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Here’s A Quiz For You

This is a guest post by Richard Lowery, Jr.

Below is a brief quiz regarding some issues that are of serious concern for our country.  People who are much more intelligent than a hayseed like me, such as university professors, Washington D.C. think tank occupants and members of the media, have postulated modern sophisticated answers to these questions.

Let’s take the quiz and see how well you do!

  • Many of our neighborhoods are crime ridden putting the safety of families at risk. You are handed a magic wand to fix the problem.  You get one wave of the magic wand to change one thing.  What is the best thing for you to wish for?
    1. Elect more Democrats
    2. Double down on the progressive narrative that the real problems are cops gone bad, Trump supporting deplorables and the sinister workings of Western Civilization. Put body cameras on law enforcement personnel and pass legislation that outlaws all guns including slingshots that fire objects larger than a kernel of corn.
    3. Create a new federal department called: The Department of the Bureau of Unnecessary Layer upon Layer of Studies that Hinder Ideas and Thinking (The U.S. Department of B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.)
    4. Have way more people attend church every week.
  • School test scores are not competitive with other countries. You are handed a magic wand to fix the problem.  You get one wave of the magic wand to change one thing.  What is the best thing for you to wish for?
    1. Elect more Democrats
    2. Empower the already powerful teacher’s unions with more powerful power.
    3. Create a new federal department called: The Department of Vocational Obfuscation for the Mindless Increase in Testing S (The U.S. Department of V.O.M.I.T.S.)
    4. Have way more people attend church every week.
  • Single parent households are increasing causing unstable family structures, childhood poverty and other social pathologies. You are handed a magic wand to fix the problem.  You get one wave of the magic wand to change one thing.  What is the best thing for you to wish for?
    1. Elect more Democrats
    2. Create a fleet of helicopters to fly over the country to drop condoms on the nation’s cities, towns, villages and farms. Then attach a Planned Parenthood clinic to every Catholic church.
    3. Create a new federal department called: The Department of the Bureau of Absurd Daffy Inane Derisive & Entirely Awful Solutions. (The U.S. Department of B.A.D. I.D.E.A.S.)
    4. Have way more people attend church every week.
  • Our civil society is deteriorating. People feel lonelier, less engaged with each other and the civic bonds that previously held us together seems to be deteriorating.  You are handed a magic wand to fix the problem.  You get one wave of the magic wand to change one thing.  What is the best thing for you to wish for?
    1. Elect more Democrats
    2. Institute a “smile at someone” federal tax credit that creates incentives for taxpayers to grin at people they don’t know. The program will allow people to write off on their taxes the expense of smiling at total strangers.  Hire 30,000 IRS agents to audit taxpayer smiling activity to ensure that the program is not abused.
    3. Create a new federal department called: The Department of Silly Taxes & Unbelievably Preposterous IRS D (The U.S. Department of S.T.U.P.I.D.)
    4. Have way more people attend church every week.

So, how well did you do on the quiz?  If you selected the answers 1 through 3 then you agree with most university professors, Washington D.C. think tank occupants and members of the media.   The bad news is that you are wrong, but the good news is that you should immediately apply for a job in one of those fields since they are always looking for people with credulously incorrect world views like yours.

If you selected the answers listed after d, then you are right.  That is the good news.  But, the bad news is that this means that our societal difficulties cannot easily be fixed by all-purpose solutions generated by our technocratic superiors who like put all our problems in various neat boxes adorned with colorful charts and then drone out centralized decisions that no-one (including them) really understands and have all the proceedings broadcasted on C-span in the evening so I can watch their vapidity in action which makes me fall asleep on my couch thereby dropping the glass of soda that I was holding causing me to wake up suddenly and startle my dog.

Voluminous studies that could fill the gilded banquet halls of Trump Tower reveal that the personal decisions made by individuals have the largest impact on life’s outcomes.   And whether we like it or not the best way that our species has come up with to transmit from generation to generation those practices that lead to good personal behavior is through organized religion.   There is no better way to defer lechery, greed, sloth, avarice or the punching of your little sister when mother is not looking than the notion that a consistent accumulation of bad earthly checkmarks may lead to an eternal room assignment in Hotel Hell.  And if you are bad enough, then you might even be condemned to watch an endless loop of Barney shows and Hillary Clinton speeches which is enough to make anyone wail and gnash their teeth.

