Directory of Archival Consultants: How to List

Do you want to grow your archives consulting business?

With more than 30,000 unique site visitors per month, the Society of American Archivists' website provides a great way to market your consulting services to prospective clients. As North America's oldest and largest national association dedicated to the archives profession, SAA is a recognized source of information for archivists and members of the public on all aspects of archives and archiving.

Be a part of it. List your business in SAA's new Directory of Archival Consultants today!

Terms of Use

Listings in SAA's Directory of Archival Consultants are published at the following annual rates:

SAA Members: $198/year
Nonmembers: $396/year

Expiration Dates and Pro-ration of Placement Fees

  • All listings expire on December 31 and have a grace period of one month.
  • New listings placed in the months of February through September are pro-rated as follows:
    • $16.50/month for SAA members
    • $33.00/month for nonmembers
  • New listings placed in October, November, and December are pro-rated for the remainder of the calendar year but do not expire until December 31 of the following year.

Cancellation Fee:

  • Cancelled listings are subject to a $35 administrative fee.
  • Refund balances (if applicable) are pro-rated.

Product Features

Upon receipt of payment and designation of an individual content administrator, listings may be edited as follows:

  • Upload a single personal photo or company logo.
  • Add or remove primary areas of expertise (see list at right).
  • Create and add sub-terms for specialties within any primary area of expertise.
  • Add multiple locations, including contact names for each (e.g., Corporate HQ, branch offices, etc.).
  • Add and/or edit a description of your company with easy-to-use formatting tools.
  • Upload file attachments (4MB maximum).


All listings in this directory are paid listings. Information provided by consultants is not independently checked or verified. SAA does not endorse the consultants listed in this directory and does not review, approve, or endorse the consultants' advice or opinions. Consultants who claim in this directory one or more memberships in professional associations are obliged to follow the ethical code(s) of those associations. 

In accordance with the terms of the Society's Disclaimer and Copyright Statement and Privacy and Confidentiality Policy, consultants and end users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SAA and its respective agents from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs, and expenses that may arise from the use of this directory.

SAA retains the right, at its sole discretion, to deny service to listing applicants.

Creating a Listing

  • Complete the listing application form.
  • Upon receipt of a listing application, SAA staff will generate and email a pro forma invoice with instructions for secure online payment. Payment by check also is accepted. Prepayment is required to activate new listings.
  • Upon receipt of payment, SAA staff will confer content editing privileges to your designated listing administrator and provide detailed instructions on use of the Web application.


For additional questions and/or assistance, please contact SAA Headquarters via email at or call toll-free 1-866-722-7858.