]. Indra overthrew 100 Puras made of stone (asmanmayi) for his worshiper Divodasa [RgV 4.30.20], evidently belonging to Sambara who is a Dasa (non-Aryan/demon) of the mountain [RgV 6.26.5] [Chanda; S & T p.364]

No regard was shown to the life of non-Aryans.

An Aryan poet says:

Ye mighty ones [Asvins]: what do you do there; why do you stay there among the people who are held in high esteem through not offering sacrifices; ignore them, destroy the life of the Panis [RgV I.83.3; S & T 365].

Indra’s Destruction of Harappa: The Vedic Harappa Hymn

The famous Harappa hymn of the Rig Veda describes with praise Indra’s destruction of Harappa:

“In aid of Abhyavartin Cayamana, Indra destroyed the seed of Virasakha. At Hariyupiyah he smote the vanguard of the Vrcivans, and the rear fled frighted” [Rg.V. XXVII.5].

This Hariyupiyah is likely to be the Harappa of the Indus Valley.

3.2 Dravidian Literature

The date of 1500 BC corresponds to the end of a sangam period when invasions by barbarians occurred.

4. Sociological

4.1 Caste System

The caste system is another`fossil’ of the Aryan Conquest, with the lower and exterior castes representing the aboriginal inhabitants that managed to survive the Aryan slaughter. Exactly the same occurred in other parts of the world where one race has subjugated others, e.g.. Latin America (Iberians conquered Aboriginals ), USA (Anglo-Saxons ruling over Hispanics and Afro-Americans), etc. These include the Adivasis (aboriginal tribals), the Dalits ( semi-settled aboriginals ), and the Sudras (the lowest caste). However, some of the Sudras were imported under Muslim rule from Southern India.

The caste system consists of several different “varnas” (Sans. “colors”), three of which are Aryan. The lowest caste, the Shudra, consists of aboriginals, as well as the exterior untouchable castes.

4.2 Sati and Child Marriage

The Aryans introduced tremendous restrictions on the life of women, including sati and child marriage. According to Aryan “Hindu” (i.e.. Vaishnavite) scriptures, a man must marry a maiden one-third his age.

4.3 Cow-Worship

Cow-worship is another feature introduced by the Aryans. This probably arose because the Aryans were nomads and hence required the cow.

5. Theological

5.1 Shiva and Shakti

Siva is the god of the Dravidians. Vishnu is the god of the Aryans. The star-calendar used by the Aryan-Vaishnavites today was adopted from the Semito-Dravidian Indus Valley civilization, since it is not referred to in the Rig Veda or Avesta. It was compiled when the Indus Valley was at its peak, before the Aryans came to India [Parpola].

The Indus people practiced astronomy because the streets are oriented towards the cardinal directions, presupposing the use of the sun-stick. A seal from Mohenjo-daro depicts an Indus deity with a star on either side of his head in the fashion of the Near East. Inanna-Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, for example, was associated with the planet Venus [Parpola]. This may have led to the cult of worshiping the planets, the astral religion of India.

5.2 Fire Altars

Fire altars occur late towards the Indus cities’ histories. They are primitive in nature, constructed from material from the destroyed Indus cities.

6. Global Aryan Invasions

Aryans invaded several parts of the world, putting an end to various brilliant civilizations. Babylonia was destroyed by Kassites, Hittites and Mittani, Egypt was devastated by the Hyksos, and Minoan culture by the Dorians.

7. Rival Theories

Several other explanations have been put forth to explain the demise of the Indus Civilization besides the Aryan invasion.

These are:

Environmental catastrophes – these include:

  • Comet impact
  • Flooding

Internal Decline – These claim that slavery or some other revolt destroyed the Indus Civilization.

All of these have severe problems, however.

Comet Impact. The problems with this theory are:

  • No crater/craters have been found with an age matching 1500 BC, nor of the requisite size. The size is narrowly constrained, for if the impact was too large, catastrophe would have been global, while if it were too small, the effect would have been negligible.
  • No iridium anomaly, the characteristic of all impacts from the mammoth K/T Chiczulub Crater [Alvarez] to the Sudbury Intrusive, has been found in the Indus valley of the required age.
  • No shocked glasses or tektites with the requisite shock deformation features have been found anywhere near the Indus Valley.

Thus, although a comet explanation for the extinction has been found in Comet Enke, this is a far-fetched theory to say the least. The destruction of several civilizations simultaneously requires a global catastrophe. But some civilizations, e.g.. in Central and South America, and China, survived the 1500 BC discontinuity. Asteroidal impacts tend to leave larger craters and more iridium, so the arguments against this theory apply more forcefully.

Flooding. Undisputed evidence of flooding has been found in the form of silt deposits and a barrage system erected as a defensive measure. Flooding thus remained a serious candidate until it was pointed out that several Vedic scholars noted that the Aryans had destroyed the irrigation and dam system of the Indus. Thus flooding is a natural consequence of Aryan invasion and not an independent mechanism.

Internal Decline

  1. To suppose that after two millennia of stability some internal revolt was the cause behind the downfall is stretching the imagination.
  2. No evidence has been found for this, and when indisputable evidence of violence perpetrated with new weapons exists, this theory disregards excellent evidence.

Other Opponents

Although the following may seem rather harsh, it is necessary to expose the real designs of some of the opponents of one of the most well-established theories of all time.

