Running Transactions In Splice Machine

Splice Machine is a fully transactional database that supports ACID transactions. This allows you to perform actions such as commit and rollback; in a transactional context, this means that the database does not make changes visible to others until a commit has been issued.

This topic includes brief overview information about transaction processing with Splice Machine, in these sections:

Transactions Overview

A transaction is a unit of work performed in a database; to maintain the integrity of the database, each transaction must:

  • complete in its entirety or have no effect on the database
  • be isolated from other transactions that are running concurrently in the database
  • produce results that are consistent with existing constraints in the database
  • write its results to durable storage upon successful completion

ACID Transactions

The properties that describe how transactions must maintain integrity are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. Transactions adhering to these properties are often referred to as ACID transactions. Here’s a summary of ACID transaction properties:

Property Description
Atomicity Requires that each transaction be atomic, i.e. all-or-nothing: if one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and the database state is left unchanged. Splice Machine guarantees atomicity in each and every situation, including power failures, errors, and crashes.
Consistency Ensures that any transaction will bring the database from one valid state to another. Splice Machine makes sure that any data written to the database must be valid according to all defined rules, including constraints, cascades, triggers, and any combination thereof.
Isolation Ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially. Splice Machine implements snapshot isolation using MVCC to guarantee that this is true.
Durability Ensures that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of power loss, crashes, or errors. Splice Machine stores changes in durable storage when they are committed.

MVCC and Snapshot Isolation

Splice Machine employs a lockless snapshot isolation design that uses Multiple Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) to create a new version of the record every time it is updated and enforce consistency. Database systems use concurrency control systems to manage concurrent access. The simplest control method is to use locks that make sure that the writer is finished before any reader can proceed; however, this approach can be very slow. With snapshot isolation, each transaction has its own virtual snapshot of the database, which means that multiple transactions can operate concurrently without creating deadlock conditions.

When Splice Machine needs to update an item in the database, it doesn’t actually overwrite the old data value. Instead, it creates a new version with a new timestamp. Which means that readers have access to the data that was available when they began reading, even if that data has been updated by a writer in the meantime. This is referred to as point-in-time consistency and ensures that:

  • Every transaction runs in its own transactional context, which includes a snapshot of the database from when the transaction began.
  • Every read made during a transaction will see a consistent snapshot of the database.
  • A transaction can only commit its changes if they do not conflict with updates that have been committed while the transaction was running.

Reading and Writing Database Values During a Transaction

When you begin a transaction, you start working within a transactional context that includes a snapshot of the database. The operations that read and write database values for your transaction modify your transactional context. When your transaction is complete, you can commit those modifications to the database. The commit of your transaction’s changes succeeds unless a write-write conflict occurs, which happens when your transaction attempts to commit an update to a value, and another update to that value has already been committed by a transaction that started before your transaction.

This means that the following statements are true with regard to reading values from and writing values to the database during a transaction:

  • When you read a value during a transaction, you get the value that was most recently set within your transactional context. If you’ve not already set the value within your context, then this is the value that had been most recently committed in the database before your transaction began (and before your transactional context was established).
  • When you write a value during a transaction, the value is set within your transactional context. It is only written to the database when you commit the transaction; that time is referred to as the commit timestamp for your transaction. The value changes that you commit then become visible to transactions that start after your transaction’s commit timestamp (until another transaction modifies the value).
  • If two parallel transactions attempt to change the same value, then a write-write conflict occurs, and the commit of the transaction that started later fails.

A Snapshot Isolation Example

The following diagram shows an example of snapshot isolation for a set of transactions, some of which are running in parallel:

Snapshot Isolation

Here’s a tabular version of the same transactional timeline, showing the values committed in the database over time, with added commentary:

Time Committed Values Transactions
  A B C T1 T2 T3 T3'  
t1 10 20 0          
t2       T1 Start       T1 starts. The starting values within its transactional context are: A=10, B=20, C=0.
t3       A=A+10
      T1 modifies the value of A within its context.
t4         T2 Start     T2 starts. The starting values within its transactional context are the same as for T1: A=10, B=20, C=0.
t5       A=A+10
      T1 again modifies the value of A within its context
t6 30 20 0 Commit       T1 commits its modifications to the database.
t7           T3 Start   T3 starts. The starting values within its transactional context include the commits from T1: A=30, B=20, C=0.
t8       T1 End        
t9         B=B+10
    T2 modifies the value of B within its context.
t10         C=A+10
    T2 modifies the value of C within its context; note that this computation correctly uses the value of A (10) that had been committed prior to the start of T2.
t11 30 30 20   Commit     T2 commits its changes.
t12         T2 End      
t13           B=B+10
  T3 modifies B; since its context includes the value of B before T2 committed, it modifies the original value of B [B=20] in its own context.
t14           Rollback  

T3 attempts to commit its changes, which causes a write-write conflict, since T2 already committed an update to value B after T3 started.