Study after study shows that neighborhood crime, violence and poverty are reduced when stable families are prevalent and the data affirms that religious worship tends to produce stable families.   Members of religious institutions account for a large proportion of secular social capital that we used to take for granted.  (1)

Religious worshippers are … much more likely than other persons to visit friends, to entertain at home, to attend club meetings, and to belong to sports groups; professional and academic societies; school service groups; youth groups; service clubs; hobby or garden clubs; literary, art discussion and study groups; school fraternities and sororities; farm organizations; political clubs; nationality groups; and other miscellaneous groups. (2)

Social Scientist Charles Murray further reports that:

Churches serve specifically as a resource for sustaining a democratic citizenry.  Various studies have found that active involvement in church serves as a kind of training center for important social skills.  All these relationships hold true even after controlling for demographic and socio-economic variables.  People who attend church… have longer life expectancies, less disability in old age, and more stable marriages.   There is strong evidence for the relationship to religiosity to happiness and satisfaction with life, self-esteem, less depression and less substance abuse.  The list goes on, including many positive outcomes for children raised by religious parents.” (3)

The results appear to be in.  More religion – on average – means better societal outcomes.  Yet, our intellectual betters – the good people at Harvard, the New York Times and many quarters of the Democratic Party – are getting more secular.   What the heck?

Let us agree that religion does not cure all ills since we humans are weak creatures either because of our fallen nature due to original sin – or for the more secular among us – due to unfortunate genetic coding through the accidental deterministic process of evolution.  (4)  Yet even the more insightful of our progressive brethren will acknowledge the positive societal impact of faith, but they are uncomfortable with many old time religious values.   Religion is fine if it does not get in the way of the good works done by abortionists and if the faithful stay quiet about their beliefs in the public square.   Religion is fine if we can distribute contraceptives to 9th grade students but don’t allow them to pray in school.   Religion is fine if it is put in a box, secularized and conforms to the editorial positions of the Washington Post.

The problem with this approach is that it neuters traditional religion by turning it a watered-down smiley faced pile of niceties that demands little of its adherents; hence they may give little back.  One might as well join a book club where you meet once a month to bring delicious snacks to eat and have some non-judgmental conversation where you must be careful not to step on anyone’s toes.   But, the positive societal results will be minimal.  Book clubs tend not to do things like encourage people to devote one’s life to help orphans, raise money to take care of indigent strangers, minister to the sick, delay gratification, avoid self-destructive behaviors or just help a neighbor.   Bible thumping evangelicals will spend their vacations building houses for the less fortunate because they believe that the big guy upstairs wants them to do these things, but such activities are not often organized by book clubs which are not designed to guide their members toward eternal happiness.   When you have a lot of skin in the game, then you tend to be more willing to put in more effort.

Our intellectual betters take issue with traditional religion because it gets in the way of their world view which transfers responsibility from the individual to “society.”  When vacuous blame can be assigned to personified entities like society, then it increases the importance of our secularized superiors who fancy their lot as the new high priests who should dictate values to the knuckle-dragging unwashed masses as opposed to the priests, ministers or rabbis who base their beliefs in bronze age semi superstitious creeds that grew out of the misty past.   Progressive elites believe that they have access to new and improved psychoanalytic and central planning scientific insights; hence, when presented with counter arguments based on Judeo-Christian values, their common response is, “back off man, this is science!”  (5)  Of course, there is nothing wrong with science, it’s just that: a) science is being misapplied to the wrong topics, and b) even the “data” used by our technocratic superiors to browbeat us into submission is sometimes suspect, inconclusive and does not support their conclusions.  (6)  Our secularist friends have such fervent beliefs that they often take the liberty of unilaterally relieving themselves from burdens like common sense, evidentiary standards and any responsibility when their knuckleheaded programs go astray.

