Tag Archives: 宜蘭



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傳統藝術中心細部規劃 1993-1995
Detailed Plan for The Center for Traditional Arts

委託單位:宜蘭縣政府/計畫主持人:劉可強, 邱坤良/專案顧問:華昌琳, 郭城孟, 江漢全, 郭振泰, 郭耀程, 王偉民, 蔡萬益, 林文彬/專案負責人:高樹仁, 侯志仁/主要工作人員:高慧雯, 吳莉莉, 趙日新, 林素春, 卞艾芸, 賴仕堯, 蘇志民, 陳怡君, 施如芳, 張立伶, 楊宗陶, 黃靜惠, 梁純菁
Client: I-lan County Government/Project Principal: John K. C. Liu/Project Consultants: Chang-lin Hua , Chen-mong Kuo, Han-chuan Chiang, Chen-tai Kuo, Yao-cheng Kuo, Wei-min Wang, Wan-i Tzai , Wen-pin Lin/Project Managers: Shu-jen Kao, Jeffrey Hou/Major Planners: Hui-wen Kao, Jih-hsin Chao, Li-li Wu, Su-chun Lin, Ai-yun Bien, Shih-yao Lai, Chih-min Su, I-chun Chen, Lu-fang Shi, Li-ling Chang, Tzung-tau Yang, Ching-huey Huang, Chun-ching Liang

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Traditional arts tn Taiwan, with changing economic conditions and a withering of traditional social relations, are now in rapid decline. The proposed Center for Traditional Arts has been envisioned by the Council for Cultural Planning and Development for the purpose of conserving to rescue and conserve this invaluable but quickly disappearing heritage.

The center is given both long-term and immediate objectives. In the long run, the Center will serve as a national-level administrative unit in charge of training, conservation, and other organizational affairs throughout the country. A school of traditional arts and crafts will also be established to train for new talents and provide opportunities for the experienced artisans and performers to teach their skills and knowledge. On the other hand, as an immediate objective, the Center will provide a setting for performances and exhibits, to attract the needed audience and promote their appreciation for traditional arts.

This project responds to the above objectives of the Center by encompassing plans for the administrative and training facilities and a “Folk: Arts Campus” on the same site. The former is responsible for conducting and coordinating the various training and performance programs. The Folk Arts Campus will be a place where traditional arts will be showcased and visitors will again have the opportunity to participate in the process that make the form and spirit of traditional arts a part of our culture.

With these objectives in mind, the following planning concepts and approaches have been initiated:
1. To develop the center as a living community.
2. To exhibit the spatial and material background in which folk crafts exist and to allow their inter relationship to become a focus of the visiting experience.
3. Ecologically sensitive planning and design.
4. Multiple patterns of recreation and “activity rings”.
5. Design guidelines that respond to the complexity of the project.
The first phase work on this 22 hectare site next to the Tung-Shan River recreation area in I-lan County is currently under construction.

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歷史空間維護與地方環境經營 1994~1995
I-Lan County Historic Sites Survey: Phase one

Client: I-Lan County Govermment/Project Principal: John K. C. Liu/Associate Project Principal: Hui-min Wang/Planners: Yu-chen Chen, Chih-hung Lin, Chih-hung Yen, Chen-shian Wang, Ching-yu Tung, Chih-jung Liu, Hsing-chun Chen

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[研討會]11/15 台灣與德國農村交流研討會

一、活動時間:99年11月15日日師 9AM-4PM

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■ 辦理方式:本系列講座共舉辦五場,各場次講題、演講人、時間及地點如下表列。

■ 系列講座參加對象: 報名人數上限為70人次(備取20人次),參加對象以下列人員為主:

  • 宜蘭縣政府各單位及鄉鎮市公所之城鄉風貌作業主管及承辦人員。
  • 宜蘭縣內專業工作團隊、承辦宜蘭縣公共工程顧問公司人員、社區工作者等。
  • 其他對講座主題有興趣之民眾。 主辦單位保留參加人員資格及優先順序之權利,如報名超額,將視狀況予以調整並通知

■ 報名方式:免費報名,一律採電子郵件報名。報名表請於蘭陽技術學院建築系(網址:http://www.arch.fit.edu.tw/main.php)或宜蘭縣政府員工業務網-單位共享區-文件倉儲-縣府表單-建設處表單下載辦理。報名表下載。 報名表回傳e-mail:dkasxz@yahoo.com.tw 王心怡小姐
■ 報名截止日期:各場次辦理日期之前5日截止。
■ 活動聯絡人: 03-9251000轉 1342宜蘭縣環境景觀總顧問駐府人員 王心怡小姐。
■ 請務必以電子郵件報名。
■ 因名額有限,將以報名資格及先後次序做為優先取捨之依據。
■ 活動及時間如有變動,主辦單位將於網站公告(已完成報名者將以E-Mail通知)。
■ 參與各場次之講座時數將計入公務人員終身學習護照時數。
■ 完成報名手續後,若不克參與者,請於活動開始前3日,以電話告知活動聯絡人請假,俾將保留機會開放給其他有志參與學員。

附件檔案: 「低碳生活‧永續城鄉」系列講座簡章 「低碳生活‧永續城鄉」系列講座報名表

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[專書]水空間 – 宜蘭風貌營造手冊

作者 : 陳育貞、吳亭樺

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[專書] 走訪宜蘭博物館家族

作者: 陳育貞, 王惠民, 施麗娜

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