About the Library

Our mission is to support, enhance, and collaborate in the instructional, research, and service activities of the faculty, students, and staff, and contribute to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge.

About Us

818 Hatcher South
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
Phone: (734) 764-0400
Fax: (734) 763-5080

Learn more about the Library's central administration.

The Library is dedicated to fostering an environment that welcomes and respects variety, diversity, and difference.

News and Announcements
Read the latest about the Library's new projects and services.

Read the Library's policies on privacy, access, copyright, and other issues.

See some quick facts and figures about the University Library.

Keep up with happenings and insights from across the library.


Library Hours
Hours for libraries, reference desks, and service points.

Libraries and Departments
A list of the University Library's libraries and departments, with links to other campus library locations as well.

A comprehensive list of all the services offered by the University Library.

Library Floor Plans
Detailed floor plans of library locations.

For the Media

Communications and Marketing Office
Contact us about media resources, library history, events, and latest developments.