The opponents of the concept of Aryan invasion fall into two categories:

  1. Aryan Hindu Fanatics
  2. Neo-Nazis

These mostly have ulterior motives. The former oppose any vilification of their “gods” who are implicated in the worst massacres and atrocities recorded in history. They wish to see the Vedas, in actuality the songs of primitive cow-herders, as the repository of all science. The latter do not want to accept that their ancestors perpetrated such crimes. One religious fanatic who opposed the notion of Aryan Invasion during its infancy was Narendra Nath Datta, later known as Vivekananda. All he could do was to vilify honest scholars:

“And what your European pandits say about the Aryan’s sweeping from some foreign land, snatching away the lands of the aboriginals and settling India by exterminating them, is all pure nonsense, foolish talk. Strange, that our Indian scholars too say amen to them, and all these monstrous lies are taught to our boys. This is very bad indeed. In what Veda, in what Sukta, so you find that the Aryans came to India from a foreign country? Where do you get the idea that they slaughtered the wild aborigines? What do you gain by talking such nonsense?” [`Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda’, 1963, p.534-535] [Panda 70].

Another fundamentalist who opposed the notion of Aryan Invasions is Srivastava, who apparently conducted all of his research solely to prove the innocence of the Aryan gods:

Indra, therefore stands completely exonerated.

– Srivastava 441

Later, lacking any scientific evidence whatsoever, he degenerates into vilifying Wheeler himself:

“.. we see him as a brigadier in the British army during WW II, we feel he could not interpret the dubious evidence of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa in any other manner.”

– Srivas 442

A. K. Pateria writes:

“Both Dayananda and Aurobindo refuted in clear terms the historical doctrines of Aryan invasion and struggle of Aryans with Dravidian, which was originated by the Westerners and has even been popularized among a large section of the Indian Historians.” [A.K. Pateria, `Modern Commentators of the Veda’, p.63; Panda 70]

Who this Dayananda was must be fully exposed.

In terms of barbarism, the Aryans were so barbaric that they did not even have a word for brick in Sanskrit [S & T 372; Woolley].


Filed under Animals, Anthropology, Antiquity, Asia, Asian, Cows, Cultural, Domestic, East Indians, Hinduism, History, India, Indic, Indo-European, Indo-Hittite, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Irano-Armenian, Indo-Irano-Armeno-Hellenic, Language Families, Linguistics, Literature, Regional, Religion, Sanskrit, Sociology, South Asia, South Asians

Delphi Murders Update August 30, 2017: Update on the Crime and a Profile of a Delphi Murders Suspect

New Delphi Murders Update!


I am getting really sick and tired of saying this over and over, but most of the material below is made up of rumors and my own opinions and theories. None of that is represented as fact. Furthermore, I am not using rumors as reliable sources as has been alleged. I never said they were reliable sources. How reliable is a rumor? That’s for you to determine, but in general a rumor is not considered to be a reliable source, and they are not treated as such below.

 The rest of what we are reporting are in general our hypotheses about this crime. These hypotheses have changed several  times in the course of this investigation, but that’s the way all detective work is. If you don’t want to be wrong, don’t be a detective because being a detective is all about being wrong. So our hypotheses are just that. If you are not sure what a hypothesis is, go look it up. It’s just a guess or hunch that you are setting out to prove. We do not believe we have proved much about this crime yet, but we do have a lot of hypotheses going. All of those hypotheses are by their nature temporary and may be changed at any time. If they are born out, then they will become more permanent.

The only thing that is represented as fact are statements sourced from LE or the media. If you have issues with rumors, theories, opinions, hypotheses, etc., just quit reading right now and get off my site and don’t come back. You will not be missed!


I thought I made this one thing perfectly clear as Richard Nixon used to say:

I have no sources whatsoever among the families of the girls.

I have no sources whatsoever in LE, local or otherwise. 

There ya go.

What I do have is sources close to the families. These people generally live in Delphi and the surrounding region. So that makes my rumors even more hearsay. I’m not even talking to the families. I am talking to people who talk to the families!

Of course I have no LE sources. I thought I made that clear. Never have. Yes, I have talked to some of them, but of course they didn’t tell me a thing. A couple of times they told me that a certain person was a POI or that a certain person had been cleared with an airtight alibi. I suppose they don’t mind giving out that information. But other than that, they don’t tell me jack. It’s hard enough to even get them to call you back. I think if I asked them if my name was Robert Lindsay, they would say, “I am sorry, but I cannot comment on matters relating to an ongoing investigation.” That’s how bad it is.

So what do I have? Once again, I have sources who are close to LE. They get their information from LE, then they talk to me. So once again this is even more hearsay, as I am not even talking to LE but to the people who are talking to LE.

I really wish people would quit claiming I have LE or family sources. I just don’t. If you think I have these sources or if  you have any problems at all with my sources, just quit reading my stuff right now and get off my site. You will not be missed!

NOTE TO COMMENTERS 3: The lies never end. The latest is “Lindsay takes other people’s theories and claims they are his own.” Of course I don’t. This website is nothing but a compendium of rumors from all over the Net regarding this crime. I go through the rumors and try to rank them on a scale of weak to strong. I compare them against other rumors to see which one is better. All sorts of theories have been flying around since day one. I report those too.

The theories are really just more rumors. I’d say the vast majority of the rumor theories reported here were thought up by other people. I find most of my theories on other sites about this crime. That’s how it works, you know. You get theories about the crime from others. Yes, you use your own theories, and you use other people’s theories. I really do not have time to down through the list of theories and say where I got them from. I have come up with a few of my own, but even with those, I guess someone else thought of them first. Also a lot of the theories here are also the result of constant brainstorming I do with my fellow sleuths. If you I “steal other people’s ideas” (a laughable concept in itself) or have problems with me reporting rumors, just get off the site right now. You will not be missed!

Notice: All of the really hot discussion and sleuthing on the site has headed over to the private password-protected forum, where our team of ~200 websleuths has been working on this case and has assembled a huge case against our suspect, including videos and many photographs. Instructions on how to get on the private forum.

This is a profile of a man who we feel is the best suspect in the double murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German in Delphi, Indiana on February 13, 2017. In also contains some new evidence on the crime and a new rundown of the crime itself.

