Cumberland Evening Times Newspaper Archives, Apr 27, 1954, p. 14

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Cumberland Evening Times (Newspaper) - April 27, 1954, Cumberland, Maryland FROSTBURG-KEVSEH And Tri-Slate Area \e«s Evening; Tinier Tuesday, April 27, 195*1 140 Students To Graduate In Tttekcr Gountv LIONS PEAN PROJECT—Members of the Frostburg Lions Club are shown discussing plans for the club’s Sample F'air to be held on May 14 in the Firemen's Hall for the benefit of the organization's eye clinic. National organizations and local merchants will have displays at the fair. Seated are James Smith, left, chairman of the fair, and Clifford Crowe. Standing, left to right, are Oren Lemmert, Dr. Daniel Shupe, William Goebel. Paul LaRue, Edward Flannigan and Jesse F. Jacobs. Final plans for the affair were made by the above group. Allegan \-Garrett Rural Mail ™ J Carriers To Organize Al Meet FROSTBURG—The first organH rational dinner-meeting of the Allegany and Garrett County Rural Letter Carriers Association will be held at Anton’s Big Savage Inn on Saturday at 7:30 p. rn. With the formation of the Allegany and Garrett counties, the entire state will be organized into eight active groups. the meeting will State Teachers Sorority Holds Luncheon Fete OKS Chapter Holds Meeting At Mt. Savage PARSONS — A total of 140 stu-j dents will be graduated from the (three high schools in Tucker Conn- J ty, according to a tentative list 1 recently submitted to the Board of | Education by the principals of the schools. The largest graduating class in the county is at Parsons High School with 84 seniors listed, ac-! cording to M. M. Freeman, prtn-j cipal. I Frank Dale Roberts is class. president; Howard Dale Moore, J vice-president; Clauaette Judy,; secretary; Delton Mullenax, treasurer: Alice Merle Kce and Mary Hartsaw. historians: Eleanor Ferguson. reporter, Carolyn Arnold and Gail Parsons are song leaders: (Margaret Louise Beck and Delton ; Mullenax. are members of the Student Council.    # J Graduates who are members of the Upper Ten and the National Honor Society include Alice Hee. valedictorian; Elizabeth Ann Bennett, salutatory. Janet Sue Shrout. Howard Dale Moore, Mary Hartsaw*. Eleanor Ferguson. Jmo-gene Hebb. Mervin Knotts, Helen *Long, Delbert Poling. Marian Phillips. Members of the National Honor Society are Gail Parsons. Eileen Baer, Doris Arbogast. Carol Jean Goss. Glen Patrick Henry, Phillip Alan Long. Claudette Cur-rev Phillips, and Gary Schilansky. Other members of the class are Carmen Nestor, Patty Ann Ashby. Louise Blair. Virginia Bohon, Carol Ann Carr, Hancel Carr, Leecy Carr. Margaret Louise Bohon, Eva Hesta Bright. Doral Carr, Jo Ellen Carr, Cecil Burns Conrad, Delories Jean Cunningham. Donald Goff. | KEYSER—Four Mineral County Daniel Graham, Wanda Jean Carr, |students have been selected to par-Denver Cross, Willis Fansler. Ken- ticipate in the activities held an-neth Froman, Maynard Hebb, Al-lnually in Charleston for excelling ROTI' QUEEN — Miss Betty Jo Bowers, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bowers. Brushy Run, W. Va., was crowned queen of the first annual Military Ball held on Saturday by the Roth Honorary Society at Potomac State College. Others, left to right, are Lt. Col. Richard Poe, Gary Van Meter, cadet commanding officer, and Lt. Col. Gordon L. Beach, commandant of the ROTC at Potomac State. Miss Bowers is a sophomore home economics major, vice president of Sigma Iota Chi Sorority, vice president of the Folio Book Club and president of the Home Ex Club. She is also a member of the College Players Club. Old Landmark Unnoticed On Romney Street Ar ROMNEY — One of Romnev’a oldest and somewhat historic buildings stands on the main thorough- j fare almost unnoticed. The old Wirgman building, believed to have been built about 1825, now house* an electric shop, and provides living quarters for two families. The landmark is of heavy brick construction and during the Civil War, it is said to have been used as a military prison. Lieutenant John Blue, a spy A Stonewall Jackson’s, was capturer and imprisoned here. He slugged his guard, dressed