The liberation of the Kuweires Military Airport was not the end of the Syrian Arab Army’s military operations on Tuesday; instead, they took advantage of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) crumbling defenses and expanded their control over several sites inside the Deir Hafer Plains of the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

Moments after the liberation of the Kuweries Military Airport, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Aleppo City and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions) – advanced to the village of Rasm ‘Abboud, where they were confronted by a small contingent of fighters from ISIS that were ill-prepared for the advancing pro-government forces.

Following a brief skirmish with the ISIS terrorists at Rasm ‘Abboud, the Syrian Armed Forces imposed full control over this small village located directly east of the Kuweires Military Airport; this was preceded by a mass exodus of the terrorist group’s fighters from the surrounding area to their stronghold of Deir Hafer.

In addition to losing Rasm ‘Abboud, ISIS also conceded the small village of ‘Umm Arkileh after they lost control of Sheikh Ahmad yesterday; this has allowed the Syrian Armed Forces to position themselves at the western flank of the strategic hilltop of Tal Al-Ahmad.




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