New Information

But first of all, we have some new important information on a Vehicle of Interest in the crime.

More on the Vehicle of Interest in the case

In the last report, we detailed a vehicle we believe is the VOI in this case. The photo below is a photo of this VOI. This vehicle is a late model white Dodge Dart with paper plates. It was seen seven miles south of Delphi on the morning of the crime. We are not sure who the man in the photo is, but we feel he may be the man on the bridge. The woman who lived here thought this vehicle was suspicious, so she wrote down the license number.

We believe this license number with the paper plates was either stolen or given to this man in Kokomo. We traced the license plate back to Kokomo, but could not get any further information .

Previously we thought this man rented this car. We now believe that this man may own this vehicle.

The VOI in the crime is said to be a late model white Dodge Dart with paper plates. It was seen at the trailhead by a witness at ~3  PM on February 13., which was exactly the time that this crime was occurring.

As you can see, the vehicle in this photo and the VOI in the case have the same descriptions. Both are described as late model white Dodge Darts with paper plates. We believe that the car below is the same car that was used in the crime six hours later on the bridge in Delphi. It stands to reason that this man may be the man on the bridge, but we can’t prove that yet.

I can tell you who this man was visiting though. This man was visiting a woman’s son at this woman’s house. The son lives a ways away, but was visiting his mother at the time. The man in the white car was reportedly visiting a man named BH at this home. We have no information whatsoever on whether BH was involved in the crime that occurred later. At the moment, we have little reason to suspect that he was. However, he does have a criminal record and was arrested only a few days after the murders. We do not understand the relationship between BH and the man with the white car. We have no idea how they know each other or the reason for the visit that morning.

As we now believe that this car is owned by this man and not rented, we now believe that the man on the bridge may have used his own car to commit this crime. However, he tried to cover it up by putting fake paper plates over his real plates. We have a suspect who is rumored to drive a late model white Dodge Dart, but we have not been able to prove that he actually has a car like that. It’s only a rumor. We have been working to try to figure it out, but car ownership information is hard to come by.

There are new reports coming in that the VOI was seen by more people than this one woman. There are now reports that several people saw that car there at the bridge that day.

The reason we think the late model white Dodge Dart with paper plates is the VOI is because to our knowledge, this is the only car seen that day that has not been cleared.


Reportedly a photo of a white compact car near the Monon Bridge on the day of the murders. However, this car does not match up to the white vehicle photographed in front of the woman’s house. There are suggestions that this photo may not even have been taken on that day or in that place. It has been traced back to a woman who is trying to frame her ex husband for this crime, so this photo may simply be a photo of his vehicle. Bottom line is this photo has no relevance to this case.

Despite the red herring and the dead end regarding the photo above, we are hearing that more people are coming forward saying that they say a white late model Dodge Dart with paper plates at the bridge around the time of the crimes. But no photos have emerged yet of this vehicle at Monon Bridge that day.

There are different stories regarding the woman who took these photos and the man in the photo. The woman was reportedly shown a number of photos of different men and asked if any of them were the man with the white car. When shown a photo of our suspect, the woman supposedly pulled her car over to the side of the road,  leaned out the car door and vomited. So she had a very violent involuntary reaction to a photo of our suspect. However, before this happened, she was shown a number of photos of possible persons who the man by the white car might be, and the woman was saying yes to all of them. Obviously they are not all the man by the white car. Unfortunately, this witness has serious credibility issues

White Dart with license #

Photo of Vehicle of Interest (VOI) 1. Photo taken in the early AM seven miles south of Delphi, Indiana on 2-13-17, eight hours before the Delphi murders occurred in that same town. The person was at a woman’s house visiting the woman’s son, a man named BH. An identical vehicle was seen at the crime scene at the time of the crime. We believe that this may be the vehicle used by the man on the bridge in the crime. We believe that the man in this photo may be the man on the bridge. The license # is written on the photo.

More About the Home Where the Photo Above Was Taken

Unfortunately, this woman’s home and life’s involvement in this tale is not over. The day before the killings, two persons came over to visit her daughter, MA. These persons were KC and TJF. The two picked up MA and took off to go to the woods by the bridge supposedly to cook up methamphetamine. The notion that there were meth cookers in the woods that afternoon led to all sorts of what I call the Meth Theory. Most involved these dealers and cookers and apparently the three people above, killing the two girls for all sorts of possible reasons, mostly that the girls happened upon the meth cooking operation. These theories in general are no good and I reject all of them.

Nevertheless over the period of 2-12 AM and 2-15 PM, these three were gone and were reportedly cooking meth at some point during this time frame, but it’s not known exactly when or where. All of these people were high out of their minds on meth and heroin for three days and all used a benzodiazepine that is known for pretty much erasing your memory. The daughter, MA, came home late on 2-15 beaten up and complained that she had been beaten and gangraped and some point over this period.

People thought this may have happened in the woods, maybe when the girls were being killed, but this gang rape probably occurred elsewhere, probably in someone’s home. At the same time, there is rumored to be a photo of a group of men on their knees with their pants down kneeling around the body of a naked woman. For some time, people wondered if this was a photo of what was done to the girls, but now it appears that if this photo exists, it depicts this gang rape of MA and not any rape or murder of the girls.

MA  was reportedly a willing partner in this gang rape, as it was done as a gang initiation to initiate her into some gang.  The gang appears to be an Aryan Brotherhood White Supremacist organization, but it is not the AB. Instead it is some local group not affiliated with them. After the initiation, MA become the property of the gang and they could do whatever they wanted to with her. They could sell her, give her away to other people, force her to prostitute herself, all sorts of things. As a result of the gang rape in which KC probably participated, MA was given to KC by the gang. Her boyfriend for the next ~6 weeks was KC, but apparently she was forced into this relationship.

