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Angelo Majok
· 29 mai 2017
Ahram is the best ever giving knowledge to a millions of people on Facebook social media plus more giving always, will still remain our top one for ever.
Ali Saleh
· 4 octobre 2017
Ahram is good newspaper but you post little news ,please post more :D ..
焰 王
· 15 novembre 2015
implore the world's people concerned about China government mind control experiments 8 years Victims Wang Yan
(Chinese government secret human experiments-----...
Require the attention of the world's people)

Dear sir, madam:

I am a Chinese Anhui, citizen, Wang Yan , the Chinese government , 8 years, treated me , including chronic poison secret human experimentation activities , own less than 30 years old, injured cirrhosis, cholecystitis complicated. In China 's Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital , atherosclerosis , hypertension, cardiac diagnosis, also associated with diabetes, and Demonize demonizing type, Incite social persecution,Result Make me so many times , Qianshan County Government and Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Compulsory Caught in Mental hospital, Held Torture。,my 8- year-old daughter has been experimentally Wang Xin Rui phenomenon, today , by turning off the firewall , come here, request the great the world's people close attention.

Treat my secret human experimentation activities in China is called mind control experiments by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , and a large number of innocent compatriots die here, typical : Fuzhou, Fujian , Wu Qiao Yan , girl, 28 -year-old victim three years because the injured uterine fibroids, unbearable torture committed suicide , Wuhan, Hubei Province , penggongqian, male, 40 years old, 10 -year-old victim died of gallbladder ampulla .

Can be summarized as mind control is not able to fully control their brain , but professional proficiency, formed to study the human brain , thinking, human mental activity , known as the brain tissue control tissue , usually by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , behind the local Security Authority in secret behind the manipulation of the core is to engage the dead , is the use of special powers(Police identity) to instigate social isolation, discrimination, harassment , humiliation and persecution , coupled with slow poison behind the murder of 24 hours maintenance monitoring read minds , and long-term effects , leading to the victims of mental illness , depression , suicide, illness and death, family cancer deaths over 10 years of chronic poison damage , all the staff , all the horror of death .

Today, I am the spirit of self-help as a temporary control of the victim's life, but , for those innocent Chinese compatriots died , the great , world's people petition , Censure to urge Chinese government to immediately stop the crimes against humanity and open secret human experimentation activities ( mind control experiments ) .

This privilege , dark, brutal , and Japanese 731 almost, terrible secret means engage the dead , the development of today's information age , there is no way to let the public know that this is the treatment of the entire Chinese people , but also the people of the world is an insult and provocation .

Name: Wang Yan
Address: Hill County, Anhui , Anqing City , China
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Setelkol Ahmad
· 3 novembre 2017
ردا على مقالى الشاعر فاروق جويدة بجريدة الجمعة 3/11/2017 ص 13 والمقالة الخاصة بجامعة المرحوم الدكتورزويل - حيث يوجد نيه مبيته من قبل البعض ليكون فى الصدارة على حساب شخصية عظيمة كالعالم الجليل الدكتور ...زويل ومشروع جامعته التى عانى كثيرا حتى أكتمل المشروع وبعد وفاته طالبنا التبرع لتمام هذا المشروع ويكون تحت رئاسة ورعاية السيد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى - واليوم هناك جهات تسعى باصدار قانون خاص بهذه الجامعة بتغيير ألآسم /ن جامعة الدكتور زويل للتكنولوجيا الى الجامعة المصرية برئاسة رئيس جامعة القاهرة وتضم للجامعة - هذا غير منصف بالمرة لمجهودات الراحل صاحب المشروع ونكران جميل لكل علماء مصر اعضاء المساهمين فى هذا المشروع واختيار رئيس من خارج ألآعضاء - هذا لا يصح وأرفع ألامر للسيد رئيس الجمهورية والله الموفق والمستعان Afficher la suite
Khaled Khalil
· 29 juin 2017
Ahram is the best way for right news and giving all information about event's
Zack Hossain
· 10 décembre 2016
Why not do something for Rohynga Muslim? We are all Muslim but why not we protect our brothers & sisters who are the sufferer of genocide.where is OIC,where is Arab league,Where is UN. Actually we are... Muslim & we have no human rights what have others.Ban Myanmar,Hate Suu Kye-Dhaka. Afficher la suite
Mon Gee
· 16 octobre 2017
Please help revive the Egyptian Cotton industry and visit:

