We all move on the fringes of eternity and are sometimes granted vistas through fabric of illusion. Many refuse to admit it: I feel a mystery exists. There are certain times, when, as on the whisper of the wind, there comes a clear and quiet realization that there is indeed a presence in the world, a nonhuman entity that is not necessarily inhuman. - Ansel Adams

"We all move on the fringes of eternity and are sometimes granted vistas through fabric of illusion. Many refuse to admit it: I feel a mystery exists. There are certain times, when, as on the whisper of the wind, there comes a clear and quiet realization that there is indeed a presence in the world, a nonhuman entity that is not necessarily inhuman."

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Ansel Adams

Moving, Serendipity, World, Realization, Quiet, Mystery, Illusion, Granted, Eternity, Certain, Clear, Fabric, Feels, Refuse, Wind, Sometimes, Fringe, Inhuman, Entity, Vistas, ,

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