When MA returned home, the woman called the police on all of them. KC was arrested that day on 2-15 on meth charges.

In the aftermath of the three day ordeal, MA reportedly confessed in part to the murder of the girls. She stated that she “wanted to know what it felt like to stab someone, so she stabbed someone.” She did not know who she stabbed, when or where. Furthermore, all of their minds were as good as erased for the three day period due to the benzo ingestion. I am not sure if her confession has been turned into police. We believe this is a false confession, the result of a beating, a gang rape and three days of heavy drug use. Anyway she has no details about this “stabbing.” Further, MA does not seem capable or murdering those girls. KC and TJF are pretty lousy men, but from what I know about them, I can’t see them murdering these girls, especially for no particular reason.

The woman has been interviewed by both the FBI and the Indiana State Police. We do not know what has come of this, but our information now is that LE does not believe the Meth Theory of the murders is a valid hypothesis.

As far as MA goes, at some point, she was sold to a man up in Wisconsin. She had to go up there and live with this man who bought her for a month or so. Later she was in rehab. This woman makes a lot of dubious choices, has terrible friends, and has gotten herself into a heap of trouble, but I don’t think she’s a murderer.

The Actual Murders


The following consists of a number of rumors about how the girls were killed. Most of these rumors have not yet been validated and should be taken with a huge grain of salt. However, the rumors in italics are apparently true to the best of our knowledge:

Probably or Fully True Rumors

Both girls were disrobed either partially or fully. One was naked, but the other had a top on. Both girls were bottomless, and the panties of both girls were found at some distance from the crime scene. Some of the girls’ clothing was found in the creek.

One girl had the top half of her body covered with leaves.

There was blood and dirt under Liberty’s nails and dirt under Abbie’s nails. Abbie’s nails were badly torn up.

Police believe that Libby had 4-5 chances to escape, but did not flee because she was so dedicated to her friend that she vowed to not leave her friend in this horrible state with this monster. In real life, they were inseparable.

One or possibly both girls had their throats slit. One girl’s throat was so badly cut that she was nearly decapitated.

More Uncertain but Plausible Rumors

At some point, at least one of the girls was stricken with the blunt end of a gun.

At least one of the girls had the back of her head badly bashed in with a heavy object, possibly a rock.

One girl had a knife wound to the heart and another wound to the jugular vein in her throat.

The stake to the stomach is one of the reasons for the consistent rumors that one of the girls was pregnant. It is not known if either girl was in the early stages of pregnancy, however this is a persistent rumor that we have not been able to refute despite our best efforts to do so. The rumor initially stated that one girl was pregnant, but now it says that the other girl was pregnant. Another rumor is that part of the attack was set off by the killer becoming enraged when he found out one girl was not a virgin. We have been trying very hard to refute the pregnancy rumor but have been unable to do so. At the moment, we have no idea at all if either girl was pregnant. It’s a black hole.

The killer used some sort of strong chemical to try to destroy any of his DNA left at the scene.

The girls were  “posed” in the crime scene.

New Rumors

There are some shocking new rumors that have recently surfaced.

The blockbuster is from the wife of an LE officer who was working on the case. Her husband could not sleep at night, and he finally broke down and told her what was done to the girls. The LE officer reported that branches or bundles of sticks had been shoved into the girls’ vaginas and anuses. Furthermore, the girls had numerous stab wounds and branches or stick bundles were shoved into these too.  There has been a long standing rumor that one of the girls had a stake rammed into her from above. We have been attacked viciously for reporting this. We have tried very hard to negate this rumor, but we have never been able to do so. Now with this new rumor, it finally seems that there was something to the stake rumor all along.

Another is the involvement of a large knife with a gut hook in this crime. After the crime happened, LE were asking around at local hardware stores if anyone had bought a large knife with a gut hook recently. They asked this at the CVS near the bridge. There are two possibilities here. One is that a knife like this was used on the girls and LE were able to determine this by looking at the nature of the wounds. The other possibility is that the killer used this knife in the crime and then left it at the scene for whatever reason. At the moment, we favor the theory that the knife was left at the scene by killer, but there’s no hard evidence one way or the other.

We also have new information about the witnesses who saw the Bridge Man in the area that day who were used to draw the composite. One wonders where the witness(es)  saw the Bridge Man. One rumor says he was seen parked in his car next to the cemetery. The other stories are simply that a few people saw the Bridge Man around the bridge at that time.

The Bridge Man and Our Suspect: Too Many Coincidences

We believe that the Bridge Man is wearing boots from the Indiana Packers plant in town. The suspect formerly worked at Indiana Packers for a significant period of time from the mid-90’s to mid 2000’s and may have retained work boots from that job.

We believe that the Bridge Man is a fisherman. The suspect is an avid fisherman almost to the point of obsession and fanaticism.

The Bridge Man is definitely left-handed. The suspect is also left-handed. Actually he is ambidextrous, but he prefers his left hand.

The Bridge Man is bowlegged. The suspect is also bowlegged, probably from extensive horse riding as a youth. We have a photograph of the suspect next to a horse. The suspect grew up right around the area of the crime in the vicinity of a lot of horses.

The Bridge Man is duck-footed; that is, his feet go outward when he walks. The suspect is also duck-footed.

The Bridge Man has an injury to his left knee which is obvious in the moving gif’s of him walking on the bridge. The suspect also has a serious injury to his left knee, has several deep stitches on it, and sometimes wears a knee brace. We have a photograph of the suspect’s scarred left knee and a photograph of the suspect wearing what appears to be a knee brace on his left knee.

The Bridge Man is 50-60 years old. The suspect is 52 years old.

The Bridge Man is 5’8-5’10 and weighs 180-220 pounds. The suspect is 5’8, and when last weighed was 170 pounds, but that was a few years ago, and he seems to have gained weight after his recent release from prison.