So, it is all very tiring.  Solutions that don’t solve problems are constantly being trotted out and vast sums of money are shoveled at unhelpful bureaucratic schemes that – at times – even aggravate the situation.   Sometimes the best answer is not more Democrats, more bureaucratic regulations or more government, but rather to just tell someone “knock it off man and get your sorry butt to church or you will burn in hell.”

Richard J. Lowery Jr is a hayseed from upstate New York who has about a 50/50 chance of burning in hell.


(1) Charles Murray, Coming Apart, (New York: Cox and Murray, 2012), pp 200- 201

(2) Charles Putnam, Bowling Alone, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000) p. 67

(3) Murray p. 201

(4) It is interesting to note that Roman Catholic theology has never had a major quarrel with evolution.  The 1909 Catholic Encyclopedia said that evolutionary concepts appear to be, “in perfect agreement with the Christian conception of the universe.”   For a good three ½ page recap of the Catholic thought on this issue see,” Stephen Barr, “The Design of Evolution”, First Things, #156, (October 2005), pp 9 -12.

(5)   This is a paraphrase from the Bill Murray line in Ghostbuster’s: “Back off man, I’m a scientist.”  It is one of my favorite movie lines and – in my opinion – it is right up there with the Strother Martin line in Cool Hand Luke: “What we got here is a failure to communicate!”

(6) Our intellectual superiors have been known to bald-faced lie so that they can educate us on the errors of our benighted ways.  Some of the all-time reprehensible whoppers occurred leading up to the Roe vs Wade decision when pro-abortion advocates were giving the public a hard sell on the virtues of abortion.   Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was a prominent leader in the effort to legalize abortion, years later wrote about tactics of deceit that were used at the time.

We persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal enlightened, sophisticated one. Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls. We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60% of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion. This is the tactic of the self-fulfilling lie. Few people care to be in the minority.  We aroused enough sympathy to sell our program of permissive abortion by fabricating the number of illegal abortions done annually in the U.S. The actual figure was approaching 100,000 but the figure we gave to the media repeatedly was 1,000,000. Repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public. The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200 – 250 annually. The figure constantly fed to the media was 10,000. These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans convincing many that we needed to crack the abortion law. Another myth we fed to the public through the media was that legalizing abortion would only mean that the abortions taking place illegally would then be done legally. In fact, of course, abortion is now being used as a primary method of birth control in the U.S. and the annual number of abortions has increased by 1500% since legalization.” Bernard Nathanson: “Confessions of an Ex-Abortionist” In The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind. (Regenery Publishing, 2001) as quoted by



Happy Saturday and an Early Happy Father’s Day

To all of you fathers out there, I hope you have a great Father’s Day. Especially you, Dad! Enjoy the day and enjoy your families. Life happens so fast, cherish every moment.

Sorry I haven’t been blogging lately. I started a new job a few months ago and I’ve been working quite a few hours. After work we always have something going on, but now that the Little League season is over it should free up some time.

The LC family had a good day today. Mr. LC coached our younger son’s Little League team and they won the championship today. This is his last year so it was nice going out on a high note. Not to mention that it was a beautiful morning for a ball game and a great afternoon to relax by the pool.

Now we’re chilling on the deck. This here is about the most political statement I make lately.

I’ve just really soured on politics. I’m still hoping Trump does a good job, but I have to say I’m still not a big fan. And I know the media is ridiculous, and the mass left wing hysteria. I just don’t want to be part of the nasty online culture anymore. I’m enjoying living like a normal person. It’s nice.

I’ll try to check in every now and then, and if I’m so inspired will weigh in if I feel I have anything to add. In the mean time, enjoy your summer!


My Witness

The following is a guest post by Dr. Robert Owens, and Happy Easter!


My Witness

When I was young I was not a nice fellow. Snakes would cross the street when I sauntered down the sidewalk. My all consuming passion was getting enough alcohol and drugs to help me forget something I couldn’t remember. Playing music and living in a 24/7 party atmosphere was all I cared about. Other people were collateral damage on my way to a buzz. I had the name of my guitar tattooed on my arm so women would know where my loyalties lay.

