Atlas of the Colleges of Education Ghana

From Bjoern Hassler's website
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1 An Atlas of the Forty Colleges of Education, Ghana[edit]

The full atlas (as PDF, complete with all maps and data) is available here (Version 1.xx, 17MB).

We'd very much appreciate your feedback:

Citation available here.

2 Atlas sections[edit]

2.1 Introductory sections, and Appendix 1: Attribution[edit]

The introductory sections of the atlas are available here (Google Doc, downloadable as docx/odt; NO MAPS). You can use this if you want to draw on the text - but note that this version does NOT CONTAIN ANY OF THE MAPS. Use the PDF for that instead or download maps individually from the sections below.

The attributions are also contained in the atlas text at the Google Docs link.

2.2 Appendix 2: College data[edit]

See here (Google Sheet, downloadable as xlsx/odt/csv).

2.3 Appendix 3: Overview map of the colleges[edit]

For different versions of the overview map, see

2.4 Appendix 4: College maps[edit]

Individual college maps: These are the maps as they appear in the atlas, but as individual pages, and without page numbering.

3 Additional materials[edit]

3.1 GPX points for colleges[edit]

For a GPX file with all 40 colleges, see

3.2 Wikipedia[edit]

For the list of colleges on wikipedia, see At present (Dec 2017) that page is the top result on google for "college of education Ghana" or "colleges of education Ghana".

3.3 Details on producing PDF[edit]


4 How you can help![edit]

  • OpenStreetMap
    • We'd like to label buildings in colleges (e.g. classroom, ICT lab, dormitory, administration, etc). If you'd like to help, let us know!
    • We'd like to collect the number of floors/levels, especially for buildings used for teaching). If you'd like to help, let us know!
  • Al-Faruk CoE became a public college in September 2017. However, we don't have any data on that CoE. Can you help?
  • More details for all colleges are needed on Wikipedia,