The Bridge Man appears to be in good shape for his age based on the way he easily navigates the rickety, frightening bridge. Being an avid outdoorsman, the suspect has been in great shape his whole life, but he has developed a paunch as a recent middle-aged development.

The Bridge Man smokes and is smoking during the crime. He may also smoke cigarillos, as a cigarillo wrapper was found at the scene. The suspect also smokes, and he does smoke cigarillos. We have a video of the suspect smoking a cigarillo.

We believe that a white compact vehicle may have been used by the Bridge Man to commit this crime. The suspect was photographed the night before the crime in Indianapolis, and the photographs were posted to a social media page the night of the crime. We have two of these photographs. In one of these photographs, the suspect is standing next to a white compact car. We believe that this photograph was used by the suspect to foreshadow the crime he intended to commit the next day by leaving a tantalizing clue, which is something that he loves to do.

In the number and strangeness of the tantalizing clues this suspect leaves about his crimes, the suspect resembles the Zodiac Killer, the BTK Killer and others. The suspect also likes to ridicule and mock LE. If this case ever goes to trial, it may go down in history on the same level as those other crimes where the criminal left clues behind to tease and taunt LE.

We have quite a few more coincidences between the suspect and the Bridge Man, but we do not want to release that material now due to fears of harming the investigation. All of our material was officially turned over to LE on Friday, July 21.

More about the Man on the Bridge

Although the Bridge Man is said to be wearing a fanny pack in the bridge photo, he is actually wearing what is called a deer kit. This typically contains scissors, knives, etc. for cutting up the game that the hunter has killed, and the Bridge Man’s pack may have contained similar items. He may have used some of these items to cut up the girls.

BG pantleg object

The fanny pack. We now believe that this is something called a deer kit. These kits are used by hunters to cut up their deer, and a gut hook knife is indeed one of those knives. Another is called a caping knife. They usually contain five different types of knives. We believe that BG may well have up to five different types of knives in that deer kit.

We know the Bridge Man is left-handed because we believe he has a left-handed gun holster strapped to his right side with a semiautomatic pistol in it. We believe we have now have photos of a holster very similar to the one that the Bridge Man is wearing. We believe he is wearing a vintage leather lefthanded holster. We believe it was made by the Amish and BG purchased it from the Amish. Photos of a very similar holster follow.

Photo #1.


This is the type of gun holster used by Bridge Man.

Photo #2.

s-l1600 a

View of Bridge Man’s type of gun holster, the exact model no doubt.

Photo #3.

s-l1600 c

Apparent closeup on the material in the model of gun holster that Bridge Man is wearing.

Photo #4.

s-l1600 b

Another view of Bridge Man’s type of gun holster.

We know the Bridge Man has a gun on him as it can clearly be seen in outline under his jacket.


Click to enlarge. Photo clearly shows a semiautomatic handgun holstered on his right, which means he is lefthanded. That object can only be a gun.

We believe that the Bridge Man gun is an M1911 early model, pre-1986. As far as how this gun was acquired, one theory is that this gun was purchased also from the Amish, as they have many such guns available for cheap. The other possibility is that the Bridge Man stole this gun from Ron Logan of all people. In December, Logan had many guns stolen from his house by a young druggie woman he had living there. If this gun is stolen from Logan, it may be from this heist as no doubt these stolen guns were distributed around. We are not sure at the moment which of these two theories is true or even if either of them are. However, we believe that the type, model # and year is correct, and the ultimate provenance of this gun may well have been via a purchase from the Amish.


Photo of the type of gun we believe was used in the crime. This is an early model pre-1986 Smith and Wesson M1911 semiautomatic handgun.


I believe that this is the type of gun that BG used. This is an M1911 semiautomatic pistol pre-1986, originally purchased from the Amish, who have many of these for sale. It also may have been recently stolen from Ron Logan.

As you can see above, the Bridge Man has three different objects that we believe may have been purchased from the Amish. We believe that the Bridge Man has some connection to the Amish community. He is either Amish himself (possibly shunned Amish) or he grew up around the Amish and German Baptists and knows them very well. Indeed, we believe the Bridge Man grew up in Delphi not far from where the crime occurred.

One of the keys to the crime is: Amish, shunned Amish, German Baptists.

Next we move on to another object in the Bridge Man’s possession that has caused a lot of puzzlement. No one quite seems to know what this object is. We had a few hypotheses of what it was, but they did not test out well. We believe we have now settled on an excellent theory of what this object is. See the photo above and also the longer distance photo of the Bridge Man above to see this object for yourself. It is definitely there. It is a strange rectangular object that is somehow strapped to the Bridge Guy’s left pants leg.

rectangular object under left pant leg

Here is the rectangular object under BG’s left jeans leg. It is in light blue. The red circle is around some unknown object.

When we blew up the photo, at first all we saw was a strange “W” object. We had no idea what it was.

fishing net bag with W

This is our initial enhancement of the rectangular object. We thought it had a W object in it, and we had no idea what that was.

One of our sleuths asked at work and a woman at work said she thought it was something called a “net fishing bag” that fishermen sometimes use. She had one herself.  But we still needed to explain the rectangular object that the net fishing bag did not explain it well.


This is a net fishing bag. We believe that this is the object that appears rectangular under BG’s jeans.

Upon rotating the object, we were able to see it better. Now we could see the bag shaped object (the net fishing bag) enclosing the rectangular object. But what was the rectangular object. Via this view, we decided that the rectangular object was a knife carrying kit with knives in it. We counted three knives in the kit and based on the shape, we felt that they were fishing fillet knives. So the rectangular object is a net fishing bag with a knife carrying kit inside with three fishing fillet knives.


This is the rectangular object, enhanced and rotated to the lect. Now we can not only see that the object is not really rectangular but is instead more bag shaped.