Spiritually I was dead inside. I called myself an atheist and I was faithful to my boast. Anyone who spoke to me of any religion was automatically consigned by me to irrelevance. The closest thing I had to an actual conviction was a strident attachment to militant apathy. I didn’t care about anything and I couldn’t stand anyone who did.

That was my life until I was thirty. Then God spoke to me. God touched me. God changed me. God gave me a new life. I was born again.

Today I can remember what I did in my former life but I can no longer relate to it. It as if my life before God was a movie I have seen. I can recall the important scenes and the important characters but I feel a complete detachment to being one of the actors in the plot.

God gave me a wife who is the love of my life. He gave me a son who is my heir and friend. He gave me a daughter-in-love who is the daughter I always wanted to have. He has given me two grandchildren who are the joy of my life as a seasoned citizen. He has allowed me to see miracles, plant churches, be a pastor, found ministries that fed and clothed thousands, watch people accept Him, watch people grow in Him, and hold the hands of people who went to join Him.

I was born again on Palm Sunday in 1980 so I just had my 37th birthday as a child of God. I give Him the glory for my life. I give Him the honor that is His due. I cannot even give a fraction of the love He has shown. He is my source, my summit, and my all.

As we approach the celebration of His rising from the dead I am reminded of the fact that it is faith that saves us and that not of our self for even the faith is a gift. I look about at all the traditions and customs we have developed in more than two thousand years and I smile. I pray that everyone who calls on His name has a blessed and joyous Resurrection Day. Enjoy the season as best meets the requirements of your faith.

Let us all recall that if we confess Jesus as Lord and if we believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead we shall be saved.

That is the truth, the truth upon which all of reality rests. That is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, all the rest is window dressing. Just as one enjoys Italian food and another enjoys Chinese yet all food is good to those who like it. So too, our traditions and customs if they do not detract from the truth of by who and how we are saved are all good.

Have a wonderful time with family and friends, co-religionists and those C&E Christians who make it standing room only at so many normally empty churches at this time of year. Love them all and let God sort them out. Just remember, the biggest surprise when we get to heaven is not who is there but that we are, for it is not by works but by faith that we are saved. The greatest saint and the worst sinner both need the Lord’s grace to enter in.

There is no sin so great that it cannot be forgiven if we lay it at the cross. He knows us better than we can ever know ourselves and he forgives us. Don’t labor under a load you were never meant to carry any further than the cross. Give it all to Him and he will give you rest.

I praise Him for saving me. I praise Him for giving me life. I ask Him to open doors for me to serve Him. And when I am gone there is but one eulogy I wish anyone to hear, “God got the glory!”

Yours in Him,


Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2017 Contact Dr. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



Saturday Funnies

Happy Saturday! I have not had very much time at all to think about the blog lately, my apologies. But rather than leave it here languishing away I thought the least I could do is try to bring back the Saturday Funnies. We have a few weekends coming up that aren’t too busy so hopefully I can keep up with this small little part of this blog. I hope you are all doing well and that your spring weather is better than ours here in Central New York.

Today’s funnies by A.F. Branco were found at Legal Insurrection – see more here.

Barstool Eruptions as Public Policy

Guest post by Richard Lowery, Jr.

Barstool Eruptions as Public Policy

I confess that I am not a constitutional law professor nor have I ever played one on TV so my ability to comment on the legal reasoning behind the U.S. Ninth Circuit court’s ruling regarding President Trump’s travel ban is limited in the same way that my knowledge is limited about Parisian designer garments that are worn by the super models who prance down runways at international fashion shows.  But I will admit that I would rather look at the runway models as opposed to the judges since the black robes that are worn by the judges are much less stylish and are very difficult to match with accessories to say nothing of finding decent looking footwear that will go with them.

But having conceded the key points above, I still have some opinions on the travel ban brouhaha.   Let us assume that the Constitution does grant President Trump the power to impose his policy.   Is this still a wise and prudent thing for him to do?

