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Engineering Computer Center

The main computing facilities for College of Engineering are located in 274, 268 and 208 Snell Engineering Center. Labs and classrooms containing workstations running Windows 7 and Linux are available for student use.

Help is available at all times for common computing problems that you may encounter while doing your assignments in the lab.

In addition to the College's facilities in the Snell Engineering Building, the University's InfoCommons has Windows and Macintosh computers for student use.

Each Engineering department has its own complement of specialized computers, which are used for research. Faculty, students, and staff now have access to the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), a data center dedicated to research computing.

Northeastern's residence halls have reliable, high-speed ResNet connections in every room. These dedicated wired ports deliver speeds up to 100 Mbps. Wireless network service is available everywhere on the main Boston campus, including classrooms, administrative areas, and common spaces. Current students and faculty may also dial in to the campus network from off-campus locations free of charge if they are within the local calling area.



Request a COE Computer Account

Accounts on the COE Unix/Windows system are available to all undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Engineering, as well as students taking College of Engineering classes. You must be registered in order to apply for an account. Click here to request a student account on the COE system.

Faculty and Staff of the College of Engineering may also request accounts on the system. Please see the Computer Center staff if you are a new member of the Faculty or Staff and need an account.

Help! I forgot my password!

Please come to our offices on the second floor of Snell Engineering (273SN, 275SN, or 277SN), or the main COE computer lab (274 Snell Engineering). Please be sure to bring your Northeastern University ID card, and have your NUID # ready.

If you cannot come to campus, send an email from your Husky account to with the following information:

  1. Your NUID #
  2. A phone number where you can be reached by our staff and a general list of times you will be available. This phone call will inform you of your new password, which we recommend that you change immediately. Instructions for changing your password can be found at:
  3. Two separate attachments – one photo of yourself, and one photo of your Northeastern University ID card. Please make sure the pictures are clear and focused!

DO NOT email any potential password, and please understand that we cannot email you a new password for security reasons. Thanks for your cooperation!

Microsoft's Dreamspark Premium program

The Engineering Computer Center is pleased to announce that the College of Engineering is now a member of Microsoft's Dreamspark Premium program. Through the COE Dreamspark web store, COE students, faculty, and staff can download free Microsoft software for personal use. Available software includes:

  • Operating systems: MS Windows and Windows Server (several versions)
  • Developer tools: Visual Studio, ASP.NET, XNA Game Studio
  • Applications: MS Project, Visio, One Note
  • Servers: MS SQL server, Exchange Server, Hyper-V Server

Please log in to the COE Dreamspark store using your COE credentials to see the full list of nearly 200 available packages. Software obtained through Dreamspark is licensed for your personal academic and non-commercial use. Microsoft software for University-owned PCs is provided by the University in most cases. For more information on how to obtain software, see the ITS software page at or send email to If you have questions or need help getting access to Dreamspark, please send email to

Student Jobs

Every Quarter the Engineering Computer Center hires Part-Time and Work Study help to work in the Snell Engineering Center labs.  This is a great way to learn, earn and help other students. You may obtain additional information by contacting: Tom Papadopoulos, 275 Snell Eng, (617) 373-3361

Usage Policy

Guidelines for acceptable usage of the College's computer systems

By using the COE system, you consent to this policy.

Access to computer systems operated by the College of Engineering is a privilege, not a right. This privilege imposes certain responsibilities and obligations. Usage of the computer systems in the College of Engineering, is subject to both college and university policies, as well as local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

Failure to meet these obligations and/or responsibilities, or commission of any acts which violate college or university policies and/or local, state or federal laws may be subject to loss of privileges, and disciplinary action as prescribed in the student and employee handbooks, and may be punishable by state or federal law.

The Engineering Computer Center does not regularly search user files for illegal activity. However, if during the course of normal system maintenance suspicious activity is found, the proper authorities will be contacted. Remember the computer systems and disk drives on which files are stored are property of Northeastern University, and may be searched by the university at any time. These computer systems are intended for use related to courses and research only.

Engineering Computer Center Guidelines:

You can and will be held responsible for all activity in which your account is involved.

DO NOT under any circumstances give out your password to someone else no matter how well you know them. This includes your relatives and friends, and University faculty and staff. The Engineering Computer Center staff do not need your password and will NEVER ask for it. If you are asked for your password by anyone saying that they work here, DO NOT give it to them. Notify one of the Staff of the request as soon as possible.

DO NOT use an account which has not been assigned to you.

DO NOT use or try to use college computer systems to gain unauthorized access or perform activities which may be harmful to any other computer systems (college-owned or otherwise). This includes but is not limited to:

  • Decrypting, cracking, recording, and/or guessing passwords.
  • Exploiting or probing for possible security holes; network scanning.
  • Circumventing or breaking any security, accounting, and/or quota mechanisms which may be in place.
  • Propagating viruses and worms.
  • Unauthorized access to or removal of files.
  • Disrupting service, or engaging in any activities which might interfere with the use of computing resources by other users.
  • Storing, copying, or distributing illegal copies of copyrighted software and/or data.

DO NOT use college computer systems for commercial use or personal material gain. Our hardware is obtained under special educational terms. Most software installed on the college computer systems is donated, or sold to the University at a significantly reduced price. The license which accompanies these purchases usually forbids using the software or hardware for non-educational or commercial purposes.

Be considerate in your use of shared resources, including but not limited to disk space, CPU cycles, network bandwidth, printer paper, and/or computer terminals. If you are unsure if your actions may cause harm to other users, please contact the ECC Staff and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

Above all, do no harm.

Contact Us

If you need help or have a question, please see our Frequently Asked Questions/HELP pages or send email to

NameOffice LocationHours
Lisa Koch277 Snell Engineering Center9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Greg Anderson275 SN8:30 am - 4:30 pm
James Jones273 Snell Engineering Center10 am - 6 pm
William Nyende518 Holmes9 am - 5 pm
Tom Papadopoulos275 Snell Engineering Center7 am - 3 pm
Mark Tiburu273 SN8:30 am - 4:30 pm