Closed Captioning Concerns, Complaints - FOX Carolina 21

Closed Captioning Concerns, Complaints

Posted: Updated:

Do you have questions or issues related to Closed Captioning on WHNS-FOX Carolina? Here's who to contact: 

For immediate Closed Captioning Concerns, please contact our captioning hotline:

Phone:864-288-2100 Ext. 101
Fax: 864-297-0728
We will make every effort to respond or otherwise resolve your inquiry within 24 hours or one business day.

Written Closed Captioning Complaints should be directed to the following:

Bob Munyon
Captioning Coordinator
21 Interstate Court, Greenville, SC 29615
Phone: 864-288-2100 Ext. 135
Fax: 864-297-0728

With your written complaint please include any contact information, such as address, telephone number and email address, the name of the program, date, time and nature of the captioning issue.

Before sending a formal written complaint, we recommend that you first contact our captioning hotline. We may be able to resolve your problem immediately without the need for a formal complaint. In any event, we will respond to your complaint within 30 days.
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