Jack Uldrich
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You Can’t Spell Future Without “U”

Posted in Education, Future, Future Proof, Futurist, Questions

There are a number of ways to question the future. A recent trip back to my old high school got me reflecting upon how to prepare today’s youth for a world of constant change. My first piece of advice centered on getting the students to think about intelligence from a different perspective. Instead of focusing…

The Future is Calling.

Posted in Future, Future Proof, Futurist

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of returning to my old high school to speak to the student body about my work as a futurist. The entire 45-minute presentation — entitled “How to Think About Your Future” — is available here. (The talk is primarily aimed at children between the ages of 12 and 18 but…

Autonomous Vehicles: 10 “Human-Centric” Questions to Consider, Today

Posted in Automobile, Future, Futurist, Transportation

As a futurist, people frequently ask me how driverless automobiles and trucks will affect the future of urban areas. It’s not a bad question, but there’s a better question to ask: How can autonomous vehicles help create a more human-centric city? The focus of the first question assumes autonomous/self-driven cars are inevitable and urban planners…

What’s Next in Farming: Ten Trends Transforming Agriculture in 2017–and Beyond

Posted in Agriculture, Future, Futurist

Feeding the planet’s 7.3 billion people is no easy feat, but farmers all around the world have risen to challenge. Feeding the next three billion people–who are expected to arrive by 2050–will pose an even greater challenge. However, I am confident innovative farmers and agri-businesses will again step up to the plate (no pun intended)….

The Right Side of (Game) Change

Posted in Business as Unusual, Change, Disruptive Technology, Future, Future Proof, Futurist

If you want to stay on the right side of the future, the first thing to do is to acknowledge that the future will be different–perhaps radically different–than the present. With this in mind, here are ten game-changing technologies and trends it would behoove you to begin familiarizing yourself with today. Super Quantum Computers: Nvidia…

Futurist Jack Uldrich’s Predictions for 2017

Posted in Future, Futurist, Predictions

(Editor’s note: These predictions are offered in the spirit of light-hearted fun and are not intended to be taken literally. Each merely reflects a broader trend that readers can expect to see, experience or read about in the coming year. For a more realistic perspective on each trend, click on the embedded links. Enjoy!) Amazon’s…

The Right Side of the Future

Posted in Business as Unusual, Future, Future Proof, Futurist

What does it mean to be on the right side of the future? It’s an excellent future-related question and I don’t claim to possess the complete answer but I do know that it begins with understanding exponential growth. The chart to the right explains. In the beginning, exponential growth can almost appear linear but as…

The Five Trends Shaping the Future of Cities

Posted in Education, Energy, Future, Future Proof, Futurist, Government, Health Care, Higher Education, Internet, Politics

The science fiction writer William Gibson once wrote: “The future is here. It just isn’t evenly distributed.” It’s a powerful insight because it implies that savvy business people, farsighted political leaders and even average citizens can discern the future if only they heed today’s emerging trends. Five current trends, in particular, appear poised to transform…

Long Road to Self-Driven Cars May Be Short

Posted in Automobile/Aerospace, Future, Future Proof, Futurist, Traffic, Transportation

The Financial Times recently released an informative and well-balanced 12-minute video discussing the long road to self-driving cars. (The full video is posted below). Early in the video, the host declares “it is no longer a question of if but when” self-driven cars will become a reality. I agree wholeheartedly with the assessment but I…

Futurist Jack Uldrich’s Predictions for 2016

Posted in Future, Future Proof, Futurist, Predictions

(Editor’s note: These predictions are offered in the spirit of light-hearted fun and are not intended to be taken literally. Each merely reflects a broader trend that readers can expect to see, experience or read about in the coming year. For a more realistic perspective on each trend, click on the embedded links. Enjoy!) Christian…


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