First, the actual policy.  To date, there have been no terrorist activities caused by immigrants from the seven temporarily banned countries.  We can agree that the U.S. must be very careful with admitting people from these nations, but barring some inside intelligence not available to the general public that points to an immediate threat, then I question if the temporary ban will make us any safer.   Whenever the Federal Government uses its coercive powers, then there should be sufficient cause to do so.  Again, if there is reasonable evidence that this temporary ban protects the U.S. from some potential harm, then implement it.  But kindly do not enact a disruptive policy it if it is only to fulfill some barstool eruption that was pledged at campaign rallies last summer. (2)

Second, the politics.  In general our liberal friends have gone nuts.  They have been going nuts for quite some time now, but presently they are travelling down the path of crack-potness at an increased warp speed that would make Captain Kirk proud.   MSNBC is sputtering nonsense, liberal commentators are impersonating Chicken Little and the NPR announcers are describing issues in sedate and sugary sweet tones which can only mean that their anti-depressant drug prescription levels have been dramatically increased.  Anything that Mr. Trump does will be treated in an antagonistic manner by a venom-spewing press.  The average voter – thankfully – does not spend hours reading breathless Washington Post reporter tweets like how an unnamed source was told by an unidentified White House intern’s brother-in-law about an unconfirmed rumor that a top Trump advisor made a face at another top Trump advisor while leaving the restroom.   Most sane people – which means we must exclude many University professors – agree that it is prudent to revisit vetting programs for security purposes, but with this high profile travel ban we have innocent people apparently being caught up in the dragnet for insufficient reasons by the Keystone Cops.  These are soundbite gifts to his opponents and at the very least the optics are bad.   The same people who do not pay attention to Washington Post reporter tweets probably do see the negative reports plastered across TV screens, newspapers and ubiquitous social media devices.   Most will not consult previous court rulings to determine if stare decisis favors Mr. Trump’s temporary travel ban.   Mr. Trump does not have an unlimited supply of political capital.  He just dipped into his political capital bank account, withdrew a chunk and spent it – perhaps superfluously?

Third, the administrative priorities. There are limits to what an administration can pay attention to.   Does Mr. Trump want to raise a ruckus and spend energy on high profile court cases to accomplish his admirable goal of making the U.S. secure?  Particularly when the ban is not necessary? There will be many future crises beyond his control that will require him to defer his attention and suck away energy from his agenda.   But, this current energy sucking ball of hair is of his own making.

Methinks that Mr. Trump hath not comported himself in a wise and prudent manner.

There are attributes of character that have gone out of fashion over the last – say – oh – 200 years.   We modern people like motion and action and noise and sparkly things; hence, we are attracted to these traits in leaders which is why we elect as president mediocre legislators with vapid ideas but oratorical gifts (Mr. Obama) and TV personalities with cartoonish outlooks but with marketing/ branding skills (Mr. Trump).   Both of these cultish characters exude action and hoopla and bustle.

The ancients had a better appreciation for virtues like prudence and wisdom which are attributes that have gone out of style with us modern folks.   The philosopher Mortimer Adler tells us that these objects of thought were topics that pervaded the Great Books of the past but are much less frequently discussed by more recent thinkers and authors.  (3)  This is unfortunate in that wisdom – unlike knowledge – does not seem to increase with each generation; hence a reduction in societal interest means its usage is given less weight by citizens – and by their leaders.   We have more knowledge of stuff, but have less ability to know the wise and prudent use of these things.  (4)

Note the following passage from the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius on why he admired the emperor Antonin Pius,

“Remember his resolute constancy in things that were done by him according to reason, his equability in all things, his sanctity; the cheerfulness of his countenance, his sweetness, and how free he was from all vainglory; how careful to come to true and exact knowledge of matters at hand, and how he would by no means give over till he did fully, and plainly understand the whole state of the business; and how patiently, and without any contestation he would bear with them, that did unjustly condemn him: how he would never be overhasty in anything, nor give ear to slanders and false accusations, but examine and observe with best diligence the several actions and dispositions of men.    Again, how he was no backbiter, nor easily frightened, nor suspicious, and in his language free from all affectation…” (5)