in a Union Army uniform, locked the building and walked to freedom. A bronze plaque, fastened to the wall of th© | building attests to Blue's feat. The old building has not changed much in construction since the days of the war. The doors do not have knobs, but are equipped with an iron lever-like device that is pushed downward to unlatch tho door. The old wooden Priors and steps emit aged groans when on© walks over them. The old structure once housed the Bank of The Valley of Virginia, but stands today, an aged monument of tin Civil War and hors© and buggy days, as motorized traffic on U. S. 50 whizzes by its door. Four Mineral Students Slated To    ParticijmteIn State Event MT. SAVAGE—The Officers Club of Rebecca Arnold Chapter 57. Order of Eastern Star, entertained yin Irons Grace Bc)j jolly, Betty I in the tests following a study of the local Chapter following a meet- Joan KitzmiUer Bonnie Jean Kim-*West Virginia history. : in0 in the Junior Oi cr Ha . Mrs. ;ball villet Marie King, Ruth Ann Four students will make the trip Leona Wilson and Mrs. Vuginia Hedrick, David Hockman. Joanna through the scenic area and manu- |Geary were co-hostesses. FROSTBURG—Members of Eta At the next meeting on May 4. Isner, Vada Jolly. Bernice Fetter- factoring districts of the state. man. Shirley Ann Kyle, Guests at the meeting will m-(Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma the Past Matrons and Past Patrons I Knotts james W Liller elude Paul G. Benson^    i    Sorority    of    Frostburg State Teach-1 will be honored and the anmver-jIj0rptta Loughryt' Glen’ GCH I Outpost Given Rati ii" Frostburg Group Carns Superior Oil Inspection Council Helps Rec Program In Frostbu r«r 1 r »nt its Candidates File Iii Mineral County J KEYSER—Leslie G. Sherman, i 391 a B Street, has filed as a. candidate for the House of Delegates, subject to the primary election, {according to James A. Dixon, clerk: of the Mineral County Circuit Court. J. William Marker. Fort Ashbv, a member of the Mineral County Jourt, filed as a candidate to Hilda Tenney Lambert. Betty ,    ^ j    r.    Colleen Loughry, Clay Loughry, attend the Grand ( hapter Session David Loughry, Robert Murphy. Officers of the club who will National Rural Letter    Carriers ■    rg College, heard a talk on    sary of the Chapter    will be    cele- jRrida Knotts Association:    John VV.    Emetgh,    *■ World trends in education for|brat#d secretary Washington headquar- Democracy” at a fellowship lunch-ters; Clyde V. Hawes. Knoxville. eon jas| Saturday at the AU Chan Maryland state president, and shrine Country Club, Cumberland. Mrs. Vesta Moore, Brandywine. Dr. Laura B. Harney, a member state president of the auxiliary.    ^he    faculty,    was    the    speaker    and The guests will speak on prob- told of her experiences while serv-lems of the rural carriers and the jng jn 4be field of education in progress of the legislative program threp contlnents, Berlin, Germany; IDaughters of America of Mt.'sav-of the association. A Pegram will    Brazi)i South America; and Palos-jage who attended the    convention of be presented under the    direction    tan> Asja Returning from Pakistan    u Mar land state    court,    CDa. Hoc «prrpt9rv-,in Junp ig53 Dr Harney is nowjin Baltimore ovpr the weck_end librarian at Frostburg.    |were    Mrg    Cpcelia    Albright>    Miss Mary Murray, Miss Martha Rca- in Baltimore are Mrs. Mary Best, Mrs. Dora Burch, Mrs. Virginia C ary and Mrs. Margaret Crow. Attend Convention Delegates from the Catholic of Wilbur L. Ross, secretary-treasurer. The Allegany and Garrett County carriers were formed as one group|vjsor Df Garrett County high!' at the state convention held last i schools, was guest soloist. Mrs. I    an ‘    " July in Frostburg. Officers elected J Brown was presented to the group    n C(    ion    or ou * FROSTBURG — Frostburg Outpost 24-B, Ground Observer Corps, iwas inspected recently by members of the Air Force and given a FROSTBURG — The pi psi Ma^ or and City Council held I final meeting last night and voted j a total of $800 to the recreation succeed himself, programs conducted in Frostburg The