The photo below shoes some of the type of knives that may be inside of this knife kit.


Knife case with three knives in it. We believe that a similar case is the rectangular object. I assume that the knives can be secured in the holder in some way or sheathed. I assume that there are knife cases like this which lock or close. In that case, we solve the problem that “no one would carry knives in the bag like that because they might get cut.” If they are in a secured knife case or sheathed, the knives are safe and are very unlikely to injure the person barring catastrophic circumstances (hit by a car, long fall from a high place, etc.) Even then a locked case would no doubt stay intact.

If this theory of the object is valid, more things become clear. The Bridge Man may well be a fisherman. After all, he has a fishing kit on him. He may also be a hunter based on the deer kit. On the other hand, deer kits like that are sometimes also called fisherman’s kit.

We believe another key to the crime is fishing, fish and fishermen.

Next we will move onto the Bridge Man’s boots. First of all, we believe he is wearing boots and not sneakers or tennis shoes. The boots are black. Notice the white stripe going all around the boots?

BG Indiana packer boots

Closeup of Bridge Guy’s boots. Look at the white stripe around them.

Now look closely at the boots below. Several days after the crime, LE released this photo of these boots in an evidence bag. Then they said that the boots had nothing to do with the crime, but LE always says things like that. A couple of days before, Indiana State Police had raided Indiana Packers. The stated reason was a bomb threat, but we believe there was no bomb threat. Instead that was just an excuse to shut down the plant and raid the police. After LE were done with the raid, they walked away with a pair of Indiana Packers workboots.

A few days later, a photo of these IP boots is released innocently to the media, however, they are in an evidence bag. Obviously LE felt that these were the model of boots that the Bridge Man was wearing. When we blow up the Bridge Man’s boots, we see now that his black boots with the white stripe all around them are an excellent match for the IP boots in the evidence bag.


Black shoes with white stripe. This is a perfect match for BG’s shoes. These shoes came from Indiana Packers. These are Indiana Packers work boots that everyone has to wear there. So BG was wearing Indiana Packers workboots.

BG-IP boots

Here is a side by side comparison of the Bridge Man’s boots and the Indiana Packers boots seized by LE during a raid, placed in an evidence bag and released to the media. That the Bridge Man is wearing Indiana Packers boots is a good theory based on the evidence.

The blowup of the Bridge Man below is interesting for two reasons. First of all, he is not smoking something in that photo. The cigarette in the right of his mouth was Photoshopped in. It is not known if the smoke on the left side of his face was also faked. However, one thing is obvious in this photo and in any photo of the Bridge Man, and that is his massive nose

BG smoking

Blowup found on the Net that reportedly shows the Bridge Man smoking. This is now thought to be a Photoshopped fake, or at least the cigarette on the right side of his mouth is faked. There also appears to be some smoke on the left side of the Bridge Man’s face here. It’s not known if that smoke is real or faked. Bottom line be careful of this photo.

However, look at the composite below. See any massive nose? Of course not. So what gives?


Composite photo of the Delphi Killer suspect.

Look back at that huge nose in the blowup. But no matter. It’s huge in any video of the Bridge Man. Many have remarked on his huge nose. But he has no huge nose. His nose is quite average. Solution to the problem? Simple, the Bridge Man is disguising himself by wearing a fake nose! Wa-la! Problem solved.



A fake nose similar to the one the Bridge Man is wearing. This may be purchased for ~$5 online. One of my fellow sleuths has suggested that BG has a fake nose. A group of women on one of the saner Delphi Murders pages on Facebook first suggested this theory to me and I believe they made a good case for their argument. He’s disguising himself. 

The motivation for this crime is hard to figure out, but we suspect it may be similar to many serial killers. Although there is no evidence yet that the Bridge Man has killed other people beyond this crime, he certainly may have. Hence we believe the Bridge Man is a “serial killer type” instead of a serial killer. In that case, the motivation for the crime is that of a sexually sadistic psychopathic serial type killer.

We know much more about the Bridge Man but are not releasing it due to fears of harming the investigation. All of this information was officially turned over to LE on Friday, July 21.

The Suspect

Suspect’s Background and Life Story

The suspect resides within a 20 mile radius of Delphi.

The suspect is a former resident who grew up in Delphi right around the area of the crime and still knows all of the landowners around there, including Ron Logan, Marvin Sandifur, the Mearses, and Ivan Brumbaugh. The suspect is either Amish (shunned), German Baptist or is strongly associated with one of those communities. He knows the area around the crime scene, including Logan’s land, Deer Creek itself, and the bridge like the back of his hand.

The suspect has a low education level but probably graduated from high school.

The suspect had a very messy divorce with his ex-wife, including violent child custody issues. The suspect did a short stint in prison for badly assaulting his ex-wife.

The suspect has a long record of mostly minor crimes with some jail stints and one short prison stint. All crimes were committed in Indiana. Crimes were mostly repeated drunk driving but also assault and harassment charges. All of his ex-wives have no-contact orders against him, which implies domestic violence on his part in each case.

In terms of crimes for which he has not been caught, he has been accused of petty theft. We also have suspicions that he may have been t\involved in arson, perhaps multiple arsons and that one or more of these arsons has resulted in homicide. We believe he may be a serial killer, and we suspect he may have been involved in at the very least one other multiple murder in the local area, although we cannot prove it and don’t have much evidence along those lines. We are currently investigating his background to look for other possible crimes he may be tied to, especially arsons and homicides.

The suspect is no longer employed and we believe he is on disability, but in the past he worked at different jobs, including handyman and electrician.

Suspect – Social Aspects

The suspect has strong, warm feelings towards his two grown children and seems to have a great relationship with them.

The suspect has a new girlfriend about his age who may be a native ethnic White of the region. She is a kind, sweet, gentle lady who absolutely adores the suspect and nearly worships him as a god. They appear to have a stable, warm, loving relationship. She is apparently completely clueless about his dark side.