Such wisdom and prudence is not the description of what we moderns look for in a leader.   Yet, Russell Kirk – writing about 60 years ago seems to suggest that these are attributes that a conservative should desire.  When listing the canons of thought of how a conservative should approach society he wrote that,

“Recognition that change may not be salutary reform: hasty innovation may be a devouring conflagration, rather than a torch of progress.  Society must alter, for prudent change is the means of social preservation; but a statesman must take Providence into his calculations, and a statesman’s chief virtue, according to Plato and Burke, is prudence.” (6)

It is not the role of US president to cause a ruckus for the sake of causing a ruckus.  An aura of crisis is the friend of the liberal wishing to implement radical change, but not the conservative who wishes prudent and wise societal improvement.  Success should be measured in defusing noise levels to encourage stability and calm to allow individual Americans to deploy their talents and creativity.    Mr. Trump is now the U.S. president and he is implementing serious national security policy with potentially far reaching impacts.   He is not a casino CEO ginning up hubbub over an upcoming pro wrestling match that is taking place at one of his properties.

Perhaps fewer barstool eruptions and a little more wisdom and prudence are in order.

Frightfully Yours,

Richard J. Lowery Jr.



  1. Models at Judges at
  2. Not sure who gets the credit for popularizing the phrase “barstool eruption”. I recall Charles Krauthammer using it a couple of times.    I do like the term and I have been known to have a few barstool eruptions myself after logging in a couple of hours in a saloon.
  3. Professor Adler writes, “In the tradition if great books, the moderns usually assert their superiority over the ancients in all the arts and sciences. They seldom claim superiority in wisdom…  Wisdom is frequently and extensively the subject of discussion in the ancient and medieval than in the modern books.   The ancients seem to have not only a greater yearning for wisdom, but also a greater interest in understanding what wisdom is and how it can be gained.”  Mortimer Adler, Great Ideas, (MacMillan Publishing, 1952) page 938
  4. Professor Adler writes, “We believe that, with the centuries, knowledge can be steadily increased and learning advanced, but we do not suppose that the same progress can be achieved in wisdom. The individual may grow in wisdom.  The race does not seem to.” Ibid, page 938
  5. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (This edition Simon & Brown, 2011) page 93- 94
  6. Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind (Regnery, 1953) page 9.

In Case You’re Wondering…

A few of you from the old days still pop in on occasion to check out this blog, and you might be wondering why I go days or weeks without posting anything. Some of you might think that I haven’t gotten over the Republican primary, or Donald Trump becoming the 45th POTUS. Well, it’s not that. He still makes me nervous, but I’m holding out hope for the time being.

The reason for my extended absences is really simple – I don’t have time. Heck, Donald Trump and the insane reaction to him would certainly provide plenty of blog fodder. It would be fun to make a living throwing in my two cents every time the left freaks out over his every tweet and pronouncement.

The problem is that being a little independent blogger isn’t a good way to pay the bills. For a while I was able to spend a lot of time doing this and the blog did bring in some money. But it was nowhere near what was needed to make up for the increases in our family’s health insurance premiums that skyrocketed after Obamacare took effect. The premiums went up so much that we had to go to a high deductible plan. That plan cost more than the plan we had before that had no deductible. It was kind of horrifying. So I had to shift my priorities.

I’d love to save the world. I’d love to save our republic. But I have to save my family first. So I increased my hours at work so my two boys and I could at least have a decent health plan. Unfortunately, my share of that plan went up this year, and the plan my husband has for himself through his business is going up 20% this year. It’s insane.

So I work a lot more, which leaves me with a lot less time for this blog. To get an idea, take the past two days of my life:

Yesterday morning I packed up my car at about 8:30 AM and drove about 2 1/2 hours to a client’s location. I spent about 2 hours there and drove back home. There was a problem with the card reader at the gas pump at the Thruway rest stop, so I had to detour for to fill up my tank which made the trip last a little longer. After I got home I checked and responded to some work emails. I threw in a load of laundry and then picked up my 12 year old from wrestling practice. My 15 year old came with me so he could go in to the gym and say hi to his varsity wrestling team. He wasn’t at practice because he fractured his collarbone last week. We got back home and I made dinner. By the time we ate and cleaned up it was after 7:00 PM. Then I wrote up an invoice for my husband’s company and followed up on some wrestling emails because I’m “team mom.”

