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Document last modified: Tue, 15 Jun 2010, 19:54 UTC

Blackbox Styles

If you're looking for Blackbox screenshots, yes, you're in the right place. Just try any of the websites listed below; they have lots of them. The bigger the site, the more screenshots it has.

1 Big repositories
2 Personal repositories
3 Screenshots only

Otherwise, this page was meant to hold links to Blackbox style repositories. Please do not link directly to actual images or style file downloads, only add links to sites which offer Blackbox styles.

Why no screenshots on this site? Because posting images on a wiki somehow always ends up either in a complete mess or as a show-off contest. Besides, we'd never be able to match the sheer quantity of screenshots found in other places.

For each website you add, pick a name, add a link and (optionally) a small description. If you find broken links please fix them or delete them! Please try to keep the lists ordered alphabetically.

How to pick a category: Big repositories = community driven with lots of entries. Personal repositories = small personal sites or pages. Screenshots only = just screenshots, no styles to download.

1) Big repositories

2) Personal repositories

3) Screenshots only

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Document last modified: Tue, 15 Jun 2010, 19:54 UTC
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