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Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition

Hack of Final Fantasy III


Back when Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III US) was released the game was heavily toned down, censoring graphics and the like. When it was re-released for the Playstation, the graphics were uncensored but the toned down script remained. Then came Final Fantasy VI Advance with a mix a match, but the color palette and music were altered for the handheld console. Others made retranslations, such as the great work by RPGOne and Lina Darkstar.

Now this is Final Fantasy VI: Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition. The goal was to make the SNES version uncut and to clean up the script but keep the nuance used in the original script. Using the original Woolsey script as a base, and by going over line for line looking at the FFVI Advance, RPGOne, and Lina Darkstar scripts, the game’s script is the best of both the past and modern localizations. Also used was various tools and patches to uncensor the graphics, restore Character Class names, extend spell names, rename monsters and items, and make hopefully the version of Final Fantasy VI that everyone will play.

Any bug fixes or additions that were used were chosen not for any balance changes, but to fix persistent issues in the game, as to not change the experience of the original too much. This even includes the long list used in the optional Bug-Fix versions of the game.

Additional Add-Ons are also optionally included. These tweaks bring an overall complete experience that many would say should have been in the original game to begin with.

The Music Player included with the game has been altered for compatibility with Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition.

Please refer to the additional patches read-me for details.

Please be sure to report any issues in the forum discussion. Join in on the discussion here.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Name: Final Fantasy III (USA)
  • CRC32: A27F1C7A
  • MD5: E986575B98300F721CE27C180264D890
  • SHA-1: 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7




ContributorType of contributionListed credit
Rodimus PrimalGraphicsCafe to Pub / Monster Sprites restored
Rodimus PrimalScript Editing/Revision
assassin17Original HackingVarious Bugfixes
YazooOriginal HackingOriginal Final Fantasy VI Title Screen
angelo26Original HackingRestore abilities patch
Master ZEDOriginal HackingB Button Dash Patch
LenophisOriginal HackingVarious Bug Fixes
Dr. MeatGraphicsKefka Battle Tiers
Leviathan MistOriginal HackingVarious Bug fixes
SpooniestScript Editing/RevisionUpdated Opera timing
ChronosplitHackingHell Rider battle script fix; Additional patches testing
MadsiurOriginal HackingVarious bugfixes
Leet SketcherOriginal HackingVarious bugfixes

User Review Information

User Reviews
Best version of Final Fantasy VIAcidTango17 Jun 20182.00Yes
AwesomeJediking1226 Feb 20182.00Yes
Final Fantasy VI Restoredkaega225 Feb 20182.00Yes
The best script you can get that's true to SNES.Chronosplit12 Jun 20171.96Yes
As it should be!mcgeepride11 Apr 20161.85Yes
Very faithful, Highly Recommended!lexluthermiester10 Apr 20161.8aYes