Project Management

Constructing a home is a complicated process with many moving parts that must be coordinated to work together.

A typical new home requires upwards of two dozen inspections, 50 different sub-contractors, dozens of bids and quotes, hundreds of invoices, numerous finish selections, and countless hours keeping it all moving forward in a cohesive manner. In fact, our base project plan contains over 300 individual tasks. How do you manage a project this complex? Just like the old adage describes how one eats an elephant – one bite (or in this case, one day & one task) at a time!

During construction, we utilize the latest technology in project tracking to plan, schedule and sequence your job. We utilize BuilderTrend, our web-based construction management tool to assist with managing your project from end to end. All aspects of your project – from bids to project schedule to selections to payments to budget-vs.-actual tracking – are integrated together. Also our team is equipped with secure technology that makes all pertinent project information available to them in the field.

Along every step of your project, we employ quality checks from our extensive library of checklists that allow us to provide repeatable levels of quality, project after project. We provide clear direction to our sub-contractors and sequence sub-contractors so that the job is clean and ready for them when they arrive. And a member of our team visits your project daily to ensure smooth overall execution.

On a weekly basis, the Forner – La Voy project team meets to specifically discuss your project. We review issues, project schedule, project budget, sub-contractor performance, change orders and selections progress. Rick Forner maintains and updates all project schedules. Updates and a current schedule drive selection due dates and sub-contractor schedules. Rick also prepares and publishes a weekly summary of job progress and upcoming milestones to sub-contractors and suppliers as an additional method of keeping them informed. As well, this “publicly� reinforces to each sub-contractor which other subs they are dependent upon and which ones are dependent on them.

Finally, the financial aspects of a project are a big part of project management. Those are discussed further when we describe the administrative & financial function within our methodology.


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Forner-Lavoy Builders, Inc.