This morning I left for my office a little before 8:30 AM. I worked all day and then went straight to our 12 year old’s wrestling tournament. There were 4 or 5 teams there, so it went longer than usual so we didn’t get home until after 7:30 PM. We ate dinner and I threw in another load of laundry. We cleaned up. The kids watched a little TV and I posted a few guest posts here on this blog. It’s now a little after 11:00 PM. I have a cold so I’m still not sure how I found the desire to open up the laptop, but I did, and tomorrow I’ll find out I that the blog made about 30 cents.

That my friends, is why I don’t spend much time on this blog anymore.

Update: I almost forgot to mention that since I stopped spending so much time online that I lost almost 20 pounds. I got a fitbit, and instead of sitting at the computer I get up and walk, or hop on the elliptical. I’ll bet I gained two pounds just writing this post.

The Great Snowflake Meltdown

The Great American Snowflake Meltdown

By Rod Eccles

In the Spring, up here in New England and all over the northern USA, snow melts in preparation for warmer months.  The warmer months when just about everyone shakes off the sleep of winter and welcomes the warmth of the life giving sun.  And that is the way it has been for eons.

But there is a change.  Yes, there is a change in the air.  Not a change in climate.  But a change as to when and how snowflakes melt down.

Usually, snowflakes melt down into life giving water.  But now they melt down and deliver not life, but destruction.

Of course, I am talking about the people who have been terrorizing American cities, American neighborhoods, American streets.

These people have been given a nick name.  Snowflakes.  These snowflakes always seem to bring with them destruction and disruption.  Neither of which is good for a just and moral society.  Yet being just or moral is not on their agenda.

While they claim they are standing for Democracy, they are proving how ignorant they are because they are standing, instead, for totalitarianism.  You see, Snowflakes today believe that it’s their way or the highway.

You either agree with them or you need to be punched in the face.  You either stand with them or have your business vandalized or even destroyed.  You either repeat their mantra or your private property such as your car will be set ablaze.

So I ask you, how is that democracy?  How is that giving voice to the voiceless?  How is that allowing the arena of ideas to grow and flourish?

Obviously, Snowflakes are after only one thing.  Total and complete control.  Forget what the rest of the country wants.  Forget what slightly more than half of the country wants.  Forget what the vast majority wants.  It is only their small minded, small minority population that counts.

Yes, Snowflakes like the idea of the minority ruling over the majority.

I think we are familiar with such kinds of governance.  Monarchy, Communism, Socialism, Fascism all have their roots in a small minority ruling over the vast majority, often against the will of that majority.

But when you confront a Snowflake, show them the truth.  Give them historical precedence, they call you a name or two or five.  You become their enemy that needs to be shouted down and prevented from speaking or sharing your ideas or even teaching the truth.

They claim you are the reason our nation and the world are in such a mess and that they need a safe space from you and your kind.

How is it that in places that are supposed to foster thoughts, ideas, debate and study have morphed into places of human worship, liberal mindset ideology, devil worship and freedom crushing bigotry?

Ask a Snowflake, what exactly it is they are melting down about.  They won’t be able to give you a cognizant answer that is deep and poignant.  Their answer will be shallow and full of soundbites that mean nothing.  But it sounds good to them and it makes them feel good.  After all, feelings to a Snowflake are all that matter.

So what can you do?  Help a poor Snowflake re-freeze.  Give them the truth and nothing but the truth and hope that the truth shall set them free from their mental meltdown state of ignorance and denial.

In other words, pray.  Pray for a miracle.



Rod Eccles is the host of a fast growing syndicated radio program The Rod Eccles Show.  His latest book The Conservative ECCLESiastes is avail on  Rod can be reached at his website RodEccles.Net.