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Official Twitter Account for The Washington Times

Washington, D.C.
가입일: 2008년 5월


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  1. 메인 트윗
    3월 5일

    Never miss out… Get & exclusives right in your inbox!

  2. 12분 전

    "As part of our push to rebuild our American infrastructure, we will fight to rebuild our BIE schools, which suffer from a $634 million maintenance backlog for education facilities."

  3. 42분 전

    "This isn’t the first time Huckabee Sanders has been slammed from the so-called women-loving, feminist-respecting women of the left." writes

  4. 1시간 전

    "President Trump has made permitting reform a major principle in his infrastructure package. A bill I introduced, the Rebuild America Now Act, provides a detailed and sound blueprint for fixing the problem."

  5. 1시간 전

    "What is needed instead is an effective deterrent against foreign fighter travel." writes

  6. 2시간 전

    "While there have been efforts to improve certain aspects of our inland waterways, we have not been consistent in these efforts. The USACE estimates “overall investment needs of $4.9 billion over the next 20 years.”"

  7. 2시간 전

    "But if a sonogram will save even one life, shouldn’t we make them mandatory before abortions can be performed?" asks

  8. 2시간 전

    "The president’s proposal would make key permitting reforms that would allow American industry & to work efficiently and cooperatively to get new projects approved and underway as quickly and as safely as possible."

  9. 2시간 전

    "Trump economics is based on the premise that prosperity doesn’t cause inflation. It never has and never will. Economists on Wall Street — and on the Potomac — should pay closer attention this time."

  10. 3시간 전

    "often-overlooked & important component to modernizing the nation’s energy infrastructure is recognizing the increasingly interconnected nature of our energy systems & changing how we prepare for & respond to emergencies that threaten the supply of energy"

  11. 3시간 전

    "New Yorkers are riding into another summer of dirty, delayed, and dangerous commutes." writes

  12. 3시간 전

    "Every day, hundreds of thousands of drivers are slowed to a crawl during their rush hour commutes — this has to end."

  13. 3시간 전
  14. 3시간 전

    "Republicans are counting on being rewarded for a strong economy, while Democrats will attempt to use class warfare as their counterargument."

  15. 4시간 전

    "Those participating in the march against guns in Washington ought to spend a few minutes comparing what happened in Maryland with what happened in Florida."

  16. 4시간 전

    "Mr. Trump has undertaken some bold and risky diplomatic initiatives, and he will need a Department of State to successfully implement them if they are to succeed."

  17. 4시간 전

    By passing a $1.3 trillion spending bill the congressional GOP have shown they're swimming in the same swamp as Democrats, says

  18. 4시간 전

    "On June 15, 2017, President Trump issued an executive order to promote U.S. apprenticeships."

  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    7시간 전
  20. 4시간 전

    "The video is a spoof of Huckabee Sanders giving make-up advice, and includes a joke that President Trump wished someone would turn her into a woman. This, from the same lady who led up the Women’s March in Utah, bragging about her whole pro-woman persona"

  21. 5시간 전

    Police routinely using dead people’s fingerprints to access iPhones: Report


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