We welcome suggestions for new items which are suitable for the library collection.

The Library will make every effort to satisfy purchase requests that have been made, however, in some cases items may no longer be in publication or may not meet the selection criteria of Wyndham City Libraries.

Before you request an item, please check the library catalogue.

Items due for publication or release more than 3 months in advance cannot be processed. Please submit a request closer to release date.

If you wish to request older items (published more than two years ago) please make an Interlibrary Loan request through LibraryLink 

If the library purchases an item, it will be placed on hold for you and you will be notified when it is available for collection. If we are unable to purchase the item, a message will be left on your library account. It can take three months for a purchase to be made, added to the library collection, and reserved for you. You can track the progress of your request by logging on to your library account.

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