Photos Of Trump Being A Little TOO Touchy With Ivanka

We know it’s a widespread ongoing joke that the Donald enjoys his “quality” time with his favorite Daughter. We’ve even touched on it here in the past! But these new photos are quite interesting I must say…

I know a lot of you are experiencing certain emotions right now. You’re not sure how to feel about that image. Some immediately dismissed it as disgusting or childish but no, not most people. We wish it was most people. But most people are conflicted right now. Conflicted that they are slightly aroused to see Trump touching Ivanka like that. The way his arms rub up and down it’s, ugh, hard to not watch… Unfortunately.

Trump touching ivanka

Awwww look! Donald is reenacting Ivanka’s senior Prom! Wow look at Trump touching Ivanka in yet another disturbingly arousing photo. I think I might be changing…

trump touches ivanka

Oh and look at this. Just look at this right here. Look at Trump touching Ivanka like he is sizing her up to sell off on the market! Adorable!

Almost enough to make you say:

trump touching ivanka

Now Trump touching Ivanka may not be all that new, but having strangers come to watch Trump touching Ivanka is a whole different level. Especially if that ‘stranger’ is a powerful foreign dictator…

trump touching ivanka

But why does it always look like shes is SOOO into it? Like Trump being creepy, surprise surprise. We’ve seen it. We’re used to it. What we are not used to, is a woman responding positively to his advances, especially in such an appealingly lustful way.

Maybe it has something to with how she was raised. Maybe it’s maybeline. All I know is this goes back a little further than you may have wanted it to. And whether you appreciate it or not, some things just always stay the same!

trump touching ivanka

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