deadline for filing as a The council donated $300 to the candidate for officers in the county Hot Stove Baseball League and is Saturday. then voted donations of $250 each    --—-■ to the Braddock Playground Asst)- Slipper Set I lliinulav elation and Ea,t End Playground! piedmont - A spaghetti .up- per will be held by the Star of Wilbur | Scheduled to make the trip this Phyllis (year from Mineral County schools Moore,!are Randolph Lee Pifer, Keyser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pifer. Maple Avenue; Lee Ann Clark.) Keyser, daughter of Mrs. Leroy Litten, South Main Street: Robert JsuPerior A* Staggs. New Creek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Staggs. Antioch, and were Capt. GeraldI Blinko, execu-iy on May u p{,st of Broadway1, Anne Drane. Piedmont, daughter live officer of the I ittsburgh Mer on Mav J3 and on May ]4 jpft. Di ane, center, Lt. James T. Scroggs. Master Sgt. Daniel Smiley, Tech/Sgt. Weimmann, Tech/Sgt. Carbone, and Staff Sgt. Devetta Nestor, Howard Nestor. Alice Parsons. Claudette Phillips. Nancy Lou Miller. Karl Myers. Golden Nestor, Herbert Newman, I of Mr. and Mrs. Harry K Jr., Alta Lee Phillips. Kenneth Pol- piedmont. * ing, Annetta Shahan. Derrill Sin- j The winners, who will be given Ronald clair. Kathleen Swisher, Jerry;the title of knight or lady by thejFran*t White, Gerald Wilmoth, Elma Jean'governor, will leave Keyser on j Harvey Whenery Association. Clean-up days for the city    were    Ua)y Lod^p Qn Thursday from 5.3() set for May 12. 13. and 14.    City    to 7;30    p# m in the lj0dgp Hom<N Officers    inspecting    the    outpost    '• cks, *nd employes will    makp    Tickets    may be obtained fro rn Mrs. umcers    inspecting    inc    oulR°sl,    collections of trash west of Broad- Louis Domenick, telephone 6571. ,    ...    , nt k Invitation Scheduled overs from both sections will be c ’’ected.    WESTERNPORT    —    Philos    Lodg© The regular collections of gar- 91, IOOF. will initiate a class of bago will be resumed on May 4 five candidates tomorrow at 7:30 p. and 7 and will be collected there- m., at the Odd Fellow's Hall. were Gordon B. Griffin. Cumber-1^, Miss Kathrvn Speicher, incom-!was held Friday and the convenient president; Walter M. Twigg. ,ng president; Miss Gertrude Wit-!tion opened Saturday. A dinner was Plum, Charles Shields, Ruth I Thursday, May 13. and return on Capt. Blinko stated that the out- aRpr on Tuesdays and Fridays of Sturms, William Wiles and Violet Saturday, May 15. The state de- posts in Allegany County arcjnacd vveek. Wolfe. Ira McDowell, principal of Davis partment of West Virginia will be among the most outstanding or-' host to the students on May 14. ganizations in the nation. He also I The regular trash collections will be resumed on May 26, and after Tiny insects called snow fleas often are observed on snow in late winter. Little is known about Flintstone, vice president; Wilbur; ]janiS mti'oclvic’ed Dr. Harnev High School announced that 22    There were 31 students    participat-    stated that there would be no prob-1 tbat    wdj ^ collected the second    th(>m- seniors are listed ,for graduation    jng jn the contest for    the honors    lem for the Pittsburgh filter center I and    fourth Thursday of Pach month for May. They are David Spigglc,    jn Mineral County.    ii there were more outposts such L. Ross, Frostburg, secretary-; treasurer. The purpose of the spring meeting is to officially organize the Guests included Mrs. Mildred K. Baltimore Hotel. Balling. Rising Sun. state president    Brief    Mention of h Id Saturday evening at the Lord valedictorian and vice-president, | The sehoo1 represented in the as the ones in this county. He Georgia Arnold, salutatorian. Mur-|tests and the students follow:    stated that they were able to learn !garet Okolish, president; Sarah { Burlington. Georgia Shirley; Fort a great deal from the setup here west of Broad wav and on the Fnr Salp:    Jig    saw, wood lathe, second and fourth Wednesdays east dri11 press, Heavy duty machinery. of Broadway.    j    Wilber!    