NEII Trademark Policy



NEII Trademark Policy

The National Elevator Industry, Inc. logo and association acronym (NEII®) were approved as federally registered trademarks by the U. S. Patent and Trademark office on May 24, 2011. This policy applies to the use on the NEII Trademarks.


The NEII logo shall incorporate the registration symbol ® as shown below:

NEII Stationary

The NEII stationary (electronic and print) shall include the NEII logo with the following statement in the footer:
NEII and NEII logo - Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

NEII Powerpoint Template

The NEII PowerPoint Template shall include the NEII logo on each slide with the following statement in the footer on the title slide:
NEII and NEII logo - Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

NEII Website

Where the NEII logo is used on a webpage the logo shown above shall be used. The following statement shall be included in the footer for every page:
NEII and NEII logo - Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Where the acronym NEII is first used on a webpage it shall be italic followed by ®, thereafter the acronym shall only be required to be italic.


Where the acronym NEII is first used in printed or electronic communications (letters, emails, agendas, minutes, newsletters, press releases, etc.) it shall be italic followed by   ®. Thereafter, the acronym can either be italic followed by ® or just italic.

NEII Members Use Of NEII Logo
  • NEII Regular members are permitted to use the NEII logo subject to the following:
  • Written notification of where the NEII logo will be used shall be submitted to the NEII Managing Director in writing; and
  • Use of the NEII logo shall be in accordance with the policy stated above.
  • NEII Individual members are not permitted to use the NEII logo.

Third Party Use Of NEII Logo

Use of the NEII logo by third parties is permitted in accordance with the requirements stated in this policy. Written notification outlining use is requested. If a violation of the trademark policy is found in any third-party use, the Managing Director shall initiate appropriate action upon discovery of the trademark violation.    If the unauthorized use is not discontinued after notification of the violation, the matter will be referred to the  NEII Legal Advisory Group. Return to News Releases


National Elevator Industry, Inc.
NEII and NEII logo - Registered, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Copyright © 2003-2017 NEII