T3 rolls back and resets.

t15           T3 End    
t16             T3' Start T3 reset (T3') starts. The starting values within its transactional context include the commits from T1 and T2: A=30, B=30, C=20.
t17             B=B+10
T3 modifies the value of B, which has been updated and committed by T2.
t18 40 40 20       Commit T3 commits its changes.
t19             T3' End  

Using Transactions

This section describes using transactions in your database, in these subsections:

Committing and Rolling Back Transaction Changes

Within a transactional context, how the changes that you make are committed to the database depends on whether autocommit is enabled or disabled:

autocommit status How changes are committed and rolled back

Changes are automatically committed whenever the operation completes successfully.

If an operation reports any error, the changes are automatically rolled back.


Changes are only committed when you explicitly issue a commit command.

Changes are rolled back when you explicitly issue a rollback command.

Autocommit is enabled by default. You typically disable autocommit when you want a block of operations to be committed atomically (all at once) instead of committing changes to the database after each operation.

You can turn autocommit on and off by issuing the autocommit on or autocommit off commands at the splice> prompt.

For more information, see these topics in the Command Line Reference section of this book:

A Simple Transaction Example

Here is a simple example. Enter the following commands to see commit and rollback in action:

splice> create table myTbl (i int);
splice> autocommit off;                  - commits must be made explicitly
splice> insert into myTbl  values 1,2,3; - inserted but not visible to others
splice> commit;                          - now committed to the database
splice> select * from myTbl;             - verify table contents
splice> insert into myTbl  values 4,5;   - insert more datasplice> select * from myTbl;             - verify table contents
splice> rollback;                        - roll back latest insertions
splice> select * from myTbl;             - and verify again

You can turn autocommit back on by issuing the command: autocommit on;

Using Savepoints

Splice Machine supports the JDBC 3.0 Savepoint API, which adds methods for setting, releasing, and rolling back to savepoints within a transaction. Savepoints give you additional control over transactions by allowing you to define logical rollback points within a transaction, which effectively allows you to specify sub-transactions (also known as nested transactions).

You can specify multiple savepoints within a transaction. Savepoints are very useful when processing large transactions: you can implement error recovery schemes that allow you to rollback part of a transaction without having to abort the entire transaction.

You can use these commands to work with Savepoints:

  • create a savepoint with the savepoint command
  • release a savepoint with the release savepoint command
  • roll a transaction back to an earlier savepoint with the rollback to savepoint command


First we’ll create a table, turn autocommit off, and insert some data into the table. We then create a savepoint, and verify the contents of our table:

splice> CREATE TABLE myTbl(i int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
splice> INSERT INTO myTbl VALUES 1,2,3;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
splice> SAVEPOINT savept1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
splice> SELECT * FROM myTbl;

3 rows selected

Next we add new values to the table and again verify its contents:

splice> INSERT INTO myTbl VALUES 4,5;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
splice> SELECT * FROM myTbl;
55 rows selected

Now we roll back to our savepoint, and verify that the rollback worked:

splice> ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT savept1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
splice> SELECT * FROM myTbl;

3 rows selected

And finally, we commit the transaction:


Using Rollback Versus Rollback to Savepoint

There’s one important distinction you should be aware of between rolling back to a savepoint versus rolling back the entire transaction:

  • When you perform a rollback, Splice Machine aborts the entire transaction and creates a new transaction,
  • When you perform a rollback to savepoint, Splice Machine rolls back part of the changes, but does not create a new transaction.

Remember that this distinction also holds in a multi-tenant environment. In other words:

  • If two users are making modifications to the same table in separate transactions, and one user does a rollback, all changes made by that user prior to that rollback are no longer in the database.
  • Similarly, if two users are making modifications to the same table in separate transactions, and one user does a rollback to savepoint, all changes made by that user since the savepoint was established are no longer in the database.

See Also