Beeman,    Gilmore. The next meeting of the council. Adv. DKG: Miss Louise Doty and) A social will be held this evening Bennett, secretary-treasufcr; Shir- Ashby. Donald Milleson. Alice which would aid them in setting up j wjl] bp hpId May 3 at ^hich tim© Miss Mary Rhoads, Fredericks-1 in the Firemen’s Hall for the bene- jey Bible, Aileen Ault, Geraldine Eaye shipman and Edward Linn ; outposts in other localities, burg, organizers of the local chap-: fit thi Mt. Savage Volunteer Butcher. JoAnn Combs, Eleanor Howard. Manuel Russell; Keyser.:    Wilbur    L.    Ross,    chief observer of I McGiboney |Fire Company.    (Cross. Marie Crossland, Alta Har-jE]jen Carvey, Joyce Grayson, the local post, states that many tvzo-county group, elect sew offi cers for the coming year, and i°|ter. Mrs. Catherine    _    _       „    ___ _____ select delegates to attend the state offered the invocation.    I    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Joseph    Dolan    and    per,    Barbara    Jenkins, Janet Judy. | Harold Snyder Jr., Jane Rogers {observers of the post are eligible !office"will include Arthur Thomas, convention to be held at Ocean; The installation of officers will daughter. Mary Jane, recently j Ruth Nealis, Elsie Hedrick. Betty |and Dixie Shaffer.    to    receive    awards    of    merit    from    william    Eberly,    Paul    Haberlein Mayor Jesse Jacobs will turn th© gavel over to Mayor-Elect Perry W. Myers. The new council taking City on July 12 and 13. All HFD be held June 22 at Pleasant Valley, visited Misses Jane and LorettaiTeter, Hugh DeMott, Joseph Glen-mailmen in Allegany and Garrett Garrett County.    O’Connor.    (coe.    Herbert    Hedrick,    John    Meyer counties will attend with a guest, j Quests from other chapters were The purpose of the National Rural Letter Carrier’s Association is to improve methods used by rural carriers, to co-operate with the post office department and the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dickel and children, Barberton, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutzell. Sister Mary Sparata and Sister Frances Therese, Order of School cipal. Pennsylvania Alpha Delta, Miriam Bird. Anna Bolden. Margaret Bow- master. Ruttier Horner, Ida Kim-mel. Margaret Lehman, Dorothy Risch, Nellie Sank, Thelma Saylor. Igjsters 0f Notre Dame, Holy public for the good of the service, jMelda Zimmerman; West Virginia    Angeps    Academy.    Fort    Lee.    N.    J., to promote a fraternal spirit Eta Harriett Browning. Maude    ;relurned    after    visiting    at    St.    Pat- among its members, and to bene- Dolan. Henrietta Loy, Ruth Mein-;, ick f. convent. fit their conditions of labor.    ;    tyre.    Mary Pugh and Anna D. Vol- It is the only organization rec- kjn. Pennsylvania Alpha, Ruth ognized by the Post Office Depart- BrjCG( Florence McCauley, Irma ment representing the rural car- Diehl, Mary Donahoe, Mary riers of the nation, with 36,000 Marse, Thelma Marse, Evelyn and Carl Teter. Thirty-four are expected to graduate from Thomas High School according to Felix Colabrese, prin- Limestone, Mildred Boyce: New the Air Force for the long number !flnd John Hendiey. Creek. Patricia Flint; Patterson of hours they have served.    I At this meeting “Green Bag” Creek. Serene Miner; Piedmont.; Sixty-one members of the post appointments win be made and wUl Betty Jean Shults, Lessie Weasen- have served over IOO hours; 23 forth and David Lambert.    (over 250 hours; five over 500 hours: Ridgeley, Iris Wilkinson. Lynn four over 750 hours; and three over Nelson. Leon Hammond and Donna 1,000 hours. A membership meet- include the city attorney, city clerk, water superintendent, street superintendent, filtration engineer, city treasurer, city tax collector. They are Dale Evans, president Rae preaskorn; Short Gap. Samuel ing will be held in the near future c[{y pngineer nnd caretaker at members. Miller. Rosalind S. Mourv, Martha Stailey; and West Virginia Alpha. Alma Burnworth and Mrs. E. E. Church. Othei Eta chapter members I Auxiliaiy will infill its    j    Ronald Johnson, Julia Karlovich, I ffnmp On Furlough present were Grace Bittner, Esther! elected officers at a meeting today s t u T .