Relations with the ex-wife are not known. Some say that the suspect has strong hatred for his ex-wife, but this is uncertain.

The suspect has a circle of warm friends with whom he has good relations. These are very masculine, tough, hard, outdoorsy men of about the same age who think he is completely on the up and up. We believe he’s fooling them all.

The suspect can seem quite warm and friendly, “like your best friend.” He is easy to befriend, when befriended seems charming and disarming, and seems increasingly harmless the more you get to know him.

Suspect – Psychological Profile

The subject has Axis 2 Cluster B pathology. The suspect is a psychopath and has narcissism/Narcissistic Personality Disorder/Malignant Narcissism. He has no Axis 1 Disorders. He is not psychotic. In fact, he is very sane, almost too sane, and that is part of how he gets away with his crimes. There are no signs of mood disorder. The suspect appears calm with little or no anxiety issues.

The suspect is strongly heterosexual. Although rage and hatred towards females seems apparent with the crime the suspect may have committed, these feelings are otherwise not obvious in his life. The suspect sometimes displays hostility to women. A lot of men do this when provoked, but he does it with little provocation, and his reactions are quite extreme, often including rape and death threats.

The suspect is very masculine in the manner of many middle-aged men in the area. He is a hard, tough man who uses foul language and has a rough and sometimes menacing way of speaking.

The suspect seems normal, but the following concepts also describe him well: sneaky, devious, unreadable, slick, bad boy, naughty, playful, outlaw, gleam in his eye, and rebellious. He appears to be hiding something or keeping a secret. There is a general feeling of what you see is not what you get.

The suspect is the ultimate chameleon. He is an enigma, puzzling and hard to figure out, an actor who sees life as a series of roles. He does not appear suspicious to most observers. Instead he hides in plain sight and blends right in with society. He is very capable of fooling people, an Academy award-winning actor who sees life is an endless series of roles to be played based on whatever the needs of the given situation may be.

The suspect is capable of fooling people so easily because he is a sneaky, devious, underhanded, conspiring and plotting man. Most of his actions are well plotted and planned, even calculated to the point of being choreographed. The suspect displays little spontaneity other than regular rages.

His IQ is surely within the 84-116 normal range (2/3 of the population) and probably within the 90-110 range (half the population), though he may be towards the lower end. However, the suspect is much more intelligent than he appears and possesses a sheer animal, devious, and cunning intelligence. In terms of this sort of intelligence, he has a genius IQ. He is a very hard man to fool, and he is an expert at reading others.

The suspect has a violent hair-trigger temper which can be set off at any time with little provocation. Although he has committed acts of serious violence in the past, this temper nevertheless generally takes a verbal rather than physical form and consists of menace, threats, stalking, harassment, terrorizing and intimidation.

The suspect takes little or no responsibility for his actions and blames others for everything. He attacks others and then claims to be acting in self-defense.

The suspect is a pathological liar. Reactions when caught in his pathological lying are temper tantrums, rage, ranting, and veiled threats via angry and menacing language.

In his court cases, the suspect engaged in shameless, pathological, defensive lying and blaming of others.

The suspect has the following life themes:

  • You can’t win.
  • They’ve got it in for me.
  • Life is a game.
  • I’m fooling them.

Suspect – Verbal Style

The suspect has a versatile verbal style and can seem sentimental, poetic, moving and even philosophical. He is capable of fooling people into thinking he is a person who cares deeply about life’s small and kind wonders.

Verbal defenses are denial, rage, rants, and especially redirection. Other defenses include an excellent ability at distracting people and directing attention away from what is important. For this, he utilizes red herrings, irrelevancies, redirection, minor details, fussing, wrong turns, wrong directions, wrong way streets, and misdirection.

The suspect is also a storyteller and likes to tell long, rambling, colorful, Mark Twain-style stories that tell it like it is about what seem to be ordinary people and communities but in fact are anything but. He can be entertaining in this role. He turns off some who find him a quasi-literate blowhard, but others find him endearing, as his stories could be seen as charming.

Suspect – Appearance, Lifestyle, Habits, Beliefs and Opinions


The suspect has one large tattoo on his upper right front shoulder. We do not know what this is a tattoo of.


The suspect has some sort of gang ties with the Aryan Brotherhood (AB), possibly as a result of his incarceration. We have photographs of the suspect throwing Aryan Brotherhood gang signs. Nevertheless, we have little evidence that he is a White Supremacist, and on his social media pages, he comes across as an anti-racist, even a coastal liberal variety. He may have only joined the AB for protection in prison.

The suspect appears to be a carefree practical joker who lives a playful, laid back, easy-going lifestyle where most things are jokes, and little is to be taken seriously. He is the life of the party.


The suspect is a regular drug user. He mostly uses marijuana, which he enjoys a lot.

The suspect was formerly a very heavy drinker, and many problems, especially legal ones, resulted from this. We believe he may now be sober.

Beliefs and Opinions

The suspect’s philosophical outlook can be summed up as a cynical one that humans are lowly animals who are corrupt at their core and are driven by low, base interests. He accuses LE and small town government people in the local area of being incorrigibly corrupt. His reaction to the picture he paints of Tobacco Road sleaze in the underbelly of Mayberry RFD small town White America is offended, cynical, fatalistic and somewhat disgusted – the good citizen outraged by omnipresent sleazy corruption.

The suspect has a very low opinion of LE in Delphi and the surrounding area, as he claims that they ran him out of town as a habitual drunk driving offender. He has a grudge against local LE.

The suspect’s political beliefs are quite liberal. He comes across as an aging hippie type, unusual for Indiana.

