Jim Cramer blames a ‘group of complete morons’ for blowing up the market

Published: Feb 8, 2018 5:08 p.m. ET

Cramer breaks down the problems in this market.


Social-media editor

Jim Cramer, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host and resident “booyah” button pusher, isn’t exactly known for measured takes on the stock market.

And Thursday morning, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -4.15% in full retreat, certainly was no different.

Here’s what’s irking him about it all:

‘What bothers me is the people who have never looked at a stock and don’t know how to analyze it [are] out in full force today. They’ve never been better about not knowing anything about the stocks. They got it all figured out.’

Cramer also touched on the Vietnam war, his father and talking politics at the dinner table, but that’s all beside the point.

As for the wild market action, the former hedge-fund manager blamed a ”group of complete morons” trading leveraged volatility products for “blowing up” everything.

While he didn’t call them out by name, he could have been referring to that guy on Reddit who lost $4 million playing the XIV XIV, -18.14% . Or maybe that former Target TGT, -2.92% manager who is trying to recoup his losses by placing a $600,000 bet against volatility VIX, +20.66%  .

Watch the full Cramer rant here:

Also read: Why volatility is hitting ‘low vol’ strategies

And: Here’s what investors need to know about volatility aftershocks

Quote References

  • DJIA
    -1,032.89 -4.15%
  • XIV
    -1.13 -18.14%
  • TGT
    -2.14 -2.92%
  • VIX
    +5.73 +20.66%

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Shawn Langlois is an editor and writer for MarketWatch in Los Angeles. Follow him on Twitter @slangwise.

Shawn Langlois is an editor and writer for MarketWatch in Los Angeles. Follow him on Twitter @slangwise.

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