______ jtlOIllc    un    rlirioii£ii Carter, Elaine Crowe, Margaret, j at 8 p. rn., at the VFW Home. 1 Hamilton, Ruth Hanson. Christina Officers to be installed include IHosack, Nellie Hooken. Betty Ran-(Mrs. Dorothy Witte, president; bol, Eva Ream, Margaret Ringler,, Mrs. Anna Mary Bever, senior vice Zeola Robeson, Elsie Roland, Ann president; Mrs, Sue Crump, junior Thomas. Margaret Weakland, I vice president; Mrs. Mary Eliza-Edith MacMannis and Charlotte;beth Fannon. treasurer; Mrs. Rose Muilendore. Sliekley IVew President Keyser Honor Society Study Course Set Tomorrow Frostburg VI SCS I nit To Sponsor Classes FROSTBURG — A study course, **The life and task of the church around the world", sponsored by the WSCS of First Methodist Church will begin tomorrow at 7:30 p. rn., in the intermediate Sunday School room of the educational building. The course will continue eachj0f Mr. and Mrs. Vance Stickley. Wednesday at 7:30 p. rn., through '.Keyser, was elected president of Flay 19. Mrs. Dale Amor, sec re- the J. C. Sanders National Honor tary of missionary education, wiirSocicty at Keyser High School yes-be in charge of the course. terday. He is a member of the The subject for the first meet- ,junjor Class, ing will be "Lost Fairyland. Mrs. Other officers elected were Fred-Howard Duckworth will be in,erick Snyder, vice president; Jean charge of devotions and Mrs. John Kight, secretary, and Delvinia B. Jones will give the story of; William Carey, missionary to India. Brief Mention George Kennedy, 'resident of! the Little Baseball League, annona-1 man was plpcted presidpnt ced that parents and interested persons will meet Friday at the Auxiliary Unit Of Installation Set tt„ I !tricia Cianfaglione; Russell Cooper. MT. SAVAGE Old Rail Unit; Pmcc Jamo? Tlavic (6025. Veterans of Foreign Wars of the class; Thomas Kight. vice-president; Mary Louise Carr, secretary: Thomas Stemple, treasurer; Freda Ann Paugh. James Knatts, Angela Lamonta, Frederic-ka Shaffer, and Harry Sowers, members of the Student Council; Patricia Victoria Bergstrom, Robert Bozio, Anna Virginia Carr, Pa- Umstot, Carey Moore and Betty and these awards will be present- pjnpy Run Dam Sutton, and Wiley Ford, Faye ed.    :    _ Sacks, Ivonne Wagoner, Bonita Malone and Joy Boone. The WIESE Plow Points 100% Carbon *»••! "W»ar twit* oi long ai now points" ROWLAND SPRINGS RANDOLPH WELDING SHOP 8? MICHANIC ST. FROSTBURG    RHOME    414 Della Jean Cross. James Davis, Michael Fanto, Harry Gooding, OKS Unit To Meet FROSTBURG—Mt. Chapter 15. OES. will meet tomorrow at 8 p. rn. Mrs. Willard Harvey will preside. Martens Named Slate Councilor John Lipover. Frank Martin Jr., James Page, John Phelps. Mary Jane Phillips, Frederick Poling. William Rizer, Mary Josephine Rothcy, Stanley Sedmock, Aline Rose Shaffer, Ihelma Katherine Shepherd. Anna Marie Teranto and Richard Wise. {Marie Kilduff, chaplain; Mrs. IN ell ie Hotchkiss, conductress; i Mrs. Mabel Wilson and Mrs. Fern Rrvjval Open jNeder, trustees, and ****** {Conway, guard. KEYSER I Appointive officers are Ronald Sticklev, son Laura Murray, secretary; Betty Bolt, patriotic Mrs. Helen Lepley, Mrs. Jean Logsdon, Mrs. Mary Green and Mrs. Alma O’Neal, color bearers Mrs. Fern Neder, historian, and Mrs. Anna Mary Beven, musician. Miss Jean FROSTBURG - Rev. Samuel Mrs. (Martin, evangelist in the Church of Mrs.: the Nazarene, Nashville, instructor; will conduct a revival beginning today through May 9 at 7:45 p. rn. of the local Church of Nazarene. Rev. Joseph D. Byers, pastor, announced that special singing will be conducted nightly. FROSTBURG — Sgt, Edward B. Sevinskv is spending a 30-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sevinsky, Hill Street. Sgt. Sevinsky is stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga. Card Party Planned PIEDMONT — The Piedmont High School Alumni Association will hold a public card party on 'Thursday at 8 p. rn., at the Italian FROSTBURG—G. Franklin Mar- Hall. tens w£ks elected state councilor of    - Junior Order of the United Ameri- «*. ..    ■ n. , can Mechanics last week at the;    Piedmont 84th annual state meeting in Bal-! PIEDMONT — Sister Edward timore.    (Emmanuel, the former Marceline Martens has served as recording (Healy, returned to St. Margaret’s secretary for Freedom Council 123.1 Vocati°nal School, Philadelphia. Frostburg, for the past 25 years. a^cr visiting her parents. Mr. and He has been special deputy in the Mrs- John E. Healy. county for the past 15 yeaj-s.     —........     -    j He was accompanied to Balli- For Sale: 1953 Dodge Coronet. 4 more by Mrs. Martens, Aaron door sedan. 9.000 miles, fully equip-i Bean, national representative; j ped, excellent condition. Apply 122 Of ©our intuit amcc Ladies Night Held FROSTBURG—The Elks Ladies John W. Timmons, Howard Hanna,1W. Main Street, Frostburg, after Night was held last Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. George W. Buckalew 5 p. rn. the Elks Home. The refreshment I and Mr. a^id Mrs. John Fatkin. | Adv.—N-T-April 27-28-29 committee included Mrs. William —-----  —----- Tcnn., Byers, chairman. Mrs. Robert! Lemmert. Mrs. Joseph La Porta. Mrs. Joseph James, Mrs. Robert Prichard, Mrs. James Evans, Mrs. Walter Anthony and Mrs. Richard Green. The next meeting will be i held May 6. Evans, treasurer. Another election was held yesterday morning at the scho^1. when the Sophomore Class elected officers for next year. Krista Leather- Scott Ward, vice-president; Sally Tribett, secretary, and Darlene McCoole, Undergoes Operation BLOOMINGTON — Dorsey E. Beard underwent an operation yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital, Cumberland. 11, -asurer. Frostburg Ball Park at 9 a. rn., to get the field in shape for the; coming season. Rev. and Mrs. William J. Ying-1 Alumni To Meet ling and family are visiting in Bal-’; timore.    /    WESTERNPORT—A    meeting of Mrs. Herbert Logsdon, Frost- the Alumni Association of Bruce burg, who was injured in a motor car accident April 16 near Front Royal, Va., is a patient in Warren Memorial Hospital. Front Royal. The Frostburg WCTU will meet: discussed in the Sunday School room of First ———— Methodist Church on Friday at 7:30 p. rn. Mrs. John S. Cook, district { president, will speak.    jjt Members of Mt. Chapter 15, Or-11 der of Eastern Star, attending the 7 meetings of the grand chapter at Baltimore this week include Mrs. jj[ Violet!© Johnson, Mrs. Veanetta Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wie-brecht, Mrs. Ethel Hager, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mrs. Ruth Lear and Mr. and Mrs. R. Edgar Bennett. A “Dinty Moore” party will be held Thursday at the Masonic Temple beginning at 7:30 p. rn. All Master Masons will be guests. High School will be held at the school on Thursday at 7 p. rn. Plans for the holding of the association's annual dinner will be TUE LOSS NOT ALWAYS HAPPENS TO THE OTHER FELLOW ... it CAN happen to you I Holben Agency Phone 625    Frostburg ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE 19 Cochran . . . Wonder-Lux and Wall Coat Flat Enamel For All Wall* and Woodwork Your Choice of 32 Beautiful Colors MAKI OUR STORE YOUR PAINT HEADQUARTERS ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. Union St. — Lonaconing, Md. — Dial 4421 IA$T DAY A Literary Amid Selection1 PALACE MATS. SUN. - TUES. THUR. A SAT. at 1:30 ON OUR NEW MIRACLESCOPE SCREEN TUES.-WED.    LYRIC    N,TI    °NlV DOUBLE FEATURE e»o*nr_ ©own 0 ZACHARY SCOTT UNB MWW STONEY BKJOTKl DUM IWN * »<"*m im*n«u m RWCAUE A WWtWC PtCYJ*E ...a tip for Ute One Woman in IOO who stands out in a crowded room! You know what a new hair style, or an exclusive gown or a Paris hat does for you!...well, let your home be equally distinctive and admired by painting the walls with deep dramatic shades of Kyartize CLINGCOTE DEEP COLORS WALL PAINT Listen to praises as a decorator when you’ve used colors like Red Fiesta, Capri Blue, Persimmon or any of the other rich, colorful, ready-mixed colors in this new group of w'all colors. It’s a gay array of brilliant hues to stir the enthusiasm and the admiration of your guests. the Gift of a Stunning Traditionally Pine N-T-Apr. 26-27^| 17 jewels. cultural gold 14k $71.50 Jeffries Bros. Jewelers Broadway    Frostburg Open Saturday till 9 P. M.