Significant Earthquake

Date Earthquake Location Earthquake Parameters
Magnitude MMI Int
Year Mo Dy Hr Mn Sec Name Latitude Longitude Mw Ms Mb Ml Mfa Unk
1966 6 27 10 41 9.5 NEPAL-INDIA 29.554 80.854 23 6.3 6.0 8

Significant Earthquake
Earthquake Effects Total Effects (Earthquake and Tsunami, Volcano, etc.)
Deaths Missing Injuries Damage Houses
Deaths Missing Injuries Damage Houses
Num De Num De Num De $Mill De Num De Num De Num De Num De Num De $Mill De Num De Num De
80 2 100 2 1.000 2 5200 4 80 2 100 2 1.000 2 5200 4

Comments for the Significant Earthquake

Comments for the Significant Earthquake

Display listing of nearby significant earthquakes

1966, June 27. Nepal, India. 80 killed, 100 injured, $1 million. (reference #1250)

1966, June 27, 10:41 UTC. 29.7 N, 80.9 E, magnitude 6.1 mb, 6.3 MS, depth 37 km. Six earthquakes of magnitude m equal to or greater than 5.3 affected the frontier region between India and Nepal, east of Moradabad. The strongest, which occurred on 27 June at 10041 h, caused 80 deaths, with numerous injured and serious damage at Baitadi, Dharchula and Shainpur (Nepal); more than 5,200 houses were destroyed and 20,000 people were left homeless; there were some aftershocks on the same and the following day. The main shocks were widely felt in India; intensity VIII was observed at Mukteswar and Naini Tal; some houses were damaged in Delhi, Ambala and Naini Tal; at Ambala, the roof of the Post Office building collapsed; at Moradabad, several old houses were destroyed.(reference #1039)

1966, June 27, 10:41:08.6 UTC. 29.7 N, 80.9 E, depth 37 km, magnitude 5.75. Nepal-India border. Due to the dense population and weak building construction in the epicentral area, 80 persons were killed and 5,000 houses were destroyed. Widespread destruction was reported at Baitadi, Darchula, and Chainpur, Nepal. The remoteness of the region was a great obstacle to relief operations. (reference #45)

1966, June 27, 10:41 UTC. 29.554 N, 80.854 E, depth 22.7 km, magnitude 6.0 mb. (reference #9910)

1966, June 27, 10:41:09.05 UTC. 29.504 N, 80.845 E, depth 25.9 km, magnitude 6. (reference #10476)

References for the Significant Earthquake

References for the Significant Earthquake

ID Author Year Citation
45 U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey and U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1928-1986 United States Earthquakes, Annual publication, published 1928-1986. vol.s for 1928-1965 issued by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey; volumes for 1966-1969 issued by the National Earthquake Information Center; volume for 1970 issued by the National Geophysical Data Center; volumes for 1971-1972 issued by the National Geophysical And Solar-Terrestrial Data Center; volumes for 1973-1980 published jointly by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Geological Survey; volumes for 1981-1986 published by the U.S. Geological Survey. [on shelf]
1039 Rothe, J.P. 1966-1973 Annual Summary of Information on Natural Disasters, UNESCO, Paris, France, 1966 (no. 1) through 1973 (no. 8), 612 p.
1250 Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) 2001 EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, link
9910 Engdahl, E.R., R. van der Hilst, R. Buland 2012 Centennial Earthquake Catalog. Retrieved August 11, 2011 from link
10476 International Seismological Centre 2013 Final Scientific Report of the ISC-GEM Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue, ISC-GEM Global Instrumental earthquake Catalogue (1900-2009). Catalog downloaded 18 March 2013 from link