missegyptclassic dot com
Omkalthoum Ahmed
· 18 juillet 2017
لا نقبل بالجاسوس ولا خربت ولا حول ولا بدل
هذا كله كلام هامشي لا أساس له من الصحة وأطالب بمشاريعي وممكن أرجع قروش هولندا لأنهم هم شركاء بالنسبة لي في المشاريع الملكية الفكرية والمتورطين في القضية هم : ...علي طه ومصطفى عثمان وأبناء عثمان جميل وكل السودانين يجب أن يعلموا أن كل التمويل لا تركي ولا صيني بل هولندي الأصل وشركائي أبناء الملكة الهولندية والقانون يأخذ مجراه
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منتصر حصان
· 6 août 2017
بسم اللة الرحمن الرحيم اللهم صلى وسلام عليه سيد محمد
عبدالعزيز ضحوي
· 25 novembre 2017
ان احب مصرواعشقه
Linda S. Heard
· 6 mai 2016
Stop buying papers that don't serve the public interest but only their own. Tomorrow front pages are going black. Suggest ripping them to shreds or burning them. Take a photo or video and disseminate in FB and Twitter.
Ahmed Magdy
· 30 Janvier 2017
Believe it or not, This is the only page that I am following on Facebook. :D
Butros Hanna
· 11 décembre 2016
I especially enjoy reading your editorials that give an in-depth study of political, social and cultural activities in Egypt.
Molly Abaza
· 11 août 2016
Ahram Online best english website in Egypt for trusted news
Parfait Sibanou
· 6 février 2017
Being in Egypt and knowing all what happens here and there.I appreciate
Mahmoud Raafat
· 13 décembre 2016
من اهالى مركز ومدينة القناطر و منشأة القناطر التابعة لمحافظة الجيزة
كارثة حقيقية يتعرض لها كوبرى محمد على الأثرى
حيث انة تعرض
لاتلافات كبيرة واهمال من جميع الجهات وخاصة الاثار
التي أصابته خلال السنوات الماضية في غياب عمليات الصيانة.
كوبرى محمد على باشا الأثرى بالقناطر الخيرية مهدد بالانهيار لتركه للإهمال، وبدون صيانة لتضارب، وتنازع الاختصاص بين المحليات بمحافظة القليوبية ووزارة الري ووزارة الآثار.. كل طرف يلقى المسؤولية على الطرف الآخر
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Неђељко Милосављевић
· 9 avril 2016
Roseta Stone; attention!!
Jean Francois Chapollion got an heir, much better, new you can properly read Ancient history.
Mr, Nedeljko Milosavljevic is a true teacher.
Hi kan visit my foto gallery an FB
Ahmed Atalla
· 8 octobre 2015
الكاتب الصحفى احمد عطاالله ،،اﻻهرام مصر ،،اعلام جامعة القاهرة
لحياة أفضل
· 24 avril 2016
ساعدونى لنشر رسالتى لعلها تحدث فرقآ
Please help me in sharing my message, hopefully it can make a difference
ليت للبراق عين
· 25 avril 2016
عاجل جدا ..تحدير هام ... مصر العروبة وأملنا الباقي
أنتبهوا لانفسكم يا مصريين وأحدروا كلاب الاخوان .... السيناريو نفسه اللي حصل في ليبيا يتكرر عندكم الآن في مصر اليوم اسقاط ...النظام بالمسيرات الشعبية المضادة للحكومة ( وقد نبه رئيس المخابرات الليبية العميد الاسير عبد الله السنوسي بأن هدف المستعمر ليبيا ومصر ) ولكن كنا غافلون نحن الليبين بالامس وأنتم المصريين واللي طالعين شوارعكم اليوم ...... السعودية يا مصريين بيت الداء والتآمر علي الامة بطرق ياهو صهيونيه وقضية الجزيرتين اللي بتحكوا عليهم هي الخيط الاول لتحريك الشارع المصري ضد حكومته واسقاط مصر في الوحل زي ليبيا بالضبط .. أنتبهوا ... قد تندمون يوم لا ينفع الندم .
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VIDEO: Egyptians celebrate first World Cup qualification since...
A stroll down memory lane: Celebrating Khedival Cairo’s 150th anniversary with a walk downtown http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/273885.aspx
Egypt call up local-based players for Uganda World Cup qualifier http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/275462.aspx

A hot air balloon crashed on Friday in Egypt's Luxor governorate, killing a 36-year-old South African tourist and injuring 13 other foreign tourists as they were on a tour over the Valley of the Kings, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.

UPDATE 2: One tourist killed in Luxor hot air balloon crash

It hardly came as a surprise for Mohamed Salah that he was crowned Africa’s best player on Thursday. He anticipated it almost three years ago despite an unfruitful spell at English Premier League side Chelsea.

While struggling at Chelsea, Salah knew he would win CAF award

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has been handed a three-match touchline ban and a fine of 40,000 pounds ($54,248.00) for misconduct after the club's 1-1 draw with West Bromwich Albion in the Premier League last Sunday.

Arsenal boss Wenger receives three-match ban

Egypt has witnessed several deaths, injuries and property damage on Friday in several governorates due to windy and rainy weather, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.

Poor weather causes deaths, injuries, property damage in Egyptian governorates

Egypt is giving more attention to renewable energy projects, especially solar power, as part of government plans to increase its contribution in power generation

Egypt is giving more attention to renewable energy projects, especially solar power, as part of government plans to increase its contribution in power generation

Sporadic demonstrations against the rising cost of living in Iran have now escalated into calls for an end to the country’s Islamic regime

Sporadic demonstrations against the rising cost of living in Iran have now escalated into calls for an end to the country’s Islamic regime

Egypt is expected to continue having unstable weather on Friday that may reach to the level of a dust storm accompanied with rain in most areas, including Cairo, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported.

Egypt's Meteorological authority warns of rains and dusty winds on Friday

A hot air balloon crashed earlier Friday in Egypt's Luxor governorate, killing one person and injuring seven others including tourists from various countries, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported.

One tourist killed in Luxor hot air balloon crash

North and South Korea agreed on Friday to hold their first talks in more than two years, hours after Seoul and Washington decided to defer joint military exercises which always infuriate Pyongyang until after the Winter Olympics.

North and South Korea agree to first talks in two years

Celebrating Christmas at the new Nativity of Christ Cathedral in Egypt: A historic event


L’image contient peut-être : personnes assises

INTERVIEW: Promoting the rediscovery of #Egypt's #Coptic era


Aucun texte alternatif disponible.

#Egypt and #Liverpool winger Mohamed #Salah was crowned African player of the year for 2017 on Thursday in a ceremony in Accra

BREAKING: Egypt's Mohamed Salah wins 2017 African player of the year

BREAKING: #Egypt's #Salah wins 2017 African player of the year

The foreign ministry spokesperson added that Egypt is currently conducting a comprehensive assessment of the situation in order to take the appropriate measure.

Cairo is assessing the situation before taking appropriate measure, Egyptian foreign ministry says

The statement did not say why or how long he would stay.

Sudan recalls its ambassador to Egypt for talks: Reuters