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Facebook Finds Fake Accounts Trying to Muddy Campaign

  • The social media network has identified coordinated political influence campaigns using fake accounts to influence the midterm elections on issues like “Unite the Right” and #AbolishICE.
  • The company has been working with the F.B.I. to investigate the activity, which some officials suspect is tied to Russia.


Koch’s Frustrations With Trump Spill Over Into Public Feud

The billionaire Charles Koch, one of the Republican Party’s biggest donors, has bristled at some of President Trump’s policies, and this week his unease escalated to open threats. The president fought back in tweets.

Judge Stops Attempt to Post Blueprints for 3-D Printable Guns

A federal judge granted a temporary injunction blocking a Texas man from posting instructions for the untraceable firearms known as “ghost guns” despite a decision last month by the Trump administration to allow it.


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The University of Denver women’s soccer team plays in the Colorado Cup tournament every August. Credit Kent Nishimura/The Denver Post, via Getty Images

How College Sports Killed
Summer Vacation

Want to play volleyball or field hockey or soccer in college? Say goodbye to your summer.


How Trump Could Be Like Reagan

Just as Ronald Reagan once pushed for abolishing nuclear weapons, President Trump should call for ending tariffs.

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