The feature that pays for itself

Research shows that 67% of online shopping carts are abandoned before the customer completes a sale. With our powerful abandoned cart automation workflows, you can remind your customers what they’ve left behind and encourage them to complete their purchase. Abandoned cart messaging makes it easy for online sellers to reconnect with customers who navigate away from their shopping carts, recapture sales, and generate more revenue. In fact, we’ve found that our average user earns enough money from abandoned cart to pay for their MailChimp account.

The feature that pays for itself
See how he uses abandoned cart emails to win loyal customers

“Our abandoned cart email is something that’s very special to us. This is our opportunity to really convince a customer to purchase, because they’ve already expressed very deep interest in our product.”

Ricky Choi, co-founder of Nice Laundry
See how he uses abandoned cart emails to win loyal customers

Enhance your revenue by adding Product Recommendations

When you connect your Shopify, Magento, or WooCommerce store to your MailChimp account, you can automatically follow up with customers who leave items in their cart. Send a message to showcase the products that caught their eye or offer an incentive to encourage them to return to your store. Even better, try pairing with Product Recommendations to suggest similar products that they’ll love. Both features use data to make informed decisions, personalize a recipient’s marketing experience, and require no effort on your part once they’re set up.