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BID FireFox Extension Print E-mail
UPDATE: 22 September 2017
The BID FireFox extension (5.13) has been updated to support FireFox Web Extensions

We were forced to update the BID Firefox extension as "Legacy" extensions will no longer be supported once Firefox 57 is released (due on Nov 14 2017).
The method used to communicate between the browser and external applications (like BID) has changed so we had to update BID to support this new communication method.
Because of this it's not possible to use the new extension with versions of BID older than 5.13.
If you want to continue using an earlier version of BID along with browser extensions then you'll have to use a different browser, like Chrome or Internet Explorer.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this. We have no choice but to abide by the decisions made by the Mozilla Firefox developers.
Click on the link above to be taken to the official Mozilla Add-ons page for the Bulk Image Downloader Firefox extension.
This extension adds menu items to the FireFox right click context menu which allows you to open pages and links with Bulk Image Downloader, the BID Queue Manager or the BID Link Explorer.
The menu items can be individually hidden by configuring the BID Add-on options. Click the Firefox "hamburger" (3 horizontal lines) menu, select Add Ons, Find Bulk Image Downloader, Click Options.
BID FireFox Extension
Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt+Shift+C = Open current page with BID
Alt+Shift+Q = Enqueue current page with BID
Alt+Shift+X = Open current page with BID Link Explorer

BID Context menu shortcuts now have single letter shortcuts to allow quick selection after opening the context menu.

Right click on page, then press D, C = Open current page with BID
Right click on page, then press D, Q = Enqueue current page with BID
Right click on page, then press D, X = Open current page with BID Link Explorer

Right click on link, then press D, D = Open link target with BID
Right click on link, then press D, E = Enqueue link target with BID
Firefox web extension limitations:
Unfortunately it's no longer possible to add the BID context menu items to the context menu directly. Each web extension that modifies the context menu will have a sub menu created for its menu items automatically. Unless Mozilla make this possible in the future there's nothing we can do about it. Simple shortcuts (like Shift+D) are also no longer possible and we had to pick shortcut keys that didn't conflict with the huge number of shortcut keys already defined by Firefox.
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