Suspect – Role in the Investigation

The suspect has inserted himself deeply in the investigation to an almost unprecedented degree. He is now one of the most well-known people who are “trying to find the killer.” We believe he is doing this in part to try to divert attention away from himself, but another factor seems to be narcissism, possibly even Malignant Narcissism, which means he can’t help himself. He loves the limelight and the sound of his own voice and is something of a publicity hound. We al so believe he likes the idea that he is hiding right under the noses of everyone and getting away with it and thinks this is all some sort of a joke.

The suspect’s attitude towards the investigation is hard to figure. We believe he is nervous and fearful of being caught but also sees the whole thing as a hilarious game of cat and mouse. He’s thinks he’s fooling LE and all of society, getting away with murder, and hiding right under their noses. He also seems to be playing a game of, “Neener neener. I’m the killer, and you’ll never catch me ha ha!” In this sense he resembles the Zodiac Killer and the BTK Killer.

The suspect sought out LE (FBI) early in the investigation in order to leave a tip. We have a video of him calling in this phone tip.

We believe he did this as part of a plan to frame an innocent man. We believe he was originally going to commit this crime and then lay low, but that changed after he was photographed and recorded on audio. Over the next month we believe he then formulated an elaborate case to try to frame an innocent man, a former workmate who he had had a falling out with. This consisted of a very long and elaborate theory which did not make much sense on examination. Further, the man he attempted to frame did not seem like the type to do such a crime. The suspect also included a number of videos as part of this plan. He then went out on the Internet and tried to promulgate this theory on a number of websites and on Facebook and Youtube. He was fairly successful at this until some people started catching on to his scheme.


Filed under Crime, Intelligence, Intoxicants, Law enforcement, Mental Illness, Midwest, Narcissism, Personality, Psychology, Psychopathology, Regional, Serial Killers, Speed, Stimulants, USA, Wisconsin

The Mark of the Beast: Another Look

Interesting new view on the meaning of the Mark of the Beast in Biblical terms by commenter Judith Mirville. Turns out the Mark is not what we have always thought it meant. It is something else entirely.

Judith Mirville: This microchipping thing is getting creepier and creepier, but it is NOT the real mark of the Beast as referred to by the Bible.

First of all, it is no longer the ultimate state of the art in identity control: a microchip can be faked and hacked by the same ones who make a living producing computer viruses or phishing credit cards. In Nigeria, where it grew first very popular for night revelers to be able to go out drinking and womanizing in red light districts without the slightest change on them, it has proven unreliable as so many people discovered in that technology a way to dispose of infinite amounts of virtual money.

The latest technology is now purely digital identification by eye iris or even by fingerprint: the subject no longer needs carry any man-made piece of identity whatsoever.

By the way, that infamous IQ inferiority of Blacks no longer applies if a misdeed is what motivates one to solve a problem of the kind we imagine the Blacks the least fit for: quite the contrary, some faculties that might seem of paranormal nature are systematically at work.

The Beast referred to by the Biblical authors is not a man-made machine.

The Beast is the development of paranormal talents of the kind the occultists traditionally refer to and even more so the New Age system of spiritualism and occult magic, generally known under a neo-Hindu garb, but that can also be introduced to through many other currents, especially the Jewish Kabbalah. The so-called talents developed by New Agers have actually just no positive use: the more they are developed by often well-meant people trying to get evolved spiritually, the more injustice they produce of the kind India is champion.

All those who develop those talents participate in a real world totalitarian system that can actually get along without machines: there will come a time when you will need to practice the finest and nastiest forms of magic and paranormal power development just to carry on your daily survival tasks. That is already the case in some parts of India and other awful countries such as Haiti and Northern Brazil.

The problem is that you cannot efficiently use those paranormal powers without committing ritual crimes that provide you with the necessary psychic energy and without subscribing to an enterprise based on the deliberate causing of misery for the greatest number.

The problem also is that most talents nowadays used in the most advanced realms of human industry are of the same nature as were traditionally confined to explicitly magic acts: computer programming for instance is logically the same thing as witchcraft, though traditional witchcraft uses human brains for computers but with the same kind of results in view. Whenever you hear about Kundalini rising and chakra opening, you are facing the real Beast. Chakras are not a part of the natural body of man, nor are they the natural crowning of natural psychic growth. They are part of a system being installed in your body like a Windows or OSX operating system.

There will come a time when powers such as recommended by practitioners of Reiki, especially energy transmission through hand-laying and creative visualization through third eye opening, will be the corporate norm of the day and absolute requirement for new recruits in the very same way acquaintance with electronics is now required or taken for granted.

And whenever these powers are known and used on a massive scale they require the sacrifice of any notion of social justice: you have to subscribe to a view where everyone’s ill fate is deserved or needed by his evolution. There will come a time when only possessors of those powers will be entitled to work for an organized society, and where those who refuse them will no longer be considered humans. Late Brahmanic India approached such a state, but American New Age promises even worse as it progressively replaces older religions.

The microchip is under the hand’s skin only, while the Mark of the Beast is said to be even better carried in the eye.


Filed under Asia, Brazil, Caribbean, Christianity, Computers, Disciplines, Haiti, Hinduism, India, Judaism, Kabbalism, Latin America, Regional, Religion, Science, Social Problems, Sociology, South America, South Asia, Yoga

Microchipping of Human Beings Is Already a Reality


Wow. No thanks!  This technology just keeps getting creepier and creepier. I am starting to get genuinely frightened now. This damn tech stuff is like a runaway train with no brakes. It’s not a matter of if the Crash comes, it’s more like when, unless it’s not already here, which is a possibility.

I’m not a Bible nut, but check out 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 and especially Revelations 13:7 and 15:2. The kooky Christians are going to go wacko over this. They have been screaming about this Mark of the Beast stuff forever now and now, wa-la! It’s a reality.


Filed under Christianity, Government, Labor, Religion, Science, Social Problems, Sociology