BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS) released photos on Wednesday of the Syrian aircraft that was shot down by the Israeli air defense near the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

As shown in the photos below, the debris from the Syrian Su-22 that was struck by the Israeli Patriot missiles had landed in the Yarmouk Basin areas occupied by the Islamic State affiliated Jaysh Khaled bin Walid forces.

Photo credit: ISIS media
Photo credit: ISIS media
Photo credit: ISIS media

The Syrian Su-22 had just finished bombing Jaysh Khaled bin Walid at the border-town of Saida, when the Israeli air defense fired the Patriot missiles at the aircraft.

The pilot of the Su-22 jet was identified as Colonel ‘Umran Mare’ of Tartous; he was killed after his aircraft was struck by the Israel Patriot missiles.

Mare’ is the second Syrian Air Force pilot that has been killed by the Israeli air defense since 2014.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense has condemned this attack by the Israeli forces, adding that the Su-22 jet had never crossed over the demilitarized zone, despite contrasting claims by Israel.


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ISIS thank a lot the ISISAF for this kind of help…
Rats helping rats, that is not strange…