MCFR has 31 fire stations, 25 of these are staffed 24-hours a day/seven-days-a-week with career firefighters. The other six stations are supported by volunteers. Each of these locations houses at least one of MCFR's 177 firefighting and emergency medical vehicles, which you can learn more about here.

DSC01793In fact, in July of 2013 Marion County Fire Rescue enhanced its firefighting capabilities with two engines that feature 78-foot ladders and serve as powerful tools used to combat blazes in big-box commercial buildings and structures with large set-backs. The trucks have the water-carrying and firefighting ability of pumpers, contain more wall space and compartment storage and provide extra reach and high water-flow. Both vehicles were manufactured locally by E-ONE.

These new trucks are located at MCFR Friendship Station 21 (State Road 200 Corridor area) and MCFR Spruce Creek Station 30 (south-central Marion County). Previously, Engine 17 at MCFR Silver Springs Shores Station 17 was the department’s only ladder truck.  

This fleet addition helps meet MCFR’s goal of strategically placing ladder trucks throughout the county to positively impact ISO assessments, which affect homeowners’ insurance premiums and residents’ ability to gain coverage.

 In 2001, MCFR implemented a capital replacement program which budgets to maintain and replace equipment on an annual basis. The addition of the new trucks will allow two older fire engines to be phased out of MCFR’s fleet of 177 firefighting and emergency medical vehicles. Moreover, all MCFR engines are equipped to administer Advanced Life Support and can execute the same level of medical care as an ambulance, with the exception of transporting patients. This is why residents often see a fire engine respond to medical emergencies with ambulances. 

The MCFR has more than 500 full-time state certified firefighter/paramedics, firefighter/EMTs, EMTs and paramedics who serve more than 300,000 citizens, cover 1,600 square miles (which is larger than the state of Rhode Island) and respond to an average of 170 emergencies a day.